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Mademoiselle Luna Mari

Mari avec avantages

Nora est anéantie un mois avant son mariage lorsqu'elle met au jour la liaison trompeuse de son fiancé. Alors qu'elle gère cette trahison, elle découvre un complot profond pour l'empêcher de réclamer son héritage légitime. Dévastée mais déterminée, Nora prend une mesure audacieuse pour reprendre le contrôle de sa vie. Entre en scène Démétri 'Le Démon' pour ceux qui le connaissent, un homme redoutable qu'elle connaît à peine, qui lui offre sa protection et son soutien en échange d'un mariage contractuel pour le satisfaire. Dans un retournement de destin, Nora épouse Démétri pour revendiquer son héritage et lutter contre ceux qui ont comploté contre elle. Mais alors qu'elle affronte sa propre famille et les nombreux rivaux de Démétri, sera-t-elle capable d'éviter de tomber amoureuse de l'homme connu pour écraser les gens sous le talon de sa botte. Extrait : Elle avait oublié que l'homme était intimidant et l'avait directement défié. Au lieu de parler, Démétri se leva de son siège et s'approcha d'elle délibérément. Bien que ce ne fût que quelques pas, le temps semblait s'étirer pour Nora. Lorsqu'il fut presque à portée de toucher, sa main se posa doucement sur son genou, l'écartant sur le côté. Son toucher glissait avec un soupçon de caresse, et il s'inséra entre ses jambes ouvertes. Nora restait là, en silence glacé, les yeux grands ouverts comme un cerf pris dans les phares. Attrapant son menton entre ses doigts, il inclina son visage vers le haut et parla sans hâte, "Tu es ma femme." Elle hocha la tête lentement en affirmation alors que son pouce traçait lentement sa lèvre. "Je t'ai donné du temps pour rassembler tes émotions." Un autre signe de tête. La nervosité de Nora la fit lécher ses lèvres, tout à fait consciente de son regard intense fixé sur elles. "Ta raison pour le mariage était de sécuriser ton héritage et de t'échapper de sous le pouce de ta mère." "Oui..." murmura Nora dans la confusion. Sa confusion n'était pas au sujet de sa déclaration, mais à propos des sensations déroutantes qui la traversaient. Que se passait-il avec elle ? "Il est temps pour toi de remplir ta part du contrat, n'est-ce pas ?" Il continua. "Oui," souffla Nora à bout de souffle. Pourquoi était-elle à bout de souffle ? Le niveau d'oxygène dans la maison avait-il baissé ? L'air devenait-il soudainement plus rare ? Soudainement, sa main quitta son visage, et elle le regarda se rapprocher. C'est alors que Nora comprit ce qui se déroulait. Tous ces baisers palpitants, à vous faire battre le cœur, qu'elle avait lus dans les romans, étaient sur le point de devenir peut-être sa réalité. Mais le baiser tant attendu n'eut pas lieu. Au lieu de cela, il s'arrêta près d'elle et ordonna, "Embrasse-moi."
har_k · 713.4K Views

Revendiquant Mon Mari PDG Possessif

La rumeur voulait que Xaviera Evans ait une constitution faible — une beauté maladive. La rumeur voulait qu'elle dépense une fortune chaque jour en médicaments — en les dévorant comme des bonbons. La rumeur voulait que chaque jour, dix serviteurs attendaient à son chevet — une charge pour tout le monde. Ils attendaient tous que la famille Evans jette Xaviera Evans de retour à la campagne et la laisse se débrouiller seule. Xaviera Evans : "On dit partout que je suis faible et incapable de prendre soin de moi. Apparemment, je dépense aussi de l'argent de manière inconsidérée." Elle regardait sa chemise en loques et était exaspérée. Xaviera Evans : “On veut dire que cette riche famille laisse leur fille porter des vêtements en lambeaux tous les jours ?” La fille riche de la famille Evans ? Elle en avait assez ! Elle ne le serait plus ! Alors... Le sale type : "Sans la famille Evans, tu n'es rien." Xaviera Evans : "Si je suis expulsée de la famille Evans, je suis fichue." La sale fille : "Sœur, ne sois pas trop déçue. Tant que tu travailles dur, on te fera des éloges un jour.” Xaviera Evans : "Tais-toi, je ne connais pas un traître comme toi." Le sale type et la fille : "???" La rumeur voulait que le plus jeune fils de la famille Mamet, Caleb Mamet, ait imprudemment marié une femme qui n'avait que des apparences. Xaviera Evans : "Quelqu'un me méprise-t-il ?" Un jour, Xaviera Evans a vu l'un des employés de Caleb Mamet se creusant la tête sur une série de nombres à l'écran de l'ordinateur. Comme elle était libre, elle lui a donné un coup de main. A-t-elle tout simplement piraté le pare-feu créé par les efforts conjugués des meilleurs pirates informatiques de l'élite ?! Caleb Mamet s'est rapproché pas à pas. "Xaviera, que me caches-tu encore ? Hmm ?" Xaviera Evans : "Oh, non ! Je me sens encore prise de vertiges ! Je suis si faible. Ce corps est tout simplement trop faible !"
Qiaoqiao · 1.1M Views

