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Ein letzter Ritter. Eine Reihe von Kurzgeschichten.

Eine epische und ständig wachsende Anthologie! Eine Sammlung wilder, seltsamer und wundersamer Geschichten, die sich mit der Zeit miteinander verflechten werden! Die Welt von Enverdolmal steht am Rande eines Krieges, als dunkle und bedrohliche Mächte beginnen, aus den Schatten hervorzutreten und das Gleichgewicht des Äthers – der magischen Energie, die alles Existierende antreibt – langsam zu ihren Gunsten zu verschieben. Dämonen testen ihre Gefängnissiegel ... Hexen versammeln sich auf der Suche nach Chaos und Anarchie ... Monster sind unter seltsamen und unbekannten Bannern auf dem Vormarsch ... Die lange verschollenen Elementardrachen werden zurückkehren ... Unsere Geschichte wird aus der Sicht von ca. 20 Charakteren erzählt, beginnend mit einem Ritter namens Bastion Ridder, der sich mittendrin wiederfindet. Garth Verlore – die berühmte und weitläufige Schule, an der er unterrichten sollte – wird von Mächten belagert, die niemand kommen sah, und er muss alles tun, was er kann (während er Seite an Seite mit Personal und Schülern kämpft), um sicherzustellen, dass er nicht der letzte Ritter wird … Mit Kursen wie „Drachentöten 101“ und „Kampftaktiken für Kobolde“ wusste Bastion, dass dies keine leichte Aufgabe sein würde … Alles begann so gut, aber irgendwann verliebt sich jeder … Sei es in der Liebe oder im Krieg. Oder sogar im Klassenzimmer! Ritter & Magier. Drachen & Kobolde. Geister & Dämonen & Hexen Und so viel mehr erwartet Sie in dieser Geschichte von Triumph, Chaos, Liebe, Krieg, Verrat und Verlust. Sind Sie bereit, eine letzte Seite umzublättern? Eine letzte Geschichte zu lesen? einen letzten Ritter zu verlieren?
BlackGuyInnaBowtie · 16.2K Views

Seelenwanderung: Die kleine Köchin hat das Sagen

Der neue Roman "Zittert, ihr großen Wesen des Universums" wird derzeit als Fortsetzungsroman veröffentlicht~ Über Nacht verwandelte sich eine schöne kulinarische Göttin in den verachteten Little Disaster Star Ein heruntergekommenes Haus mit drei Zimmern, einem behinderten Vater, einer schwachen Mutter und zwei mageren jüngeren Schwestern, um die man sich kümmern muss Was?! Ihre Mutter hat drei Töchter zur Welt gebracht, nur weil sie ihren Brüdern das Leben schwer gemacht hat? Ihr Vater ist vom Dach gefallen und seit einem halben Jahr bettlägerig, nur weil sie in der Nähe mit Schlamm gespielt hat? Sie ruft einmal ihre Großeltern an, und sofort wird der eine krank und der andere hat einen Unfall; sogar die geliebten Söhne der Familie ihres Onkels verschlucken sich an ihrem Essen, weil sie an diesem Tag Geburtstag hat Huch! Der Onkel mag es tolerieren, aber die Tante nicht! Wenn ich meine Macht nicht zeige, werden sie mich dann alle wie Garfield, die Katze, behandeln?! Sie glauben, sie können mich für fünf Tael Silber an einen kranken Schwächling verkaufen, um Glück zu haben? Gut, da ich der kleine Katastrophenstar bin, verwandeln wir dein Haus in ein Katastrophengebiet! Sie wollen ihre Schwester als Sklavin oder Magd in einen wohlhabenden Haushalt verkaufen? Sie schreit, schnappt sich ein Beil, bekämpft die Dämonen, denen sie begegnet, und erschlägt die Geister, denen sie begegnet. Von da an verbreitet sich ihr Ruf als wilde Spitzmaus im ganzen Dorf So sei es, wenn ich wild bin. Um meiner Liebsten willen werde ich gerne die wilde Küchenfee. Mit meinen hervorragenden Kochkünsten eröffne ich ein Restaurant, werde Spitzenköchin, entwickle neue Rezepte, erobere die Herzen der Feinschmecker und finde sogar neue Wege, um ein großes Vermögen zu machen und meiner ganzen Familie zu Wohlstand und einem besseren Lebensstandard zu verhelfen! Den schamlosen Verwandten, die sich das Gesicht lecken und zurückkommen, um die Verwandtschaft zu erkennen, schenkt sie ein süßes Lächeln und winkt ihnen zum Abschied: Ich wünsche Ihnen eine gute Reise. Das Entlassungspapier hängt bereits gerahmt an der Wand! Was die Männer betrifft, so weiß sogar meine kleine Schwester: Gut aussehen macht nicht satt. Ein Mann, der Geld verdient, seine Frau verwöhnt und die drei Gehorsamkeiten und vier Tugenden befolgt, ist ein erstklassiger Schwager. Seriöse Aussage: Dieser Artikel ist rein fiktiv. Bitte ahmen Sie keine Handlungen, Verhaltensweisen, Handlungen usw. nach. Schätzen Sie Ihr Leben und leben Sie gut~
Xin Yue Ge · 22K Views

