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Bon Anniversaire Pat Patrouille

Monde Éthéré : La Route de l'Immortalité du Chair à Canon Vicieux

Bei YueYue était une personne généreuse et douce. Par la suite, elle a transmigré et est devenue 'Huang Ying Yue', un personnage secondaire féminin qui est tristement célèbre pour sa méchanceté, son impitoyabilité, son insatiabilité charnelle, son inhumanité et sa personnalité nymphomane dans le roman sur les immortels qu'elle venait de lire. Dans le roman, l'originale 'Huang Ying Yue' a commis d'innombrables actes maléfiques pour offenser bon nombre de personnages puissants à l'intérieur. Non seulement l'héroïne du roman, mais aussi tous les hommes de son harem ont été harcelés et abusés physiquement et mentalement par 'elle' de différentes manières. La route vers l'immortalité est pleine d'épines, de dangers et de menaces imprévisibles. Des cultivateurs maléfiques, des monstres et des démons font rage partout. Tout en poursuivant la voie de l'immortalité, tous les cultivateurs doivent unir leurs forces pour éliminer ces êtres maléfiques. Tout en essayant d'atteindre son objectif, YueYue doit faire face à d'innombrables ennemis puissants que 'Huang Ying Yue' a offensés dans le passé ainsi qu'aux dettes que 'Huang Ying Yue' a commises. Simultanément, elle doit affronter l'héroïne d'une beauté glaciaire, Huang Bai Xing, qui est entourée d'une multitude d'hommes séduisants et de fortunes défiant les cieux. Avec un avantage providentiel et l'amour du ciel, Huang Bai Xing a reçu des aides surnaturelles. Grâce à ces aides, elle devint de plus en plus forte jour après jour et attendit le meilleur moment pour tuer 'Huang Ying Yue'. Des gens puissants, les hommes de Huang Bai Xing, un par un, sortent leurs armes, dans l'intention de tuer et de lui donner une leçon terrifiante parce qu''elle' a blessé leur femme bien-aimée. Heureusement, avec le monde éthéré incroyablement avantageux qu'elle a reçu, elle pouvait planter les plantes spirituelles, récolter les fruits spirituels, cultiver avec le pouvoir spirituel abondant et tricher avec le temps, se baignant dans la cascade spirituelle à l'intérieur de l'espace, tout en conservant sa vie 'paisible' à la poursuite de la route de l'immortalité. Avec son armée de bêtes loyales, elle s'est lancée sur la voie de la cultivation pour rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, l'amour, l'amitié, les épreuves, l'excitation et un passé mystérieux tout en changeant son destin et celui des autres autour d'elle pour un meilleur avenir. Inconsciemment, elle ne se rendait même pas compte que, de par sa personnalité, elle attire d'innombrables fleurs de pêcher qui ont changé son existence monotone pour toujours. Avertissement : Fin 1VN, une femme qui finit avec plusieurs hommes. Il y a des amours tabous (mais pas sans réflexion) Veuillez lire les étiquettes avant de vous plonger dans mon monde. Image de couverture de : Pinterest, les crédits reviennent à leur légitime propriétaire. Mon compte Instagram : Littlecarrot006_ Mon nom d'utilisateur DISCORD : littlecarrot6510 Mon deuxième livre : Mythe du Miracle : Renaître pour défier mon destin Ce livre participe à la WSA 2024 (En progression) #Portalspace #Harem inversé #Tabou #RomanceNoire #ProtagonisteFéminineXianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivation #Aventure #Immortalité #Polyandrie #Beaucoupd'hommesbeaux #Transmigrée #Chairàcanon #Romance #Combat #Bête #Multicontinents #PasséMystérieux #ProtagonisteFémininedouceetgentillemaispassansforce #Pardonnemaisn'oubliepas #ProtagonisteFéminineIntelligente
Littlecarrot · 65.9K Views

Carnivals : Revendiqué par le prince Alpha dérangé [BL]

