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Parfum Aroma Sabun Mandi

Renascer como Companheira do Alfa Amaldiçoado

O que acontece quando uma deusa se apaixona por um shifter? Asara, a deusa do amor, foi punida por seu pai, o deus do trovão. Seu crime foi se apaixonar por um mortal Alfa shifter. Para pagar por seus pecados, ela renasceu como Cassandra LeBlanc; uma mortal Princesa no mágico Reino de Speldaria. Sua família e seu reino, exceto sua irmã do meio, rejeitaram-na pois ela nasceu sem nenhuma habilidade mágica e não tinha recordações de sua verdadeira identidade. Seu prometido, o poderoso comandante mago de Speldaria, estava indiferente a ela. Ele desejava alguém forte. A vida de Cassandra foi revirada quando ela recebeu um escravo guerreiro pelo poderoso Alfa de Dusartine. Ela foi convidada a participar do Evento Anual da Arena colaborando com o guerreiro. Cassandra, que odiava 'A Arena' com todo o seu ser. Um lugar onde o sangue fluía como vinho e a vida era mais barata que o próprio ar que respiravam, não entendia seu propósito ali. Além disso, o misterioso guerreiro a afetava de maneiras inimagináveis. Seu olhar hipnótico a desestabilizava. Sua essência rara a sobrecarregava. Seu corpo musculoso e bronzeado a consumia com pensamentos pecaminosos. Até mesmo os sonhos de sua vida passada a atormentavam. Quando 'A Arena' começou, as agendas ocultas e verdades subjacentes vieram à tona e Cassandra foi jogada em um destino traçado. Sem escolha, ela teve que ceder e escolher um caminho. A questão seria. Como Cassandra vai lidar quando descobrir sobre a maldição sobre ela? Será que ela será capaz de obter suas habilidades mágicas e enfrentar seu pai? Quem irá ajudá-la em sua jornada? ~Trecho~ Então ela o sentiu, todo ele. Toda a sua aspereza. A força de seu braço. A maciez de seus lábios. O aperto de sua mão. O calor de sua respiração. Cada músculo de seu corpo ficou tenso diante da implicação de dormir nos braços de um homem. Ela nunca havia dormido no abraço de um homem antes. Sua pele inteira formigava como pequenas faíscas dançando nas partes que se conectavam com ele. As fendas de seu cérebro tinham essas memórias que não eram dela. Esse toque de alguma forma não parecia estranho para ela. Ela se sentiu segura em seu abraço calmante e não desejava afastá-lo, mas sabia que isso estava longe de ser apropriado. Cassandra tentou se livrar de seu aperto, seus braços pareciam ser feitos de ferro pois não cediam. A leve vestimenta que ela havia vestido levantou-se de sua coxa leitosa expondo-a enquanto a musculosa e bronzeada dele estava drapeada sobre ela. E agora ela podia sentir algo a cutucando nas costas. Seus olhos de repente se arregalaram com a realização e Cassandra entrou em pânico total. “Solte-me!” Ela disse, pesadamente. Siroos lentamente levantou sua perna e afrouxou seu aperto em sua cintura para que ela pudesse se afastar. Ele havia despertado quando ela endureceu pela primeira vez, mas quis ver o que ela tentaria. Com os olhos arregalados, ela roubou um olhar em direção ao homem que a mantinha envolvida em seu abraço como um tesouro precioso, o tesouro dele. Seus olhos de ouro fundido haviam se aberto e havia essa suavidade e desejo com os quais ele a encarava. Aqueles cachos castanhos macios caíam sobre seus olhos enquanto ele esquecia de piscar, observando a beleza atemporal que ela era. O perfume único dela era uma tortura para os seus sentidos. Como ele desejava agarrar seu tornozelo delicado, puxá-la por ele e tê-la espalhada sob ele. Beijar a própria pele que exalava tal aroma que estava enlouquecendo-o. No lugar disso, ele dobrou o braço e o colocou sob sua bochecha, usando-o como travesseiro para observá-la com olhos cheios de desejo. O silêncio constrangedor entre eles se prolongou enquanto Cassandra limpava a garganta. “Você tinha que subir em mim para dormir?” “Não foi intencional, mas foi certamente tentador e definitivamente não será a última vez.” Sua voz profundamente hipnótica era ainda mais atraente nesta manhã cedo, ressoando ao redor dela. A capa do livro é minha.
