Daylight Saga
Imprisoned for seven long years in a desolate cell, Preto Joltenheim, once known as The Undead, lives a forgotten existence. Bound by chains of iron and haunted by bitter memories, his only companion is a clever white rat named Mr. Shin. While the world moves on beyond the bars that hold him, Preto sings songs of longing—remnants of a past steeped in betrayal, war, and love.
Once the heir to a mighty house, Preto’s rise to infamy began with a fateful alliance forged on a battlefield soaked in blood. Alexander Asellus, a cunning noble with a heart full of ambition, became both his closest friend and deadliest rival. Together, they dared to defy lords and kings, manipulating the tides of war and chasing the dreams of an empire. But ambition breeds betrayal, and power demands sacrifices neither man was prepared to make.
Now, as old enemies stir and forgotten oaths awaken, the shadows of the past reach for Preto. A new age of treachery and war looms on the horizon. With whispers of rebellion in the air and swords poised to carve new legends, Preto must decide—will he rise from the ashes of his captivity to reclaim his destiny, or be consumed by the ghosts of his shattered heart?
In a tale of honour and vengeance, love and ruin, the line between friend and foe blurs, and fate dances on the edge of a blade.