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Angelina Jolie Gewicht

A Noiva Acidental do Rei Vampiro Mascarado

``` (Conteúdo adulto R-18+ Contém cenas de violência, sem drama de segunda mulher ou estupro.) Meu amor não vê fim, nem certo ou errado. Porque quando amo, quero que você seja meu tanto quanto sou seu - Angelina Bhardawaj ~~~~~~ "Eu te disse que quero te arruinar," ele segurou seu rosto enquanto a pressionava contra a parede. "E você já fez o suficiente. Agora estou partindo," ela retrucou. "Você não entendeu as minhas palavras, Princesa," ele disse friamente com sarcasmo. "Quando digo que quero te arruinar, quero te prender na minha cama e te preencher até que seu cheiro se torne um comigo e todo maldito nesta mundo saiba quem você é... Que você é porra de minha!" Ele a empurrou contra a parede, beijando-a apaixonadamente. ~~~~~~ Eliana Heart, a filha ilegítima do Rei de Cidade do Coração da Lua com a linhagem de caçadores, só quer uma coisa em sua vida; conhecer e encontrar sua mãe biológica. Inocente e bela, Eliana é frequentemente vítima das tramas de sua madrasta e irmã postiça. Sebastian Marino, o infame Príncipe Vampiro mascarado, não tem recebido nada além de ódio de todos ao seu redor. Todo mundo o teme, pois ele possui um poder imensurável. Depois de cumprir pena na prisão por um ano no lugar de sua irmã postiça, Eliana fica surpresa por ser libertada. No entanto, sua felicidade é interrompida quando descobre que deve se casar com o príncipe vampiro no lugar de sua irmã postiça. Eliana não sabe nada sobre os vampiros, e Sebastian odeia tudo o que vem com aqueles humanos malignos. O que ela fará quando se casar com o monstro nomeado do mundo das trevas que toma e caça sem misericórdia? "Você não tem curiosidade sobre como eu sou?" Ele segurou seu queixo dolorosamente. "Revele seu rosto para mim quando confiar em mim," ela sorriu suavemente. 'Isso nunca vai acontecer,' pensou Sebastião. Para ele, ela era nada mais do que uma ferramenta para se vingar dos humanos. Para ela, ele era mais do que tudo que seus olhos já tinham visto, ainda mais do que a verdade de sua existência. Há um poder ainda maior e mais poderoso do que qualquer coisa e esse poder se chama destino. Eles serão capazes de lutar contra seus destinos para ficarem juntos ou se renderão a ele e perderão tudo? A história da mais mortal bruxa disfarçada de humana e do príncipe prodígio mais perigoso que sobrevive no sangue de vampiros. Aviso - O livro é construído em torno de um mundo mágico e pura fantasia. O romance fará você sentir borboletas no estômago enquanto algumas cenas podem fazer você questionar a sanidade em torno do amor. Os primeiros 50 capítulos vão construir o mundo em torno do livro. Eu prometo, se você ficar, você vai amar o livro, a não ser que este não seja o seu gênero. ~~~~~~ Siga-me nas minhas redes sociais. Facebook - Autora Angelina Bhardawaj Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 366.4K Views

The Nexus Developer: Akashic Records System

Forty-eight years after the Convergence, the world still struggles to adapt to the drastic changes brought by mystical portals that unleashed mana and supernatural creatures. In District 43 (Grande Bangu), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, young Arcanist Angelina Silva emerges as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of corruption and conflict. One day, Angelina awakens with memories of her counterpart from a world untouched by the horrors of the Convergence and unlocks access to the Akashic System, a vast network of knowledge from the multiverse. Determined to revive pop culture and restore the quality of films and games now reduced to mediocre productions, Angelina uses her magical abilities to create works that inspire and empower. Facing the constant threat of being snatched by the militia led by the fearsome Big Z, Angelina finds strength and support in her allies Rafael "Rafa" Mendes, a dual-class Rogue-Ranger Manauser, and Miguel “Mike” Antunes Rodrigues, a protective arcane guardian. Together, they embark on an epic journey to develop a revolutionary game that awakens latent Manausers and inspires resistance against oppressive forces. But the challenges are many. In a scenario where magic, technology, and the power of imagination intertwine and complement each other, Angelina's struggle to turn her creative vision into reality is a constant battle against corruption, oppression, and the adversities of the post-Convergence world. "The Nexus Developer: Akashic Records System" is a tale of resistance, creativity, and friendship, where the power of imagination, magic, and technology unite in understanding humanity's resilience in a world in ruins. Follow Angelina Silva on her mission to revitalize pop culture and uncover the hidden secrets of a universe full of mysteries and endless possibilities. Get ready for an engaging narrative that explores the strength of the human spirit, the importance of art, and the magic that can be found in every act of creation. --- Patreon: Anjels Link:
