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The Breakup Tour Book

the Outcast wizard band's grand tour

A wizard rock band called "Outcast" goes on a grand tour to win games and quests to change destiny of being a dark lord. ****** (All of the settings, including histories and characters are completely fictional) ****** Brief Story A wizard named Kim Dong Hoon is destined to be the dark lord. All of the wizards and grim reapers are afraid of him and make him an outcast because he has potential to ruin the peaceful world, which has been built by consistent efforts of the grandmaster and grim reaper Kim Hee Jin. He needs to change his destiny by removing all of internal demons in his mind, that is related to the attachements, karmas and angers of his ancestors and his previous lives and that has dark power to change him into mad tigernoid, a monsterous and unconscious hybrid of human and tiger. Originally, Kim Dong Hoon was decided to be executed and sent to hell when he becomes nineteen years old. Nevertheless, Kim Hee Jin decides to give him one more chance by helping him remove internal demons during the grand tour. The grand tour is designed as game as well. The rule of grand tour game is simple. Dong Hoon needs to survive and win all of the games and quests within an year. Then, he will change his destiny. On the other hand, a single failure will send Dong Hoon to hell. To remove his internal demons, he needs to go on a grand tour to his home country Hansei and Yuldoria(founded by Hong Gil Dong) with a rock band called "Outcast", of which Dong Hoon and his friends founded and of which each band member had experiences of being rejected by others. Hansei and Yuldoria, the two nations of the United wizard kingdom, have their own feuds and conflicts. Dong Hoon and his friends are swayed in those conflicts and should win games and quests amid the tension between two nations. After finishing his grand tour in Hansei and Yuldoria, Dong Hoon and his friends, or "Outcast" rock band should go on a grand tour to Enbritain, Gaulian, Italoma, Hellasia, Scandinavian nations including Denmarkagen and many other European countries, the United states of New Enbria and many other American countries, and many other Asian countries, African countries, Samonesian and many other Oceanian countries. During the grand tour, the band needs to fight against dark wizards and win many games and quests to survive. The magical power of soundwave and sound spell created by Dong Hoon's vocal and other members' instruments. Magical items and weapons and incantations related to music are used to defeat dark wizards all around the world as well. In addition, Dong Hoon and his friends need to retrieve twelve zodiacs of East and twelve zodiacs of West that were sealed inside Hansean zither but were released for the grand tour game, during the grand tour.
WilliamAdams · 3.2K Views

genesys - la tour infinie

King, un jeune homme hanté par la solitude et le deuil, mène une existence marquée par l’ombre de son passé. Son père disparu trop tôt et la mort de sa meilleure amie, Myna, l’ont plongé dans un état de détachement du monde. Malgré sa popularité apparente, il vit en spectateur, traversant les jours avec un sentiment de vide et des visions inexplicables qui perturbent son quotidien. Mais tout bascule lorsque, au détour d’une nuit, une agression brutale le pousse à la violence. Dans un moment de rage incontrôlée, sa montre, dernier vestige de son père, est brisée sous ses yeux. Ce choc déclenche un phénomène surnaturel : un portail s’ouvre et l’arrache à son monde. Lorsqu’il reprend conscience, il se retrouve dans un lieu inconnu, un espace mystique où le temps et l’espace semblent défiés par des lois inconnues. Il est désormais dans la Tour Infinie, un monument titanesque reliant d’innombrables mondes. Pourquoi a-t-elle été créée ? Qui tire les ficelles ? Quel est le véritable objectif de l’ascension . Son objectif ? Gravir les étages de la Tour et survivre aux épreuves qui lui seront imposées. Guidé par Myna, une entité qu’il crée inconsciemment et qui semble liée à ses souvenirs, King découvre qu’il possède un pouvoir unique : la capacité d’imaginer et de matérialiser des armes et objets à l’aide du mot « Arise ». Il ignore encore l’ampleur de ce don et ce qu’il implique réellement dans la Tour. Dans ce monde inconnu, il rencontre Maddy, une combattante au tempérament explosif et à l’humour ravageur, et Clovis, un mystérieux nécromancien capable de manipuler les ombres des morts. Ensemble, ils doivent apprendre à survivre dans un environnement où les monstres, les pièges et les autres participants ne leur laisseront aucun répit. Mais la Tour n’est pas qu’un simple jeu mortel. Derrière ses murs se cachent des secrets oubliés, des dieux aux intentions troubles et des rivalités millénaires entre puissances cosmiques. Au sommet de cette structure se joue un enjeu bien plus grand que la simple ascension d’un mortel. Et King, sans le savoir, pourrait bien être la clé qui changera l’ordre établi.
Larchitecte · 213 Views
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