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Nora Freeze

The Legends of the Constellar Kings

The universe brings forth billions of stars that shine and continuously increase like shimmering sands that sparkle so bright. A mighty celestial being arose toward the pinnacle of the universe to sprinkle seeds among the stars and planets, those seeds manifest the perfection of their creator. The stars become the shelter of those seeds that eventually turn into celestial creatures and living elements. Years passed, and they evolved and became powerful. The evolution of their genetic origins has exceeded the expectations of the mighty celestial being. Turned out, they are like gods that abode supernaturally across the Universe. Soon, they called themselves the Constellar beings that seem dominant among living beings in the galaxies and carry significant roles and responsibilities to maintain balance in the universe. However, greed and an ambitious desire for power and authority brought chaos and unrest to everyone. Some seeds were corrupted by evil Constellar beings and turned into dark entities hiding in every shadow on the planet, including Earth. However, the Light side ordered to eradicate them due to their rapid growth that seemed contiguous. But then, even with how many times they killed them, they still grow abundantly. The chaos in the universe became serious and intolerable, the rampant of those dark entities brought imbalance to the cosmic energy that seemed the dark energy distracted the flow of lights energy to maintain its foundation. The Draco led his troops to challenge the Crux, known as the Divine light that gives hope and inspiration to all good beings. The Crux is one of the most important Constellar beings who protect the souls of every creature in the universe. This Constellar was capable to purify them and empower them with divinity. But, the Draco knows what is the counter of Crux. So, Draco led with the Triangulum to nullify the existence of the divine light, empowering the darkness and summoning other entities through the use of triangular teleportation that enables them to pass through space without consuming time. This makes them accessible to any attack strategy. However, the Crux rightful authority encouraged other constellar beings to ally against the dark intentions of Draco's invasion. The warrior Orion is a tactician sworn to fight alongside light orders. Orion's soldiers were powerful and weapon's master warriors who used swords, shields, spares, and other rudimentary weaponry but also capable of enduring long fights and wars without rest. The Crux's power burst directly amid crowded dark entities that tried to enter the gates of light realms. But, still not enough to eradicate those aggressive creatures that devour every living creature in the realm that reached their claws and fangs. Although the Draco suppressed the Light through the voltaic eruption raining toward the very heart of the realm. Many lives could be killed as soon as it landed, but the Aquila sent a stormy wind to repeal it. Many of Draco's allies, like Corvus as Draco's messenger, Hydra, the sea serpent with many heads that breath water, lava, mud, and acids, and freezes anything by exhaling air. The giant Cetus controls sea organisms from different seas in the galaxies and summons them to attack. Although some of them were under Draco's mind control, they manipulated their mind by altering them into a dark mentality that ferociously attacked whatever Draco commanded. Only Crux can destroy the mind control of Draco through purification and the power of enlightenment, which guides all stellar beings to an ethical decision. Crux aimed for the salvation of the universe because it was contaminated by the dark entities' energy that absorbed and devoured star souls to create a formidable Universe. A lifeless universe will be a forbidden fate— called shadows of death! read full at the introduction.
Israel_P_Villareal · 723 Views

Sr. Presidente: O senhor é o pai dos meus trigêmeos

"M... Marissa! São meus filhos?" Os olhos de Rafael não se desviavam do rosto adorável das crianças. "Não, Rafael. Eles não são," disse Marissa com um sorriso falso, "Eles não são seus. Lembra?" ela piscou os cílios de maneira bem dramática, "Nunca fomos casados!" A irmã mais velha de Marissa Aaron, Valerie Aaron, abandonou seu namorado cego no dia do casamento e fugiu. Para salvar a aparência, a família de Merissa implorou para que ela se casasse com Raphael Sinclair. A ironia? Ela não podia dizer ao seu marido cego que não era Valerie, mas sim Marissa Aaron. No dia da bem-sucedida cirurgia de olhos de Raphael, Marissa ficou sabendo que Valerie havia voltado para tomar seu lugar de direito como nora dos Sinclair. Marissa tentou explicar ao marido que era ela quem havia se casado com ele, mas ele não acreditou. Em vez de tentar mais convencê-lo, a desolada Merissa decidiu deixar a cidade sem contar seu segredo. Raphael Sinclair era a clássica definição de galã e o único herdeiro do Grupo Sinclair de Indústrias. O que ele faria ao descobrir que todo esse tempo a mulher que lhe ofereceu amor e seu corpo não era Valerie, mas sim sua irmã mais nova Marissa Aaron? Como ele reagiria ao saber que era o pai dos bebês que Marissa estava esperando? Ele iria atrás de Marissa e reconquistaria seu amor? E a pergunta de um milhão de dólares! Marissa seria capaz de perdoá-lo e amá-lo novamente?