Fuir pour votre sécurité et s'inscrire dans une école remplie de psychopathes... pour être revendiqué par un prince alpha dérangé ? Ouais, vous seriez mieux mort. • . • La vie de Jules était parfaite jusqu'à ce que toute sa famille soit assassinée soudainement, lui étant le seul survivant. Un sauveur est intervenu parce qu'il était toujours en grand danger, ce qui a conduit Jules à adopter une nouvelle identité et à devenir une personne complètement différente du jour au lendemain— et à s'inscrire à Carnivals, une école prestigieuse pour garçons, réservée aux êtres surnaturels. À Carnivals, des monstres rôdent dans les couloirs sombres et les forts prédaient les faibles. Vous devenez soit un prédateur, soit une proie... et à en juger par l'allure de Jules— un garçon trop beau pour son bien, avec une carrure mince et petite, il était évident qu'il allait être dévoré vivant par les prédateurs. Voici Blaze, un loup qui fait frissonner l'échine de chaque prédateur de l'école, un Alpha incroyablement séduisant qui était aussi dangereux et dérangé que les rumeurs le prétendaient. Il jeta un coup d'œil à Jules et décida là, à ce moment-là, que Jules lui appartenait. *** Je reculais lentement, les yeux écarquillés alors que mon regard se fixait sur le sourire naissant au coin de ses lèvres. Blaze ne souriait jamais, et quand il le faisait, cela ne présageait rien de bon. Mon cœur s'accélérait alors que je reculais encore, le souffle coupé alors qu'il commençait à réduire la distance entre nous. En un rien de temps, mon dos était plaqué contre le mur froid et c'est alors que ça m'a frappé en plein cœur que j'étais acculé et piégé, comme une véritable proie... par nul autre que Blaze, alors que je pensais que ma vie ne pouvait pas être pire. Il me dominait sans effort, dégageant tant de dominance et je devais incliner la tête en arrière pour pouvoir rencontrer ses yeux sombres, et mon souffle s'est coupé lorsque nos regards se sont croisés. Il se pencha et mes yeux se fermèrent immédiatement alors que je retenais mon souffle, attendant qu'il frappe. J'avais entendu toutes les rumeurs horrifiantes et interminables à son sujet. C'était un Prince Alpha en présence duquel quelqu'un comme moi ne devrait jamais se trouver. Quand j'ai senti la pointe de son nez froid glisser sur la longueur de ma gorge, ma bouche s'est ouverte pour lâcher un gazouillis de surprise. Il aspira un long souffle audible et un frisson me parcourut l'échine alors que je devenais encore plus raide, la confusion obscurcissant mon esprit. Qu'est-ce qui se passait ? Pourquoi faisait-il cela soudainement ? Oh mon dieu... il était vraiment un alpha dérangé comme tout le monde le dit ! *** CE LIVRE EST CLASSÉ 18+ ! Il contient du contenu mature tel que : - Harcèlement. - Consommation de drogues. - Scènes explicites [beaucoup de ça.] - Violence. - Harem [pas entre les personnages principaux.] Alors... procédez avec prudence, vous êtes prévenu ! *Je ne possède pas les droits sur la couverture !
Bree_Airee · 74.2K Views

Une Nuit Sauvage

Lucinda Perry, une recluse sociale et une travailleuse acharnée, fait le serment de se lancer à fond pour son vingt-cinquième anniversaire et d'avoir même une aventure d'un soir si elle obtient la promotion qu'elle mérite depuis longtemps au travail. Quelques jours avant son vingt-cinquième anniversaire, elle est promue à un poste plus élevé, jusqu'au siège social dans une autre ville. Devant passer la nuit de son anniversaire dans une nouvelle ville, elle se rend au club où elle rencontre un très bel étranger, Thomas Hank, qui propose d'être son aventure d'un soir après avoir aperçu sa liste de défis à relever, qui incluait d'avoir une aventure d'un soir. Thomas Hank, après avoir été utilisé par plusieurs dames dans le passé, est résolu à obtenir la dame de ses rêves qui l'aimerait pour ce qu'il est et non pour sa richesse. Alors quand il rencontre la mignonne et naïve Lucinda Perry au club, il décide de cacher sa véritable identité et de découvrir si elle vaut la peine d'être gardée. ***Extrait*** Qu'est-ce qui est plus divertissant qu'un personnage secondaire fou ? Dites bonjour à Sonia et Bryan. Le cœur de Sonia s’arrêta de battre pendant une seconde, puis différentes pensées commencèrent à se bousculer dans sa tête à ce même moment. Bryan Hank ? Son coup de cœur de célébrité était à genoux devant elle et lui demandait de devenir sa femme ? Se trompait-il de personne ? Était-il possible que ce soit une mise en scène, ou peut-être s'agissait-il d'une de ces farces de célébrité et qu'il y avait des caméras autour, prêtes à la filmer en train de faire l'imbécile ? Ou peut-être rêvait-elle ? Sonia se le demandait en regardant autour d'elle, mais tout ce qu'elle voyait n'était que des spectateurs curieux. "S'il te plaît ! Sois ma femme et fais de moi l'homme le plus heureux de la Terre," Dit-il d'une voix très forte qui attira l'attention de tout le monde. Son éditeur, qu'elle attendait depuis plus d'une heure parce qu'il essayait de conclure un accord avec un producteur de cinéma intéressé par l'une de ses histoires, apparut à ce moment-là, "Sonia, tu connais Bryan Hank ?" demanda son éditeur avec une véritable surprise en regardant la scène devant lui. On aurait dit qu'une heure s'était écoulée depuis que Bryan s'était mis à genoux, mais cela ne faisait qu'une minute. Bryan savait qu'aucune dame ne serait assez folle pour accepter une proposition aussi folle, et même si l'une d'entre elles l'était, la payer et annuler le tout serait facile puisque tout ce qu'il voulait était le scandale qui pourrait en découler. Les gros titres seraient soit sur sa proposition de mariage refusée, soit sur son faux engagement, ce qui serait suffisant pour libérer Sophia de la situation. "Oui !" répondit Sonia en hochant la tête avec enthousiasme et en tendant le doigt pour qu'il lui enfile l'anneau. "Oui ?" demanda Bryan, confus en entendant sa réponse. "Oui ! Je serai ta femme et je te rendrai l'homme le plus heureux du monde !" répondit Sonia en riant et en remuant les doigts jusqu'à ce que Bryan glisse l'anneau sur son doigt. Etonnamment, la bague était exactement de sa taille et elle s'ajustait parfaitement à son doigt comme si elle avait été faite juste pour elle. Les applaudissements éclatèrent tout autour d'eux alors que Sonia se levait avec un grand sourire sur le visage et embrassait Bryan avant de l'embrasser directement sur les lèvres. Bryan fut légèrement pris au dépourvu par son audace, mais se reprit rapidement puisque c'était son jeu et qu'il devait jouer le jeu. Après tout, c'est lui qui avait approché Sonia en premier. Alors, quand elle essaya de rompre le baiser, il lui tint le menton et mordilla doucement sa lèvre inférieure avant de séparer ses lèvres avec sa langue et de la suçoter d'une manière taquine, provoquant un gémissement chez Sonia. Sonia se sentait étourdie. C'était trop beau pour être vrai. Ce devait être un rêve. Comment pourrait-elle expliquer qu'un instant, elle était assise dans le hall d'un hôtel en attendant son éditeur, et l'instant d'après, elle était fiancée à son coup de cœur de célébrité et l'embrassait ici même en public ? (PS : Photo m'appartient. Art par @imagineTishaD)
Miss_Behaviour · 358.5K Views

