The Lost Sanctum
When mysterious rifts tear open across the world during World War I, humanity is brought to the brink of extinction by the invading Abyssal Creatures. The Global Defense Accord is formed to combat the otherworldly threat, but conventional weapons prove useless. Hope is reignited when a group of elite soldiers, the Voidwalkers, returns from the rifts with supernatural powers, turning the tide in humanity's favor.
A century later, the world is still rebuilding, and the rifts' true nature remains an enigma. Amidst the chaos, a mysterious figure young man named Nexus appears in the ruins of a shattered building. Nexus becomes a pivotal force in the ongoing battle. As humanity fights for survival, Nexus’s presence hints at deeper secrets and a conflict far greater than anyone can imagine. But as secrets unravel, Nexus may be the key to salvation—or the trigger for an even greater catastrophe.
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