JessicaKaye911 · 1.3M Views

Mari avec avantages

Nora est anéantie un mois avant son mariage lorsqu'elle met au jour la liaison trompeuse de son fiancé. Alors qu'elle gère cette trahison, elle découvre un complot profond pour l'empêcher de réclamer son héritage légitime. Dévastée mais déterminée, Nora prend une mesure audacieuse pour reprendre le contrôle de sa vie. Entre en scène Démétri 'Le Démon' pour ceux qui le connaissent, un homme redoutable qu'elle connaît à peine, qui lui offre sa protection et son soutien en échange d'un mariage contractuel pour le satisfaire. Dans un retournement de destin, Nora épouse Démétri pour revendiquer son héritage et lutter contre ceux qui ont comploté contre elle. Mais alors qu'elle affronte sa propre famille et les nombreux rivaux de Démétri, sera-t-elle capable d'éviter de tomber amoureuse de l'homme connu pour écraser les gens sous le talon de sa botte. Extrait : Elle avait oublié que l'homme était intimidant et l'avait directement défié. Au lieu de parler, Démétri se leva de son siège et s'approcha d'elle délibérément. Bien que ce ne fût que quelques pas, le temps semblait s'étirer pour Nora. Lorsqu'il fut presque à portée de toucher, sa main se posa doucement sur son genou, l'écartant sur le côté. Son toucher glissait avec un soupçon de caresse, et il s'inséra entre ses jambes ouvertes. Nora restait là, en silence glacé, les yeux grands ouverts comme un cerf pris dans les phares. Attrapant son menton entre ses doigts, il inclina son visage vers le haut et parla sans hâte, "Tu es ma femme." Elle hocha la tête lentement en affirmation alors que son pouce traçait lentement sa lèvre. "Je t'ai donné du temps pour rassembler tes émotions." Un autre signe de tête. La nervosité de Nora la fit lécher ses lèvres, tout à fait consciente de son regard intense fixé sur elles. "Ta raison pour le mariage était de sécuriser ton héritage et de t'échapper de sous le pouce de ta mère." "Oui..." murmura Nora dans la confusion. Sa confusion n'était pas au sujet de sa déclaration, mais à propos des sensations déroutantes qui la traversaient. Que se passait-il avec elle ? "Il est temps pour toi de remplir ta part du contrat, n'est-ce pas ?" Il continua. "Oui," souffla Nora à bout de souffle. Pourquoi était-elle à bout de souffle ? Le niveau d'oxygène dans la maison avait-il baissé ? L'air devenait-il soudainement plus rare ? Soudainement, sa main quitta son visage, et elle le regarda se rapprocher. C'est alors que Nora comprit ce qui se déroulait. Tous ces baisers palpitants, à vous faire battre le cœur, qu'elle avait lus dans les romans, étaient sur le point de devenir peut-être sa réalité. Mais le baiser tant attendu n'eut pas lieu. Au lieu de cela, il s'arrêta près d'elle et ordonna, "Embrasse-moi."