Bluthexer: Sukkubus-Partner in der Apokalypse

Das legendäre Mana erreichte schließlich den Planeten Erde und veranlasste alle Lebewesen, offiziell den Weg der Evolution einzuschlagen. Tiere verwandelten sich in furchterregende Bestien, einige Pflanzen erlangten ein Selbstbewusstsein, und Menschen, die der Manawelle widerstehen konnten, erlangten die Fähigkeit, durch den Sieg über mächtige Feinde Fähigkeiten zu erwerben. Der gesamte Planet trat in eine neue Ära ein, in der die alten Gesetze fielen. Das einzige Gesetz war das Gesetz des Dschungels, in dem die Stärksten die Schwächsten verschlangen. Bai Zemin, ein scheinbar normaler College-Student, entpuppte sich als ein unvergleichliches Genie auf dem Gebiet der Magie. Dadurch erregte er die Aufmerksamkeit einer schönen Dämonin, die seine Partnerin auf seiner Reise an die Spitze wurde. Gott, Engel, Dämon, Drache, Vampir, Werwolf; keine Existenz wird es wert sein, sein Feind zu sein! Haftungsausschluss: Die \"Erde\" in diesem Roman ist nicht dieselbe Erde, auf der wir derzeit leben, also benutzen Sie bitte nicht Ihren gesunden Menschenverstand für diesen Roman. Es handelt sich schließlich um reine Fantasie. *** Erzielte Erfolge: #Top 1 der Verkaufszahlen für mehr als 1 Jahr in Folge. #Platz 1 bei den Goldenen Scheinen für 10 Monate in Folge. #Unter den Top 25 in allen Charts seit der Veröffentlichung. #Gewinner des 1. Platzes beim beliebtesten Webroman-Event 2021. #Gewinner einer möglichen Adaption. *** Unterstützen Sie mich: pat
XIETIAN · 242.7K Views

Win My Husband Over to Find My Child

Witty FL x Adorkable ML + a cute bun + a talking crochet fox ---------- After the sudden death of her boyfriend, Leslie Song has been single-handedly raising her precious little daughter Calliope. It’s a difficult life, but it’s a happy one. A freak accident puts an end to that. As Leslie lies dying on the road, watching Calliope breathe her last, she curses her helplessness. Calliope’s crochet fox seems to hear her. It opens its mouth and asks, “Do you want to see your daughter again? If so, follow me. Her soul has already left for another world.” Leslie agrees. That’s the last thing she remembers before losing consciousness. When she opens her eyes again, she finds herself—or rather, her soul—standing beside her unconscious body on a hospital bed. “How is this supposed to help me find Calliope!” she exclaims. “This is not your body. Your body is dead. This is my original host, Charlene Li,” explains the toy fox. “You can possess her body to find Calliope, but if you do, you must finish her uncompleted mission for her.” “And what mission is that?” “To marry the second most eligible CEO in the city.” ‘This,’ Leslie concludes, ‘is a scam.’ But she has no other choice. ********** Meanwhile, the second most eligible bachelor in the city, Calix Xu, is patting himself on the back for thwarting his grandmother’s attempts to marry him off. After exhausting all of his tricks and excuses, he has resorted to marrying the comatose daughter of the Li family. Calix smiles, pleased with himself, "Aren't I smart? Grandmother can do nothing now." But… why is he seeing his newly-wedded wife hovering beside her own body? Before he can react, his wife—the moving one—floats towards him. "Husband! Help me find my child!" “Your child?” Calix asks weakly before doing the only reasonable thing he can do in such a situation. He faints. ---------- WSA 2024 entry! Commissioned cover and character images by yuuri_e (Instagram)
hansora · 1.2M Views

