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With This Ring, I Loathe You—Yes, I do.

Ava Summers is the perfect daughter — business mogul, top of her class, future queen of spreadsheets, and the only Summers twin with functioning brain cells. She's survived nineteen years sharing a womb, a mansion, and half of her DNA with Eva Summers — the human embodiment of bad decisions who once tried to roast marshmallows on scented candles and nearly set the entire estate on fire. So when their parents arranged one of them to marry Zeke Ford — the kingdom's most notorious heartbreaker — Ava took one for the team. She didn't flinch. She didn't panic. She blinked once... probably because she was three glasses of margaritas deep after Eva spiked her drink and slid a suspicious contract under her nose — a contract that would transfer all of Ava's businesses and birthright to Eva if she refused to marry Zeke. It was the first plan Eva ever pulled off successfully — and she regretted it the moment the Fords switched the grooms at the last minute. Instead of waking up legally bound to Zeke — the charming, half-witted flirt who collects women like decorative throw pillows — Ava finds herself married to Zach Ford — the cold, brooding, emotionally constipated twin brother who hasn't smiled since the dinosaurs went extinct. The Ford family hoped Eva's lively personality would drag Zach out of his miserable cave of grief and bad attitude after his fiancée's death. Too bad they accidentally married him to the kingdom's most neurotic control freak instead. Now Ava has a whole lifetime to survive a forced marriage to a man who communicates in glances, grunts, and the occasional eyebrow twitch, convince everyone she's madly in love with her new husband... And figure out how to legally murder her sister without ruining the family name. The plan was supposed to save the Summers' reputation. Not burn the whole kingdom to the ground. "With This Ring, I Loathe You—Yes, I do." A laugh-out-loud enemies-to-lovers rom-com about one grumpy recluse, one reluctant perfectionist, and one contractual catastrophe that will either end in true love... Or arson with tax deductions.
ExoShaneey · 9.4K Views


In the city of Azura,an empire ruled by King Ethan,a noble brave king, where envy, jealousy and desperation for the throne wouldn't make it peaceful. An empire can only be ruled by a prince but the king has four sons; ZION. LEON. LAWRENCE. LIAM. These four princes were birthed the same day, but not the same time. The king had two wives named Elsa and Ava. Elsa gave birth to Zion and passed on after that. While Ava gave birth to triplet, which is Leon, Lawrence, and Liam. For the fact that Zion is the first son, he's not recognized as the crown prince. Queen Ava hates him for he's like a barrier to stop her first son Leon to rule the empire. He's the most handsome prince of all, he has this attractive charm that girls drool over him and he knows he's worth it. He does as he pleases, doesn't listen to anyone, not following the rules and regulations of the empire,a nonchalant type. But one thing about him is that he hates being touched because he's allergic to human touch. The only person that can cure him is his mother but she's no more. He became a drunkard as a result of that, without giving a damn about his position as a prince. His life takes a new turn when he had a one night stand with a girl he knows nothing about. Her touch didn't trigger his allergies, but he knows nothing about her. Instantly he informed his doctor and she was proven to be his cure since he's not allergic to her touch. Who's this girl?Is he gonna find her or will he remain like that forever. Thrust in for more to find out!!
DaoistBLGIkR · 47 Views