har_k · 548.3K Views

Ehemann mit Vorzügen

Nora ist einen Monat vor ihrer Hochzeit am Boden zerstört, als sie die betrügerische Affäre ihres Verlobten aufdeckt. Während sie mit diesem Verrat fertig wird, entdeckt sie eine tiefgreifende Intrige, die sie daran hindern soll, ihr rechtmäßiges Erbe anzutreten. Am Boden zerstört, aber entschlossen, unternimmt Nora einen gewagten Schritt, um die Kontrolle über ihr Leben zurückzugewinnen. Sie trifft auf Demetri, den "Dämon", einen furchterregenden Mann, den sie kaum kennt und der ihr Schutz und Unterstützung anbietet, wenn sie ihn im Gegenzug mit einem Vertrag heiratet, der ihn zufrieden stellt. Durch eine Laune des Schicksals heiratet Nora Demetri, um ihr Erbe einzufordern und diejenigen zu bekämpfen, die sich gegen sie verschworen haben. Doch während sie gegen ihre eigene Familie und Demetris zahlreiche Rivalen kämpft, wird sie es schaffen, sich nicht in den Mann zu verlieben, der dafür bekannt ist, Menschen unter seinem gestiefelten Absatz zu zerquetschen. Auszug: Sie hatte vergessen, dass der Mann einschüchternd war, und ihn direkt herausgefordert. Anstatt zu sprechen, erhob sich Demetri von seinem Platz und ging zielstrebig auf sie zu. Obwohl es nur ein paar Schritte waren, schien sich die Zeit für Nora zu dehnen. Als er fast zum Greifen nahe war, landete seine Hand sanft auf ihrem Knie und bewegte es zur Seite. Seine Berührung bewegte sich mit einem Hauch von Liebkosung, und er trat zwischen ihre geöffneten Beine. Nora saß da wie erstarrt, ihre Augen weit aufgerissen wie ein Reh im Scheinwerferlicht. Er nahm ihr Kinn zwischen seine Finger, neigte ihr Gesicht nach oben und sprach in aller Ruhe: "Du bist meine Frau." Sie nickte langsam mit dem Kopf zur Bestätigung, während sein Daumen langsam über ihre Lippen strich. "Ich habe dir Zeit gegeben, deine Gefühle zu sammeln." Ein weiteres Nicken. Noras Nervosität ließ sie sich über die Lippen lecken, während sie sich seines intensiven Blickes auf sie bewusst war. "Dein Grund für die Heirat war es, dein Erbe zu sichern und nicht mehr unter der Fuchtel deiner Mutter zu stehen." "Ja ..." flüsterte Nora verwirrt. Ihre Verwirrung bezog sich nicht auf seine Aussage, sondern auf die verwirrenden Empfindungen, die sie durchströmten. Was geschah mit ihr? "Es ist an der Zeit, dass du deinen Teil des Vertrages erfüllst, ja?" fuhr er fort. "Ja", flüsterte Nora atemlos. Warum war sie atemlos? War der Sauerstoffgehalt im Haus gesunken? Wurde die Luft plötzlich dünner? Abrupt verließ seine Hand ihr Gesicht, und sie beobachtete, wie er näher herankam. Erst jetzt begriff Nora, was vor sich ging. All die verlockenden, herzzerreißenden Küsse, von denen sie in Romanen gelesen hatte, sollten nun möglicherweise ihre Realität werden. Aber der erwartete Kuss fand nicht statt. Stattdessen hielt er in ihrer Nähe inne und befahl: "Küss mich."
har_k · 359K Views

Marido Com Benefícios

``` Nora fica devastada um mês antes de seu casamento quando descobre a traição de seu noivo. Enquanto lida com essa traição, ela descobre um profundo ardil para impedi-la de reivindicar sua legítima herança. Desolada, mas determinada, Nora dá um passo ousado para retomar o controle de sua vida. Surge Demétrio 'O Demônio', como é conhecido por aqueles que o conhecem, um homem imponente pouco conhecido por ela, que lhe oferece proteção e apoio em troca de um casamento por contrato para satisfazê-lo. Em uma reviravolta do destino, Nora se casa com Demétrio para reivindicar sua herança e lutar contra aqueles que conspiraram contra ela. Mas, enquanto ela batalha contra sua própria família e os muitos rivais de Demétrio, será que ela conseguirá evitar se apaixonar pelo homem conhecido por esmagar as pessoas sob o calcanhar de suas botas. Excerto: Ela havia esquecido que o homem era intimidador e o desafiou diretamente. Em vez de falar, Demétrio se levantou de sua cadeira e se aproximou dela deliberadamente. Embora fossem apenas alguns passos, o tempo pareceu se esticar para Nora. Quando ele estava quase ao alcance do toque, sua mão pousou gentilmente em seu joelho, deslizando-o para o lado. Seu toque se moveu com um indício de carícia, e ele se colocou entre as pernas abertas dela. Nora ficou lá em silêncio congelado, os olhos arregalados como um veado capturado pelos faróis de um carro. Segurando seu queixo entre os dedos, ele inclinou o rosto dela para cima e falou sem pressa, "Você é minha esposa." Ela acenou lentamente com a cabeça em afirmação enquanto o polegar dele lentamente percorria seu lábio. "Eu lhe dei tempo para reunir suas emoções." Mais um aceno. O nervosismo de Nora a fez lamber os lábios, extremamente consciente do olhar intenso dele fixo neles. "Sua razão para o casamento foi garantir sua herança e se libertar da influência de sua mãe." "Sim..." Nora sussurrou confusa. Sua confusão não era sobre a declaração dele, mas sobre as sensações desconcertantes que percorriam seu corpo. O que estava acontecendo com ela? "Está na hora de você cumprir sua parte no contrato, não é?" Ele continuou. "Sim," Nora sussurrou sem fôlego. Por que ela estava sem fôlego? O nível de oxigênio da casa havia diminuído? O ar de repente estava ficando rarefeito? De repente, a mão dele deixou o rosto dela, e ela observou enquanto ele se aproximava ainda mais. Foi então que Nora compreendeu o que estava se desenrolando. Todos aqueles beijos tentadores e que faziam o coração acelerar que ela havia lido sobre em romances estavam prestes a possivelmente se tornar sua realidade. Mas o beijo antecipado não aconteceu. Em vez disso, ele parou perto dela e ordenou, "Beije-me." ```