Die Frau, die ich aufgegabelt habe, ist zu heftig

Als Feng Qing geboren wurde, wurde sie aufgrund der Nachlässigkeit des Krankenhauses an ein Paar aus den Bergen verkauft. Sechzehn Jahre später holten ihre leiblichen Eltern sie aus einem kleinen Bergdorf nach Hause, und sie dachte, ihr Leben würde sich verbessern, aber das tat es nicht. Nicht nur, dass sie keine Liebe von ihren Eltern bekam, ihre Ersatzschwester machte sie auch noch blind. Schließlich verheirateten ihre Eltern sie mit einem alten Mann in den Fünfzigern. An ihrem Hochzeitstag flüchtete Feng Qing aus dem Hotel, während eine Reihe von Leibwächtern hinter ihr herlief. In einer kritischen Situation kletterte sie in ein schwarzes Auto, das am Straßenrand geparkt war. Auf dem Rücksitz des Wagens saß ein gut aussehender Mann, dessen Gesicht von kalter Rücksichtslosigkeit geprägt war. Er sah aus wie jemand, mit dem nicht zu spaßen war. Feng Qing tätschelte ihre schmutzigen kleinen Hände. "Also, Mister, ich habe bemerkt, dass Ihnen die Einsamkeit ins Gesicht geschrieben steht. Was halten Sie davon, eine Frau zu haben, die sich Ihnen jetzt vorgestellt hat?" Xie Jiuhan wurde gemeinhin als der Neunte Meister bezeichnet. Er war der Oberherr der Hauptstadt und hatte eine sprunghafte Persönlichkeit. Er war stur und rücksichtslos. Die Gesellschaft in der Hauptstadt setzte alle Mittel ein, aber keiner von ihnen kam auch nur in die Nähe des Saums der Kleidung des Neunten Meisters. Von diesem Tag an begannen sich in der Hauptstadt Gerüchte zu verbreiten. Der Neunte Meister, der sich normalerweise von Frauen fernhielt, zog eine zierliche kleine Frau im Herrenhaus groß und verwöhnte sie bis aufs Blut. Meister Neunter: "Meine Frau ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen." Der Arzt: "Wer ist dann die Dame, die jemandem mit einem einzigen Tritt die Kniescheibe zertrümmert hat?" Meister Neuntens: "Meine Frau lebte früher auf dem Dorf, sie ist nicht gut im Lernen." Die Studenten der Capital University: "Ihre Frau wird in jeder Prüfung die Nummer eins. Wenn sie nicht gut in der Schule ist, was sind wir dann? Zurückgebliebene?" Meister Neuntens: "Meine Frau ist extrem schüchtern. Sie hat noch nicht viele große Namen oder prominente Persönlichkeiten getroffen." Das Publikum: "Bitte halten Sie den Mund!" Die führende Autorität in der Medizin, Wissenschaftsprofessoren und berühmte internationale Regisseure standen vor Ihrem Haus Schlange und baten darum, sie zu sehen! Ja, Ihre Frau war noch nie mit großen Namen oder prominenten Persönlichkeiten zusammengetroffen, denn sie war hier die prominenteste Persönlichkeit.
Yishen · 45K Views

Baby Serendipity: Die ganze Welt hat sich in mich verliebt

Die Familie Su, die reichste der Stadt, hat plötzlich ein dreijähriges Küken! Alle dachten, dieses Kleinkind sei die uneheliche Tochter von Su Qi, dem berüchtigten Playboy des Unterhaltungszirkels, nur um festzustellen, dass die sieben Su-Brüder vor ihr knieten und sie Tante nannten! Ganz Nordstadt hat sich totgelacht: Wozu ist dein Tantchen denn sonst gut, als Milch zu trinken? Meine kann wenigstens für mich sticken. Su Qi: Sticken? Mein Tantchen kann Geister, Dämonen und Zombies fangen, Talente, die die Aufmerksamkeit aller auf sich ziehen. Kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Liu: Mein Tantchen kann Flugzeuge mit einem fliegenden Schwert jagen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Wu: Mein Tantchen kann Krankheiten mit der Dreizehn-Geister-Tor-Akupunktur heilen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Si: Mein Tantchen kann einen Fünffach-Sprung im Eiskunstlauf machen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su San: Mein Tantchen kann bei Spielen leicht einen Pentakill erreichen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Er: Mein Tantchen gewinnt Preise in traditioneller chinesischer Malerei, Ölmalerei und Tuschemalerei. Kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Da: Mein Tantchen hilft meiner Firma, eine Milliarde am Tag zu verdienen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Später wurde das kleine Tantchen der Familie Su erwachsen und begann im Stillen eine Romanze mit ihrer schönen, geschickten Jugendliebe. Unisono brüllten die sieben Söhne der Su-Familie: Haltet euch von unserem Tantchen fern!
Fox's Charm · 5K Views

