In a world stripped of its colors by the ravages of war, 19-year-old Jean and his 10-year-old sister Damichii find themselves standing amidst the ruins of their once vibrant lives. Their family is gone, their home obliterated, and the memories of peace fading into a void. With nothing but each other, they embark on a harrowing journey across a desolate, war-torn land, searching for safety, hope, and a place to belong.
As Jean shoulders the burden of protecting his sister, Damichii’s childlike resilience offers a fragile spark of light in their bleak reality. Together, they navigate treacherous landscapes, dodge the shadows of conflict, and face the haunting emptiness of loss. Each step forward is a test of their humanity, forcing them to question if they can ever reclaim a world worth living in—or if their future will remain as blank as the shattered walls around them.
"Blank" is a poignant tale of survival, love, and the unyielding bond between siblings, set against the stark backdrop of a world where everything has been erased except the will to endure.