har_k · 1M Views


Losing an investment is a distressing experience, but it becomes even more heart-wrenching when that loss is due to fraud. As someone who had invested a significant amount of ETH (Ethereum), I found myself facing an alarming situation when my assets were stolen through a scam that seemed too elaborate to fall for. The relief, however, came from an unexpected source: Digital Tech Guard Recovery. Like many in the world of cryptocurrency, I was confident in my ability to spot scams. However, the fraud I fell victim to was not your average phishing attack or wallet hack. It involved an advanced fake exchange platform that promised impressive returns on ETH investments. They used professional-looking websites, manipulated social proof, and even had testimonials from seemingly credible figures in the crypto space. The lure was undeniable: fast returns and a secure platform. Contact WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886 Email Telegram: website link :: https : // Everything seemed legitimate, and after transferring a substantial sum of ETH into their "safe" exchange, I was met with immediate promises of high profits. However, as the days passed, I began to notice discrepancies. The "profits" shown on the platform became more exaggerated, and access to my funds was restricted. Eventually, I couldn’t withdraw anything, and the site was gone. I was devastated. My ETH had been stolen, and with it, my trust in the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem. I tried reaching out to the exchange (which was now offline), and I filed complaints with the relevant authorities. But despite my efforts, I felt like I was getting nowhere. Like many others, I was ready to give up on recovering my assets. Just when I thought all hope was lost, I came across Digital Tech Guard Recovery while researching ways to recover stolen cryptocurrency. I had seen countless ads promising similar services, but Digital Tech Guard Recovery seemed different. It wasn’t just a generic recovery platform—they specialized in cases exactly like mine, where scammers had built sophisticated frauds to steal ETH. Their website immediately struck me as more professional, with clear testimonials from clients who had successfully recovered their funds. What set them apart was their step-by-step approach, transparency, and their emphasis on using legal and technical methods to track stolen assets. They acted quickly, sending a formal request to the exchange, demanding the freeze and return of my assets, backed by the legal framework they had in place. The process wasn’t instant, but their team kept me informed at every stage, providing me with regular updates on their progress. The experience with Digital Tech Guard Recovery was transformative in more ways than one. Their comprehensive approach, legal knowledge, and technical expertise not only restored my lost investment but also restored my faith in cryptocurrency security. They weren’t just about getting the funds back—they also made sure that the scammers were flagged and that my recovery was documented, so I could help others who might face similar issues.
Raymood_Lundblad · 64 Views

Through the whiskered veil

When seventeen-year-old Calypso chases a wounded cat into the forest one cold morning, she doesn’t expect her world to unravel. Drawn through a strange barrier—an ethereal whiskered veil—she wakes in a world unlike anything she’s ever imagined. This is a land of glowing forests, impossible creatures, and ancient beings with motives she cannot comprehend. Alone and disoriented, Calypso must navigate a realm that was never meant for her kind. As she searches for answers—and a way home—she encounters unlikely allies who challenge her assumptions about the world and herself. Nora, a quiet ghoul with a knack for the unknown from this worlds cruel rules, offers Calypso practical guidance and a glimmer of hope. Osa, a stoic warrior burdened by his own past, becomes an unlikely protector with secrets he fiercely guards. And Collun, a mischievous traveler with a sharp tongue and a penchant for trouble, seems to know far more than he lets on. Their paths intertwine as Calypso learns of the mysterious Nini, an elusive figure whose influence stretches across the realm , forced to guide the group. Calypso’s growing connection to Yonig, Nini’s quiet and enigmatic half-avian employee, leaves her torn between distrust and curiosity. Yonig’s cryptic warnings and unreadable demeanor suggest he holds the key to her predicament, but his loyalties remain unclear. As they venture deeper into the forest’s heart, Calypso and her companions are hunted by creatures drawn to her vulnerability. Each step reveals more of the world’s perilous beauty—and the cost of trespassing into a place she doesn’t belong. Together, they must unravel the mysteries of this world and confront the dark forces that brought them together. Blending dark fantasy, mystery, and survival, Through the Whiskered Veil is a story of courage, unlikely friendships, and the fragile boundaries between worlds. in
