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Nami Baiser

Mariage Contractuel Avec Alpha Snow

Après avoir été trahie par son fiancé et sa cousine le jour de son mariage, Zara, ressuscitée avec les souvenirs de ses erreurs passées, jure de réécrire son destin. Sur un coup de tête, elle épouse un inconnu pour tenir son ex à distance, sans réaliser que Snow est loin d'être un simple gigolo. Snow Zephyr, riche PDG et alpha de la meute d'Ivory Crescent, a besoin d'une épouse de convenance pour apaiser son père et sécuriser sa position. Lorsqu'une femme déterminée lui propose un mariage de commodité, Snow accepte, ignorant le chaos qu'elle va apporter dans sa vie. Le choix défiant de Zara provoque la fureur de ses parents, la conduisant à être expulsée de l'entreprise et à devoir trouver du travail ailleurs. Elle décroche un emploi chez Aurora Conglomerate Inc., pour découvrir que son nouveau patron n'est autre que Snow, l'homme qu'elle a épousé et l'oncle de son ex. Des étincelles jaillissent alors que leur attraction mutuelle grandit au milieu de l'obscurité des secrets de sa famille et des menaces imminentes. La force et l'indépendance de Zara captivent Snow, qui commence à la voir comme la Luna potentielle dont sa meute a besoin. Ensemble, ils font face aux ex-amants vengeurs, aux complots d'enlèvement et aux rivalités mortelles. Alors que les pouvoirs de Zara s'éveillent, elle doit affronter les raisons du désaveu de sa famille, les clauses cachées de son contrat de mariage et son rôle ultime dans le monde de Snow. Lorsque leur mariage de convenance se transforme en un vrai partenariat, un nouveau défi se présente sous la forme d'un compagnon destiné. Zara va-t-elle combattre les dangers qui l'attendent ou embrasser sa véritable destinée? **EXTRAIT** "Je... ne voulais pas être en retard au travail. Tu avais l'air occupé, alors j'ai pensé que je devrais prendre de l'avance." Snow haussa un sourcil. "Vraiment? Ou est-ce parce que la nuit dernière t'a tellement affectée que tu ne supportais pas d'être autour de moi?" "Ne te flatte pas, Snow. Tu ne m'as pas du tout affectée." Il afficha un sourire narquois en se rapprochant. "Vraiment?" Ses doigts effleurèrent mon menton, inclinant mon visage vers le haut. Mon pouls s'accéléra. "Nous sommes au travail," je répliquai, repoussant sa main. "Ce n'est pas professionnel." "Tu es ma femme," il murmura. "Tu es censée m'obéir en tout temps." Je retins une réplique, une lueur de rébellion s'allumant en moi. Lentement, je me rapprochai, laissant mes doigts frôler son torse. Son sourire vacilla un instant lorsque son loup réagit et Snow se mordit les lèvres. "Attention, Patron," je ronronnai séductrice. "Ne blesse pas ces lèvres. Je suis sûr que beaucoup de filles aimeraient les embrasser." Snow se pencha, frôlant mon oreille de ses lèvres. "Et toi? Meurs-tu d'envie d'y goûter?" Prise au dépourvu, j'hésitai, puis repris mon assurance alors que je le regardais dans les yeux. "Contrairement aux autres filles, j'ai une forte résistance contre—" Je n'eus pas l'occasion de terminer que les lèvres de Snow se posèrent sur les miennes avec un baiser fougueux qui me coupa le souffle.
BaeVida · 89.6K Views