Sunny_Shumail · 23.8K Views

Pemikat Mahkota

[Peringatan: konten dewasa r18+/kuat] Dia adalah penyelamatnya. Dia, kehancurannya. Namun, dia menolak untuk melepaskannya... Mineah, Putri termuda dari Ebodia, dikutuk sejak lahir untuk tetap tak tersentuh dan membawa kesialan kepada orang-orang di sekitarnya. Ramalan kelam itu menggantung di atasnya seperti awan gelap, semakin membesar setiap tahunnya ketika tidak terjadi. Dia ada dalam bisikan lirih sebagai sosok yang menyedihkan - rapuh, lemah lembut, tidak diinginkan. Di balik topeng itu adalah wanita cerdas dan pemberani yang layak menjadi ratu. Dan calon ratu ini telah memusatkan matanya untuk mematahkan kutukannya, meskipun itu berarti menipu vampir paling licik yang pernah lahir. Nikolai, meskipun menyendiri dan misterius, dikagumi oleh Kerajaan Valcrez sebagai penguasa yang bijaksana dan kuat. Tanpa diketahui oleh rakyatnya yang setia, citra kesempurnaannya adalah jaring kebohongan yang jika terungkap dapat menumbangkan kerajaan mereka dan segala yang mereka sayangi di bawah kaki mereka. Ketika kedua orang ini menemukan jalur mereka bersilangan dalam aliansi pernikahan, permainan Godaan Mahkota pun dimulai. Namun, siapakah sebenarnya pemburu dan siapakah mangsa? ******** Penggalan: “Mengapa kamu membuka pakaianmu di depanku?” tanyanya dengan cemberut, sedikit pun tidak menyembunyikan rasa kesal di suaranya. Tujuannya adalah untuk menawan hatinya saja, bukan seluruh tubuhnya! “Bukankah aku boleh mandi bersama istriku?” ucapnya dengan nada dingin. “Sengaja aku meminta bak mandi besar untuk memastikan kita berdua muat di dalamnya bersama-sama.” Dia mendesah, tidak mengalihkan pandangan darinya saat dia mengumpulkan kembali ketenangannya. Melihat dia tersenyum sinis dia memaksa dirinya untuk merasa nyaman saat dia berbicara. “Itulah yang lebih baik. Kamu sendiri yang mengatakan tidak ada yang memaksa kamu menikahi saya. Sebaliknya, kamu yang menawarkan dan dengan sukarela mengajukan diri untuk itu, jadi saya berharap kamu cukup percaya diri untuk berbagi bak mandi dengan suamimu,” ucap Nikolai dengan percaya diri. “Lagipula, kita akan melakukan lebih dari ini dalam waktu dekat.” Tidak tahu malu... Dengan menahan diri untuk tidak menggelengkan kepalanya, dia berhasil memberinya senyum saat dia berkata, “Jangan salahkan saya jika kamu mati karena saya nanti.” **** Catatan: Volume 1: Cerita Utama Status - Selesai (Bab 1 hingga 403) Volume 2: Cerita Sampingan Status - Selesai (Bab 404 hingga 472) Volume 3: Cerita Sampingan Status - **** PS: Sampul Buku Komisi milik Penulis! Dilarang menggunakannya!
