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Air Mata Surga

La Esposa del Demonio

``` *Romance Histórico de Queima Lenta* Lady Elise estava prestes a trocar pelo vestido que estava jogado no canto da sua cama quando ouviu uma batida suave vindo de sua porta. Curiosa, ela girou a maçaneta e viu um homem alto se impondo à sua frente. “Mestre Ian!” Ela chamou. Ian sorriu com o sorriso maroto de sempre que ele sempre usava. Seus olhos carmesins percorreram o quarto dela e avistaram o vestido preto sobre a sua cama e direcionaram o olhar para a mulher à sua frente. Ele deu um passo à frente e falou. “Onde você conseguiu esse vestido?” “O Sr. Harland me deu.” Lady Elise respondeu e esticou o pescoço para ver as sobrancelhas de Ian se unindo em sua elegância. “Você sabe por que um homem adoraria dar um vestido a uma mulher?” Ele fez um enigma que ela sempre tinha que pensar duas vezes antes de responder. Mas dessa vez, ela não encontrou resposta e, em vez disso, balançou a cabeça. “Não sei.” Seu sorriso se tornou encantador como se algo tivesse despertado no profundo dos olhos escarlates que ele tinha. Ele lentamente deslizou sua mão pela gola do vestido dela, enviando um arrepio frio que a assustou por um momento devido a sua temperatura congelante. Depois de desabotoar os dois primeiros botões na gola, ele inclinou sua cabeça para baixo, sussurrando em seu ouvido. “Porque eles querem ser os primeiros a despir o tecido.” Ele pausou e beijou seu pescoço, tornando a pele pálida em vermelho antes de retrair seu movimento para arrumar o olhar sobre ela e respondeu de forma despreocupada. “Infelizmente, você não pode vestir o vestido ali com isso.” Ele riu e passou uma caixa para as mãos dela. “E a notícia boa é que preparei um vestido para você.” Lady Elise era uma garota amaldiçoada que podia ver fantasmas. Sua família a odiava e a jogava de uma família adotiva para outra. No entanto, a desgraça não agia sozinha. Quando ela foi criada por sua tia, foi vendida como escrava. Quando pensou que se tornaria nada mais do que um sacrifício ao feiticeiro, foi salva por um homem cuja identidade era muito diferente de um ser mitológico normal. *** Este livro é ORIGINAL e não é uma Tradução Junte-se ao discord do Autor(a): ```
mata0eve · 134.4K Views

Sang Seniman Bela Diri yang Beralih Menjadi Konglomerat Film

[Industri Hiburan + Wanita Utama yang Kuat + Cerita Menarik + Identitas Tersembunyi] Pemimpin Muda Sekte Tang, Tang Shu, yang mahir dalam Teknik Racun dan Senjata Tersembunyi, telah tertransmigrasi dan menjadi pendatang baru tingkat 18, debut sebagai aktris pendukung. Setelah acara variety show disiarkan: Haters: "Aku sebenarnya menganggap Tang Shu itu cukup menggemaskan. Ada yang salah dengan aku?" Ketika Lembaga Penelitian Teknik Mesin Nasional mengumumkan: Miss Tang adalah konsultan penelitian kunci yang kami tunjuk. Haters: "Apa????" Ketika seorang ahli pengobatan Tiongkok yang berwibawa mengungkapkan selama wawancara: Pengembangan jenis obat baru sangat berhutang pada Tang Shu. Haters: "Bukankah ini terlalu kebetulan?" Ketika Departemen Restorasi Porselen dengan terang-terangan menyatakan: Tidak ada yang melebihi Tang Shu dalam bidang restorasi porselen dan kaligrafi serta lukisan. Haters: "Apakah lotus putih ini menjadi sedikit terlalu memabukkan?" Ketika seorang big V Weibo dengan jutaan penggemar tanpa sengaja menunjukkan wajahnya selama siaran langsung... Para haters semua menyatakan bahwa pikiran mereka terpukau! *** Jing Yu, anak kesayangan surga, selalu mempunyai cengkeraman besi dan karir yang sukses sampai— dia bertemu dengan Tang Shu. Di dalam bioskop, setelah menonton empat atau lima film berturut-turut, dia menyadari orang yang duduk di sebelahnya tidak berubah, menikmati popcorn dengan sangat lahap. Tenggorokan Jing Yu bergerak sedikit; wanita ini sedang merayunya. Berhadapan di sebuah kedai kopi, dia secara acak mengeluarkan sedotan dua sisi dan meletakkannya di cangkirnya. Mata Jing Yu merah; wanita ini pasti sedang merayunya!