SAEVOR · 941 Views

Husband With Benefits

Nora is shattered a month before her wedding when she uncovers her fiancé's deceitful affair. As she manages this betrayal, she discovers a deep ploy to hinder her from claiming her rightful inheritance. Devastated but determined, Nora takes a daring step to regain control of her life. Enter Demetri 'The Demon' to those who know him, a formidable man barely known to her, who offers her protection and support in return for a contract marriage to satisfy him. In a twist of fate, Nora marries Demetri to claim her inheritance and fight those who plotted against her. But as she battles her own family and Demetri's many rivals, will she be able to keep from falling for the man known to crush people beneath his booted heel. Excerpt: She had forgotten that the man was intimidating and directly challenged him. Rather than speaking, Demetri rose from his seat and approached her deliberately. Although it was a mere few steps, time seemed to stretch for Nora. When he was almost within touching distance, his hand gently landed on her knee, moving it sideways. His touch moved with a hint of a caress, and he stepped between her open legs. Nora sat there in frozen silence, her eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Catching her chin between his fingers, he tilted her face upwards and spoke unhurriedly," You are my wife." She nodded her head slowly in affirmation while his thumb slowly traced her lip. "I have given you time to gather your emotions." Another nod. Nora's nervousness made her lick her lips, acutely aware of his intense gaze fixed upon them. "Your reason for the marriage was to secure your inheritance and get away from under your mother's thumb." "Yes..." Nora whispered in confusion. Her confusion was not about his statement but about the bewildering sensations coursing through her. What was happening with her? "It's time for you to fulfil your end of the contract, yes?" He continued. "Yes," Nora whispered breathlessly. Why was she breathless? Had the oxygen level in the house dropped? Was the air suddenly thinning? Abruptly, his hand left her face, and she watched as he drew closer. It was then that Nora comprehended what was unfolding. All those tantalizing, heart-pounding kisses she had read about in novels were about to possibly become her reality. But the anticipated kiss didn't happen. Instead, he paused near her and commanded, "Kiss me."
har_k · 3.7M Views

The awakening of the witches

In a medieval world gripped by war, Anya, a young elf from a small clan, discovers she carries one of the Seven Gems of Lumina. This gem, with the glow of a cat's eye, grants her mastery over the elements, making her a powerful sorceress. But Anya is not the only bearer. Each gem, scattered across the kingdom, grants a unique power: that of burning flame, that of freezing ice, that of hurricane wind, that of fertile earth, that of blinding light, and that of dark shadows. The search for the gems has sparked a war between the great clans. The Raven Clan, led by the ambitious Lord Kael, seeks to dominate the kingdom and forge a dark empire. Kael, in love with Anya, sees her as a tool to achieve his goals, but she resists his advances. As Anya delves deeper into this world of magic and betrayal, she discovers that each gem has a story and a legacy. The Burning Flame Gem, for example, was forged in the heart of a volcano and grants unimaginable destructive power. The Frigid Ice Gem, born in the depths of the sea, can freeze rivers and create impenetrable shields. As the clans clash in epic battles, Anya and her allies suffer devastating losses. Friends and family fall in combat, and the young elf is forced to make difficult decisions that will shape her fate. The conflict over the gems escalates, and the kingdom is divided into warring factions. In the midst of this war, Anya discovers an ancient oracle that reveals a terrible secret: if all seven gems are gathered in one place, they could unleash a catastrophe that would destroy the world. Anya must find a way to stop Kael and the other gem bearers before it is too late. But the path to peace will not be easy, for the fate of the kingdom and her own are intertwined with the power of the gems.