The Mighty Mage

Gu Jin the boss of a top mafia organization was stunned to find that she had suddenly arrived in Magic World. She thought she transmigrated in a novel about Magic, and she became a supporting character who would die protecting the Female lead, and this is all due to her incompetency in magic. Gu Jin laughed 'incompetency?' She can die in every possible way but not due to incompetency. Before transmigration, she was the queen of the mafia world, a strong-willed iron lady. After transmigration, she became a good-for-nothing? She was nothing but a potential mage. She took an oath to become a Heaven Rank Mage. Every colleague of hers despised her until one day they got to know about her potential. Incompetency? She has a special body type which grants her power to have multiple elements while others only had few. Not talented enough? While others were cultivating and having trouble learning alchemy, she cultivated, made formulas of her own, and learned other things too. Is poor? Sorry with her talent in business and alchemy, she had built a business empire of her own and ranks among the top rich individuals! Does she have no supporters? The citizens of Fujio worship her like a god. Her popularity is more than that of the female lead. Has no family? So what! The little boy she adopted is Beast Tamer, the little girl she rescued was a Mystic cultivator. But the drama began when her biological family picked her up. Turns out the Female Lead was the fake daughter and Gu Jin was the real daughter. The Female lead warned her, "Eldest Brother, Second Brother, and Third Sister are too cold, if they ignore you and you feel hurt I will apologize on their behalf, after all, I am their beloved person." Gu Jin didn't have much hope from her biological family, since the female lead was so lovable... she was sure that they wouldn't love her. However... The Eldest Brother of the family patted Gu Jin's head, "I bought this Star Level Artifact for fun you can have it." Gu Jin: "..." The Second Brother of the family who had a cold nature chuckled, "Who dares to taunt Gu Jin? I will chop off their finger...I mean I will have a civilized talk with them! " Gu Jin:"..." The Third Sister of the family secret sneaked into Gu Jin's room every day and claimed to have a headache, "Sister Jin~ Let me sleep with you~ I am having a headache." Gu Jin: "..." Was the female lead telling her the truth? Why was everything so different? .............................................. Follow the journey of Gu Jin to become a powerful mage. This is an original work. My English is not so good so please bear with me.
LittleRabbit1111 · 969.3K Views

Female Consort (GL)

In Qiu Che’s previous life, she disguised herself as a man to take the imperial examination for her brother. For the so-called great plan of her father and brother, she married the most favored princess of the dynasty, Li Qingwu, at all costs. But after ten years of marriage, she never touched her finger. On the day she became the powerful prime minister, she died at the hands of her biological father. Her brother stepped on her corpse and became famous. And she died quietly in the prime minister’s mansion in the cold spring night. It was her wife who she had never seen once, who collected her corpse for her, set fire to the prime minister’s mansion, and finally committed suicide with a sword in front of her grave. When she opened her eyes again, she returned to the eighteenth year of Zhenfeng. It was the year when she had just passed the imperial examination and was in high spirits. She rode a horse through the streets, and suddenly raised her eyes and saw a man standing by the pavilion with a crowd on his left and right, looking at her quietly from top to bottom. Vermilion mole, red lips, beautiful beyond compare. In her eyes are endless sparks. It was not until this life that Qiu Che finally knew that the bad fate in her previous life, which she thought was obtained by despicable calculation, was actually the fate that Li Qingwu had sought after three bows and nine kowtows in the Golden Palace. She is Li Qingwu, a model of a lady from a noble family, and she is a rebellious person only once in her life. It is also the one that the other party has been seeking for countless days and nights. Reading Guide: ① A little bloody and ancient style, one-way secret love becomes two-way running ② 1v1, HE ③ Fictional historical background, it is a refreshing article, sweet and sour, believe me (patting the chest.jpg)
Crimson_Lore · 972 Views

Naruto: Chronicles of a Fire Ninja

The MC transmigrates to the Narutoverse in the body of an orphan boy from the Senju clan, as a normal person from modern Earth he has little to no fighting experience, but luckily time is something he has a lot as Naruto is just 6 months old so, he can slowly build his strength to live a "Peace-full" life ##### Gain early access and support my work on Patreon, Join the journey and unlock exclusive content together.- Without '-' after pat (^~^) ##### /***** I have posted images of the main character in the review section and comments on first 3 chapters you guys can see them there:D ******/ Warning: 1. This is not a story where MC will get powers overnight and become overpowered in Narutoverse, he will slowly build his strength, not too slow but not too fast 2. There will be a lot of killing and when I say killing I mean brutal one too 3. this novel will also have an academic arc too 4. BARUTO is a big no for me as I am a die-hard fan of Naruto so the plot of Baruto is not in this novel 5. our MC is smart and not some hot-headed fool so, don't expect him to put his life in danger all the time(and yes he is super handsome and you can see in the cover photo) Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create). The image used in the cover is generated using AI after many tries :P Same novel with less grammatical errors-
FirstHokage · 2.3M Views