Rain Chen Zhenzhen · 65.9K Views

To His Hell and Back

Sold by her father, Bella short for Arabella, was forced to live a life as a slave that would entertain the guests of the castle. The job of slaves were merely to be humiliated and to have as feast once they became a boring creature toward the guests. Arabella with her fierce attitude had only caused more trouble than good, although that helped her from being feasted by the vampires until her body dried up, the vampires also enjoy in harming her, toying with her, hoping to see that one day she would break. However she had caught the wrong attention by those crimson gaze, eventually being the toy of the one and only Mad Crown Prince of Versailles. Eventually this interest only cause her to be more tangled by the twisted and thorny battle for the Throne. Will eventually Bella concede and accept the Mad crown prince? Or will she finally succeed in running away from his grasp. Why her? *** excerpt*** Arabella felt her wrists stung as the shackle around her wrist jingled from the sudden pull. She then met with the icy red eyes that brood down upon her appearance, drinking into every inch of her figure as if he was studying her, even to how those breaths escaped her lips. "I thought we had bonded over the days we have spent together, Bella," he sang, his bright scarlet eyes betraying the singing tone he had used as it had grown so dark and filled with anger. "Yet you left so quickly as soon as I opened the castle gate." Bella gritted her teeth, her eyes glaring at him as she defiantly shook his hand off her face, "I can remind you if you have forgotten it, Your Majesty, I am kept here against my wish." Cassius' smile faded as he stared at her. The sudden pin-drop silence filled her nerves with tension as she found his smileless face the most terrifying sight. She had always known his fearsome side however, it felt scarier tonight. Bella tried to endure how loud her heart had raced against her chest, gathering her breaths together even though it remained shallow in his presence. "So cold," he muttered, his tone trying to tease her, but she could see the raw anger crossing his eyes. "You cannot run from me. Not after what we've done. Not after what you promised." Her heart faltered. She wasn't supposed to stay in this castle; she knew that the royal palace was filled with those vampire monsters who would kill for their desire, simply to have fun. She knew she should never give her heart to any of these monsters, and she had once believed she would never. But that was until Cassius came. She had made that promise because her heart had betrayed her, and she wished that she had never uttered that promise. Promises she had made to him on the call of love. Yet deep within her, a part of her still crave for him. "You're not the first one I have broken my promises with," she gritted her teeth and looked up at him, "I broke my promise the way you broke yours first, isn't it fair?" "Fair? Then was everything a lie, Arabella?" he murmured, his hands cupping her face, forcing her to meet his eyes. "You were mine the moment you entered my castle. And you will be mine until the very end." She gulped as his eyes shone underneath the moonlight, his gaze unforgiving over her, exposing his wild hunger. Her breath caught, her pulse quickening. "A human and a vampire should have never stayed together. They were all right." "I don't care," he spoke through his clenched jaw. "You're going to remain here by my side forever."