La Luna Maldita de Hades

En un mundo donde los Lycans y los hombres lobo son enemigos jurados, Eve Valmont es una loba hombre lobo maldita por una profecía y enmarcada. Traicionada por su propia manada y encarcelada durante años, su destino toma un giro más oscuro cuando es ofrecida al Rey Lycan, Hades Stavros, un gobernante temido por sus conquistas despiadadas y su destreza mortal. Atada por una antigua profecía y perseguida por los fantasmas de su pasado, Eve ahora está a merced del único ser que debería odiar y temer más—El Mano de la Muerte mismo. Hades, un rey tallado de sangre y la decadencia de su propia alma, determinado a vengar la masacre de su familia y librar a su gente de los hombres lobo. Cree que Eve es la clave para su victoria. Para él, ella no es más que un arma anunciada por la profecía, una herramienta que empuñará para destruir las fuerzas opuestas que amenazan a su manada. Sin embargo, se encuentra anhelando a esta mujer poderosa pero rota. Dejándole preguntarse si realmente es su arma o la destinada a desentrañar sus cuidadosos planes. Se acercó a mí, un depredador cerrando en su presa, sus ojos oscuros e inescrutables. ¿Así que te ríes?", dijo su voz, baja, peligrosamente suave, haciendo que los pelos en la nuca se erizaran. Tragué saliva, de repente consciente de lo difícil que se había vuelto respirar. "Hades, yo—" "Pero solo te ríes de las bromas de otros hombres", interrumpió, su mirada penetrante, desprovista de cualquier humor. "No de las de tu esposo." La acusación en su tono era aguda, cortando el aire entre nosotros. Una risa nerviosa se escapó de mí. "No puedes estar hablando en serio... Él es tu beta, por el amor de la Diosa." En un instante, él cerró la distancia entre nosotros, tan rápido que me dejó sin aliento. Sus manos agarraron mi cintura, atrayéndome contra su cuerpo, el calor de él haciendo que mi piel hormigueara. Jadeé, pero antes de que pudiera decir una palabra, sus labios se estrellaron contra los míos, reclamando mi boca con una fuerza que envió ondas de choque a través de mí. El beso era castigador, hambriento, no podía respirar, no podía pensar. Cuando finalmente se alejó, temblaba, mi pecho subía y bajaba mientras luchaba por recuperar el aliento. Sus ojos, oscuros y tormentosos, buscaban los míos con una intensidad posesiva. "No necesito tu risa", susurró, su voz un peligroso raspado mientras sus dedos se deslizaban hacia abajo, enviando un escalofrío por mi espina dorsal, "pero vendrás con mis dedos." Tembé, un calor se acumulaba bajo en mi vientre ante sus palabras, su toque. El mundo a nuestro alrededor se difuminó, desapareciendo en la nada mientras su mano se deslizaba más bajo, arrancando de mis labios un jadeo entrecortado. La mirada en sus ojos me decía que sabía exactamente lo que me hacía, y no se podía negar la conexión primaria entre nosotros en ese momento. "No necesito tu risa", murmuró contra mi piel, su aliento caliente en mi cuello. "Tendré cada otra parte de ti en su lugar."
Lilac_Everglade · 799.9K Views