Die Vertragsbesessenheit des CEO

[Warnung: Reifer Inhalt, R18+] [Abgeschlossen] [Tritt meinem Discord-Server bei, um mehr Bilder von Amy und Henry zu sehen.] Sie ist pleite und hat alles verloren, hat nur noch Schulden und Verbindlichkeiten. Er ist reich und hat alles, Erbe eines Multi-Milliarden-Unternehmens. Zwei unterschiedliche Menschen, die durch ihre Bedürfnisse zueinander finden - oder ist es Schicksal? **** Amelia Bell war erst 22 Jahre alt, als ihre Eltern, ihr Bruder und ihre Schwägerin bei einem Autounfall ums Leben kamen. Für die verletzten Kinder ihres Bruders ist sie nun verantwortlich. Sie hat alles, was sie besitzt, verkauft, ist hoch verschuldet und kann sich nur noch die Augen ausweinen. Und dann fiel ihr die Antwort auf ihre Frage ein: Woher soll sie das Geld für die Operation nehmen? Richtig... sie hat noch nicht alles getan, sie hat noch nicht versucht, sich zu verkaufen. Es war ein verzweifelter Schritt, aber sie hatte keine anderen Möglichkeiten mehr. Sie wurde sofort aus ihren Gedanken gerissen, als der Mann rief. "Das ist Wahnsinn, seine Qualifikationen sind einfach unmöglich... Jetzt verlangt er von mir, dass ich ihm dieses Mal eine reine und unschuldige finde... Selbst wenn sie einen 6-monatigen Vertrag unterschrieben haben, um ihm zu gehören, haben sich diese Frauen immer noch in ihn verliebt, obwohl sie wussten, dass sie nach 6 Monaten aus seinem Leben verschwinden würden... ... Ich werde nie die reine und unschuldige Frau finden, die er sucht, selbst wenn ich ihnen 5 Millionen im Voraus biete." Ohne zu zögern rannte Amy dem Mann hinterher und kletterte so schnell sie konnte die Treppe hinauf. "Entschuldigen Sie, Mister." "Was brauchen Sie, Miss? Ich bin in Eile." "Ich will den Job... den 6-Monats-Vertrag, ich kann ihn machen." "Ich nehme an, Sie haben auch gehört, dass ich eine reine und unschuldige Frau brauche, auch wenn ich nicht weiß, was das bedeutet." "Zählt eine Jungfrau? I-ich bin eine Jungfrau, vielleicht d-das ist, was Ihr Chef will, nicht wahr?" erklärte Amy kühn. Dann endlich stand der Chef, Mr. Welsh, vor ihr... Sie hatte nicht erwartet, dass er so jung ist, vielleicht fast so alt wie sie. Sie hatte sich einen alten Mann vorgestellt oder jemanden, der nicht so gut aussieht wie er. "Du solltest nicht aufhören zu atmen, Engel, das ist gefährlich, du könntest ohnmächtig werden. Wer weiß, was ich mit dir machen werde, wenn du erst einmal bewusstlos bist." Amy keuchte: "Was zum Teufel ist gerade mit mir passiert?", fluchte sie innerlich, während sie immer noch den Mann vor sich anstarrte. Dann lehnte er sich näher an sie heran. "Ich habe gehört, dass du etwas für mich hast. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dein Geschenk zu erhalten, mein Engel. Ich bin Henry." ******** Das Buchcover ist KI-generiert und von der Autorin bearbeitet, bitte verwenden Sie es nicht ohne Erlaubnis.
Shiroi_Nami · 28.3K Views