mata0eve · 42.6K Views

Sovereign of the Eternal Flame

Sovereign of the Eternal Flame Di dunia di mana para kultivator dapat membelah langit dan menghancurkan bumi, Qin Tian hanyalah seorang anak kecil ketika desanya dihancurkan tanpa ampun oleh pertempuran para ahli di langit. Tak berdaya dan penuh ketakutan, dia menyaksikan kehancuran dan kematian dengan mata kepalanya sendiri. Namun, di dalam kegelapan itu, lahirlah tekad yang tak tergoyahkan—dia akan menjadi kuat. Ditinggalkan sendirian di gunung yang dipenuhi binatang buas dan tanaman spiritual, Qin Tian bertahan hidup dengan naluri alami. Tanpa disadari, tubuhnya berubah, diperkuat oleh energi langka yang mengalir dalam darahnya. Saat takdir membawanya ke sebuah gua harta karun, ia menemukan peninggalan seorang kultivator kuno serta… seekor rubah surgawi berekor sembilan. Huo Ling’er, rubah yang memiliki kecantikan menggoda dan sifat polos, menjadi satu-satunya cahaya dalam kehidupan Qin Tian yang dingin dan sunyi. Seiring waktu, hati yang membeku mulai mencair. Namun, di jalan menuju puncak kultivasi, takdir kejam kembali menunggu di tikungan. Ketika Huo Ling’er mengorbankan dirinya demi menyelamatkan Qin Tian, dunia yang sebelumnya hanya ia pandang dengan ketidakpedulian kini terbakar oleh amarah. Dengan kebencian yang melampaui langit dan tekad yang menggetarkan surga, Qin Tian bersumpah… Tak peduli berapa banyak dewa yang harus ia jatuhkan, berapa banyak hukum surgawi yang harus ia langgar, ia akan membawa kembali satu kehidupan yang paling berharga baginya. Api abadi telah dinyalakan. Dan ia akan membakar seluruh langit jika itu yang diperlukan.
Mghnraa · 317 Views

La Novia del Demonio

*Novela de Fantasía Histórica de Amor Lento* Elisa estaba a punto de cambiarse el vestido que yacía sobre la esquina de su cama, cuando oyó un golpe suave procedente de su puerta. Curiosa, giró la perilla de la puerta solo para encontrarse con un hombre alto erguido frente a ella. —¡Señor Ian! —lo llamó. Ian sonrió con la acostumbrada sonrisa maliciosa que siempre usaba. Sus ojos carmesíes se pasearon un poco por su habitación y detectaron el vestido negro sobre su cama y luego desviaron la mirada hacia la mujer que tenía delante. Dio un paso adelante y habló. —¿Dónde conseguiste ese vestido? —Me lo dio el Señor Harland —respondió Elisa y estiró su cuello para ver cómo se fruncían las cejas de Ian en su elegancia. —¿Sabes por qué a un hombre le encantaría regalarle un vestido a una mujer? —él planteó el acertijo que siempre la hacía pensar dos veces antes de responder. Pero esta vez, no encontró respuesta y en su lugar negó con la cabeza—. No sé. Su sonrisa se volvió cautivadora, como si algo se hubiera agitado profundamente dentro de los ojos escarlata que tenía. Lentamente deslizó su mano sobre el cuello de su vestido, enviando un escalofrío frío que la sobresaltó por un momento debido a su baja temperatura. Después de desabotonar los primeros dos botones en su cuello, inclinó su cabeza hacia abajo, susurrándole al oído. —Porque desean ser ellos quienes quiten la tela. Hizo una pausa y besó su cuello, tiñendo la piel pálida de rojo antes de retractar su movimiento para fijar su vista en ella y responder con calma. —Desafortunadamente, no puedes ponerte el vestido de allí con esto —se rió entre dientes y le pasó una caja a su mano—. Y la buena noticia es que te he preparado un vestido. Elisa era una niña maldita que podía ver fantasmas. Su familia la odiaba y la lanzaba de una familia adoptiva a otra. Sin embargo, la desgracia no actuaba sola. Cuando la crió su tía, fue vendida como esclava. Cuando pensó que no sería nada más que un sacrificio para el hechicero, fue salvada por un hombre cuya identidad era muy distinta a la de un ser mítico normal. *** Este libro es ORIGINAL y no es una Traducción Únete al discord del Autor:
mata0eve · 164.2K Views