Die Vertragsbesessenheit des CEO

[Warnung: Reifer Inhalt, R18+] [Abgeschlossen] [Tritt meinem Discord-Server bei, um mehr Bilder von Amy und Henry zu sehen.] Sie ist pleite und hat alles verloren, hat nur noch Schulden und Verbindlichkeiten. Er ist reich und hat alles, Erbe eines Multi-Milliarden-Unternehmens. Zwei unterschiedliche Menschen, die durch ihre Bedürfnisse zueinander finden - oder ist es Schicksal? **** Amelia Bell war erst 22 Jahre alt, als ihre Eltern, ihr Bruder und ihre Schwägerin bei einem Autounfall ums Leben kamen. Für die verletzten Kinder ihres Bruders ist sie nun verantwortlich. Sie hat alles, was sie besitzt, verkauft, ist hoch verschuldet und kann sich nur noch die Augen ausweinen. Und dann fiel ihr die Antwort auf ihre Frage ein: Woher soll sie das Geld für die Operation nehmen? Richtig... sie hat noch nicht alles getan, sie hat noch nicht versucht, sich zu verkaufen. Es war ein verzweifelter Schritt, aber sie hatte keine anderen Möglichkeiten mehr. Sie wurde sofort aus ihren Gedanken gerissen, als der Mann rief. "Das ist Wahnsinn, seine Qualifikationen sind einfach unmöglich... Jetzt verlangt er von mir, dass ich ihm dieses Mal eine reine und unschuldige finde... Selbst wenn sie einen 6-monatigen Vertrag unterschrieben haben, um ihm zu gehören, haben sich diese Frauen immer noch in ihn verliebt, obwohl sie wussten, dass sie nach 6 Monaten aus seinem Leben verschwinden würden... ... Ich werde nie die reine und unschuldige Frau finden, die er sucht, selbst wenn ich ihnen 5 Millionen im Voraus biete." Ohne zu zögern rannte Amy dem Mann hinterher und kletterte so schnell sie konnte die Treppe hinauf. "Entschuldigen Sie, Mister." "Was brauchen Sie, Miss? Ich bin in Eile." "Ich will den Job... den 6-Monats-Vertrag, ich kann ihn machen." "Ich nehme an, Sie haben auch gehört, dass ich eine reine und unschuldige Frau brauche, auch wenn ich nicht weiß, was das bedeutet." "Zählt eine Jungfrau? I-ich bin eine Jungfrau, vielleicht d-das ist, was Ihr Chef will, nicht wahr?" erklärte Amy kühn. Dann endlich stand der Chef, Mr. Welsh, vor ihr... Sie hatte nicht erwartet, dass er so jung ist, vielleicht fast so alt wie sie. Sie hatte sich einen alten Mann vorgestellt oder jemanden, der nicht so gut aussieht wie er. "Du solltest nicht aufhören zu atmen, Engel, das ist gefährlich, du könntest ohnmächtig werden. Wer weiß, was ich mit dir machen werde, wenn du erst einmal bewusstlos bist." Amy keuchte: "Was zum Teufel ist gerade mit mir passiert?", fluchte sie innerlich, während sie immer noch den Mann vor sich anstarrte. Dann lehnte er sich näher an sie heran. "Ich habe gehört, dass du etwas für mich hast. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dein Geschenk zu erhalten, mein Engel. Ich bin Henry." ******** Das Buchcover ist KI-generiert und von der Autorin bearbeitet, bitte verwenden Sie es nicht ohne Erlaubnis.
Shiroi_Nami · 6.8K Views