Mein Ex-Mann flehte mich an, ihn zurückzunehmen

Die Ehe meiner Ex-Frau war nichts, was sie erwartet hatte. Trotz der Heirat mit dem Mann, den sie liebte, hatte sie in den letzten fünf Jahren nichts als Demütigung und Elend von ihrem Ehemann ertragen. Sie ertrug alles in der Hoffnung, eines Tages einen Platz in seinem Herzen zu finden. Aber ihr Ehemann trieb sie schließlich an den Rand des Zusammenbruchs, als er ihr an ihrem fünften Hochzeitstag die Scheidungspapiere überreichte und behauptete, dass er jemand anderen liebte. Er hatte das gesamte Familienvermögen genommen, das ihr Vater ihr hinterlassen hatte. Die schockierende Wahrheit, dass der Mann, in den sie seit zehn Jahren verliebt war, den Tod ihres Vaters verursacht hatte, war der Schlag, den Ava nicht verkraften konnte. Verzweifelt wollte Ava das Kind in ihrem Bauch nicht zur Welt bringen. ------ "Ich habe dich von ganzem Herzen geliebt und dir alles gegeben, aber du hast mich und meine Familie ruiniert, Dylan Brooks. Ich werde dir dieses Baby nicht geben. Dieses Baby gehört mir und wird mit mir ins Grab gehen. Ein grausamer Mann wie du verdient es nicht, Vater zu sein", sagte Ava, als sie ihr Handgelenk aufschlitzte. "Ich bereue es, dich geliebt zu haben, Dylan. Ich wünschte, ich würde dich in meinem nächsten Leben nie wiedersehen." Dies waren ihre letzten Worte, bevor sie in den Schoß des Todes glitt. ------- Sie dachte, dies sei das Ende ihres Lebens. Aber das Schicksal hatte andere Pläne. Sie wachte in der Vergangenheit auf, vor vier Jahren, am Tag ihres ersten Hochzeitstages. Da sie eine weitere Chance bekam, ihre Fehler zu korrigieren, schwor sie, ihren Vater und das Familienunternehmen zu schützen. Sie beschloss, alle Verbindungen zu ihrem rücksichtslosen Ehemann zu kappen. Aber Moment! Warum verhielt sich Dylan so besitzergreifend und fürsorglich? Warum erklärte er, dass sie die einzige sei, die er als seine Frau wollte? Sollte sie ihm glauben und ihm eine weitere Chance geben? Oder sollte sie sich an ihm für das rächen, was er in ihrem vergangenen Leben getan hatte? -------- "Bitte, Ava... komm zu mir zurück", flehte Dylan Ava auf Knien an. "Ich bin bereit, meine Fehler zu büßen. Ich werde alles tun, um dich glücklich zu machen. Verlass mich einfach nicht, okay? Sag mir, was kann ich tun, um deine Vergebung zu erlangen?" Ava starrte kalt auf den Mann, der sie in ihrem vorherigen Leben ruiniert hatte. "Du willst meine Vergebung? Dann übergib mir alles, Dylan. Ich will, dass du die gleiche Qual spürst, die ich durchgemacht habe." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sie können meine anderen Bücher überprüfen. Versehentlich mit Mr. Milliardär verheiratet - Abgeschlossen Die kranke Frau des Milliardärs - Abgeschlossen Versuchung der geheimen Geliebten des Milliardärs: Eine Geschichte von Liebe und Rache - Abgeschlossen. Die Vertragsbraut von Mr. Reid - Laufend, täglich aktualisiert.
Angelica2511 · 17.4K Views

Enredados en Luz de Luna: Inalterados

—Ser el defecto de la manada ya es bastante malo. ¿Pero ser rechazada? ¿Por tu propio compañero destinado? Sí. Eso es un nivel completamente nuevo de miseria. Ava Grey es el defecto de la manada, una cambiante sin lobo. Lucha por la vida con el sueño vago de la libertad. Su oportunidad llega cuando de repente le informan que asistirá a la Gala Lunar, un baile anual para los cambiaformas jóvenes adultos para encontrar a sus compañeros destinados. Y ella lo encuentra. Él es hermoso e intenso, y sus besos le envían deseo por las venas como una droga. Hasta que él la rechaza. Ava no está por volver a su aburrida vida. Escapa y fragua una nueva identidad lejos de su manada, y lejos de su compañero alfa. Hace nuevos amigos y hasta es adoptada a la fuerza por un husky hilarante. Pero justo cuando se acomoda y encuentra la felicidad, comienzan a ocurrir cosas extrañas... Su husky ha estado guardando secretos. Escucha rumores de que las manadas de cambiantes por todas partes la están buscando. Y puede oler un aroma familiar en su apartamento, lo cual no tiene sentido alguno... porque el hombre al que pertenece la rechazó. [Entrada de Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Este es un romance de cambiantes lobo con múltiples desencadenantes que gustan de pasearse de la mano con todos los temas oscuros por un prado de flores muertas. En este libro encontrarás los picos más altos y los valles más profundos. Ríe, llora, enfúrate; puedes hacerlo todo mientras sigues a Ava en el viaje bastante peligroso de ser un cambiante lobo en esta generación de romances de hombres lobo. Hay escenas R18 esparcidas por este libro como dulces saltando de una piñata. Por favor, lee de manera responsable. ------- DISCORD DEL AUTOR:
Lenaleia · 1.4M Views