Lady Gu ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen

Man munkelte, dass Qiao Xi eine schwache Konstitution hatte - eine kränkliche Schönheit. Man munkelte, dass sie jeden Tag ein Vermögen für Medikamente ausgab und sie wie Süßigkeiten verschlang. Man munkelte, dass zehn Diener jeden Tag an ihrem Bett auf sie warteten - eine Last für alle. Sie alle warteten darauf, dass die Qiao-Familie Qiao Xi zurück aufs Land schickte und sie dort sich selbst überließ. Qiao Xi: "Sie sagen alle, dass ich schwach bin und nicht auf mich selbst aufpassen kann. Anscheinend gebe ich auch leichtsinnig Geld aus." Sie sah auf ihr zerfleddertes Hemd hinunter und war verärgert. Qiao Xi: "Willst du damit sagen, dass diese reiche Familie ihre Tochter jeden Tag zerfledderte Kleidung tragen lässt?" Die reiche Tochter der Familie Qiao? Sie hatte genug! Sie würde es nicht mehr sein! Deshalb... Dreckskerl: "Ohne die Qiao Familie bist du nichts." Qiao Xi: "Wenn ich aus der Qiao-Familie rausgeschmissen werde, bin ich erledigt." Das dreckige Mädchen: "Schwesterherz, sei nicht zu enttäuscht. Solange du hart arbeitest, wirst du eines Tages gelobt werden." Qiao Xi: "Halt die Klappe, ich kenne keine Verräterin wie dich." Der Dreckskerl und das Mädchen: "???" Man munkelt, dass der jüngste Sohn der Familie Gu, Gu Zheng, vorschnell eine Frau geheiratet hat, die nur gut aussieht. Qiao Xi: "Schaut jemand auf mich herab?" Eines Tages sah Qiao Xi, wie einer von Gu Zhengs Angestellten sich den Kopf über eine Reihe von Zahlen auf dem Computerbildschirm zerbrach. Da sie frei war, half sie ihm. Hat sie gerade die Firewall geknackt, die durch die gemeinsamen Bemühungen von Top-Elite-Hackern geschaffen wurde?! Gu Zheng kam mit jedem Schritt näher. "Qiao Xi, was verheimlichst du noch vor mir? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Oh, nein! Mir ist schon wieder schwindlig! Ich bin so schwach. Mein Körper ist einfach zu schwach!"
Qiaoqiao · 65.2K Views

Who is Greater_?

Expanding the synopsis to 2,000 words would turn it into a detailed introduction or prologue rather than just a summary. Below is a refined and extended version that gives more depth to the story while keeping it engaging and immersive. --- Who is Greater? A Story of Faith, Money, and Sacrifice Prologue: The Silent Question It was a cold night. The kind that seeps through your clothes and wraps itself around your bones. The sky stretched endlessly above, a canvas of stars glimmering like scattered diamonds. The moon, pale and unwavering, stood still in its place, indifferent to the world below. I sat in my courtyard, nestled in an old rocking chair, gazing at the vastness above. The silence of the night was comforting, almost deceptive, making me forget the burdens I carried. If only life could be this peaceful. But peace is a luxury. For a long time, I had believed in the goodness of life. I had worked hard, built a home, and raised my family with love and devotion. My daughter was growing into a bright young girl, and my son—my little boy—was the light of our lives. But life is unpredictable. One moment, you are standing firm, and the next, you are swept away by a storm you never saw coming. That storm came for me when my son fell ill. Chapter 1: A Father's Burden The next morning, I left for work. The streets were waking up, people rushing to their destinations, unaware of the battle I was fighting inside. An auto-rickshaw approached, and I raised my hand to stop it. It sped past without hesitation. I sighed and continued walking. The cold air wrapped around me, but I ignored it. I had bigger things to worry about. As I walked, I saw a familiar face—a long-lost friend. "Hello! Where have you been all these years?" I asked, the joy in my voice surprising even me. We exchanged warm greetings, our handshake firm and full of unspoken memories. But no matter how much we smiled, I couldn’t ignore the weight in my chest. "How is your family?" he asked, his tone soft. I hesitated. "My daughter is fine… but my son is unwell. He has been admitted to the hospital." His face darkened with concern. "That sounds serious. What will you do?" I sighed deeply. "I don’t have the money to continue his treatment. Can you help me?" For a moment, he said nothing. I could see the battle in his mind—the guilt of wanting to help but being unable to. Finally, he nodded. "I’ll try." Chapter 2: The Hospital Walls We rushed to the hospital. The halls smelled of antiseptic and quiet desperation. My mother stood near the doctor, worry lines deep on her face. "Doctor, what’s the situation?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. The doctor looked at me with practiced detachment. "Your son needs surgery immediately. You must deposit ₹2 lakh as soon as possible." The words hit me like a punch to the gut. ₹2 lakh. It might as well have been ₹2 million. "I… I don’t have that kind of money," I admitted. The doctor’s gaze didn’t waver. "Without payment, we cannot proceed." A suffocating silence followed. My friend placed a hand on my shoulder, grounding me. "We’ll find a way," he said. And so, we ran. We made countless calls, begged for help, knocked on doors. Some helped, others didn’t. Piece by piece, we collected the amount. By evening, we had ₹2 lakh. The surgery was scheduled. But this was only the beginning. Chapter 3: A Temporary Relief The hours passed like years. When the doctors finally emerged, my heart nearly stopped. "The surgery was successful," they said. Relief washed over me like a wave. My son was safe. For now. But reality wasn’t done with me yet. The next day, the doctor called me aside. "You will have to stay here for a few more days." Days turned into weeks. The bills stacked higher. My savings had already vanished, and each passing moment brought a new demand. One evening, the doctors sat me down. Their faces were unreadable. "There are additional complications," one of them said. "Your son needs
Reni_Joseph · 687 Views