My Two Billionaire Husbands: A Plan for Revenge

[Warning: Mature Content, R18+] As soon as Camilla Watson graduated from college, she got married to the man of her dreams, her first love and childhood sweetheart. It was a blissful union between two beautiful and smart people. Their family was soon envied by many, not only because of their looks but also because of their wealth. They were blessed with a brilliant son who completed their ideal family. Cammy could not wish for more. But behind that flawlessness hides the darkness of their past. A history that will haunt them for so long that seemed forever. Secrets will be revealed and exposed. Will they be able to handle it together as a family? Or perhaps staring anew is a much better choice. However, nothing is forever… Fate has its own way of pushing people to their limits so they can be on the right track. What if their destiny is not the happy ending they thought it would be? What will Cammy do if the universe gives her not only two options to consider but three or more? Will she be able to choose which path she should take when nothing seems to be the right one? When freedom costs too much and happiness is hard to reach, will life turn Cammy into bitter from sweet? ********** Hearts shattered by pain and unrequited love, yearning for warmth… Souls that are grieving and heavy with sorrow, longing to reclaim what's been taken… Minds consumed by anger and wrath, seeking revenge… Bodies that are on fire, searching for a tender touch and embrace… ********** Story Excerpt: “What’s going on here?” Cammy asked the three staff members who were struggling to calm down an irate guest. “Ma’am, Mr. Cross is demanding more drinks, but his assistant specifically instructed us not to let him drink alone before leaving. We are not allowed to serve him any more drinks!” one of the staff explained. “This is what all the fuss is about? Just give him what he wants and let him pass out. Problem solved!” Cammy said, hands on her waist. “Ma’am???” the staff member replied in disbelief, while the other two stood there with their mouths agape. The previously enraged guest grinned, clearly pleased with what he just heard, his anger quickly fading away, he was furious no more. "You heard your boss—go get my drink," the guest demanded. "B-But, she’s not our boss..." one of the staff hesitated. "What would you like to order, sir?" Cammy asked the smirking guest. "You…" the man replied as he settled into the sofa without removing his gaze from Cammy. He leaned back and spread his arms along the backrest, making sure everyone could see his chiseled six-pack beneath his unbuttoned black shirt. Cammy’s eyes widened, and her heart stopped beating—or at least that’s how it felt—after hearing his bold response. "E-Excuse me, sir?" she asked, uncertain. “If I drink alone I will go for tequila. But I want my senses sharp and clear while I am in the presence of such a beautiful lady. Bring me four bottles of vodka and I also want a ‘Sex on the Beach’. How about that?” the man finally said. Cammy frowned and snapped, “Excuse me?!” “You heard me—I want ‘Sex on the Beach’,” he drawled with a mischievous grin. One of the staff quickly leaned in and whispered, “Miss Cammy, it’s a cocktail.” “Oh!” she blurted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she realized her mistake. “Y-Yes, sir…” “Call me sir one more time and I will seal that mouth of yours with mine! Do it again unless you really want me to kiss you. Do you want to have a taste of me?” ********** The Author’s Completed Work: Book 1: CEO’s Contract Obsession - Contemporary Romance (CEO/Sweet Love), 2023 Book 2: The Royal Mark - Fantasy Romance (Werewolf/Fated Mates), 2023
Shiroi_Nami · 4.5K Views

CEO's Contract Obsession

[Warning: Mature Content, R18+] [Completed] [Join my Discord server to see more pictures of Amy and Henry.] She’s broke and lost everything, left with nothing but debts and liabilities. He’s rich and has everything, heir to a multi-billion company. Two different people, drawn together by their needs or is it fate? **** Amelia Bell was only 22 years old when her parents, brother, and sister-in-law died in a car crash. Her brother’s injured children are now her responsibility. She sold everything that she owns, she's in huge debt and all she can do now is just cry her eyes out. And then it struck her… the answer to her question… where will she get money for the operation? Right… she hasn't done everything so far, she hasn't tried selling herself yet. It was a desperate move but she had no other solutions left. She was immediately pulled back from her thoughts when the man shouted. "This is insane, his qualifications are simply impossible… Now he asks me to find him a pure and innocent one this time… Even if they signed a 6-month contract to be his, those women still fell in love with him even if they knew that after 6 months they would be evicted from his life… … I will never be able to find that pure and innocent woman that he is looking for even if I offer them 5 million upfront." Without hesitation Amy ran after the man, climbing up the stairs as fast as she could. "Excuse me, mister." "What do you need miss? I'm in a hurry." "I want the job… The 6-month contract, I can do it." "So I guess you also heard that I need a pure and innocent woman, even I don't know what it means." "Will a virgin count? I-I'm a virgin, perhaps t-that's what your boss wants, right?" Amy boldly stated. Then finally the boss, Mr. Welsh faced her… She didn’t expect him to be this young, perhaps almost her age. She was imagining an old man or someone not as handsome as him. “You should not stop breathing angel, that’s dangerous, you might faint. Who knows what will I do to you once you become unconscious.” Amy gasped, ‘What the hell just happened to me,’ she cursed internally while still staring at the man in front of him. He then leaned closer to her. “I've heard you've got something for me. I can't wait to receive your gift, my angel. I'm Henry.” ******** The book cover is AI-generated and edited by the author, please don't use it without permission.
Shiroi_Nami · 1.7M Views