My NTR Harem

[IT'S NETORI, not the disgusting Netorare] COUGH Since our lazy author-nim is a bit... let's say, challenged in the synopsis-writing department, I'm stepping in. Sigh... now he's making me do his job too... X( Let's hope he can at least complete my story. Anyway, I'm Lucian, a 35-year-old guy with a rare disease that's cutting my time short. But here I am, working till my last breath sigh. *KNOCK* Oh, a guest! Gotta be quick—can't keep a lady waiting. So, after I kicked the bucket, I woke up in a body that kinda looked like mine but not really. Turns out, I'm on a flipped planet ruled by women. And guess what? I'm married to a cold and crazy ya#SPOILER#. My new mom? Total #SPOILER#. Then I *CENSORED* her right in *BEEP* of my new dad. To get stronger, I need to travel to #SPOILER#. Instead of a cool system, I got a useless b... *BANG* (gunshot). Due to health related issues, Lucian will be taking off, and the author will continue from here... "Kyaaa!! The patient died from a gunshot!" Don’t worry, Doc. He was on borrowed time anyway. So, let’s talk about what this story has. "B-But, he still had a few months to—" *BANG* So, here's what you can expect: Revenge, mystery, a bit of comedy, an overpowered MC (maybe), all the deredere, milfs a lot of them, wince... *COUGH*, hacking, a hero, a villain, manipulation, crime and a lot more. What you won’t find here: NTR, Yuri, a girlfriend, a job?, etc. Now, the serious stuff. This story aims to keep things light and happy but will have its fair share of sad and rage moments. Alright, that's it for now; I need to go, or we might actually lose our MC before the story even starts... For those who prefer to keep things PG, feel free to skip the R-18 chapters. We understand, really! And for those who pride themselves on being ‘Men of Culture,’ get ready to savor the spice. Bon appétit! --- **Bonus Chapter Alert!** Donate over two hundred power stones for an extra chapter, and four to five extra chapters for a super gift (if the story gets contracted). Discord link:
Jin_moon · 1.2M Views

Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers(1st book of four)

Edward's touch was gentle yet electrifying as he drew Seutsui closer, his lips seeking hers with a hunger that mirrored her own. As their mouths met in a fervent kiss, a rush of heat surged between them. With a tender caress, Edward's tongue traced the curve of Seutsui's lips, seeking entrance to the depths of her being. As she parted her lips in silent invitation, he delved inside, their tongues entwining with desire.  *** He crouched down to my height and sighed. " Listen here, muffin," he began, his tone gentle yet firm "I wish I could tell you, but I think it's better if we wait for Saitous. So now, be a good girl and stop worrying so much, okay?" There was no room for Argument yet his voice... I didn't feel the reliance I always felt when he talked. He gently patted my hair and walked towards his room. This is worrying me more and more... "Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers" A lost princess unravels her hidden truth, setting forth on a courageous journey to reclaim her birthright. "Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers" chronicles the tale of hushed longings echoing through the challenging path she forges. With a delicate yet determined spirit, the princess stands resolute in fighting for her and her people. Amidst the thorns, the only confidant she had and wanted yet struggled to keep was a possessive and potent man whose love was clouded by warmth just for her. Why should she struggle? Who would dare to touch her with him beside her? Who would dare to take her from him? As she grapples with her own conflicted emotions will she be able to survive two people? One in whom she finds her solace and where she planted her love and one who claims her as his yet dare to be so cruel to her. Can she navigate the treacherous path to her rights while finding warmth in the most unexpected places? Content Warning: Attention Readers: This is a work of fiction intended to transport you to another dimension of storytelling. However, it may ventures into dark romance, exploring themes such as abuse, graphic fantasies, captivity, violence, and non-consensual acts. Please be aware that these themes are depicted in a graphic manner. Characters and incidents in this book are purely products of the author's imagination and are works of fiction. While sweet romance is also present, it's imperative not to disregard this warning. If you find certain content distressing or triggering, take the necessary steps to prioritize your mental well-being. Your emotional health is paramount, and it's perfectly acceptable to opt out of reading if you feel uncomfortable. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
NHK · 8.5K Views

The Billionaire's Rental Wife Is A Hot Shot

“I will let you be on top from tonight, please don’t divorce me, darling!” ----- Evelyn’s fairytale life shattered when a stranger stormed in, claiming to be the real daughter of the Wright family with proof. Her enviable privileges? Stripped away. Her spotless reputation? Tarnished. Her four-year engagement? Abruptly annulled. But the worst betrayal came from her once-loving father, all set to marry her off to settle a business score—with a man twice her age! Everyone in the circle attended this scandalous wedding, eager to witness the downfall of the supposed fake heiress. Yet, the climax was not what even Evelyn had anticipated! Zevian Reign, the nation’s richest tycoon, known for being every woman’s fantasy and the nightmare of all his rivals, made a dramatic entrance. His arrival stunned the guests, but his brazen wish was even more startling! He casually demanded to replace the groom and marry the beautiful bride. No one dared to challenge, nor did anyone have the guts to disobey him. They were left with no choice but to watch the wedding unfold. And it was Evelyn’s time to smirk, for she was now the devil’s wife. And all those who had ruined her, they would pay back in tenfold! ++++ [Excerpt] "Why would I ditch my husband for a loser?" Evelyn chuckled, crossing her arms defiantly. "He is better than him in all the aspects." Her gaze drifted to her ex-fiancé nearby, and she continued with a smirk, "Actually, a lot better in bed." As Annabelle’s face flushed with disdain, Evelyn patted her back and leaned in to deliver another slap. "So, good luck with licking my leftovers, dear step-sister. He's a perfect match for you."
Zelra · 1M Views