A Luna Amaldiçoada de Hades

Em um mundo onde Lycans e lobisomens são inimigos jurados, Eve Valmont é uma lobisomem amaldiçoada por uma profecia e incriminada. Traída por sua própria matilha e aprisionada por anos, seu destino toma um rumo mais sombrio quando ela é oferecida ao Rei Lycan, Hades Stavros - um governante temido por suas conquistas impiedosas e habilidade mortal. Presa por uma antiga profecia e assombrada pelos fantasmas de seu passado, Eve agora está à mercê do único ser que deveria odiar e temer mais - O próprio Punho da Morte. Hades, um rei moldado a partir do sangue e da decadência de sua própria alma, determinado a vingar o massacre de sua família e livrar seu povo dos lobisomens. Ele acredita que Eve é a chave para a sua vitória. Para ele, ela não é nada além de uma arma prevista pela profecia, uma ferramenta que ele usará para destruir as forças opostas que ameaçam sua matilha. No entanto, ele se vê desejando esta mulher poderosa, embora quebrada. Deixando-o questionar se ela é realmente sua arma ou aquela destinada a desvendar seus planos cuidadosamente traçados. Ele caminhou em minha direção, um predador se aproximando de sua presa, seus olhos escuros e indecifráveis. 'Então, você ri?' Sua voz era baixa, perigosamente suave, fazendo os pelos na nuca se arrepiarem. Engoli em seco, subitamente consciente de como se tornara difícil respirar. 'Hades, eu—' 'Mas você só ri das piadas de outros homens,' ele interrompeu, seu olhar penetrante, desprovido de qualquer humor. 'Não das piadas do seu marido.' A acusação em seu tom era cortante, atravessando o ar entre nós. Um riso nervoso escapou de mim. 'Você não pode estar falando sério ... Ele é seu beta, pela Deusa.' Num instante, ele diminuiu a distância entre nós, tão rápido que me deixou sem fôlego. Suas mãos agarraram minha cintura, me puxando contra o seu corpo, o calor dele fazendo minha pele formigar. Eu respirei fundo, mas antes que eu pudesse dizer uma palavra, seus lábios colidiram com os meus, reivindicando minha boca com uma força que enviou ondas de choque através de mim. O beijo era punitivo, faminto - eu não podia respirar, não podia pensar. Quando ele finalmente recuou, eu estava tremendo, o peito ofegante enquanto lutava para recuperar o fôlego. Seus olhos, escuros e tempestuosos, buscavam os meus com uma intensidade possessiva. 'Você não pode rir das minhas piadas...' ele sussurrou, sua voz um raspão perigoso enquanto seus dedos deslizavam para baixo, enviando um arrepio pela minha espinha, 'mas você vai gozar com os meus dedos.' Eu estremeci, calor se acumulando no fundo da minha barriga com suas palavras, seu toque. O mundo ao nosso redor se tornou um borrão, desaparecendo em nada enquanto a mão dele deslizava para baixo, arrancando de mim um suspiro rouco. O olhar em seus olhos me disse que ele sabia exatamente o que estava fazendo comigo, e não havia como negar a conexão primal entre nós naquele momento. 'Eu não preciso da sua risada,' ele murmurou contra minha pele, seu hálito quente no meu pescoço. 'Eu vou ter cada outra parte de você.'
Lilac_Everglade · 330.6K Views

