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Kimberly Kincaid

Der Ausgestoßene des Alphas: Der Aufstieg der Mondsänger.

"Ich will nicht als 'wolfsloser Abweichler' definiert werden Ich werde kein Spielball in den 'Spielen der Alphas' sein Und ich weigere mich, mich mit dem Fremden zu paaren, der in mein Leben gestürzt ist und alles auf den Kopf gestellt hat... Aber das könnte meine bisher größte Herausforderung sein." Das waren die Worte, die Lyla zu sich selbst sagte, als sie die jährliche Werwolf-Gala verließ, durchnässt von ihrem Schweiß und ihren Pheromonen. Noch vor ein paar Tagen war sie ein glücklicher Teenager, der in der menschlichen Welt lebte - sie wollte das College abschließen und weit weggehen, alles vergessen, was sie durchgemacht hatte, und ein neues Leben beginnen, aber jetzt ist sie mitten auf der Gala, auf dem Boden ausgestreckt, mit ihren Wünschen vor aller Augen, und Alpha Ramsey Kincaid - der Anführer der Lykaner auf dem Weißen Mondthron - streckt seine Hände nach ihr aus. Wenn sie sie annimmt, würde sie Schande über ihre Familie bringen, denn sie ist nicht in der Lage, sich mit irgendjemandem einzulassen, noch dazu mit einem Lykaner-Anführer, der nicht in ihrer Liga spielt, und wenn sie sich weigert, riskiert sie, ins Gefängnis des Rudels geschickt zu werden, weil sie während ihrer Läufigkeit nicht besser auf sich aufgepasst hat - ja, es war ein Verbrechen, dass sie ohne Wolf war. Doch als er sie berührt, regt sich etwas in ihr... Begierde? Ja! Von der Mondgöttin verborgene Mächte? Ja! Und vielleicht, nur vielleicht, die Regungen ihres vermissten Wolfes, dessen Stimme wilde Wölfe beruhigen und heilen kann ... Kann sie lernen, diesem Mann zu vertrauen, dessen Mund etwas anderes sagt und dessen Hände eine andere Sprache sprechen, oder würde sie zu einem Bauern werden - einer Schachfigur in den Spielen, die die Alphas spielen? Eines ist sicher - Lyla Woodlands hatte es satt, die kleine, schmutzige "wolfslose Abweichlerin" des Rudels zu sein. Es ist an der Zeit, dass dieses wolflose Wunder ihnen zeigt, was in ihr steckt. #Langsam brennen ~ Schlaue alte Prophezeiungen # Love Triangle - ML und FL beste Freundin #Bösewicht verliebt in FL Tritt meiner Discord-Gruppe bei:
Ejiofor_Dorcas · 431.8K Views

The Alpha's Fated Outcast: Rise Of The Moonsinger.

“I will not be defined as a ‘wolfless deviant’ I will not be a pawn in the 'games Alphas play' And I refuse to be mated to the stranger who crashed into my life and turned everything upside down… Only that might be my biggest challenge yet.” Those were the words Lyla chanted to herself as she left the annual werewolf gala, drenched in her sweat and her pheromones. Only days ago, she was a happy teenager existing in the human world – trying to get through college and go far away, forget everything she’s been through and start life afresh but now, she’s in the middle of the gala, sprawled on the ground with her desires in everyone’s face and Alpha Ramsey Kincaid – the Lycan leader of the White Moon Throne extending his hands towards her. If she takes it, she would bring dishonour to her family because she is in no state to be mingling with anyone, talk more of the Lycan leader who was out of her league and if she refuses, she risks being sent to the pack prison for not taking better care of herself during her heat - Yes, it was a crime for her to be without a wolf. But when he touches her, something inside her stirs… Desires? Yes! Powers hidden by the moon goddess? Yes! And maybe just maybe, the stirrings of her missing wolf whose voice can calm feral wolves and heal … Can she learn to trust this man whose mouth says a different thing and his hands speak another language or would she become a pawn – a piece of chess in the games ‘Alphas play’? One thing’s for certain- Lyla Woodlands was done being the pack’s little, dirty ‘wolfless deviant’. It’s time this wolfless wonder showed them what she’s made of. #Slow burn #Wispy old prophecies # Love Triangle - ML and FL best friend #Villian in love with FL Join my discord group:
Ejiofor_Dorcas · 2.9M Views

La Desterrada Predestinada del Alfa: El Ascenso de la Cantora de la Luna