Emmêlé sous le clair de lune: Non transformé

Être le défaut de la meute, c'est déjà assez mal. Être REJETÉE ? Par votre propre compagnon destiné ? Ouais. ÇA, c'est un tout nouveau niveau de bassesse. Ava Grey est le défaut de la meute, une changeuse de forme sans loup. Elle se débat dans la vie avec le vague rêve de liberté. Son opportunité survient quand elle est soudainement informée qu'elle assistera au Gala Lunaire, un bal annuel pour les jeunes adultes shifters afin de trouver leurs compagnons destinés. Et elle le trouve. Il est séduisant et intense, et ses baisers envoient du désir dans ses veines comme une drogue. Jusqu'à ce qu'il la REJETTE. Ava n'est pas prête à retourner à sa vie morne. Elle s'évade et forge une nouvelle identité loin de sa meute et loin de son compagnon alpha. Elle se fait de nouveaux amis et est même adoptée de force par un husky hilarant. Mais juste au moment où elle trouve le bonheur et s'installe dans sa nouvelle vie, des événements étranges commencent à se produire... Son husky cachait des secrets. Elle entend des murmures selon lesquels des meutes de shifters sont à sa recherche partout. Et elle peut sentir une odeur familière dans son appartement, ce qui n'a aucun sens... parce que l'homme à qui elle appartient l'a rejetée. [Participation au Cupids Quill de mars 2024] --------- Ceci est une romance métamorphe de loup avec de multiples déclencheurs qui aiment danser main dans la main avec tous les thèmes sombres à travers un champ de fleurs mortes. Dans ce livre, vous trouverez les sommets les plus hauts et les creux les plus bas. Riez, pleurez, ragez ; vous pouvez tout faire en suivant Ava dans le voyage plutôt périlleux d'être une changeuse de forme en cette génération de romance de loups-garous. Il y a des scènes R18 éparpillées dans ce livre comme des bonbons jaillissant d'une piñata. Merci de lire de manière responsable. ------- DISCORD DE L'AUTEUR :
Lenaleia · 1.2M Views

Enredado ao Luar: Inalterado

Ser o defeito da alcateia já é ruim o suficiente. Ser REJEITADA? Pelo seu próprio companheiro predestinado? É. ISSO é um nível completamente novo de humilhação. Ava Cinza é o defeito da alcateia, uma transformista sem lobo. Ela luta pela vida com o sonho vago de liberdade. Sua oportunidade chega quando ela é subitamente informada que irá comparecer ao Gala Lunar, um baile anual para jovens transformistas encontrarem seus companheiros predestinados. E ela o encontra. Ele é lindo e intenso, e seus beijos despertam desejo em suas veias como uma droga. Até que ele a REJEITA. Ava não está disposta a voltar para sua vida desanimadora. Ela foge e forja uma nova identidade longe de sua alcateia, e longe de seu companheiro alfa. Ela faz novos amigos e até é adotada à força por um husky hilário. Mas, justo quando ela se instala e encontra a felicidade, coisas estranhas começam a acontecer... Seu husky tem guardado segredos. Ela está ouvindo sussurros de que alcateias de transformistas por toda parte estão procurando por ela. E ela pode sentir um cheiro familiar em seu apartamento, o que não faz sentido algum... porque o homem a quem pertence a rejeitou. [Entrada do Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Este é um romance de transformista lobo com gatilhos múltiplos que gostam de valsar de mãos dadas com todos os temas sombrios através de um campo de flores mortas. Neste livro, você encontrará os picos mais altos e os vales mais profundos. Ria, chore, enfureça-se; você pode fazer tudo isso enquanto acompanha Ava na jornada perigosa de ser uma transformista lobo nesta geração de romances de lobisomens. Há cenas R18 espalhadas por este livro como doces saltando de uma pinhata. Por favor, leia com responsabilidade. ------- DISCORD DO AUTOR: ```
Lenaleia · 1.2M Views