The Reborn Mom: Trapped in Her Son's Rivalry Drama

After Lin Xu's death, she realized the world she lived in was actually a novel. Her eldest son was a twisted villain obsessed with imprisoning the novel's heroine, engaging in dark and sinister "locked-room" games. Her second son was a morally dubious villain who would casually draw blood or harvest organs from stand-ins to save his "white moonlight" — the novel's heroine. And her only daughter? A hopelessly love-struck supporting character who revolved around the novel's male lead. "A mother's failure to teach her children is her own fault," Lin Xu thought after being reborn. Determined, she resolved to straighten out these rebellious kids. But before she could act, her eldest son's cold and intimidating face turned slightly red as he murmured, "Can you... pat my head?" Her second son turned away with a cold huff, his tone full of tsundere pride. "I... I’m not going home. But if you insist, I might consider it." Her daughter ran over and ruthlessly shoved her brothers aside. "Mom, come help me with this question~" Later, her two sons ended up in a full-on brawl over a bowl of noodles Lin Xu had made. The novel's heroine? Who cared about her when their mother was more important? Meanwhile, her daughter completely reinvented herself, determined that no male lead from any novel would interfere with her studies! The family became a harmonious and lively bunch. Then, one day, her supposedly deceased husband, who had lost his memory, suddenly reappeared. He cornered her against a wall, his eyes filled with struggle. "Even if you’re married, I still love you." Lin Xu pretended to be serious. "Oh? So what should we do about that?" He pulled her into a tight embrace, his voice deep and pained. "Divorce him!" Lin Xu chuckled to herself. "Alright, I'll divorce him right away." But when her husband regained his memory, he gritted his teeth and declared, "Divorce? Over my dead body!"
KatherineJe · 3.9K Views

Beastlord Supreme

The Beastlord’s Second Chance Ethan Cross was a legend, a walking nightmare for his enemies, and a self-proclaimed genius of beast taming. By the end of his deeply exhausting career, he’d tamed creatures so powerful that kings avoided making eye contact with him out of fear of being accidentally mauled. His crowning achievement? Defeating the World Devourer, a cosmic garbage disposal capable of eating planets, magic, and your will to live. He sealed it away, saved the world, and heroically died in the process. Or so he thought. Instead of eternal rest or even a pat on the back from the gods, Ethan wakes up in his old, eighteen-year-old body. No wealth, no legendary beasts, and no dignity. Just a moth-eaten shirt, a pair of pants that could sand wood, and Scruff. A pigeon masquerading as a Wind Falcon with the coordination of a drunk squirrel. Turns out, starting over is worse the second time around. The world still revolves around beast taming: kingdoms are built on creature power, social hierarchies are determined by the strength of your companions, and everyone pretends they know what they’re doing. Ethan knows better. He lived through this circus once, and he’s determined to rewrite the script this time. The plan is to gather the most powerful beasts early, stop the rise of future disasters, and definitely avoid the whole “die heroically while saving everyone” thing. The problem? Valeria Drake, an insufferable prodigy with a Dire Wolf and a superiority complex, is still around to ruin his day. Oh, and the World Devourer might not be as sealed as he thought. Armed with an unhealthy amount of sarcasm, and the overwhelming desire to avoid his past mistakes, Ethan is ready to claw his way back to the top. Maybe. Assuming he doesn’t trip over his own hubris or get mauled by something embarrassing like a feral raccoon. Because the world isn’t going to save itself, and this time, Ethan would really like some applause when he’s done, or simply at least a decent pair of pants.
Chill_Capybara · 5.1K Views

Monster Hunter: Auros

His eyes snapped open. Sounds of wildlife were all around him, and they became rowdier as he felt his consciousness returning to his body. His back was propped on something hard and uneven. Reflexively, he sat up. His eyes were immediately scanning his surroundings in a slow motion, seeing only overgrown forest in every direction. His eyebrows raised majestically as he found that he was lying down in the middle of a clearing, vine-laden trees enclosing the space. A sudden premonition struck him. Patting his clothes and pockets, then his whole body, he sighed in relief. Nothing had happened to his body. His limbs were intact, as was his head. The thing he had stored in his pockets was nowhere to be found, but he was in one piece. Considering what he had gone through, it was a miracle that none of those things had eaten him yet. Checking his vicinity one more time and finding no immediate threats, he slowly stood up, eyes vigilant against movement among the trees and their branches that entwined the sky above. The air was full of the sounds of birds. The canopy swayed restlessly over him as those small creatures hopped from one branch to another. He recalled what they were: Anothraxes. They weren’t a threat when they were alone, but once they congregated on a single hunter, they became C-level dangers. He had to stay hidden as he moved if he wanted to avoid the critters. Fortunately the ground was endorsed full with lush undergrowth, some of the plants reaching heights that could hide his body even if he only slightly bent his knees. Deciding what he needed to do, he made to dive into the conevenient natural cover for hunters, when his feet struck something that was hidden under a bush. It made a dull cluttering noise, like metal striking against ground. As he looked at his feet, he saw a familiar handle-like object. It was only one part of an item, and the rest of it was gone. He crouched low to retrieve it but felt slight resistance. Comprehending, he used his free hand to break apart the bramble while the hand holding the broken item tugged on it. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
WebnovelCreator101 · 11.6K Views

My Dear Duke(BL)