EdyAcast · 18 Views

The Hero and the Legendary Beasts of the Gods

A thousand years ago, the world stood on the brink of destruction as the Demon King Satan led an army of monsters to conquer the earth. In desperation, the gods sent down the Guardian Beasts, legendary creatures wielding the elemental powers of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, and Darkness to protect humanity. Only the chosen humans, deemed worthy, could become their masters known as the Heroes. Among them, Kaelarion Aqueous, the Hero of Water, led five other heroes in their battle against the Demon King. Assisted by Leviathan, the legendary Guardian Beast of Ice, Kaelarion fought valiantly until they reached the gates of Satan's throne room. However, Satan proved to be a far more powerful enemy than they had imagined. In the final battle, which raged on for days, the heroes were pushed to the limits of their strength. When Satan unleashed his ultimate attack to destroy everything, Kaelarion made the hardest decision of his life. He sacrificed himself by channeling Leviathan’s power to freeze both Satan and himself in eternal ice, ending the Era of Destruction at the cost of his own life. A thousand years have passed. The world is not yet fully at peace. Though the Demon King remains sealed, lesser demons and monsters continue to roam, posing a threat to humanity. Generations of heroes have come and gone, and the legacy of Ice, once embodied by Kaelarion, has been replaced by Water, with Kraken as the new Guardian Beast. Yet destiny has other plans. Kaelarion Aqueous has been reincarnated as Kael Umbra, a young heir to the family of Darkness. Born into a frail body and looked down upon by his own family, Kael struggles to find his place in the world. But as Leviathan’s ancient powers begin to awaken within him, Kael discovers that he is more than just the heir of the Umbra family he is the reincarnation of the greatest hero to ever live. With a new threat looming and the world once again under the shadow of destruction, Kael must rise. Assisted by Leviathan, he will fight to protect the world once more, seek true peace, and prove that the legacy of Ice has not been forgotten.
HAYKLZ · 166 Views


Excerpts~ Her blood is a curse—a sweet, deadly curse that I can’t stop tasting. It coats my tongue, warm and heady, like it was made to undo me. I hate her for how good it feels. Hate myself more for not stopping. She doesn’t pull away. No, she’s watching me, her lips curving like she’s already won. Her pulse pounds against my mouth, steady and unafraid, and it makes me want to devour her whole. “Enjoying yourself?” she asks, her voice soft, taunting. I don’t answer. Can’t. My grip tightens around her wrist as I pull back, her blood still burning on my lips. She tilts her head, mockery gleaming in her eyes, and I know she’s baiting me. “Does it bother you,” she whispers, “how easily I let you take it?” The words cut deeper than they should. Before I can think, I shove her back against the wall, my body caging hers. Her smirk doesn’t falter. It dares me. Push harder. “You really don’t know when to stop,” I growl, my voice rough, guttural. “Neither do you,” she murmurs, her gaze dropping to my mouth. And then I snap. I crush my lips to hers, tasting blood and defiance and her. She gasps against me, her fingers curling into my shirt like she’s torn between pushing me away and pulling me closer. Every ounce of self-control I had shatters as I press harder, deeper, desperate to consume her completely. She shouldn’t feel this good. Kissing her should be a mistake. But the way she responds—the way her mouth moves against mine—feels like I’ve just ignited something I’ll never be able to extinguish. **** His kiss is fire. A raw, scorching blaze that steals the breath from my lungs and sets every nerve in my body alight. It’s unexpected, wild, and completely reckless—like him. For a moment, I freeze, my hands against his chest, ready to push him away. I should stop this. I need to stop this. But the heat of his mouth, the way his hands grip my waist like he can’t let go, makes it impossible to move. “Damn it, Killion,” I whisper against his lips, trying to muster the strength to pull back. But then he groans—low, desperate—and it unravels me. He kisses me harder, deeper, and I’m drowning in him. My fingers curl into his shirt, dragging him closer, even as my mind screams at me to stop. This is dangerous. He’s dangerous. But right now, I don’t care. His hands slide to my hips, gripping me like he’s afraid I’ll vanish. I hate how good it feels. Hate how much I want him in this moment, even when I know it’s a bad idea. When he finally pulls back, his breath ragged, his lips are swollen and red. His eyes lock on mine, dark and stormy, and I know we’ve just crossed a line we can never uncross. “You really don’t know when to quit,” I say, my voice shaky, trying to sound composed. His lips twitch, a shadow of his usual smirk. “Neither do you.” ***** In a world where power is the only currency and betrayal is a shadow at every corner, the fae and the demon must navigate a dance of lies and desires, where every touch is a weapon and every secret could shatter their fragile alliance. But as their game of cat and mouse spirals into something more dangerous, they'll discover the line between love and hate is thinner than they ever imagined. And in the Undercity, where hearts burn and, passion can be the deadliest weapon of all. Will Rosé find the truth she seeks, or will she be consumed by the very darkness she's trying to escape?