Eustoma_Reyna · 12.3K Views

Tomber Amoureux du Roi des Bêtes

[COMPLETE] Reth avançait vers elle, le menton bas afin que l'ombre projetée par sa mâchoire sévère tranche à travers le col fourré épais de son gilet. Ses cheveux étaient tombés sur ses yeux dans la bagarre, ainsi il la guettait à travers comme un lion dans l'herbe. À chaque pas, sa démarche gracieuse et ondulante lui rappelait celle d'un prédateur traquant sa proie. Malgré le sol de la forêt jonché de brindilles et de feuilles, il ne faisait aucun bruit. « Qui-qui êtes-vous ? » bégayait Elia, reculant, les mains levées. Il suivait chacun de ses pas jusqu'à ce qu'elle bute brusquement contre l'arbre derrière elle—et il ne s'arrêta pas avant de se dresser au-dessus d'elle, si large que ses épaules et sa poitrine formaient un mur devant elle. Elle pouvait sentir la chaleur émanant de sa peau dans l'air frais de la nuit. « Je suis le Roi Léonin. » Sa voix était un gravier sombre et rauque. Derrière lui, un chœur de hoquets, de hurlements et de gazouillements d'assentiment s'élevait du peuple qui regardait. « Et vous êtes ? » « Elia, » souffla-t-elle. « Elia, » grogna-t-il, se penchant encore plus près, apportant avec lui le parfum du pin et de la pluie et le musc de quelque chose d'indiscutablement masculin. « Je suis Reth. » Il prononçait le nom avec un roulement guttural étrange dans la gorge. « Je suis le Roi des Bêtes. Je suis Chef de Clan, et je suis l’Alpha de WildWood. » Plusieurs grondements s'élevèrent alors de la foule derrière lui, mais il les ignorait. Elia déglutit tandis qu'il se penchait jusqu'à ce que la barbe hirsute sur sa mâchoire râpât sa joue. « Je suis le Roi, » dit-il, « Et vous serez ma compagne. » La forêt derrière lui explosa. ****** Elia est une étudiante universitaire pauvre jusqu'à la nuit où elle est emmenée dans le monde de l'Anima—régi par des humains dont les cœurs anciens battent avec le sang des animaux. Là, elle est forcée de participer à un combat à mort. Mais quand Elia survit, et refuse de tuer son dernier adversaire, le Roi doit soit la tuer lui-même, soit la prendre pour compagne. Reth, le brutal Roi des Bêtes au sang de lions, choque tout le monde quand il choisit la faible humaine Elia pour devenir sa Reine. Il lui promet tout le confort de sa richesse et de sa position—mais il est clair : Elle ne réchauffera pas sa couche. Il l'a choisie pour contrer ceux qui tentaient de le coincer en mêlant sa lignée Léonine avec celle des Loups. Elia a besoin de l'aide de l'Anima pour devenir plus forte et les gouverner bien. Mais les Loups vengeurs voient seulement une humaine faible qui leur a fait honte. Alors qu'Elia et Reth se rapprochent, les loups sont déterminés à la détruire. Reth et Elia admettront-ils leurs sentiments l'un pour l'autre à temps pour lutter pour le Royaume—et leurs vies—contre la tribu de loups malveillante ? Ou les loups tueront-ils Elia et s'empareront-ils du trône ? [Contenu mature - pas de violence sexuelle] Couverture utilisée avec l'autorisation de copyright payée. Illustrée par Aenaluck—voir plus de magnifique art et les soutenir sur
AimeeLynn · 101.7K Views

Apaixonando-se pelo Rei das Feras

[COMPLETO] Reth avançou em direção a ela, queixo baixo, fazendo com que a sombra projetada por sua mandíbula rígida cortasse a espessa gola de pele de seu colete. Seus cabelos haviam caído sobre seus olhos durante o confronto, então ele a espreitava por entre eles como um leão na grama. A cada passo, seu andar gracioso e ondulante a fazia lembrar de um predador perseguindo sua presa. Apesar do chão da floresta estar coberto de galhos e folhas, ele não fazia nenhum som. “Qu-quem é você?” Elia gaguejou, recuando, com as mãos para cima. Ele acompanhou cada passo dela até que ela bateu forte contra a árvore atrás dela — e não parou até que ele pairasse sobre ela, tão largo que seus ombros e peito formavam uma parede à sua frente. Ela podia sentir o calor emanando de sua pele no ar fresco da noite. “Eu sou o Rei Leonino.” Sua voz era um cascalho escuro e rouco. Atrás dele um coro de sibilos, uivos e chilreios de concordância se levantou do povo que observava. “E você é?” “Elia,” ela respirou. “Elia,” ele rosnou, inclinando-se mais perto, trazendo consigo o aroma de pinho e chuva e o almíscar de algo distintamente masculino. “Eu sou Reth.” Ele disse o nome com um estranho rolar gutural na garganta. “Eu sou o Rei das Feras. Eu sou o Líder do Clã, e eu sou Alfa de WildWood.” Vários rosnados se ergueram das multidões atrás dele, mas ele os ignorou. Elia engoliu enquanto ele se inclinava até que o cavanhaque em sua mandíbula roçasse sua bochecha. “Eu sou o Rei,” ele disse, “E você será minha parceira.” A floresta atrás dele irrompeu. ****** Elia é uma estudante