Angellunnares · 6K Views

Zwei Seelen - Ein Zuhause

Es gibt Begegnungen, die mehr sind als bloßer Zufall. Sie entstehen im richtigen Moment, wie eine Brise, die Wellen auf stilles Wasser zeichnet – sanft, kaum merklich, und doch kraftvoll genug, um etwas in Bewegung zu setzen, das zuvor unbeweglich schien. Solche Momente kommen ohne Vorwarnung, und wir erkennen ihre Bedeutung oft erst in der Rückschau. Der Sommerabend im Juli 2012 war einer dieser Momente. Danny und Jenny kannten sich nicht. Sie lebten unterschiedliche Leben, geprägt von Gewohnheiten, Beziehungen und den kleinen und großen Unsicherheiten, die sie mit sich trugen. Doch an diesem Abend, aus einer Mischung aus Langeweile und unbewusster Sehnsucht, fanden sie sich beide auf derselben Chatplattform wieder. Es war ein Ort, an dem Menschen kamen und gingen, wo Worte oft flüchtig waren und die meisten Gespräche sich im Rauschen des Vergessens verloren. Aber nicht dieses. Was mit einer beiläufigen Begrüßung begann, entwickelte sich schnell zu einem Austausch, der anders war. Ihre Worte hatten ein Gewicht, das über den Moment hinausreichte. Sie sprachen über Musik, Hobbys, die Dinge, die sie gern taten, und die, die sie bereuten. Mit jedem Satz öffnete sich ein kleines Fenster in ihre Welt, und bald schien es, als hätten sie einen vertrauten Rhythmus gefunden, der niemand anderem gehörte. Die Distanz zwischen ihnen – geografisch, emotional, in ihren Lebensumständen – hätte eine Barriere sein können. Doch an jenem Abend spielte sie keine Rolle. Ihre Gespräche hatten eine Leichtigkeit, die nur entsteht, wenn zwei Menschen einander ohne Masken begegnen. Und obwohl sie es noch nicht wussten, begann in diesen Stunden etwas, das beide für immer verändern sollte. Denn manchmal ist es nicht das Offensichtliche, das uns verbindet, sondern das, was wir zwischen den Zeilen lesen. Danny und Jenny waren zwei Menschen, die sich zur richtigen Zeit begegneten, auch wenn ihre Leben alles andere als einfach waren. Sie fanden im anderen einen Hauch von Trost, ein Stück Verstehen, das sie nirgendwo sonst gefühlt hatten. Was keiner von ihnen ahnte: Diese Begegnung war der Anfang einer Reise, die ihre Herzen und Lebenswege berühren würde. Eine Geschichte, die nicht durch ihre Länge, sondern durch die Tiefe ihrer Momente definiert werden sollte. Ein Sommerabend, der für immer nachhallte.
Jennifer_Kall · 9.2K Views

The Masked Vampire King's Accidental Bride

(Mature content R-18+ Contains gore, no second woman drama or rape.) My love sees no end, no right or wrong. Because when I love I want you to be mine as much as I am yours - Angelina Bhardawaj ~~~~~~ "I told you I want to ruin you," he cupped her jaws while pinning her to the wall. "And you have done enough. Now I am leaving," she snapped back. "You didn't get my words, Princess," he sneered coldly. "When I say I want to ruin you, I want to bind you to my bed and fill you till your scent becomes one with me and every fucking person in this world knows who you are... That you are fucking mine!" He slammed her into the wall, kissing her passionately. ~~~~~~ Elliana Heart, the illegitimate daughter of the King of Heart Moon City with the hunter bloodline only wants one thing in her life; to know and meet her biological mom. Innocent and beautiful, Elliana is often a victim of her stepmother's and stepsister's plots.  Sebastian Marino, the infamous masked Vampire Prince, has suffered nothing but hatred from everyone around him. Everyone fears him since he has a power not to be reckoned with. After serving in prison for one year on behalf of her stepsister, Elliana is surprised to get bailed. However, her happiness is cut short when she finds out she is to marry the vampire Prince in her stepsister's place. Elliana knows nothing about the vampires, and Sebastian hates everything that comes with those evil humans.  