``` —No voy a ser definida como una desviada sin lobo. —No seré un peón en los juegos que juegan los Alfas. —Y me niego a ser emparejada con el extraño que irrumpió en mi vida y puso todo patas arriba... —Solo que esa podría ser mi mayor desafío hasta ahora. Esas eran las palabras que Lyla se repetía a sí misma al salir de la gala anual de hombres lobo, empapada en su sudor y sus feromonas. Hace apenas unos días, era una adolescente feliz existiendo en el mundo humano —tratando de pasar la universidad e irse lejos, olvidar todo lo que había pasado y comenzar la vida de nuevo— pero ahora, está en medio de la gala, tendida en el suelo con sus deseos a la vista de todos y el Alfa Ramsey Kincaid —el líder Licano del Trono de la Luna Blanca— extendiendo sus manos hacia ella. Si lo acepta, deshonraría a su familia porque no está en condiciones de mezclarse con nadie, qué decir del líder Licano que estaba fuera de su alcance y si se niega, corre el riesgo de ser enviada a la prisión de la manada por no cuidarse mejor durante su celo —sí, era un crimen para ella estar sin un lobo. Pero cuando él la toca, algo dentro de ella se remueve... ¿Deseos? ¡Sí! ¿Poderes ocultos por la diosa de la Luna? ¡Sí! Y quizás, solo quizás, los movimientos de su lobo perdido cuya voz puede calmar a los lobos feroces y curar... ¿Puede aprender a confiar en este hombre cuya boca dice una cosa y sus manos hablan otro idioma o se convertirá en un peón —una pieza de ajedrez en los juegos que juegan los Alfas? Una cosa es segura: Lyla Woodland había terminado de ser la pequeña y sucia desviada sin lobo de la manada. Es hora de que esta maravilla sin lobo les muestre de qué está hecha. #Amor lento #Profecías antiguas y etéreas #Triángulo amoroso —ML y mejor amiga de FL #Villano enamorado de FL Únete a mi grupo de discord: ```
Ejiofor_Dorcas · 1.2M Views

Alpha yang Terbuang oleh Takdir: Kebangkitan Penyanyi Rembulan.

"Saya tidak akan didefinisikan sebagai 'penyimpangan tanpa serigala'" Saya tidak akan menjadi bidak dalam 'permainan yang dimainkan Para Alpha' Dan saya menolak untuk menjadi pasangan dari orang asing yang menerobos masuk ke dalam hidup saya dan mengubah segala sesuatunya menjadi terbalik... Hanya saja, itu mungkin akan menjadi tantangan terbesar saya."" Itulah kata-kata yang Lyla ucapkan pada dirinya sendiri saat dia meninggalkan gala tahunan werewolf, basah oleh keringat dan feromonnnya. Hanya beberapa hari yang lalu, dia adalah remaja yang bahagia yang hidup di dunia manusia - berusaha untuk menyelesaikan kuliah dan pergi jauh, melupakan segala sesuatu yang telah dia lalui dan memulai hidup baru. Tapi sekarang, dia berada di tengah-tengah gala, tergeletak di tanah dengan hasratnya terpampang di hadapan semua orang dan Alpha Ramsey Kincaid - pemimpin Lycan dari Tahta Bulan Putih mengulurkan tangannya kepadanya. Jika dia menerimanya, dia akan membawa aib ke keluarganya karena dia tidak dalam keadaan untuk bersosialisasi dengan siapa pun, apalagi pemimpin Lycan yang jauh di luar jangkauannya. Dan jika dia menolak, dia risiko dikirim ke penjara kawanan karena tidak merawat dirinya dengan baik selama masa birahi - Ya, itu adalah kejahatan baginya untuk tidak memiliki serigala. Tapi ketika dia menyentuhnya, sesuatu di dalam dirinya bergerak... Hasrat? Ya! Kekuatan yang tersembunyi oleh dewi bulan? Ya! Dan mungkin saja inilah hasrat dari serigala yang hilang, yang suaranya dapat menenangkan serigala ganas dan menyembuhkan... Bisakah dia belajar untuk mempercayai pria ini yang mulutnya mengatakan satu hal dan tangannya berbicara dalam bahasa yang lain, atau akankah dia menjadi bidak - sebuah potongan catur dalam permainan 'yang dimainkan Para Alpha'? Satu hal yang pasti - Lyla Woodlands sudah cukup dengan perlakuan kawanan yang menganggapnya sebagai 'penyimpangan tanpa serigala' yang kotor dan rendah. Sudah saatnya wanita tanpa serigala yang luar biasa ini menunjukkan apa yang dia miliki. #Pembakaran Lambat #Ramalan Tua yang Menyerang # Segitiga Cinta - ML dan FL sahabat #Villain yang jatuh cinta dengan FL Bergabung dengan grup discord saya:
Ejiofor_Dorcas · 25.5K Views

A Pária Destinada do Alfa: Ascensão do Cantor da Lua