universitária pobre até a noite em que é levada ao mundo dos Anima — governado por humanos cujos corações antigos pulsam com o sangue dos animais. Lá ela é forçada a um combate até a morte. Mas quando Elia sobrevive, e se recusa a matar seu último oponente, o Rei deve ou matar Elia ele mesmo, ou tomá-la como sua parceira. Reth, o brutal Rei das Feras com o sangue de leões, surpreende a todos quando escolhe a fraca humana Elia para se tornar sua Rainha. Ele promete a ela todo o conforto de sua riqueza e posição — mas deixa claro: Ela não aquecerá sua cama. Ele a escolheu para derrotar aqueles que tentavam pressioná-lo a mesclar sua linhagem Leonina com os Lobos. Elia precisa da ajuda dos Anima para se tornar mais forte e governá-los bem. Mas os Lobos vingativos veem apenas uma humana fraca que lhes trouxe vergonha. Conforme Elia e Reth se aproximam, os lobos estão determinados a destruí-la. Reth e Elia admitirão seus sentimentos um pelo outro a tempo de lutar pelo Reino — e por suas vidas — contra a traiçoeira tribo de lobos? Ou os lobos matarão Elia e roubarão o trono? [Conteúdo maduro - sem violência sexual] Arte da capa usada com permissão de direitos autorais pagos. Ilustrada por Aenaluck — veja mais arte incrível e apoie-os em
AimeeLynn · 80.1K Views

Enamorándose del Rey de las Bestias

``` —¿Quién-quién eres tú? —balbuceaba Elia, retrocediendo, con las manos levantadas—. Él igualaba su paso a paso hasta que ella se estrelló contra el árbol detrás de ella—y no se detuvo hasta que se alzó sobre ella, tan ancho que sus hombros y pecho formaban un muro frente a ella. Podía sentir el calor que desprendía su piel en el fresco aire de la noche. —Yo soy el Rey Leonino —su voz era un oscuro grava ronca. Detrás de él, un coro de jadeos, aullidos y chirridos de acuerdo se elevaba de la gente que miraba—. ¿Y tú eres? —Elia —ella suspiraba. —Elia —gruñía él, inclinándose más cerca, trayendo consigo el aroma a pino y lluvia y el almizcle de algo distintivamente masculino—. Yo soy Reth —dijo el nombre con un extraño y gutural rodar en su garganta—. Yo soy el Rey de las Bestias. Yo soy el Líder del Clan, y yo soy el Alfa de WildWood —varios gruñidos se elevaron de la multitud detrás de él entonces, pero los ignoró. —Yo soy el Rey —dijo, y tú serás mi pareja. El bosque detrás de él estalló. ****** Elia es una estudiante universitaria pobre hasta la noche en que es llevada al mundo de los Anima—gobernado por humanos cuyos corazones antiguos palpitan con la sangre de animales. Ahí, se ve forzada a participar en una batalla a muerte. Pero cuando Elia sobrevive, y se niega a matar a su último oponente, el Rey debe o matar a Elia él mismo, o tomarla como su pareja. Reth, el brutal Rey de las Bestias con sangre de leones, sorprende a todos cuando elige a la débil humana Elia para convertirla en su Reina. Promete darle todas las comodidades de su riqueza y posición—pero es claro: Ella no calentará su cama. La eligió para derrotar a aquellos que intentaban acorralarlo para mezclar su línea Leonina con los Lobos. Elia necesita la ayuda de los Anima para hacerse más fuerte y gobernarlos bien. Pero los Lobos vengativos ven solo a una humana débil que les trajo vergüenza. Mientras Elia y Reth se aproximan más, los lobos están decididos a destruirla. ¿Admitirán Reth y Elia sus sentimientos el uno por el otro a tiempo para luchar por el Reino—y sus vidas—contra la villana tribu de lobos? O ¿matarán los lobos a Elia y robarán el trono? [Contenido maduro - sin violencia sexual] Arte de portada utilizado con permiso de derechos de autor pagado. Ilustrado por Aenaluck—vea más arte hermoso y apóyelos en ```
AimeeLynn · 67.9K Views

Terjerat dalam Cahaya Bulan: Tidak Berubah

Menjadi cacat di dalam kawanan sudah cukup buruk. Ditolak? Oleh pasangan sejatimu sendiri? Ya. ITU adalah tingkat rendah yang baru. Ava Grey adalah cacat dalam kawanan, seorang shifter tanpa serigala. Dia berjuang dalam hidup dengan impian kebebasan yang samar. Kesempatannya datang ketika tiba-tiba dia diberi tahu bahwa dia akan menghadiri Gala Bulan, sebuah pesta dansa tahunan untuk shifters muda dewasa untuk menemukan pasangan sejati mereka. Dan dia menemukannya. Dia tampan dan intens, dan ciumannya mengirimkan keinginan melalui pembuluh darahnya seperti narkoba. Hingga dia MENOLAKnya. Ava tidak akan kembali ke kehidupan suramnya. Dia melarikan diri dan membentuk identitas baru jauh dari kawanan, dan jauh dari pasangan alpha nya. Dia berteman baru dan bahkan diadopsi secara paksa oleh seekor husky yang lucu. Tapi tepat ketika dia mulai menetap dan menemukan kebahagiaan, hal-hal aneh mulai terjadi... Husky-nya telah menyimpan rahasia. Dia mendengar bisikan bahwa kawanan shifter di mana-mana sedang mencarinya. Dan dia dapat mencium