Moonglow: Rise of the Destined Luna

Selina gasped for air, her heart racing as her body involuntarily thrashed in her sleep. Her indigo eyes flicked open wide as she choked back a scream. She looked up into Liam's worried face as he wiped away the beads of sweat forming on her brow with a damp cloth. "Lina, this was the longest one yet. Your whimpering and thrashing woke me about 36 minutes ago, and you were already covered in sweat." Liam told her, his voice heavy with concern as he glanced at the clock. Liam ran his hand through his hair. "Please tell me you remember something this time." He asked, almost pleading. Selina shook her head while sitting to look out the window. Over the forest, the orange-pink hue of the sunrise was starting to appear. Selina breathed deeply as she tried to recall something, anything other than the emotions she experienced during her dreams, but as usual, she was unable to. Some dreams were comforting and made her feel warm. Those dreams involved a blonde-haired man with green eyes. The other dreams, much like the current dream, left her full of despair and fear or left her feeling just plain empty. Usually all she could recall of those dreams was fire or blood. Liam stood up, muscles tense as he raised his arms and ran both hands through his thick black hair again, grabbing a fistful which he let fall back as he spoke, "Maybe she was wrong. Or maybe the prophecies were wrong. Maybe we really are Moonglow and not Lunaria. I don't know." Liam sighed deeply, sitting on the edge of his bed and turned to face her again before continuing, "Lina, your dreams are getting worse, and time is running out. You haven't dreamed of him in months. We don't know anything, not really. We just have mom's fairy tales. It's been ten years, maybe our memories are wrong. I... I just wish we had some guidance, something firm." An image of an attractive man with a square jawline, full red lips, deep green eyes and chin-length shaggy blond hair flashed through Selina's mind. She inhaled deeply before speaking, "He's Valentino. We need to get to Red Lake Pack." ********************************************************************* The Lunaria bloodline has been hunted for generations forcing them to live as lone wolves to conceal their identities and ensure the chance to fulfill the prophecy. According to Selina’s mother, Selina Moonglow is the prophesied one. With the disappearance of her mother when she was young, Selina only knows four things: Her dreams will guide her Never reveal their true last name Follow her instincts Her wolf will stay bound until she accepts her mate. ****************************************************************** Selina stood before him, her fated mate. She had dreamt of his scent and his eyes for months now. A warmth crept over her as the flutter deep within her belly increased, almost to the point of breathlessness. He was seated at his desk, studying something with his shaggy blonde hair covering has face as he looked down. Why isn’t he looking up? The mate bond should be forcing his eyes to me... Selina thought. Confused she called his name, “Valentino..” Before she could finish, his cold, hard voice interrupted her, “It’s Alpha Valentino. Get out. I’m busy. Make an appointment.”
Hope_Blooms · 3.9K Views

Hades' Cursed Luna

In a world where Lycans and werewolves are sworn enemies, Eve Valmont is a werewolf cursed by a prophecy and framed. Betrayed by her own pack and imprisoned for years, her fate takes a darker twist when she is offered to the Lycan King, Hades Stavros—a ruler feared for his ruthless conquests and deadly prowess. Bound by an ancient prophecy and haunted by the ghosts of her past, Eve is now at the mercy of the one being she should hate and fear the most—The Hand of Death himself. Hades, a king carved from blood and his own soul's decay, determined to avenge his family's slaughter and rid his people of the werewolves. He believes Eve is the key to his victory. To him, she is nothing but weapon foretold by prophecy, a tool he will wield to destroy the opposing forces threatening his pack. Yet, he finds himself craving this powerful yet broken woman. Leaving him questioning if she is truly his weapon or the one destined to unravel his carefully laid plans. *** He stalked toward me, a predator closing in on its prey, his eyes dark and unreadable. "So, you laugh?" His voice was low, dangerously soft, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I swallowed hard, suddenly aware of how difficult it had become to breathe. "Hades, I—" "But you only laugh at other men's jokes," he interrupted, his gaze piercing, devoid of any humor. "Not your husband's." The accusation in his tone was sharp, slicing through the air between us. A nervous chuckle escaped me. "You can't be serious... He’s your beta, for Goddess’ sake." In an instant, he closed the distance between us, so fast it left me breathless. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me flush against his body, the heat of him making my skin tingle. I gasped, but before I could say a word, his lips crashed onto mine, claiming my mouth with a force that sent shockwaves through me. The kiss was punishing, hungry—I couldn't breathe, couldn't think. When he finally pulled back, I was trembling, my chest heaving as I struggled to regain my breath. His eyes, dark and stormy, searched mine with a possessive intensity. "You can’t laugh at my jokes..." he whispered, his voice a dangerous rasp as his fingers trailed lower, sending a shiver down my spine, "but you’ll come with my fingers." I shivered, heat pooling low in my belly at his words, his touch. The world around us blurred, fading into nothing as his hand slipped lower, drawing a ragged gasp from my lips. The look in his eyes told me he knew exactly what he was doing to me, and there was no denying the primal connection between us in that moment. "I don’t need your laughter," he murmured against my skin, his breath hot on my neck. "I’ll have every other part of you instead." **** Dark fantasy romance Morally Grey ML Angst Suspense ENEMIES to lovers Smut (like sprinkles on your ice cream)
Lilac_Everglade · 1.6M Views


