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Benson Detox

Alphas abgewiesene Gefährtin kehrt als Königin zurück

"Ich, Benson Walton, lehne es ab, dass du, Selma Payne, meine zukünftige Luna und Gefährtin bist. "Wenn du vernünftig bist, wirst du dir einen ruhigen Ort zum Sterben suchen, anstatt den Ruhm unseres Volkes zu beflecken. "Du bist nur eine hässliche Kröte. Bleib ruhig im Schlamm und belästige unser Rudel nicht." An Bensons neunzehntem Geburtstag erfuhr er, dass wir als Gefährten bestimmt waren. Aber ich hatte nicht erwartet, dass er lieber große Schmerzen erleiden würde, als mich zu akzeptieren. Jedes Wort, das er sagte, traf mich mitten ins Herz, und der Schmerz ließ mich unkontrolliert zittern. Ich erfuhr, dass ich nicht das leibliche Kind meiner Eltern war, als ich sechzehn war. Sie hielten mich zwar für einen Engel, den ihnen ein Storch gebracht hatte, aber das änderte nichts an der Tatsache, dass ich ein schwacher, kleiner Mensch war. Ich war nur ein weiches Ei, das bei einem Stoß umfallen würde, ein Versager, der ohne Hilfe des Mondlichts nicht einmal die Straße sehen konnte. Meine Existenz brachte Schande über meine Eltern und über mein Rudel! Vielleicht hätte ich von Anfang an in den Wäldern sterben sollen. Mit diesem Gedanken im Hinterkopf beschloss ich, ihnen heute Nacht ein reines und makelloses Rudel zurückzugeben. Also sprang ich von einer Klippe und dachte, ich würde sterben. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich gerettet werden würde, und es stellte sich heraus, dass ich in Wahrheit die einzige Tochter des Lykanerkönigs war, die vor achtzehn Jahren verschollen war. Außerdem war ich Thronfolgerin! Das hat mich sehr überrascht. Ich war tatsächlich ein Werwolf? Aber... Warum war ich so schwach? War das alles nur ein Irrtum? Um ein qualifizierter Erbe zu werden, verheimlichte ich meine Identität und ließ mich ausbilden. Aber konnte dieser leichtfertige Ausbilder, der für meine Ausbildung zuständig war, mir wirklich helfen, meinen Wolf zu erwecken, oder wollte er mich nur ausnutzen? Als ich immer stärker wurde und in der Öffentlichkeit auftrat, griffen mich andere an und schmiedeten Intrigen gegen mich. Hatten sie etwas mit denen zu tun, die mich vor all den Jahren entführt hatten? Ich muss sie fangen! Ich werde meine Familie und meine Geliebte beschützen!
Mountain Springs · 175.4K Views

La Compañera Rechazada de Alfa Regresa como Reina

—Yo, Benson Walton, te rechazo, Selma Payne, de ser mi futura Luna y compañera. —Si eres sensata, encontrarás un lugar tranquilo para morir por tu cuenta, en lugar de manchar la gloria de nuestra gente. —Eres solo un sapo feo. Quédate en el lodo tranquilamente, y no cargues a nuestra manada. En el decimonoveno cumpleaños de Benson, descubrió que estábamos destinados a ser compañeros —recordé—. Pero no esperaba que preferiría soportar un gran dolor antes que aceptarme. Cada palabra que dijo chocó directamente contra mi corazón, y el dolor me hizo temblar incontrolablemente. Descubrí que no era la hija biológica de mis padres cuando tenía dieciséis años. Aunque ellos me veían como un ángel que una cigüeña les había dado, no cambió el hecho de que era una pequeña humana débil. Era solo un huevo blando que se caería con un toque, una perdedora que ni siquiera podía ver la calle sin ayuda de la luz de la luna. ¡Mi existencia avergonzaba a mis padres y a mi manada! Tal vez debería haber muerto en el bosque desde el principio —reflexioné—. Con ese pensamiento en mente, decidí devolverles una manada pura e inmaculada esta noche. Entonces, salté de un acantilado y pensé que moriría —recordé mi pasado—. Nunca imaginé que sería salvada, y resultó que mi verdadera identidad era la única hija del Rey Lycan que se había perdido hace dieciocho años. ¡También era la heredera del trono! Eso me sorprendió mucho. ¿Realmente era una mujer lobo? Pero... ¿Por qué era tan débil? ¿Todo esto fue solo un error? Para convertirme en una heredera calificada, oculté mi identidad y recibí entrenamiento. Sin embargo, ¿podría ese frívolo instructor que estaba a cargo de entrenarme realmente ayudarme a despertar a mi lobo, o simplemente se estaba aprovechando de mí? A medida que me volvía más fuerte y me convertía en una figura pública, otros me atacaron y conspiraron contra mí muchas veces. ¿Tenían algo que ver con los que me secuestraron hace todos esos años? ¡Tengo que atraparlos! ¡Protegeré a mi familia y a mi amante!"
Mountain Springs · 594.8K Views