Who Radicalized The Heroines?

Hans Schwann was stuck inside an unknown fictional world, guided by a system that labeled him as an [Extra] in the storyline. But this world was a little terrifying. Main characters could be found at every turn on the streets. Mysterious ring-grandpas were being traded back and forth like vegetable soup! What appeared to be cliches at a first glance turned out to be three-layers deep schemes. The old farts in every sect were absolute monsters! Kingdom-toppling beauties were hiding horrifying secrets. Harem seeking protagonists were being played like fiddles on their fingers! And on top of it all, heavens seemed to hate his guts with a passion. He was cursed by their design at every step! Unable to extricate himself from their insidious games, he could only scheme against their very existence. Overthrowing the Celestial Court was his only way out. “Since this is a world of extremes, I will prove how extreme an extra can be! I will overturn heaven and earth, wreaking such havoc that whoever made me transmigrate here shall regret!” And the first step towards this goal, of course, was to radicalize and control all the characters who had the protagonist halo. Armed with his system, he set out to do just that. It was all purely a result of coincidences that a bunch of crazy yandere women fell into obsession, ahem, ahem! Additional Tags: Time Travellers, Transmigrators, Reincarnators, Regressors, Machiavellian Characters, Ruthless Schemers, Villainous MC, Multiple Timelines, Paradoxes, Extensive Worldbuilding, System, Survival, Yanderes, Overpowered Female Leads, Enemies To Lovers, Villainesses, No NTR or Yuri, Mysterious Past, Bloodlines, Multiple Power Systems, Politics, Older Love Interests, Master-Disciple Relationship, Wholesome Relationships, Kingdom Building.
nosinundersun · 10.6K Views

Lust...Lost...Last Survivor.

[Warning: Mature content, R-18, Sexually explicit content. 100 Chapters done.] LISTEN UP, YOU THIRSTY DEGENERATES! YOU THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THIS SH*T? Forget all that watered-down, fairy-tale bullsht you’ve been spoon-fed. You still here? Well, guess what—you’re about to step into a world where the only rule is to fck sht up and survive. You got demons crawling out of hell and humans so degenerates, they’d trade their own mother for a shot at power. This ain’t no noble quest, it’s a f*cking bloodbath—and you better be ready to get drenched in it. Here’s what you’re about to dive into: • Demons so fine seductive they’ll make you forget what’s right or wrong—who cares when evil looks this damn sexy? • Humans? Hah! They’re more fcked up than the demons! You think they’re the good guys? Guess again, dipsh*t. They’re here to carve out their own slice of hell, and they don’t care whose throat they gotta slit to do it. • Battles so savage, you’ll be choking on blood—if you’re lucky. If you ain’t? You’ll be crawling through the mud, beggin’ for someone to finish you off. Spoiler: They won’t. • Lust? This ain’t romance, you dumb fck. This is raw, filthy, boner-breaking need. Warriors in the heat of battle, ready to fck or kill, sometimes both. And trust me, they don’t care if you watch. "Holy sh*t, I don’t know who’s worse—the demons or the humans!" — Some pervert who thought he was ready for this trash fire. THINK THAT’S IT? HELL NO, YOU DIRTY BASTARD! • Twists so fcking brutal they’ll rip your soul out and use it for target practice. • Choices so fcked up you’ll wish you never had to make ‘em—but guess what? Nobody cares what you wish for, bitch. • A world so black, so hopeless, even the demons are lookin’ for an exit—and there ain’t one, motherf*cker. FINAL WARNING: This ain’t a story for the weak, the clean, or the sane. We got gut-wrenching violence, straight-up vulgar dirty f*cking, and choices that’ll make you puke. If you ain’t down to get your soul violated, turn around and get the f*ck out. This is the point of no return. #DemonsWantBloodAndAss #WuxiaWithZeroF*cks #MoralityIsForTheDead #ThisIsYourNewHell Disclaimer: This story will ruin you. Side effects include sleepless nights, uncontrolled boners, and the overwhelming urge to f*ck, fight, and die all at once. Proceed if you got the balls for it—or not. Cover Art AI Generated.
WoodenPaw · 121.8K Views