_Hellion · 19.7K Views

Reqiuem: The System Call

"What will you do if life suddenly offers you a second chance? When your heart freezes in fear and your hands tremble with helplessness... What will you choose? To give up or to fight? Welcome to a world where magic is not a privilege but a weapon wielded by the strongest. Here, there is no room for mistakes, and the price of failure is... Death." "After the anomaly on the Sun, the world changed forever. People began to be born with a mysterious organ — The Mana Core — that could grant extraordinary abilities. However, not everyone could awaken this power. Those who did became known as 'Celestials' — guardians of humanity standing on the border between the human world and the nightmare spilling from the mystical Gates." "Park Hyun Woo, an ordinary young boy from Seoul, South Korea has been forced to care for his younger sister after losing their parents, working tirelessly day and night. One day, he decides to change his fate and take the test to awaken his Mana Core. But his results are far from ideal: He becomes one of the weakest Celestial (Hunter), an E-rank holder. Yet destiny has something much greater in store for him." "Caught in an ambush within the Gates, Hyun Woo becomes the sole survivor of his group. Upon awakening, he discovers he has gained a unique ability — a System that transforms his life into something akin to a game. Now, a path of strength, struggle, and mysteries lies ahead, leading him to uncover not only the secrets of his past but also the true nature of magic itself." "Can Park Hyun Woo, starting from the very bottom, rise to the top? What price will he have to pay for the power to change the world? And who — or what — is behind the System that now controls his life?"
NovelsRequiem · 8K Views

The Trillionaire Mafia And His Contract Girlfriend

"She fell first, but he fell harder" Grace Chen’s life changed from being an illegitimate daughter of the Chen family to the top mafia’s girlfriend when she was offered a contract she couldn't refuse. “Once you sign the contract to be my girlfriend, then this house, the car, maids, and an entourage will be yours.” These were Raymond’s exact words before he handed the contract to her. She had been a punching bag to her stepmother and needed some excitement before her terminal disease finally killed her. Curious as to why he had chosen her of all people, she came to realize that he was fulfilling a promise he made to her mother. How was he related to her mother? She had to find out, no matter what it took. And being with Raymond meant being at risk; his enemies were more than his friends, and they all came for her, but he was always there to protect her. "Remember, Grace, you are there for the money; don't let yourself fall in love, and don't let him love you,” she reminded herself every day. She needed the money and power to avenge her stepfamily, who treated her like a slave.  What happens when Raymond finds out that the woman he vowed to protect has been mistreated all her life? And then he comes across her bucket list: B1: Get out of this hell of a house. B2: Let my stepmother beg me for mercy. B3: Make my dad choose me over Nora. “Boring,” he sneered, and he decided to rewrite her bucket list. B1: Get married to Raymond. B2: Have a baby with Raymond. B3: And, finally, let Raymond make your stepmother beg for mercy. Since he had vowed to protect her, he was going to help punish every person she planned to, and he made sure to protect her at all costs. But he soon finds himself drawn to her. That’s not the case for Grace; she believes she will die soon. Will he succeed in taming her and making her enemies pay, as he had promised Grace’s mom? or will she succeed in pushing him away and living her lonely life till the heavens call her? And what happens when Raymond finds out about her illness? Will there be a way? When Grace finds out about her mother’s connection with Raymond, things change direction. How could her mother have such a relationship with Raymond XU? Short reel scenes of this novel is found on TikTok, watch it and fantasize with me TikTok username: introvert4452
T_RAE_23 · 220.9K Views


It was a devastating blow - one moment I was the proud owner of a small digital fortune, 8,000 Bitcoin that I had painstakingly accumulated over years of savvy investing and cautious storage. The next, that entire life-changing sum had vanished without a trace, lost to a cruel twist of fate and my own careless misstep. I had fallen victim to a data breach, leaving me helpless to prevent the thieves from making off with my entire cryptocurrency holdings. The anguish was palpable, a sinking feeling of hopelessness and despair as I realized the scale of my loss. Thousands upon thousands of hard-earned Bitcoins, now in the hands of faceless criminals, beyond my reach. But I refused to give in to despair. Determined to recover what was rightfully mine, I sought out the services of Cyber Constable Intelligence, a specialized team of blockchain forensics experts renowned for their ability to track down and reclaim stolen digital assets. Through their meticulous investigative work, leveraging the transparency of the Bitcoin ledger and their deep technical expertise, they were able to painstakingly trace the movement of my stolen funds, identifying the wallet addresses the thieves had used to launder the cryptocurrency. With this critical intelligence in hand, Cyber Constable Intelligence then coordinated with law enforcement to freeze those illicit accounts, preventing the funds from being moved any further. The final step was a delicate negotiation process, with the recovery team using their connections and influence to compel the thieves to return the stolen Bitcoins - a tense and high-stakes affair, but one that ultimately proved successful. After weeks of anxious waiting, I was overjoyed to have my 8,000 BTC safely returned to my control, a true testament to the skill and determination of the Cyber Constable Intelligence team. It was a harrowing ordeal, but one that reinforced the importance of robust security measures and the remarkable capabilities of specialized firms dedicated to combating cryptocurrency crime and restoring rightful ownership. Losing 8,000 BTC was one of the most stressful events of my life, but thanks to Cyber Constable Intelligence, I was able to reclaim what I thought was lost forever. Their professionalism, technical expertise, and commitment to security made all the difference. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I cannot recommend them highly enough. Cyber Constable Intelligence turned a financial disaster into a remarkable recovery, and I will forever be grateful for their role in securing my assets. CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE INFO: Website: w w  w. What Sapp Info: 1. (2. 5. 2. ) 3. 7. 8. 7. 6. 1. 1. Email Info :
Lydia_Fuesting_5502 · 148 Views

Tangled in his web; I do not know my baby's father!