On his 20th birthday, Asher's mother confessed something he never expected. After the truth was revealed, she died giving her last blessing to him. That's when Asher found himself all alone, confused about his own identity and worrying about his future. What did she say? -He was someone special? -Someone people would come after? She said he was coming from a very rare but also a very special race called omega where men could get pregnant. Was it real? At first, Asher strictly refused to accept his mother's confession. But in the end, he had to believe it. Because it was the bitter truth. If he was really coming from such a rare race, and had such a special body, did he have to live all his life hiding so he wouldn't get caught and become someone's plaything? Was that the only way to avoid getting the bad ending his father got? Why was he even born as someone like this?! He just wanted a peaceful life. So, it wouldn't be as dangerous as his mother said if he just forgot he was special and lived like a normal person, right? People would not notice. Alas, it's been a long time since people last saw an omega and they must be believing no omega exists now. At least that's what he thought... He thought people might have forgotten about his existence and he would not have to face any problems in the future.  Whether he was special or not, he still became a target. When he was kidnapped and auctioned as a slave, he regretted ignoring his mother's last advice. "Don't trust anyone easily. Your safety is in your hands and protecting yourself is your duty." He could only blame himself and expect for the worst if his special identity was to get revealed and meet the same end as his father did. However, his fate gave him a second chance along with a huge surprise which changed his life for the better. Hopefully, Asher was saved by the so-called 'bloodthirsty monster' duke and brought to his mansion to babysit his spoiled 10-year-old little sister who threw tantrums declaring she wants Asher to pat her head and comfort her. Just to babysit this adorable, little girl.  He was safe. His secret was also secured within himself. Thanks to that chaotic sister and brother, Asher's life slowly took new turns and continued with almost no obstacles...till some point. The surprise? The duke happened to have some kind of a 'strange' illness that had no cure. Not long after when Asher discovered it, he ended up becoming the perfect cure for his illness. But how? -Remember? He was 'special'! Where would his specialty as an omega lead his life to? What kind of mysteries would he have to encounter with this duke wishing comfort from him?  Will the duke's 'strange' illness ever get healed? How would their story flow to that perfect happy ending with the twist of love landing in the middle of their 'just a deal'? ________________ Note:  This story continues in a historical timeline. Similar to omegaverse, but not the same omegaverse universe. Magic, revenge, dukes, royal families, curses, spells, heats, ruts... (The book cover is from Pinterest. Respect to the artist.)
Sweet_Vanilla553 · 898.8K Views

L'excentrique de la meute : Un mystre dvoiler

Dans le monde des loups-garous, des sorcires et des vampires, aadhya, une humaine, s'est toujours demand si elle avait vraiment sa place dans cet univers. Peu importe le nombre de fois o elle s'est pose la question, la rponse tait toujours la mme... OUI Ses parents taient l'un des couples de betas les plus puissants (seconds en commandement) de leur poque sur tout le continent. Mais mme avec le sang de beta qui coulait dans ses veines, aadhya savait qu'elle tait diffrente de tous les loups-garous qu'elle avait rencontrs dans sa vie. Elle n'avait pas les sens surdvelopps des loups-garous, elle ne s'tait mme pas transforme en loup lorsqu'elle avait atteint l'ge appropri, ce qui l'avait automatiquement catalogue comme "l'trangre de la meute". Mme aprs avoir t traite comme une paria, harcele par les autres enfants loups et se rveillant chaque jour avec ce rire inquitant et ce cauchemar qui semblait toujours trop rel pour n'tre qu'un rve, elle ne s'est jamais laisse abattre. Elle s'est pousse au maximum et s'est entrane comme tous les loups de leur meute. C'tait le jour de son vingtime anniversaire lorsqu'elle a soudainement ressenti les 'picotements de l'me soeur' au contact de son bourreau numro un, le futur alpha de leur meute Ethan Smith. Elle savait que rien n'allait tre normal partir du moment o elle avait ressenti ce premier frisson mais elle ne savait pas que rien dans sa vie n'a jamais t normal depuis qu'elle est venue au monde. Ethan acceptera-t-il le don du lien de l'me soeur et laissera-t-il derrire lui sa petite amie qui est une louve de haut rang pour une humaine ? aadhya survivra-t-elle tout ce qui va bientt se drouler sur son chemin ? Rejoignez aadhya dans le voyage de sa vie qui est rempli de mystres, d'action, de romance et de nombreux rebondissements.. Lisez «The Pack's Weirdo: A mystery to Unveil» pour tmoigner des montagnes russes d'motions et voir comment la vie d'une humaine ordinaire 'aadhya' se dploie dans le monde des loups-garous. Dj aim et apprci par des milliers de lecteurs travers le monde sur diffrentes plateformes de livres lectroniques. La premire uvre signe de l'auteur Mudita Upreti.
Mudita Upreti · 1.1K Views