Wolfless; Rejected by the Lycan, Embraced by thD Tribrid King.(moved)

"When the moon hides, the shadows embrace." ®®®® "I, Kane Nightshade, king of the Lycans, reject you wolf-less wench, Isabella Williams as my fated mate. How dare you bare the mark of someone else and have the guts to be pregnant too." The lycan king boomed, slamming me he continued. "Punishment is to be whipped a hundred times and by the end of it, her head should be cut off" ^^^ Isabella never thought her life would end like this. Yeah, she knew she was wolf-less and would die before she reached a good age. But she never knew she'd have to pass through the rejection, the shame, and the curses. Framed for infidelity and bearing a mysterious child. Isabella's life turns all the more dark as her tormentor, who turns out to be her fated mate, brutally rejects her and the child. Subjecting her to a punishment that would eventually lead to her death and their unborn. But just as she was about drawing her last breath. The creature came to her rescue. The creature in question was shrouded in smoke, a man who no one could describe, killing the Lycans left, right, and center just because of an uncontrollable rage he, himself didn't understand. Lucian, a being who slept for a thousand years, has awakened. But what is he now? A demon, human, werewolf, vampire, or something more? A freaking tribrid, driven by fury and a thirst for vengeance. And What does he want with Isabella, the wolf-less, pregnant runt he accidentally marked? Will she survive long enough to find out about her wolf and destiny. ©© Dark romance Warning ®18 Read with caution, it has a very sensitive scene and mature content.
Saa_Mohd · 2.3K Views

Rise of a Tainted Monarch

Nobles. Hunters. Warlocks. Sorcerers. Monsters. Beasts. And Loch, an orphan with a tainted arm, is about to get a perilous crash course on how these mighty creatures weave their webs of power in a world where the supernatural goes hand in hand with science. The world of Aegis is filled with all manner of powerful beings, but these powerful beings didn't start strong; they grew, evolved, and ascended. By twisting the power of the Tainted Aether, the very lifeblood that runs through all things in the world of Aegis, humans have taken a step to rise above their original status as prey and have joined the ranks of the predators. After millennia of fortifying and no small number of sacrifices, Humans have cut a slice of the hazardous lands for themselves, with their ringed cities built on blessed soil and defended by magic and machines, each ruled over by a being so powerful they are title with the name of royalty, Monarch. Some Humans have begun to be born and die without seeing a shadow of the many monstrous existences that used to have a human or two for breakfast. It is in one of these ringed cities where an Orphan born with a common deformity due to Tainted blood is about to learn what it takes to rise above the masses and ascend to the almost mythical level of Monarch. A GRIMDARK story filled with classic sword and magic elements but also a very heavy sprinkling of guts, guns, and glory. Humans can only rise past their limits by hunting the many beasts and monsters that roam the lands of Aegis.
DarkTidings94 · 3.7K Views

The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Senior student Victoria Winner is the campus queen and the heiress of her father’s empire, her name and beauty give her the strength to feel she owns the world. She is the hottest girl on campus, yet she doesn't want to date because, for her, no one is above her, and she is too beautiful to date just with anyone. And too proud of herself that no boys have ever kissed her. Girls envy her while she can toy the boys with her fingers. Until one day, a new guy on campus ruined her reputation by kissing her. Oliver Prize is the handsome and hot Alpha of the Valiant Pack, the most feared pack in the entire werewolf community. He was devastated when the elders asked him to watch over his mate from the Sterling Pack since he doesn’t believe in falling in love, and having a mate; for him, it was only a waste of time and energy. Oliver was forced to pretend as a high school senior student transferee at Zenith Academy, and his bad-boy yet mysterious aura made the girls fall for him except with one girl, Victoria. Excerpt: “How dare you steal my first kiss from me?" Victoria hissed as she looked daggers at Oliver. "And why do you ever feel so stressed about it when I can feel you enjoyed that kiss so much? It was just a kiss, Victoria. Besides, you don't even know how to kiss." Oliver replied with a smirk that made her angrier. "If you want, I can give you a kissing tutorial for free." He said and left her without taking a second glance, and that is why Victoria hated him with all her heart. He was the only guy on campus who got the courage to mess with the school queen by kissing her. He hated everything about her especially her guts, but he couldn't deny himself that the kiss he shared with Victoria was the best kiss he ever had. During Victoria's eighteenth birthday, she discovered what she truly is, a secret she can't even tell her best friend. And she realized the world she knew was all lies. Victoria couldn't accept what she was, and she found refuge in the arms of her mortal enemy, Oliver Prize. Victoria realized her archnemesis was her only salvation to survive in the new world full of mysteries and wickedness where she thought she would never belong. Can Victoria protect her heart from falling in love with the boy she hated the most? Is the Alpha going to deny or accept to himself that love exist and it is real when he realizes Victoria Winner, the mate he wanted to reject, captured his heart? (Warning: Contain mature content on the later part of the story.)
sirenbeauty · 295.2K Views