My Daughter My Pride

"My Daughter, My Pride" is a captivating story that revolves around the lives of Beauty, her devoted father Mr. Benson, and Jake, a classmate who becomes an integral part of their journey. As Beauty navigates the complexities of adolescence, she leans on the unwavering support of her father, who promises to be both mother and father after her mother's passing. The story unfolds with Beauty's teenage years, where her bond with her father grows stronger amidst the challenges of growing up. Mr. Benson, a billionaire and military figure, prioritizes his daughter's happiness and well-being above all else, fostering a nurturing environment for her growth. As Beauty attends Gof International School, she forms close friendships with her classmates, including Jake. Initially hesitant to befriend boys due to her father's advice, Beauty finds herself drawn to Jake's genuine demeanor and warmth. Their friendship blossoms as they navigate the ups and downs of teenage life together. Amidst academic pursuits and teenage adventures, Beauty and Jake find themselves collaborating on a school project, leading to deeper connections and mutual understanding. Despite initial misunderstandings and romantic tensions, they discover the true essence of friendship and support each other through challenges. Throughout the story, Mr. Benson remains a pillar of strength for Beauty, offering guidance and love as she faces the uncertainties of adolescence. His unconditional pride in his daughter's accomplishments underscores the central theme of paternal love and support. "My Daughter, My Pride" is a heartwarming tale of family, friendship, and self-discovery, highlighting the enduring bond between a father and his cherished daughter, as well as the transformative power of genuine connections and mutual respect.
BlessedVicky · 25.5K Views

Alpha’s Rejected Mate Returns as Queen

“I, Benson Walton, reject you, Selma Payne, from being my future Luna and mate. “If you’re sensible, you’ll find a quiet place to die on your own, instead of tarnishing our people’s glory. “You’re just an ugly toad. Stay in the mud quietly, and don’t burden our pack.” On Benson’s nineteenth birthday, he found out that we were destined mates. But I didn’t expect that he would rather endure great pain than accept me. Every word he said smashed directly into my heart, and the pain made me tremble uncontrollably. I learned I wasn’t my parents’ biological child when I was sixteen. Although they thought of me as an angel that a stork had given them, it didn’t change the fact that I was a weak, little human. I was just a soft egg who would fall over with a poke, a loser who couldn’t even see the road without help from the moonlight. My existence brought shame to my parents, and to my pack! Perhaps I should have died in the woods from the start. With that thought in mind, I decided to return them a pure and unblemished pack tonight. So, I jumped off a cliff and thought I would die. I never imagined I would be saved, and my true identity turned out to be the Lycan King’s only daughter who had been lost eighteen years ago. I was also heir to the throne! That surprised me a lot. I was actually a werewolf? But… Why was I so weak? Was this all just a mistake? To become a qualified heir, I concealed my identity and received training. However, could that frivolous instructor who was in charge of training me really help me awaken my wolf, or was he simply taking advantage of me? As I grew stronger and became a public figure, others attacked and plotted against me many times. Did they have anything to do with those who kidnapped me all those years ago? I have to catch them! I’ll protect my family, and my lover!
Mountain Springs · 1.6M Views

I Married A Crazy CEO

Synopsis Aurora only finds out a day before her wedding that she was not even a member of the Carlos family. The family she has known all her life. But that didn't seem surprising, as she was always treated like she wasn't part of the family and yes, indeed, she wasn't. It would have been kind on the part of Carlos's family to let her in on their little secret from the beginning, but no. They only wanted to keep her in the family and continue squandering her late parent's fortune. killing her guardians when she was just two years and taking over to be Aurora's new guardians was a game changer for the Carlos family who now runs the fortune of The Benson's Empire. Now Aurora is Twenty Years and set to get married to Larry. Larry is a big shot, he's every woman's dream man, and Aurora's sisters Ava and Mia think Larry was a dumbass for choosing to marry Aurora who doesn't fit to even clean their shoes.  Yes, she doesn't, and that is because she does all the housework and got nothing for it.  While her two sisters go shopping for expensive dresses, she's either scrubbing floors or cooking for the whole family. What Aurora didn't understand is why she always accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Carlos to the bank at least three times a week and they made her sign some documents without explanation. That is the only time they carry her in their expensive car. "Is fine, you can wait in the car," she was often told after signing the papers. Now she's standing on the edge of a bridge contemplating suicide.  her heart was about to explode with grief, she can't believe Larry was having sex with her sister a day before their wedding. "I have to end it here. " The tears roll down her face as she stares at the calm water below her. "Hey! You can't die in my space!" She heard a voice behind her.  “Aw, you can go to that end and die there, that place you are standing is my space, I’m the one to die there,” Could it be that this voice is the voice of her Savior? Then why is it sounding like someone who wants to commit suicide the very day she wants to end it all? Join the discord to chat with the author and other readers. Instagram: Author_Beautyisrael
AuthorBeauty · 55.2K Views
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