Nora has been married for five years only to find out her husband is attracted to men after she catches him in bed with another man. Desperate for an outlet for her woes, she finds herself tangled with another strange man at her office. At first, Nora assumes that it will be a fling, but when she finds out she's pregnant, she is confused and still embittered knowing she has entangled herself in some kind of web. After all, she is still married to a husband who doesn't love her and never will. "All I wanted was just peace of mind and a healthy and loving family. Instead, you have chosen to betray me in the most embarrassing way!" She wept. "I want a divorce!" Unfortunately, her husband and his family is unwilling to let her go. As such, Nora attempts to keep her pregnancy a secret, not knowing what her in-laws will do to her and her baby if they find out. But it gets more and more difficult to hide her growing bump, and soon enough, her husband finds out about her pregnancy. This places her on a stage to be shamed and soon enough her husband claims to be the Father in order to keep his reputation. === Is this how you decide to treat me? How could you be so disgusting?!" "That is definitely none of my business, I love Jerry too much, and you are just a third party in our relationship." "Curse you!" ____ "All I wanted was just peace of mind and a healthy and loving family, now he decided to betray me," she palmed her face and wept. "Come, let us be a family," the stranger slid his hands in her thighs and then pleasurable sounds could be heard.
Tessy_Writes · 32.1K Views


It was a devastating blow - one moment I was the proud owner of a small digital fortune, 8,000 Bitcoin that I had painstakingly accumulated over years of savvy investing and cautious storage. The next, that entire life-changing sum had vanished without a trace, lost to a cruel twist of fate and my own careless misstep. I had fallen victim to a data breach, leaving me helpless to prevent the thieves from making off with my entire cryptocurrency holdings. The anguish was palpable, a sinking feeling of hopelessness and despair as I realized the scale of my loss. Thousands upon thousands of hard-earned Bitcoins, now in the hands of faceless criminals, beyond my reach. But I refused to give in to despair. Determined to recover what was rightfully mine, I sought out the services of Cyber Constable Intelligence, a specialized team of blockchain forensics experts renowned for their ability to track down and reclaim stolen digital assets. Through their meticulous investigative work, leveraging the transparency of the Bitcoin ledger and their deep technical expertise, they were able to painstakingly trace the movement of my stolen funds, identifying the wallet addresses the thieves had used to launder the cryptocurrency. With this critical intelligence in hand, Cyber Constable Intelligence then coordinated with law enforcement to freeze those illicit accounts, preventing the funds from being moved any further. The final step was a delicate negotiation process, with the recovery team using their connections and influence to compel the thieves to return the stolen Bitcoins - a tense and high-stakes affair, but one that ultimately proved successful. After weeks of anxious waiting, I was overjoyed to have my 8,000 BTC safely returned to my control, a true testament to the skill and determination of the Cyber Constable Intelligence team. It was a harrowing ordeal, but one that reinforced the importance of robust security measures and the remarkable capabilities of specialized firms dedicated to combating cryptocurrency crime and restoring rightful ownership. Losing 8,000 BTC was one of the most stressful events of my life, but thanks to Cyber Constable Intelligence, I was able to reclaim what I thought was lost forever. Their professionalism, technical expertise, and commitment to security made all the difference. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I cannot recommend them highly enough. Cyber Constable Intelligence turned a financial disaster into a remarkable recovery, and I will forever be grateful for their role in securing my assets. CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE INFO: Website: w w  w. What Sapp Info: 1. (2. 5. 2. ) 3. 7. 8. 7. 6. 1. 1. Email Info :
Lydia_Fuesting · 154 Views
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