Elara Raventhorn was meant to be a Luna in a world where power controls fate—until the very pack she vowed allegiance to betrayed her. Her mate abandoned her, branding her a traitor, and exiled her, leaving her to die alone. Elara, though, refuses to be a lost artifact from the past. Hardened by suffering, driven by revenge, and resolved to recover the life snatched from her, she survives. Years later, rumors of a renegade Alpha emerge—a force of nature unbounded by pack rules, unchangeable. Elara is no longer abandoned by Luna. She is the hunter. But destiny is nasty. Battle breaks out between competing packs, forcing Elara to return to the society she left behind. Now, the one man she promised to kill—Kieran Stormbane, the Alpha who sent her away—is her lone ally against a worse evil. But the struggle for supremacy is personal as much as political. With old foes closing in and a terrible prophecy waking, Elara must negotiate a perilous road between power and love—between revenge and atonement. Something sinister resides in the shadows, a force threatening not only the packs but the whole supernatural universe. And ultimately the only one powerful enough to stop it could be the abandoned Luna. Once a beloved Luna battles to recover her place and her power, betrayal and redemption: enemies-to-reluctant alliance-to-lover. There was a close relationship between the former Luna and her once-rejecting Alpha. War and Power Struggles: Packs split, alliances fall apart, and the strongest must ascend. Dark secrets and prophecy: a history buried yet holding the key to the future. Even if it takes burning the planet down, Haunted Luna is a riveting story of survival, retribution, and an unwavering heroine who will battle for freedom.
MaxwellEverhart · 2K Views

His Forsaken Luna

Humiliated and in heat, Idalia was forced to attend the Moonlight Masquerade in hopes of finding a mate to satisfy her body's needs. Vulnerable to her desires, she ran into the woods to escape a potential scandal. But when a masked man catches her, his touch tosses all reasoning aside. What should have been a simple humiliating event for the princess turns into a night of passion. There was one problem though: she couldn't remember who she mated with! The slave who carried her to bed. The knight who knelt before her and offered his canines for touching her. The sworn enemy Alpha Prince, who confessed his love for her. Follow Idalia as she navigates between three Weres. One is a pretty guy eager to please her to escape his fate, another trying to reclaim his honour while unable to control his desires, and the last is a villain using her for his goals, but a flame festers between them at every interaction. A slave, a knight and a villain prince, who will she choose? [ Mature Content ] "You smell like the sun." His strides are long and confident, heading in my direction like he knows exactly what he wants. He stops before me, and my head tips back. "How is that possible?" His voice drops to a rumbling whisper. Now that he was close to me, the burning ache deep within started to throb and palpitate. His body tensed, and then he was on me, nose against my neck, inhaling deeply, one hand on the side of my hair, pinning me in place with his hips. My head tilts back, unable to stop myself from giving into his touch, exposing my neck more to him, his chest rumbling as he licks the side of my skin, kissing and nipping, placing his scent over me. I am completely and utterly at his mercy. I vaguely hear material ripping, and then his warm hand cups me. "You're not finished yet," his voice is thick and deep, and it shoots straight to my tingling, pulsing core. His touch is almost possessive, and I nearly beg him to do whatever he wants with me. "Should I make it better?" His whisper is a caress against my ear before he nips the lobe, a bite promising that this would not be tender. - Daily chapter uploads -
Kelly_Starrz · 428.6K Views

