In a world where reality morphs into a waking nightmare, a young man is torn from modern comforts and thrust into a perilous, shadowy realm. He awakens in ancient ruins within a forest filled with living plants that appear to watch him. Clad in unfamiliar Victorian clothing and with no memory of his arrival, he faces a desperate struggle for survival against grotesque, otherworldly monsters.
A terrifying encounter forces him to flee, leading him to a mysterious pillar among the ruins. Unlike anything else in this eerie place, the pillar seems to ward off the horrors lurking around. In search of answers, he touches it, triggering a series of events that shatter his grasp on reality.
He is instantly transported to a vast battlefield strewn with colossal gates and shattered mountains—a testament to an ancient war between unimaginable forces. The ruins bear cryptic symbols offering glimpses of forbidden knowledge. Driven by curiosity, he pushes against the gates, only to endure excruciating pain as he nears death, before being pulled into a chasm of darkness.
Yet, death spares him. He awakens in a tranquil, otherworldly void, surrounded by luminous pillars of light beneath an infinite cosmos. His broken body is miraculously healed, drawing him toward an awe-inspiring throne. Compelled by an unseen force, he sits, and in that instant, the stars, galaxies, and secrets of the universe flood into him, unlocking a power that could shape his destiny in unimaginable ways.
As he struggles to understand his newfound strength, questions arise: What is this strange realm? Who, or what, brought him here?
With each revelation, he delves deeper into the mysteries of this enigmatic world. Are the horrors he faces mere fragments of a greater truth? Or is he the key to a conflict older and grander than he can fathom?
One thing is clear: this is no ordinary survival journey. It is a narrative of power, gods, and the fragile balance of worlds—where the truths he seeks might cost him everything he cherishes.