Naruto: The Return of Naruto Uzumaki
In a post-Naruto world, the ninja realm collapses as the Otsutsuki clan invades. Naruto Uzumaki's closest friends, his wife, children, and comrades all perish in the chaos. On the brink of death, Naruto uses the Otsutsuki's time artifact, the "Plow," to send his soul back to the past, reincarnating as his younger self. Standing before him is a near-death Nagato, whose Rinnegan Naruto inherits to change the course of destiny. The naive, idealistic Naruto who once dreamed of peace has already died. Now, a new Naruto rises, determined to reshape the future of the ninja world. The era of ninjas is far from over!
Here’s a more concise and clean version:
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------- Translation -------
Original Author: 龙卷
RAW TITLE:火影之鸣人归来