aroma familiar di apartemennya, yang tidak masuk akal sama sekali... karena pria yang aromanya itu telah menolaknya. [Entri Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Ini adalah roman shifter serigala dengan banyak pemicu yang suka berdansa beriringan dengan semua tema gelap melalui sebuah padang bunga mati. Dalam buku ini Anda akan menemukan titik tertinggi dan terendah. Tertawa, menangis, marah; Anda dapat melakukannya semua saat Anda mengikuti Ava dalam perjalanan yang cukup berbahaya menjadi pemindah serigala di generasi ini dari roman werewolf. Ada adegan R18 yang disebarkan di seluruh buku ini seperti permen yang meledak dari pinata. Silakan baca dengan tanggung jawab. ------- DISCORD PENULIS:
Lenaleia · 41.6K Views

Highschool mystery girl

Bella Hudson a high schooler , is disguised as a vigilante in stone city vile saving lives with her magical power while trying to survive the trauma of high school but soon encounters a dangerous threat .will she be able to yield her power to its full potential and save those she loves or will she betray those she loves and her city in quest for revenge ,truth and betrayal.caught up in a romance with the witches son who she hunts to take down she will have to a decision that would change the course of their lives forever. Will she fight for their love by sparing the truth or will she do the right thing and bring the terror to justice ?. While navigating through right and wrong ,she must protect her friendship with her long term bestie as there will be a rift between the two ladies as the further into college and go their separate ways ,hopefully in her quest for vengeance snd truth she won’t push everyone who was there for her away . The story becomes intruding as later on it was discovered the janitor lady at her school who she knew all this whole was her biological mother who left her in an orphanage home an the woman whom she grew with all this years believing it was her mother wasn’t but a foster mom. Moving on she discovers the bully known as Mandy who treated her like trash was her step sister and the man who was the proprietor of the school was not just the person responsible for her mothers pregnancy but her biological father and Mandy’s dad she must accept her fate but things get worse as her biological mom dies trying to protect her from another evil that would be lurking for the amulet that was given to her as a form of protection and shield from the evil forces that would try to hunt her down . Her secrets as a vigilante finally gets out n people are surprised that she could be the one saving the town from the horrors because she was just a lowly poor girl whom they bullied and made jest off not just Mandy but virtually everyone at school not until lynx came along and because he was the most famous kid at school she became aquatinted with his friends and she became popular . After choosing to do the right by letting out her true identity and exposing her boyfriends mom .lynx had to leave to clear his head as he’s mom was behind bars or even worse dead .Her foster mom soon finds love snd decides to relocate to another city leaving Bella behind to make her own choices as she’s now a young vibrant lady thriving in collage …every one deserves a happy ending except her best friend who was murdered by her ex boyfriend because he was jealous of her and he meant to make her suffer but Bella won’t let it slide as she hunts him down and makes him pay for it. Annie is buried and Mandy now accept bella as her sister…her biological father confessed to rapping her mom back while they where in high school and he ran away avoiding the shame because he was from a noble home .bella came in to leave with them and everybody is happy .after college belka sets of to London with her sweet heart Lynx where they both settled down bore a baby boy she girl and they all lived happily ever after . This book allows young readers to be able to Make the right decision in high school as it is a stepping stone to your future ensuring that you thrive for what you believe in. high school is an endless maze of possibilities and even danger but you must be wise choose your path wisely . Also this books teaches us about friendship and relationships and how they can affect us positively .we must learn value friendships and relationships because without friendship we would be alone in this lonely world .lastly fate can be changed but how do you do that by believing in yourself by fighting fear and doubt just the same way Bella did and she was recognized both in school and in the society,we must embrace love. Dear readers learn to believe in your dreams and imaginations they one day will come know what they say ‘’it’s never too late to dream .
