The Last Iteration: To The One Before Me
In the year 1984 A.C., humanity lives in the shadow of an event known as the Convergence, a mysterious reset that has altered the very fabric of existence. After centuries of chaos, war, and the rise of god-like beings known as Echelons, humanity found itself on the brink of destruction. The Convergence was their last chance—a desperate act to start anew, to rebuild what was lost.
For one soul, the Convergence was not just a new beginning but a second chance. Reborn twice before, the child now sits quietly in a humble village, living what seems like a peaceful life, but haunted by the echoes of his past lives. With memories of a world on the verge of collapse, he wonders if humanity can truly change. The scars of history run deep, and the forces of greed and ambition that once tore the world apart may still be lurking beneath the surface.
As he grows, he begins to pen his thoughts and experiences in a secret diary—an account of his journey through life, his reflections on the past, and the lessons learned from countless lifetimes. Yet, the more he writes, the more he questions whether his attempts at redemption will ever be enough.
With each passing day, the world around him shifts. And with it, a haunting question lingers: Will humanity’s cycle of destruction repeat once more?