Mary Elizabeth

Losing $200,000 worth of Bitcoin to scammers was one of the most devastating experiences of my life. As someone who had invested years of savings into cryptocurrency, the thought of losing it all to a fraudulent scheme was paralyzing. I felt helpless, angry, and overwhelmed. That’s when I discovered *Coin-Caper Recovery*, a professional cryptocurrency recovery service that specializes in helping victims of scams reclaim their lost funds. Here’s how they turned my nightmare into a story of hope and recovery. It all started with what seemed like a legitimate investment opportunity. I was approached by a group claiming to be a reputable crypto trading platform, promising high returns on my Bitcoin investment. They had a professional-looking website, convincing testimonials, and even a "support team" that answered all my questions. Trusting their credibility, I transferred $200,000 worth of Bitcoin to their wallet. Within days, the platform disappeared. Emails bounced back, phone numbers were disconnected, and my funds were gone. I realized I had fallen victim to a sophisticated scam. Desperate, I began searching for ways to recover my lost Bitcoin, but most options seemed futile—until I found Coin-Caper Recovery. From the moment I contacted Coin-Caper Recovery, I felt a glimmer of hope. Their team of experts was empathetic, professional, and transparent about the recovery process. Here’s how they helped me: Coin-Caper Recovery began by thoroughly reviewing my case. They asked for all relevant details, including transaction records, communication with the scammers, and any other evidence I could provide. Their team explained the complexities of blockchain technology and how they could trace my funds. Using advanced blockchain analysis tools, Coin-Caper Recovery traced the movement of my Bitcoin. They identified the wallets the scammers used and monitored the flow of funds across the blockchain. This step was crucial in understanding where my money had gone and how to recover it. Coin-Caper Recovery collaborated with legal experts and law enforcement agencies to take action against the scammers. They filed reports, gathered evidence, and worked tirelessly to freeze the scammers’ accounts. Their global network of professionals ensured that no stone was left unturned. After weeks of relentless effort, Coin-Caper Recovery successfully recovered a significant portion of my lost Bitcoin. While not all funds were retrievable due to the nature of cryptocurrency transactions, the $200,000 I thought was gone forever was partially restored. Their team kept me informed at every step, providing updates and reassurance throughout the process. Thanks to Coin-Caper Recovery, I was able to reclaim a portion of my lost Bitcoin and regain my faith in the cryptocurrency space. While the experience was traumatic, it taught me the importance of due diligence and the value of having experts like Coin-Caper Recovery on your side when things go wrong. If you’ve fallen victim to a cryptocurrency scam, don’t lose hope. Reach out to Coin-Caper Recovery—they are the lifeline you need to turn your situation around. Their expertise and dedication can make all the difference in recovering what’s rightfully yours. Always exercise caution when investing in cryptocurrency and verify the legitimacy of platforms and services. If you suspect fraud, act quickly and seek professional help from reputable recovery services like Coin-Caper Recovery. Contact Coin-Caper Recovery via: Whatsapp +1 (747) 360‑9248 Telegram: ttps:// Email.
Mary_Elizabeth_3368 · 252 Views

Thanes' Rejected Luna

In a world where supernatural creatures reign in enmity, in a world where lupine hybrids are seen as a spiritual curse from the moon goddess, in a world where death is better than rejection... There, Aurora 'Rory,' existed. Being the last remaining lupine of her ancestral bloodline, her existence posed a threat to the evil pack elders, threatening to expose the hidden conspiracies. She felt alone and vulnerable, after she was rejected by Thane Blackwood, the deadly and dominant alpha of the pack, who was feared by all because of his ruthlessness. However, Thane's rejection was fueled by a prophecy from two centuries ago, which foretold a heavy secret. With the believe that Rory's existence was a threat to his kingdom, he orders his pack disciples to hunt her down. Forced to flee for her life, Rory embarks on a life changing journey that marks her. She embarks on a mission to uncover the truth about her lupine heritage, and also to unveil the prophecy. As the battle intensifies, Rory learns to make use of her lupine powers to fight her battles, and also navigate the system of death, that awaits her. As she delves deeper into her own curiosity, she discovers the actual truth and secrets that surrounds her rejection including the manifestation of the prophecy. The battle takes a new turn, after Thane begins to question if his feelings for his arch enemy, is that of incurable detestation or love. Will Rory be able to reclaim her place, or will Thane's rejection define her destiny? Will she be able to survive the otherworldly beings? What secrets does the prophecy hold? To find out what happens next, read 'Thanes' Rejected Luna,' only on Webnovel.
Bobokwaj · 2.1K Views
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