PRAISE_EZEH · 8.4K Views

Beyond the Mistake

What the hell? Is it true? Is she-oh my gosh!? Whispers ripple through the university halls. Everyone is talking about her. She is Mandy-a girl who embodies quiet elegance, sharp intelligence, and an effortless air of sophistication. Though she exudes an aura of understated wealth, she remains grounded and unassuming. As a member of the campus band Black Panther, Mandy is admired not just for her talent but also for her poise and grace. She's never been swayed by the charm of the school's usual heartthrobs, carving out her own path away from the spotlight of cliché romances. Enter Dreid-the ultimate alpha male. Rich, athletic, and effortlessly charismatic, he's the guy every girl dreams about. But Mandy never gave him much thought, and Dreid's heart was always set on his best friend, Shantal. Everything changes during the annual school festival. Dreid, devastated by the news that his first love is marrying someone else, drowns his sorrows in beer-eight bottles deep. Meanwhile, Mandy, frustrated with her own troubles, drinks more than she should. Two lost souls. One reckless night. When they wake up together, confusion sets in. Blurred memories, unanswered questions, and a growing sense of dread. What happened between them? And how did they end up here? They agree to move forward with their lives. No attachments, no expectations. But as they're forced to confront each other, Mandy finds herself seeing Dreid in a way she never expected. And for Dreid, feelings he thought were impossible begin to surface. Sometimes, the most unexpected nights lead to the most life-changing stories.
Lexiaftermidnight · 398 Views

Threads of Yesterday

The sun dipped low over the skyline of Austin, casting long shadows on the streets below. In the heart of the city, the hum of life pulsed on. Irena Valdez adjusted her lab coat as she stepped out of the biomedical research facility she called her second home. She had spent years carving a name for herself in the world of science, becoming one of the most sought-after lab technologists in the field. Her days were filled with precision, breakthroughs, and the satisfaction of knowing her work made a difference. Tonight, as she strolled down the sidewalk toward her favorite coffee shop, a sense of calm washed over her. Her life felt perfect—or close enough. Her marriage to Daniel was steady, filled with laughter, warmth, and the kind of trust that made her believe in forever. They were building a future together, one filled with love and mutual respect. The soft chime of the café’s bell greeted her as she pushed open the door. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped her like an old friend. Irena ordered her usual—an almond milk latte—and found a seat by the window. She pulled out her phone to catch up on messages, her mind still swirling with the day’s experiments. But then she heard it. A voice. Deep, familiar, and achingly tied to a part of her life she thought she had tucked away. “Irena?” She looked up, her heart skipping a beat. Standing there, holding a steaming cup of coffee, was Ethan Reyes. Her ex. The man who had once been her everything before life had pushed them apart. His face held a mixture of surprise and something else—nostalgia, perhaps? Time had etched faint lines around his dark eyes, but he was still unmistakably Ethan, with that easy confidence and the smile that had once unraveled her. For a moment, the café faded away, replaced by a flood of memories. The late-night drives, the laughter, the arguments that had burned like wildfire. The quiet moments when they thought they’d found forever. And the heartbreak when they realized they hadn’t. Ethan’s gaze flicked to her left hand, where the glint of her wedding band caught the light. He smiled, but there was a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes. “Mind if I join you?” he asked, his tone casual, though his question carried a weight they both felt. Irena hesitated for only a second, then nodded. “Sure.” As he sat across from her, the past and present collided in a way Irena hadn’t anticipated. She was happy—secure in her life with Daniel. But as Ethan leaned forward, his words carrying the echoes of their shared history, she realized the past never truly disappears. It lingers, waiting for moments like this to remind you of who you were, who you are, and the choices that shaped it all.