“Não serei definida como uma ‘desviante sem lobo’ Não serei um peão nos ‘jogos que os Alfas jogam’ E me recuso a ser emparelhada com o estranho que irrompeu em minha vida e virou tudo de cabeça para baixo... Só que esse talvez seja o meu maior desafio até agora.” Essas foram as palavras que Lyla repetiu para si mesma enquanto deixava a gala anual de lobisomens, encharcada de seu suor e seus feromônios. Há apenas alguns dias, ela era uma adolescente feliz existindo no mundo humano – tentando passar pela faculdade e ir para longe, esquecer tudo o que vivenciou e começar a vida de novo, mas agora, ela está no meio da gala, estendida no chão com seus desejos expostos na cara de todos e o Alfa Ramsey Kincaid – o líder Lycan do Trono da Lua Branca estendendo as mãos em sua direção. Se ela aceitar, trará desonra para sua família porque ela não está em condições de se misturar com ninguém, quanto mais com o líder Lycan que estava fora de sua liga e se ela recusar, ela corre o risco de ser enviada à prisão da alcateia por não cuidar melhor de si mesma durante seu cio – sim, era um crime para ela estar sem um lobo. Mas quando ele a toca, algo dentro dela se agita... Desejos? Sim! Poderes ocultos pela deusa Lua? Sim! E talvez, apenas talvez, os sinais de seu lobo desaparecido cuja voz pode acalmar lobos ferozes e curar... Ela conseguirá confiar neste homem cuja boca diz uma coisa e suas mãos falam outra língua ou ela se tornará um peão – uma peça de xadrez nos jogos ‘que os Alfas jogam’? Uma coisa é certa: Lyla Woodlands estava farta de ser a pequena e suja ‘desviante sem lobo’ da alcateia. É hora desta maravilha sem lobo mostrar do que ela é feita. #Queima lenta #Antigas profecias esvoaçantes # Triângulo Amoroso - ML e melhor amigo da FL #Vilão apaixonado pela FL Participe do meu grupo no discord:
Ejiofor_Dorcas · 1.4M Views

The CEO Of My Dreams Returned To Me

Officially winner of the Cupid's Quill Contest. This is the book if you are looking for a green flag male, who is not toxic, doesn't degrade the FL, doesn't rape or hurt her, physically or emotionally. Let's dive in. “Many can own your body but it takes a special someone to creep into your soul, infuse it with their magic and make it theirs. That's what you have done to me, Skyla Adams, and now you refuse to leave,” his sultry whispers were fanning the outer edges of her ear, rendering her weak. Not only in the knees but her whole body. (It's a dark romance so the book deals with trauma, ra*e and similar themes. But I guarantee you it will have a happy ending.) Synopsis Broken by the sudden news of her father's terminal cancer and further shattered by the betrayal of her fiancé; Doran, who was a renowned super model and CEO of his fashion company. Skyla sought solace in the arms of a call boy. Dressed like her favourite anime character with his face hidden behind a mask, the boy pulled her in and she ended up losing her v-card to him. Circumstances led her to marry her abusive/cheating fiancé. But after eight years of abuse and being told she could never run her father's company, Skyla had enough. When her husband’s boss suddenly offered her a job. She grabbed the opportunity to prove her husband wrong. What she hadn't anticipated was the kindness her boss had begun to shower on her. Zyair Kincaid; the CEO of renowned fashion company was a gynophobe who never hired women to work in his proximity. But he broke his own rules and hired Skyla to be his personal secretary. With his identity hidden from the world, behind a black mask, he was a man of many secrets but had only one goal. To liberate Skyla from her abusive husband and for that, he was willing to go to any length. In a tale where past and present collided, two broken souls sought comfort with each other. But can Skyla escape her husband? And how would Zyair grapple when his dark past comes knocking? (This is my entry for the competition Cupid's Quill. Kindly show support and send a power stone and add the book to your library. The characters I will be creating in this book will be in grey areas, I hope you people will love them as much as I am enjoying writing them.) Book cover is mine special thanks to Queenfrieza for making it. Want to chat? Find me on Instagram with the same name; Sunny_Shumail.