The Royal Mark

[Warning: Mature Content, R18+] Born with a mark that was never intended… Gifted with intelligence and skills far more advanced than her peers. Elsa Morgan didn’t experience the normal childhood that everyone had. Always been haunted by her nightmares and by unexplainable events since she was young. Elsa became a doctor to find answers. Destined to bear sufferings and do what is right for his people… Chris Jorgensen was bound to the woman he had not met yet and marked without knowing what he had done. In order to lead his kingdom to glory and victory, he must find her first no matter what it takes, even if it means crossing the other world. Two worlds apart that defy what is the norm in their worlds. Brought together by the invisible tie that binds them together. Or is it true love that defies all reasons? When accidents turn out to be fate in disguise, will they be able to reject the strong pull towards the person who turned their whole world and everything they worked hard for upside down? ******** “What the hell! I told you not to move!” Elsa shouted while running back to the man, who lifted his head and smirked at her. Elsa screamed when the naked man abruptly pulled her onto his lap and started sniffing her all over her body, especially on her chest, hair, and neck. She heard her dogs growl and come closer to the man but quickly calmed down when he gave them a quick glance, and it absolutely surprised her. “What are you doing!” Elsa pushed the naked man on the chest for she could feel him hard down there and it was making her really uncomfortable. “Your smell… Mmm… Lavender and blueberry… God, you smell divine…” The man casually said before burying his face in her neck and sniffing her hard. “You pervert!” With all her strength, Elsa pushed him once again and slapped him so hard that she also hurt her palm, making his head turn to the side on impact. She briskly stood up and shouted, “Nile, tackle! Girls guard!” In a swift move, Nile jumped to the naked man tackling and pushing him to the ground while Ciel, Gaia, and Nuri surrounded him, not removing their gaze from him while growling and showing their sharp teeth and fangs. But then a more powerful force is pulling her eyes beyond the man’s buff chest and deep in her mind she convinced herself that she would do this because she is a doctor and he is her patient– an injured patient, she reminded herself. She would look at him only to see the extent of his injuries and nothing more. She is a doctor… A licensed professional for God’s sake! ‘How can I buckle him up if it’s on the way of the strap? Should I move it to the side?’ Elsa was having a battle in her head ultimately muddled about whether she would touch it or not. From the way he looks, she is sure that he is heavy and she must use the straps properly to be able to securely drag him to her car for both their safety. ******** Chris pretended to be sleeping while he let himself heal, or so he thought. The sedative took a while to have an effect on him. But eventually, he dozed off and was unconscious for real this time. He opened his eyes and saw white walls and someone was holding his right hand. He sat up and saw the red-haired woman’s hand on top of his while her wrist was glowing. Chris’ eyes widened, he held his shoulder and shook her up, “Wake up! There’s a glowing mark on your wrist!” But no matter how hard he wakes her up, she’s not opening her eyes. “You are mine, Elsa. And I am yours.” Chris moved his face closer to hers and planted a soft gentle kiss on her lips. “Whoever you are, Elsa, I will protect you. Even if it’s from the man that you call Dad.” Chris whispered as if someone would hear him. Completed Book: CEO's Contract Obsession ********
Shiroi_Nami · 1.1M Views