Heena_Tabassum · 401 Views

Enigma of the Thousand-Year Sentinel: The Ethereal Tale of Wyrmpire

Seven Realms, One Egg, Two Hearts. In ancient times, there lay a story that was condemned to be chained in secrecy—an unthinkable era was brewed by continuous discord among the inhabitants of the seven realms, blinding them to the cruelty of war. From there, the era's aroma lingered, and darkness dominated both the realms of humans and elementals. But a streak of hope appeared in the sky. In times of crisis, a glowing orb emerged from the depths of the Wyrmpirean seas. People from all seven realms were revitalized and rejoiced. Mythical beasts of Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Spirit, and Shadow came to light. Their power grew through the alchemy of elements and light, and this glowing orb turned out to be an ethereal egg. It was the vital force of the great Luxian beast, destined to be the sentinel of Wyrmpire. However, the poison of greed for power once again took hold of one of the human leaders. In an age when the seven realms coexisted in delicate equilibrium, the harmonious symphony of magic and mythical creatures was abruptly silenced by Gat of Luwalhat'ti's insatiable thirst for dominion. He ordered the capture of the elemental beasts and exploited their essence. Relentlessly pursuing the fabled Mythical Egg for his own self-indulgent desires, he caused this primordial artifact—whispered to possess unimaginable power—to shatter the peace and plunge the world into devastating war, reigniting the embers of chaos from the past. The realms became more divided than ever. Sinagthala, the first to succumb to his ruthless conquest, bears the scars of his ambition. Emir Akkainu, in a desperate act of self-sacrifice, secured the egg at a heart-wrenching cost—his own son, Karrim. Now, Karrim, burdened by a curse yet bestowed with enigmatic abilities, embarks on a perilous quest for vengeance against the Gat. His path intertwines with that of Klarra, Gat's daughter, who, disillusioned by her father's tyranny, yearns for peace and justice. Amidst the chaos and despair of a war-torn world, an unexpected love blossoms; a fragile beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. Will they find redemption amidst the ruins of a broken world, or will the insatiable hunger for power and the scars of the past consume them all, as history repeats itself? The convergence of Karrim and Klarra's journey is set to test the very limits of their courage, loyalty, and love.
Ylislewordsmithery · 8.6K Views

Ardiansyah: Raja dari Neraka

Dunia yang kalian semua kenal telah lama hancur, teman dan keluarga kalian kini entah bertamasya di Surga atau membusuk di Neraka. Namun bagi yang terpilih, Sang Pencipta telah membangunkan Dunia baru untuk mereka yang di dasarkan atas sihir dan sains. Dunia yang diisi oleh tiga bangsa, dengan rumah dan tubuh yang berbeda. Ilmuan cerdas di Angkasa, pengrajin kreatif di Daratan, serta seniman yang bermandikan keindahan di Lautan. Kisah Dunia baru ini terlalu panjang untuk kuceritakan dalam satu kali pertemuan. Jadi untukmu temanku, akan kubagi mereka menjadi beberapa bagian. Part 1: Prologue (Vol 1 & 2) Takdir Amartya untuk menjadi raja atas Bumi ini sudahlah ditetapkan. Demi mengagungkan kelahirannya, Sang Pencipta mengalirkan api neraka di dalam darahnya. Namun hatinya jatuh cacat sebagai bayarannya, dan satu-satunya yang bisa menyempurnakannya hanyalah seorang gadis es, dengan kunci di hatinya. Part 2: A Party of 8 (Vol 3 - 7) Makhluk-makhluk nista datang mencemari Daratan, dan atas nama kemurnian tanah suci ini, Mereka yang Abadi mengumpulkan prajurit-prajurit terbaik dari generasi termuda. Manggala dan rekan-rekannya harus bisa menghadapi tantangan ini, dan menyelamatkan apa yang berhak diselamatkan. Part 3: Throne of the Ocean (Vol 8 - 10) (Warning 18+ only) Perang tiada akhir terus melanda seisi Samudra, yang sudah teramat ganas dari detik dirinya dilahirkan. Gumara yang ditinggalkan keluarganya terpaksa mengemban tanggung jawab untuk bangkit, dan kembali membangun kejayaan itu atas nama sang pembawa ular. Dunia ini dipenuhi aturan yang nista, namun bukan berarti kita harus tenggelam di dalamnya.