The Immortals: Odyssey

In the dawn of time, a family of ordinary sailors and fishermen unknowingly stumbles upon a fate that would forever alter their destiny. A goddess, angered by their alleged act of theft against her, cursed them to sail the seas eternally, plundering treasures and pillaging wealth. And they came to be known as the first pirates to ever exist. This curse, however, came with an unexpected twist; immortality. For centuries, the family navigated the treacherous waters, exploiting their newfound gift, to amass power and riches. They became the stuff of legend, feared and revered by all who crossed their path. Their dreaded name, "The Damned Ones," struck terror into the hearts of both men and gods. Years passed, and the goddess, seemingly capricious, lifted the curse, allowing the family to set foot on land once again. But this freedom came with a catch; their immortality remained, a double-edged sword that rendered them invincible and more formidable. And as the ages went by, the family's exploits became the tales told in myths and legends, but they themselves, lived among the humans. They built civilizations, sowed chaos, and reveled in their unparalleled power. Even the powerful rulers and other immortal factions trembled at the mention of their name. They were an overpowered, unkillable set of monstrosities that wanted nothing more than to have fun. After years of separation, the family reunites, only to discover that one of them had gone missing. But that was only just the beginning. A new enemy had emerged from the darkness, one who had in his possession a mysterious and terrifying power, one capable of killing even the unkillable family. The family, driven by a mix of concern and self-preservation, put aside their differences and join forces to vanquish the threat. Allied once again as one, their unyielding resolve and unmatched power would be tested like never before, but one thing was certain– they would not go quietly into the night. They had lived for tens of centuries and have gotten unaccustomed to death. The battle for their existence had begun, and the fate of the world hung in the balance. They fought against both old and new foes, in a world where the supernatural was nothing more than a fairy tale, living up to their mythical title as the... IMMORTALS Sneak peak! The sun dipped into the horizon, casting a bloody orange glow over the battle-scarred shore. The air reeked of saltwater, smoke and piles of dead bodies littered the battleground, their limbs twisted in unnatural poses. Amidst the carnage, a burly man stood tall, victorious over a defeated foe, he remained still, taking in the aftermath of the war. His side had emerged victorious, their enemies laid low. A sense of pride and satisfaction swelled within him, but it was short-lived. But his triumph was short-lived. A sudden sharp pricking sensation in his back prompted him to turn around, where he faced a young warrior, shaking with fear, clutching the hilt of a longsword whose blade had pierced through the man's back and was protruding from his gut. The man scoffed and with a swift motion, he reached around and grasped the hilt, pulling the sword from his body. The warrior's eyes widened in horror as the man withdrew the blade, the metal sliding out of his flesh with a sickening squelch. As the sword cleared his body, the man's wounds began to heal at an alarming rate. The gash in his back closed, the skin knitting together with an unnatural speed. The warrior stumbled backward, his eyes fixed on the healing flesh. "You... you're a monster!" The man's gaze locked onto the warrior, his eyes burning with inner fire. "You're right, i am a monster. Stab me a hundred times, decapitate me, entomb me, cut me up into a million pieces and incinerate the parts... I won't stay dead, I'm 'the' immortal, I can't be killed!" And with a swift, deadly motion, the man jabbed the sword into the warrior's throat, ending his life with a single, brutal stroke
Red_Hood69 · 7.3K Views

The Dragon Queen and her mates.