Sebagai pecinta kucing, Nami rela terus mengambil lemburan dan tidak mengambil jatah cuti demi bisa membeli makanan kucing yang harganya lima kali lipat lebih mahal dari makanannya sehari-hari. Suatu saat, Guppy kucing kesayangannya melahirkan dua anak yang lucu-lucu dan gembul. itu sangat membuat hati namanya sangat bahagia hingga di hari ke ke-14 setelah liburan anak-anak yang diberi nama Meli dan Milo ia membawakan banyak makanan basah untuk kitten berharap, para bayi anabulnya di rumah bisa malan dengan lahap dan tumbuh besar dan gendut. Namun, begitu tiba di rumah, ia dibuat terkejut dengan adanya banyak bercak darah di ruang tamu. setelah dia terlusuri, daeah itu berasal dari kandang kucingnya. Ia semakin takut dan was-was tatkala mendengar suara meong kucing kesayangannya begitu tidak wajar seperti seekor kucing yang tengah marah, namun tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. "Hah! Guppy!" Seekor kucing liar yang besar dengan mata merah telah mencabik-cabik kedua anak kucingnya hingga tersisa sebagaian tubuh dan bulunya. Nami kesal, sedih dan marah. akhirnya, ia pun mengambil sapu dan memukuli kucing jantan liar tersebut tanpa ampun, dan tiba-tiba muncul sebuah keanehan. dengan berani kucing itu menyerang balik dirinya. Menerkam hingga lengannya tercakar dan mengeluarkan darah. "Haaaah! Ini kucing apaan? Kenapa berubah jadi Harmiau besar? Tolooooong!" seketika, Nami pun jatuh pingsan. Tapi, siapa pria tampan di dekatnya setelah dia sadar?
Aruna_M27 · 1.3K Views

Emmêlé sous le clair de lune: Non transformé

Être le défaut de la meute, c'est déjà assez mal. Être REJETÉE ? Par votre propre compagnon destiné ? Ouais. ÇA, c'est un tout nouveau niveau de bassesse. Ava Grey est le défaut de la meute, une changeuse de forme sans loup. Elle se débat dans la vie avec le vague rêve de liberté. Son opportunité survient quand elle est soudainement informée qu'elle assistera au Gala Lunaire, un bal annuel pour les jeunes adultes shifters afin de trouver leurs compagnons destinés. Et elle le trouve. Il est séduisant et intense, et ses baisers envoient du désir dans ses veines comme une drogue. Jusqu'à ce qu'il la REJETTE. Ava n'est pas prête à retourner à sa vie morne. Elle s'évade et forge une nouvelle identité loin de sa meute et loin de son compagnon alpha. Elle se fait de nouveaux amis et est même adoptée de force par un husky hilarant. Mais juste au moment où elle trouve le bonheur et s'installe dans sa nouvelle vie, des événements étranges commencent à se produire... Son husky cachait des secrets. Elle entend des murmures selon lesquels des meutes de shifters sont à sa recherche partout. Et elle peut sentir une odeur familière dans son appartement, ce qui n'a aucun sens... parce que l'homme à qui elle appartient l'a rejetée. [Participation au Cupids Quill de mars 2024] --------- Ceci est une romance métamorphe de loup avec de multiples déclencheurs qui aiment danser main dans la main avec tous les thèmes sombres à travers un champ de fleurs mortes. Dans ce livre, vous trouverez les sommets les plus hauts et les creux les plus bas. Riez, pleurez, ragez ; vous pouvez tout faire en suivant Ava dans le voyage plutôt périlleux d'être une changeuse de forme en cette génération de romance de loups-garous. Il y a des scènes R18 éparpillées dans ce livre comme des bonbons jaillissant d'une piñata. Merci de lire de manière responsable. ------- DISCORD DE L'AUTEUR :
Lenaleia · 1.1M Views
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