PolarMuttaqin · 368.5K Views

She Belongs To The Devil

Theodore was not satisfied with just looking at her, he wanted to touch her. He slowly raised his hand and approached Princess Adeline. But Adeline subconsciously pulled back and shouted again, “I have already warned you, not to do anything like before. Or else I will…” Instantly, Theodore’s cheerful face turned grim. His golden eyes were now blood red and were staring very deeply at Adeline’s eyes. He was starting to emit a dark aura around him. Before Adeline could react, in the very next moment, Theodore pushed Adeline flat on the bed and was on top of her. He pinned both of her hands down with his hands and whispered near her ear, “Or else you will what? You will shout for your maids again?” Theodore sniffed in the sweet aroma that Adeline was giving off and gave a wicked smile, “Oh! I want you to try. I want you to try calling for your maids again. But don’t be shocked when I seal your juicy lips with my own lips.” Adeline had never in her life expected to see this side of Theodore. Yes, she knew he was the Devil but... [Book 1 Synopsis] Princess Adeline is the youngest child of King Dragomir of Wyverndale. She is detested by her stepmothers because she is born to a concubine – the only woman whom the King loved. And she is envied by her stepbrothers and stepsisters for being adored and loved by the King. Blinded by jealousy, the first Queen orders Princess Adeline to be kidnapped and thrown into the faraway Devil’s Cave as an offering. Her fate was to die that evening. However, her fate got rewritten by the very creature who was supposed to take her to her deathbed. The Devil took pity on the Princess and even went as far as sharing his demonic power with her. Ever since that day, her fate was bound to the Devil Prince of Hell – Prince Theodore. With time, love blooms between the son of God and the daughter of humans. They are madly in love and they want nothing more than to be together forever. However, with the rise of several enemies, from other fallen angels, supernatural creatures, and even God himself, will they get their forever after? [Book 2 Synopsis] **Spoiler alert for Book 1** Adeline and Theodore have a beautiful daughter – Ariel. She is the definition of perfection because God himself created her to be without any flaws. God wants to hand over the whole universe to his granddaughter and retire from his duty as the Supreme Being. However, nobody else wants that future for Ariel. Ariel, on the other hand, is oblivious to her grandfather’s plan for her. She is a free spirit who always has a wide smile on her face. And the only thing she wants to do is go on adventures with her childhood friend – Damien and her cousins. But will she be able to maintain the smile on her face upon being faced by God? Will she be able to maintain her friendship with Damien when he discovers a gut-wrenching truth – that Theodore was the one to kill his father? Follow me on Instagram for more. This art was commissioned from Shu G Sin. Find him on Insta gram @shu_g_sin
sanimimosa7 · 2.5M Views

Hasrat Wanita Bayaran

Namanya adalah Choon-Hee, Perempuan cantik yang tubuhnya Molek dengan bokong besar yang seksi. Memiliki arti nama, perempuan yang lahir di musim semi. Wajah Choon-Hee memang teduh seperti musim semi, namun daya pikatnya mampu membuat banyak laki-laki rela menghabiskan banyak uang, hanya untuk menyewa Choon-hee Satu malam.. Ya.. Choon-Hee adalah wanita bayaran di sebuah Bar mewah di kota JD. Salah satu Bar yang pemiliknya merupakan pengusaha Sukses yang tampan dan rupawan, Sudah lama Choon ingin bisa bertemu dengan pemilik Bar ini. Bar yang diberi nama 'Horsesky' memang patut di acungi jempol. Siapapun yang pulang dari Bar ini, mereka akan terbang kembali dan menghabiskan uangnya lagi dan lagi.. Siapa yang tidak mengenal Pria tampan Bernama Edwards Salvador? Pria itu menjadi incaran banyak wanita di seluruh dunia. Walaupun Edwards telah memiliki Seorang istri, namun tersiar kabar bahwa istri Edwards adalah penyuka sesama jenis. Tentu itu adalah kabar baik bagi seluruh wanita, yang ingin sekali bisa bersanding dengan Edwards dan merasakan mandi uang setiap hari.. Memangnya apa yang wanita inginkan dari laki laki tampan dan kaya? tentu saja uang.. uang.. dan Uang.. Begitupula Choon-Hee, menanti setiap saat kedatangan Bos besar itu dan berusaha untuk menarik perhatiannya. Akankah Tubuh Choon-Hee bisa menarik perhatian Edwards Salvador? Kita akan lanjutkan kisahnya di bab-bab berikutnya!!!! Jangan lupa berikan komentar positif dan beli koin gratis untuk membuka Bab terkunci, satu koin gratis dari kalian. akan membuat Author semakin bersemangat menulis! Happy Reading!!! [My Instagram: Silvaaresta]
silvaaresta · 2.5M Views
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