What would she do when she gets married to the named monster of the dark world who takes and hunts without mercy? "Are you not curious about what I look like?" He grabbed her chin painfully. "Reveal your face to me when you trust me," she smiled softly. 'That's never going to happen,' Sebastian thought. To him, she was nothing more than a tool to get his revenge on the humans. To her, he was more than everything she laid her eyes on, even more than the truth of her existence. There is a power even bigger and more powerful than anything and that power is called fate. Will they be able to fight their fates to stay together or succumb to it and lose it all? The story of the deadliest witch disguised as a human and the most dangerous prodigy prince who survives on vampire blood. Disclaimer- The book is built around magical world and pure fantasy. The romance will make you feel butterflies in the stomach while some scenes might have you question sanity around love. The first 50 chapters will build the world around the book. I promise, if you stay, you are going to love the book, until this isn't your genre. ~~~~~~ Follow me on my social media. Facebook - Author Angelina Bhardawaj Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj
AngelinaBhardawaj · 2.3M Views

Queen Of Mafia

Vol. 2 NADI : The Rhythm of Love From a Cold Heart (187-sekarang) Jadwal Update : Senin 5 tahun lamanya, Dimas Lawrence jatuh dalam keadaan koma. Suatu hari dia terbangun begitu tiba-tiba tanpa ada yang menduganya. Itu sebuah keajaiban di atas segala ketidakmungkinan. Namun, keajaiban tersebut justru memberikan luka baru untuk orang lain yang selama ini menantikannya. Dimas sudah terbangun dari tidur panjangnya. Tapi, dia melupakan segala hal. Ingatannya hanya sampai pada nama, keluarga, dan kepintarannya. Segala penderitaan yang dia lalui bersama seseorang, telah dia lupakan untuk kesekian kalinya. Natalie Jhonson, gadis malang yang mendampingi Dimas selama lima tahun terakhir dengan penuh kesabaran dan harapan bahwa pria itu akan bangun suatu hari nanti. Akhirnya, harapannya terwujud. Sayang seribu sayang, Dimas bangun dari koma hanya untuk melupakan segalanya termasuk kisah cinta mereka. Natalie marah, bingung, dan sedih karena dilupakan dengan begitu mudahnya. Dimas bahkan menanyakan identitas dirinya saat melihat Natalie menangis untuknya ketika pria itu terbangun dari koma. Dimas tak mengenal siapapun. Sifatnya bukan lagi Dimas yang penakut dan idiot. Dia layaknya seorang Tuan Muda dari keluarga bergengsi. Sikapnya yang dingin dan acuh tak acuh terhadap reaksi orang-orang memberikan perasaan asing tersendiri pada Natalie. Hal pertama yang Dimas cari yaitu ayahnya, Christian Lawrence, yang dulu membuangnya di jalanan layaknya sampah yang manis sepah dibuang. Dia tak mengingat Natalie, pujaan hatinya. Yang dia ingat justru bajingan yang membuangnya, tapi begitu dia hormati seolah Christian tidak melakukan hal apapun yang merugikannya. "Begitu mudahnya kamu melupakanku. Apa kamu sangat senang mempermainkan rasa cinta ini layaknya sesuatu yang tak berharga?" - Natalie Jhonson "Aku sudah berkali-kali mencoba mengingat. Tapi, aku masih tak tahu siapa dirimu. Siapa kalian yang mengatakan bahwa aku orang terdekat kalian?! Aku bahkan meragukan apa kalian cuma bermimpi saja selama ini!" - Dimas Lawrence *** Vol. 1 Queen Of Mafia (1-185) Black Angel, nama Organisasi Mafia yang bergerak dalam dunia bisnis dengan menawarkan jasa bodyguard dengan bayaran puluhan hingga ratusan juta rupiah. Pemimpin Black Angel mempunyai seorang putri yang dia sembunyikan dengan rapat di rumahnya tanpa memberikan izin publik untuk mengetahui informasi sedikitpun. Lalu, bagaimana jika putri yang selama ini disembunyikan oleh Pemimpin Black Angel melangkah keluar dari sangkar emas yang mengurungnya? Tentu saja banyak pihak yang terkejut, terutama para siswa-siswi SMA Merpati. Dirandra Angelina, Putri dari Pemimpin Black Angel yang selama ini disembunyikan akhirnya terungkap ke publik. Sikapnya yang angkuh, kasar, dan sombong membuatnya terlibat konflik dengan seseorang. Di hari pertamanya, dia melempar bola ke wajah seorang pria yang tentunya membuat kesan buruk untuk dirinya sendiri. Azkara Ranendra, pria yang memiliki fobia perempuan dan akan muntah-muntah jika bersentuhan dengan perempuan adalah pria yang terlibat konflik dengan Dira. Tindakan tak masuk akal Azka pada Dira membuatnya berada dalam masalah.
LidiaCntys10 · 233.9K Views
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