The Last Human from Earth
In the aftermath of the brutal battle, the once-majestic elven mage, Lyariel, stood amidst the ruins of his own making. His body was battered and broken, his once-proud robes stained with blood and ash. Before him lay the lifeless bodies of his kin, fallen victims to a weapon of unimaginable destruction wielded by human.
With trembling hands and tears streaming down his face, Lyariel gazed upon the devastation wrought by the rebels weapon, a technology beyond the comprehension of his magical arts. The shimmering magic shield that had once protected their ranks was now nothing more than a futile barrier against the onslaught of metal and fire.
Despair gripped Lyariel's heart as he realized the futility of their cause. The elves, who had long seen themselves as the rightful rulers of this land, now stood defeated by the very lowly beings they had oppressed.
In his final moments, as darkness closed in around him terrible realization dawned upon Lyariel. The true enemy was not the orcish hordes or the dwarven clans as the elves had long believed. It was the humans, oppressed and enslaved for generations, who had risen up to reclaim their freedom with a ferocity that shattered the elves' illusions of superiority.