"You're sitting on my chair, idiot!" I growled at him, I know I was stupidly brave with no backup. "Sweetheart, your place is here" He said in a seductive tone, patting his thigh. "You..." I gritted. He slowly stepped into the moonlight, instantly recognizing him "God of Death" I muttered faintly. "Don't compare him to me. I don't take souls when their time is done but enjoy the souls that are offered to me to satiate my pleasure" He snarled "And now you can't escape from me" My breath hitched. "Who the hell are you?" I demanded He pulled me towards him, crushing my body with his. Lazily with an impend butterfly kisses down my throat, and I struggled in his tight embrace. "I'm the hell himself, baby. I'm The Devil you seek, My Queen" With that he crashed his lips onto mine. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Will it be a twisted fate or a fated twist for them? ~*~*~*~*~*~ "I'm no HERO, You shouldn't have treated as ONE" RUDRA VEER PRATAP RATHORE - 'Tainting this world red was never my intention but an obligation for finding her'. CEO of the Rathore.Inc, King of Jodhpur, and God himself sculpted the 'Devil Of the Sins'. One decision flipped his destiny, Everything shattered beyond his grasp. Yet he will still choice that path to have her. His beast of Darkness turned into the Demon of Hell, together searching for their Master, their Queen. She was meant to Kill Him but one spark was all required... "I'm the Devil, My Queen" ~*~*~*~*~ "Princess is my Title, Monster is my Nature and I'm your Fucking Nightmare" LILITH ISHA ROMANIO - 'They say I'm a psychopath but I preferably say that I'm creative' Sussex of Spain, Queen of the Underworld, and Angels crafted her bit by bit from the pits of hell to eradicate the Devil created by God. At one point wiping out the forced Sin of Lust was her main priority, In the next second she, herself was attracted to the God of Lust. Like the Icing on the cake, He was God himself, 'God of Death' that she was tantalized. "This is my Hell bitch and I Make the Rules" ~*~*~*~*~
Selene_Romanio · 10.5K Views

Une belle Luna après le rejet

Cecily était une fille maigre sans amis. Pourtant, comme toutes les autres filles, elle aspirait au véritable amour. Elle avait toujours eu le béguin pour Robert, le fils de l'Alpha de leur Meute. Cependant, pour son dix-huitième anniversaire, elle découvrit que Robert était son Âme Soeur ! Avant qu'elle ne puisse l'enlacer d'excitation, Robert avait déjà repoussé sa main comme un détritus. « Tu ne deviendras pas mon Âme Soeur. Fais comme si rien ne s'était passé aujourd'hui. Pars et garde ta langue. Ne dis rien que tu ne devrais pas dire ! » Robert reluquait publiquement la sexy et belle blonde Alison lors de leur remise des diplômes au lycée. Le voyage de fin d'études transforma Cecily, la rendant plus forte, plus confiante, plus éclatante, et plus belle et sexy. De plus, Robert, qui l'a retrouvée sur le campus de son collège plus tard, commença à la poursuivre. « Tu devrais être ma Luna. Désormais, nous vivrons ensemble. Nous aurons beaucoup d'enfants. Ils seront en bonne santé et intelligents. » Les yeux de Robert étaient remplis de luxure. Les assiduités de Robert rendaient Cecily dégoûtée et nauséeuse ! Comme Cecily ne pouvait se protéger de Robert en raison de la différence de force, Michael apparut. « Tes actions te rendent indigne en tant qu'Alpha. » Michael regardait Robert avec dédain. Lors de l'intronisation de Robert en tant qu'Alpha, Cecily ne pouvait plus tolérer ses assiduités. « Moi, Cecily Levin, je rejette Robert Paslo en tant qu'âme soeur. » Quand Robert était furieux et souffrant, voulant blesser Cecily, Michael réapparut ! « Cecily était l'Âme Soeur arrangée par la Déesse de la Lune pour moi. » Michael regardait Cecily doucement. « Quiconque ose la toucher manque de respect à la famille royale. »
JQK · 233.2K Views

The Great Spaghetti Incident [GSTRDB]

A Note from Barnaby Twiddlepot Dear Reader, Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Barnaby Twiddlepot—inventor, dreamer, and, some might say, the architect of one of the most infamous culinary catastrophes in history: The Great Spaghetti Incident. It is a tale as tangled and twisted as the spaghetti it spawned, and I feel both duty-bound and curiously delighted to tell you my side of the story. This book is not merely an account of the absurd events that unfolded in Flipsville that fateful summer. No, it is a testament to ambition gone awry, to the sheer unpredictability of invention, and to the fragile boundary between genius and madness. What began as an innocent attempt to revolutionize dinner parties ended with an entire town engulfed in a wave of pasta-shaped pandemonium. Through these pages, you will witness my humble beginnings, the birth of the Spaghettifier, and the escalating chaos that turned my quaint little backyard laboratory into ground zero for an unprecedented incident. You will laugh, you will cringe, and perhaps you will even find yourself questioning your next plate of spaghetti. This is not merely my story. It is the story of a town, a machine, and a series of events that would forever etch the name Flipsville into the annals of culinary history. I have done my best to recount the events faithfully, but let me assure you, the truth is stranger than any fiction I could ever concoct. So, prepare yourself, dear reader, for a journey into the absurd. As you turn these pages, remember: no noodle is ever just a noodle, and sometimes, the simplest ideas can spiral completely out of control. Bon appétit... and good luck. Yours in tangled ambition, Barnaby Twiddlepot Inventor, accidental calamity maker, and reluctant chronicler of the Great Spaghetti Incident.
Screen_Gaming · 1.2K Views
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