Terjerat dalam Cahaya Bulan: Tidak Berubah

Menjadi cacat di dalam kawanan sudah cukup buruk. Ditolak? Oleh pasangan sejatimu sendiri? Ya. ITU adalah tingkat rendah yang baru. Ava Grey adalah cacat dalam kawanan, seorang shifter tanpa serigala. Dia berjuang dalam hidup dengan impian kebebasan yang samar. Kesempatannya datang ketika tiba-tiba dia diberi tahu bahwa dia akan menghadiri Gala Bulan, sebuah pesta dansa tahunan untuk shifters muda dewasa untuk menemukan pasangan sejati mereka. Dan dia menemukannya. Dia tampan dan intens, dan ciumannya mengirimkan keinginan melalui pembuluh darahnya seperti narkoba. Hingga dia MENOLAKnya. Ava tidak akan kembali ke kehidupan suramnya. Dia melarikan diri dan membentuk identitas baru jauh dari kawanan, dan jauh dari pasangan alpha nya. Dia berteman baru dan bahkan diadopsi secara paksa oleh seekor husky yang lucu. Tapi tepat ketika dia mulai menetap dan menemukan kebahagiaan, hal-hal aneh mulai terjadi... Husky-nya telah menyimpan rahasia. Dia mendengar bisikan bahwa kawanan shifter di mana-mana sedang mencarinya. Dan dia dapat mencium aroma familiar di apartemennya, yang tidak masuk akal sama sekali... karena pria yang aromanya itu telah menolaknya. [Entri Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Ini adalah roman shifter serigala dengan banyak pemicu yang suka berdansa beriringan dengan semua tema gelap melalui sebuah padang bunga mati. Dalam buku ini Anda akan menemukan titik tertinggi dan terendah. Tertawa, menangis, marah; Anda dapat melakukannya semua saat Anda mengikuti Ava dalam perjalanan yang cukup berbahaya menjadi pemindah serigala di generasi ini dari roman werewolf. Ada adegan R18 yang disebarkan di seluruh buku ini seperti permen yang meledak dari pinata. Silakan baca dengan tanggung jawab. ------- DISCORD PENULIS:
Lenaleia · 55.5K Views


"What do you want? " "You "I'm not something you can have." "I know but I still want you." "Why?" The question came almost immediately. There was a smile on his lips that sent jolts into Ava's heart. "There is no reason at all except that... you are mine." His smile turned even wider when he saw her subtle reaction. ----- "You.. are mine." "Wha.. who.. are you? " His grey eye stare at the dainty figure writhing under him. Her deep forest green eyes were clouded with lust and confusion and her chubby cheeks were tinged red. Her red lips were parted as her breath came out in laboured pants. "Relax little rose," His sexy chuckle echoed next to her ears. "you'll see me... soon." Then Ava woke up. Her green eyes narrowed on his smiling face that was oddly familiar with the mysterious guy from her sweet nightmare. ---- Ava Rose Lee is a mysterious figure to the world. They only hear about her but no one has ever seen her or what she looks like. After Ava 'left' the academy where she grew up trained to be a merciless and ruthless assassin, she decided to lay low and enjoy the rest of her days just lazing around. She made her secretary Rue Yang in charge of managing the whole conglomerate that she singlehandedly made, with help from Ava's grandfather, Lothaire Lee, an influencial and wealthy business man with an empire of his own. Her peaceful and lazy life was disrupted when Gavriel Luxston, another mysterious personna came in to her life with a marriage contract. His presence, his aura, his attitude, about him attracted her, eliciting an unknown emotion deep within her. His presence threatened her life as well as those around her. Despite Ava's resistance, Gavriel did not give up. ---- "Even if you hide in the deepest part of the darkness, I'd find you even if it means entering into the black hole. Where ever you go, I. would. find. you." ---- Will Gavriel be able to convince Ava that his love for her was real. Join Ava Rose and Gavriel Luxston in their journey of revenge, love, lust and betrayal. Please support me as this is my first novel. Your votes, comments and reviews will be helpful.
Lilninjacat18 · 56.2K Views

Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted

Being the pack defect is bad enough. Getting REJECTED? By your own fated mate? Yeah. THAT is a whole new level of low. Ava Grey is the pack defect, a wolfless shifter. She struggles through life with the vague dream of freedom. Her opportunity comes when she's suddenly informed that she will be attending the Lunar Gala, an annual ball for young adult shifters to find their fated mates. And she finds him. He's beautiful and intense, and his kisses send desire through her veins like a drug. Until he REJECTS her. Ava isn't about to go back to her dreary life. She escapes and forges a new identity far from her pack, and far from her alpha mate. She makes new friends and is even forcefully adopted by a hilarious husky. But just as she settles in and finds happiness, strange things begin to happen... Her husky has been holding secrets. She's hearing whispers that shifter packs all over are looking for her. And she can smell a familiar scent in her apartment, which makes no sense at all... because the man it belongs to rejected her. FEBRUARY 2024 UPDATE: Updates scheduled for 5-7 days a week as I continue recovering and working on my new WSA entry. Thank you for your patience as we move into book 7! --------- This is a wolf shifter romance with multiple triggers that like to waltz hand in hand with all the dark themes through a meadow of dead flowers. In this book you will find the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Laugh, cry, rage; you can do them all as you follow Ava in the rather perilous journey of being a wolf shifter in this generation of werewolf romance. There are R18 scenes sprinkled throughout this book like candy popping out of a pinata. Please read responsibly. ------- AUTHOR DISCORD:
Lenaleia · 6.7M Views

The Demon Duke’s Rose

In a world where dreams and reality collide, a young, whimsical girl from the 21st century finds herself inexplicably transported to the tumultuous 18th century—a realm brimming with demons, angels, enchanted beasts, shifters, and powerful witches. In this fantastical landscape, two lonely hearts from completely divergent worlds are drawn together in an intoxicating dance of fate. With a mere touch, the embers of love can ignite into an inferno, giving way to a tempest of passion, longing, and danger, where even the most forbidden desires can come to life. Just before her impending wedding to a much older general, Ava Philips stumbles upon a captivating stranger, a chance encounter that spirals into a whirlwind romance under the stars. As they open up about their heart-wrenching truths, they find sanctuary in each other's arms, igniting a fire neither anticipated. But as dawn breaks, the stranger vanishes without a trace, leaving Ava shattered and alone, her heart in ruins. Months later, Ava's world becomes even more complicated when she discovers she's pregnant with the child of this enigma—an imprint of love that lingered for just one night. With society’s scorn raining down upon her, she faces unbearable humiliation from her family, ultimately leading her into a desperate arrangement: marriage to a wealthy nobleman from a neighboring kingdom, bent on hiding a dark secret. As Ava embarks on this new chapter, she steps into a life fraught with ancient magic and perilous intrigue. Transformed into a Duchess and matriarch in a foreign land, she captivates not only her husband but also the noble prince and the Duke’s brooding brother, both vying for her heart amidst the chaos of her new existence. But the shadows of the past are relentless. As Ava navigates through deception, dark spells, and the intricate politics of her newfound life, she must confront her desires and unravel the secrets that bind her to her memories. What awaits Ava as she uncovers her true strength in a world where danger lurks at every corner, and love might be the greatest risk of all? Adventure, passion, and the fight for freedom beckon—will she seize her fate, or will the ghosts of her past consume her?
Blurry_inkk24 · 1.1K Views
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