Di dunia yang terdiri dari tiga lapisan - Surga, Bumi, dan Neraka, dewa-dewa yang berkuasa atas Surga telah lama menindas dan memanfaatkan umat manusia di Bumi. Mereka mengambil putri-putri dari Bumi untuk dijadikan istri mereka, dan mengambil hasil panen untuk kesenangan mereka. Umat manusia di Bumi hidup dalam ketakutan dan penindasan. Mereka tidak berani melawan dewa-dewa, karena mereka memiliki kekuatan yang sangat kuat dan tidak terkalahkan. Namun, di sebuah desa kecil di Bumi, ada seorang bayi yang lahir dengan kekuatan supernatural yang tidak biasa. Bayi itu bernama Arkeus, dan ia adalah anak dari seorang pejuang yang berani dan seorang wanita yang lembut dan bijaksana. Ayah Arkeus, yang bernama Thane, adalah seorang pejuang yang berani dan memiliki kekuatan yang sangat kuat. Ia telah melawan dewa-dewa dalam beberapa pertempuran, namun ia tidak pernah menang. Thane meninggal dalam pertempuran terakhirnya melawan dewa-dewa, meninggalkan Arkeus yang masih bayi dan ibunya yang sedih. Ibu Arkeus, yang bernama Aria, adalah seorang wanita yang lembut dan bijaksana. Ia memiliki kekuatan supernatural yang tidak biasa, namun ia tidak pernah menggunakan kekuatan itu untuk melawan dewa-dewa. Aria lebih memilih untuk hidup dalam damai dan harmoni dengan alam, dan ia mengajarkan Arkeus tentang kekuatan dan keberanian. Arkeus tumbuh menjadi seorang pemuda yang kuat dan berani, dengan kekuatan supernatural yang semakin kuat. Ia memiliki motivasi yang kuat untuk melawan dewa-dewa dan membebaskan umat manusia dari penindasan mereka. Namun, Arkeus tidak tahu bahwa dewa-dewa memiliki rahasia yang tidak diketahui oleh umat manusia, dan bahwa Iblis memiliki motif yang tidak terduga. Arkeus juga tidak tahu bahwa ia memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam perjuangan melawan dewa-dewa dan Iblis.
GREAT_WOLF · 55 Views

War Scars

The drums of war beat a relentless rhythm, echoing across the land and shaping the destinies of three individuals bound together by conflict yet driven by vastly different motivations. Their interwoven and complex stories paint a stark portrait of the human cost of war, shifting perspectives to reveal the brutal truths hidden beneath banners and battle cries. First, we meet Lairia Lights, a 20-year-old knight, the shining beacon of her kingdom. Her name, ironically, reflects the deceptive nature of her reality. Lairia is celebrated as a hero, a symbol of unwavering loyalty and strength. But beneath the polished armor and skilled swordsmanship lies a pawn. Her unwavering devotion to the crown makes her easily manipulated, a weapon wielded by those who prioritize power over principle. She believes in the righteousness of her kingdom’s cause, blindly charging into battles fueled by propaganda and a naive belief in honor. Her narrative is a cautionary tale of blind loyalty. Then there is Aaron Rodgers, an 18-year-old warrior consumed by the fires of revenge. Marked by his race and ostracized by prejudice, Aaron has known hardship since birth. The war has taken everything from him, leaving a burning desire to avenge the injustices inflicted upon his people. Unlike Lairia, Aaron sees the cracks in the kingdom’s facade. He understands the war not as a glorious crusade, but as a brutal land grab fueled by greed and power. His motivations are raw and visceral; he fights not for ideals, but for survival and retribution. His story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, even in the face of overwhelming adversity. Finally, we encounter Clayton Danks, a 37-year-old veteran warrior, a ghost haunted by the specters of his past. Clayton has seen too much, done too much. The war has stripped him of his innocence, leaving him burdened by the weight of his past mistakes. More profoundly, the war has cost him his family, the loss of his daughter a constant, agonizing reminder of the price of conflict. He grapples with PTSD, struggling to reconcile the man he once was with the broken individual he has become. Clayton’s story serves as a stark warning about the long-term consequences of war, the invisible wounds that fester long after the battles have ended. He represents the forgotten casualties, the veterans left to silently battle their demons while the world moves on. As the war intensifies, the paths of Lairia, Aaron, and Clayton are destined to intersect. Will Lairia’s blind loyalty finally be shattered, forcing her to confront the true nature of her kingdom? Can Aaron find solace beyond revenge, or will his thirst for retribution consume him? And will Clayton ever find peace, or is he doomed to forever wander the desolate landscape of his past?
Air_Beather · 549 Views
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