Mature content: ‘You are not my craving my dear, you are my obsession.’ “ She was our light and we were her darkness—- and just like every opposites we were obsessed with the idea of having her.” The Evil Empress, the one whose life was filled with debauchery and betrayal to her mates was supposed to die tonight. Being the Empress of the Dragniere Empire and the mother to all dragons, she was supposed to live a life where she lived for her people and the country, her exquisite powers were alone enough to make her the ruler of the entire continent and with her face that was as beautiful as a shining pearl in the moonlight, with hair as fine as Pima, and her curves so luscious that any man would have died of desire with just one glimpse. With powers that were beyond humans, shrouded with the air of aristocracy and with a personality that was as cruel as Medusa, The Evil Empress continued to rule over the people of her Empire with her tyranny. Brianna Cage, nicknamed ‘ Bree, The hellion’ for the convenience of her acquaintances was a rowdy young woman. She had a fierce sense of justice, she was dependable and despite not being the most beautiful woman in her department, she was sought out by a lot of men because of her alluring nature, she rejected them all because in truth she was in love with —— all the Daddies in the comic books she has read. Behind her aloof and dependable persona resided a Weeb who was always cheering on the characters of her favourite books. One day she came upon the book ‘ The Maid’s route of survival of the fittest’ and decided to read it just for the heck of it since the Empress shared the same name as her. But soon Bree found out that the Empress was the Villainess, she even betrayed her mates one by one and what was even more gut-wrenching she was killed by her mates! All for the sake of the maid who reincarnated into the book with a system to help her. Bree though angry decided to throw the book at the back of her head but oddly enough the book vanished and Bree found herself waking up in the room of the Evil Empress just three weeks before she was executed by her mates! Startled but not having the time to freak out, Bree started to take care of everything that the Evil Empress has done wrong. She thought that she would be able to live a peaceful life away from her bloodthirsty mates who didn’t seem too fond of her. But unfortunately, things didn’t go as she planned as five sets of eyes fell on her despite all the precautions she has taken against them. And once those eyes locked on her, they refused to let go of their possessiveness. The Evil Empress was theirs, to begin with who dares take her away?
fairytail72 · 1M Views

He Comes At Night

Rose stood defiantly, eyes locked onto his golden ones as she lifted the hem of her small top, exposing the smooth expanse of her stomach before peeling the fabric over her head. The red glittering bra shimmering under moonlight as if made for this very moment. She ignored the tremor of anticipation curling in her gut. None of that mattered. Not even the reckless haze of drugs clouding her thoughts. Tonight, she was in control. This was a mission. A mission to keep his attention solely on her so could save her friend from his curse. Her fingers hooked into the waistband of her shorts, her breath steadying when she saw him go rigid. Shoulders squared. Posture tensed. Not in fear. Not in disgust. But in something far sinister. His Interest. “Yes… feast your depraved little eyes and filthy mind on this,” she whispered, smirking as the shorts fell away, pooling at her ankles. The silky red thong clung to her hips, the moonlight accentuating every curve of her body. She flicked the discarded clothing aside, shifting her weight slightly as she let her nightly visitor drink in the sight of her naked glory. His posture no longer that of boredom. Good. That was exactly what she wanted. More like, what intoxicated, irrational Rose wanted. She twirled, giving him a deliberate view, rolling her hips just enough to torment. “Since you’ve made my life a living hell, I might as well return the favor.” She cast a wicked smile over her shoulder. “Consider this my gift to you—one you’ll never get to touch.” By the time she turned back, her stomach plummeted. He had moved. No longer a distant silhouette in the meadow—he now stood at the edge of her patio. Much closer and so much real. The thrill that had fueled her was fading slowly. Had she just made a mistake playing this game with her stalker? Swallowing hard, she lowered herself onto the chair, parting her bare legs wide and letting the wooden cross dangle before her barely covered cherry, in a taunt. A silent challenge. His fingers curled around the wooden rail, veins standing taut against the black ink of his tattoos. His chest rose and fell, controlled but heavier, as though restraining something barely contained beneath his skin. "Want a taste, my dear stalker?" Rose whispers She had him pinned. Or so she thought. Her shadowy visitor moves. Slow, deliberate steps leading closer. Panic slammed into her. No. Rose bolted upright, pressing the cross against the glass door separating them. “Stay back!” Her voice wavered a bit. “I swear, I’ll burn your stalking ass right where you stand!” He stilled. A beat of silence. Then— A low, quiet chuckle rumbled through the night air, reaching her ears like smoke. Deep and Dark. Her stomach twisted. The sound was foreign, yet eerily familiar. As if she had always known this was how he would sound. His hands rose in mock surrender, his hooded head tilting slightly, as if entertained by her little performance. Then, as effortlessly as he had closed the distance, he stepped back. Rose’s breath fastened. She was playing with fire, willingly, by provoking the one who comes out at night and remain in shadows. And he was enjoying it.   == In the embrace of her ancestral town, Rose seeks refuge from the echoes of her past. Little does she know, her return to her roots will awaken dormant shadows, shattering ordinary her existence. For when the darkness falls over the town, from the pitch black rises a shadowy figure that haunt her nights. In the darkness he sweeps her off the ground in terrible fear and the allure of sinister intrigue. And once the sun comes, a man with a god awful attitude, haunts her in the broad day light. Causing her to swell with pure disdain. With each passing night, it draws closer to Rose, casting a chilling spell that both terrifies and exhilarates her. Thrust into a labyrinth of mysteries can she navigate the treacherous path laid before her, or will her nightly visitor consume her whole?
AkumaQuil · 35.4K Views
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