Sunny_Shumail · 1M Views


Kimberly Ross’s world is shattered in eighth grade when Dave, the most popular boy in school, humiliates her in front of everyone. The whispers and judgmental glances that follow only deepen her pain, but just as she begins to move on, Toby, the class clown, publicly mocks her for being a late bloomer. Insecurity takes root, and Kimberly becomes obsessed with changing her body, desperate for validation in a world that seems to find her lacking. By freshman year, everything changes. Kimberly blossoms, catching the attention of both Dave and his best friend, Jace. Determined not to let history repeat itself, she chooses Jace over Dave only to discover that Jace’s affection was born from a cruel bet. Yet, as she struggles with heartbreak, Jace falls for her for real, just as he’s whisked away to boarding school without warning. Left reeling, Kimberly finds comfort in Dave, who is eager to claim what he once rejected. But their relationship is far from perfect. Dave keeps her a secret, flirts with other girls, and repeatedly pushes her away. When an older senior, Ethan, shows interest, Kimberly dares to believe she might finally find stability—until Dave returns, pulling her back into his orbit. With graduation approaching, Kimberly is caught in an emotional whirlwind of love, betrayal, and self-doubt. But when she uncovers the final, devastating truth about Dave, she faces a choice that could define her future. Will she finally break free from the cycle, or is she doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past?
Wisdom_Joel · 1.6K Views

Loving Kimberly

After twenty years of being locked up, Kimberly Adams steps outside for the very first time and was greeted by confusion and so many unanswered questions. All she had ever been told and taught by her parents was a lie. She was a girl and not a boy. And so many things began to make sense. But at age twenty, isn't it too late to start over and living with the truth? Kimberly sets out to find out who she really is and on her journey, she'll encounter many bizarre things and characters - meets a lot of obstacles and battles. She even gets raped by an unknown man and becomes pregnant. When the battle got tough, she disappears; went off the grid and returns five years later as the young miss of the Adams family. She became the hottest woman to walk the planet - the rising star and heir to the Adams family, the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet. Her beauty and intelligence turned heads as she was treated as royalty by everyone and every bachelor wanted to have her. But her transformation did not stop the battles from coming in. What she doesn't know is that another war has been brewing in the future. Even her family became her enemy but this time, she was better prepared and equipped to fight them off. She fought with all the power, intelligence and grace she had, and with Alexander by her side, she was invincible. She is the most dangerous woman of the twenty-first century and will stop at nothing to end her enemies and revenge her family and her past. The battle was over, but the war had just begun.
veekeey · 16.5K Views

The Rings of Sovereignty

In a world reshaped by the collapse of ancient kingdoms, the death of the legendary Kings of Fire, Thunder, Beasts, Order, and Chaos marked the dawn of a new era. The once-mighty kingdoms have crumbled, giving way to modern states, but the potent legacy of these monarchs remains in the form of five mystical rings. Each ring embodies the unique power of its former ruler, offering unimaginable strength to those who dare to claim them. As the dust of the old world settles, a shadowy organization emerges, masquerading as an archaeological expedition in search of ancient relics. Their true mission, however, is far more sinister: to unearth these rings, believed to be weapons of unparalleled power, capable of shifting the global balance. Alric Kincaid is a brilliant young scholar at Harvard University, on the cusp of graduation with a thesis on the elusive deep state. His academic pursuits take an unexpected turn when he becomes embroiled in a deadly international conspiracy. One fateful night, after a harrowing encounter with Russian intelligence agents, Alric is wounded and finds himself hiding near a forgotten statue, its hand adorned with a mysterious ring. Driven by a blend of curiosity and survival instincts, Alric takes the ring, unknowingly setting off a chain of events that will alter the course of history. As he examines the artifact at home, he discovers its connection to the lost kings and the immense power it holds. The ring becomes both a beacon and a curse, drawing attention from powerful factions and individuals who would stop at nothing to possess it. With danger lurking at every turn, Alric must navigate a treacherous world of espionage, ancient secrets, and political intrigue. As he unravels the mystery of the rings, he realizes that the future of nations hangs in the balance. Alric is thrust into a race against time to prevent the resurgence of chaos and tyranny, armed only with his wits, the enigmatic ring, and the reluctant allies he gathers along the way. In a story that blends the mystique of ancient powers with the relentless pace of a modern thriller, "The Rings of Sovereignty" explores the enduring conflict between order and chaos, the burden of power, and the choices that shape destinies. Will Alric succeed in keeping the rings from falling into the wrong hands, or will the world witness the return of a forgotten era's dark reign?
Amin_Gharbi · 9.4K Views

The Revenge Pact: Kimberly's Return

She's back, reborn and ruthless, with a score to settle. Kimberly Harrison, a striking woman with captivating facial features, had always struggled with her physical appearance. Her curvy figure and extra pounds made her self-conscious, but her intellect and wit more than made up for it. Inheriting her father's vast fortune after his untimely passing, Kimberly was titled the new CEO of his company. However, her brothers abandoned her upon learning of the will's contents. Kimberly found love with her boyfriend, and her best friend, and as she gets ready to marry him after pronouncing him her fiance, He betrays her, and Kimberly finds out that he had been cheating on her with her best friend, and they plotted against her with the help of her brother Alexander. After attempting to murder her, Kimberly miraculously survived, reborn with a mind to exact revenge. Her new alliance with Jason von Charles, a ruthless and enigmatic CEO, forged a powerful partnership. Jason's piercing gaze, chiseled features, and imposing stature commanded respect. Beneath his icy exterior, Jason concealed a genius-level intellect and a talent for strategy. His reputation was intimidated, and his territorial nature protected those within his circle. Their contract marriage bound them together, fueling Kimberly's quest for vengeance. With Jason's resources and guidance, she transformed into a new person. No longer the vulnerable woman she once was, Kimberly emerged fearless, turned by a singular focus to bring destruction on those who wronged her. As Kimberly faces her past, she must choose between revenge and love. Will she destroy those who wronged her, or will her newfound power consume her?
Missy_Ti · 14.9K Views

지름길 코드 지름길 평생주소 (썬뱃.com 코드 9999)

썬뱃 - 안전한 배팅사이트의 차원을 넘어선 선택 주소 : 썬뱃.com 코드 : 9999 배팅사이트를 선택할 때 가장 중요한 요소는 안전성입니다. 그리고 썬뱃은 안전을 넘어서 최고의 선택지입니다. 우리는 엄격한 보안 시스템과 라이센스를 통해 사용자들에게 안전한 배팅 경험을 제공하고 있습니다. 또한 국내 최대 토토 커뮤니티인 슈어맨과 예치금을 포함한 보증관계에 있습니다. 썬뱃은 유일한 국내외 해외배팅이 가능한 업체로, 해외 AIP를 통해 국내 최고배당을 선사합니다. 이를 통해 우리는 고객들에게 최상의 신뢰성을 보장하며, 국내외에서 다양한 배팅 옵션을 즐길 수 있게 합니다. 우리의 게임과 스포츠 베팅 옵션은 다양성을 자랑합니다. 크로스 배팅도 가능하며, 정식카지노와 다양한 미니게임을 통해 흥미로운 시간을 보낼 수 있습니다. 고객들의 입출금을 우리는 신속하게 처리합니다. 입출금 지연 시 보상제도를 운영하여 사용자들의 불편을 최소화하고, 빠른 입출금 서비스를 통해 편안한 배팅 환경을 제공합니다. 사용자들의 리뷰에서는 우리의 뛰어난 한도와 빠른 환전 서비스에 대한 만족이 높게 평가됩니다. 또한, 해외식 배팅 옵션을 통해 게임 중에도 배팅을 즐길 수 있어 흥미로운 경험을 선사합니다. 썬뱃은 올킬/한폴낙 이벤트등 다양한 10여가지 이상의 이벤트로 사용자들에게 더 많은 혜택을 제공합니다. 우리의 고객센터는 항상 빠르고 친절한 응답을 통해 사용자들의 요구에 신속히 대응합니다. 더 많은 정보와 접속을 원하신다면, 한글 도메인인 썬뱃.com 코드 9999를 참고해주세요. 안전한 배팅사이트의 차원을 넘어선 썬뱃과 함께 하세요!
Kimberly_Harpernic · 254 Views
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