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Charlie Springs

Après avoir quitté le PDG, elle a stupéfié le monde

Mo Rao est née dans une famille de médecins militaires. Ses parents avaient risqué leur vie pour sauver la grand-mère de Fu Ying, alors cette dernière avait forcé Fu Ying à prendre Mo Rao pour épouse. Mo Rao savait toujours que Fu Ying avait une amoureuse de rêve nommée Qu Ru. Cette fille n'avait pas réussi à épouser Fu Ying comme elle le désirait parce que la grand-mère de Fu Ying les en avait empêchés. Après leur mariage, Fu Ying était très prévenant envers Mo Rao. Ils avaient même une grande compatibilité, en particulier au lit. Fu Ying se retrouvait toujours profondément plongé dans la tendresse de Mo Rao. Jusqu'au jour où, Fu Ying dit, « Qu Ru est revenue. Divorçons. Je transférerai la propriété que je t'ai promise à ton nom. » Mo Rao dit, « Ne pourrions-nous pas divorcer ? Et si... je suis enceinte... ? » Fu Ying répondit sans cœur, « Avorte-le ! Je ne veux plus d'obstacles entre Qu Ru et moi. De plus, Qu Ru a la leucémie, et ton moelle osseuse est compatible avec la sienne. Si tu es disposée à faire un don, je peux te promettre n'importe quoi. » Mo Rao dit, « Et si ma condition est que nous ne divorcions pas ? » Les yeux de Fu Ying se durcirent. « Mo Rao, ne sois pas trop gourmande. Même si je te promets quelque chose pour Qu Ru, tu sais très bien que je ne t'aime pas. » Les mots « je ne t'aime pas » poignardèrent le cœur de Mo Rao comme un couteau. Son sourire devint soudainement tordu et elle n'était plus la femme docile qu'elle avait été. « Fu Ying, c'est la première fois que tu me répulses autant. Tu me traites de cupide, mais n'es-tu pas pareil ? Tu veux que je divorce pour que tu puisses être avec Qu Ru ? D'accord, j'accepte. Mais tu rêves même que je la sauve ? N'oublie pas, on ne peut pas tout avoir dans la vie, comme toi et moi. » Puis Mo Rao s'en alla. Fu Ying se sentit réellement suffoquer, et ce sentiment le rendit fou. Lorsque Mo Rao réapparut, elle était devenue une étoile éblouissante. Quand elle se présenta devant Fu Ying, tenant la main de son nouveau beau, Fu Ying se moqua éperdument et dit, « Chérie, n'avais-tu pas dit que tu m'aimerais seulement ? » Mo Rao sourit légèrement. « Désolée, ex-mari. Je m'étais trompée à l'époque. Tu n'étais qu'un remplaçant. En fait, j'aime quelqu'un d'autre. »
Mountain Springs · 111K Views

Depois de ser incriminada por sua família, ela foi mimada por um CEO de uma família rica

Jing Yao dormiu com o CEO de uma família rica que tinha fama de se afastar das mulheres. Ela até engravidou. Jing Yao cresceu sem receber qualquer amor de seus pais. Embora ela e sua irmã fossem gêmeas, ela não se parecia em nada com sua irmã mais velha. Seus pais favoreciam sua irmã mais velha. Jing Yao foi obrigada a começar a trabalhar desde jovem, enquanto sua irmã podia ficar em casa sem fazer nada. Jing Yao tinha que pagar suas próprias mensalidades. Uma única bolsa que sua irmã possuía custava dezenas de milhares. Não apenas isso, mas sua irmã mais velha até ficou com seu noivo, com quem estava noiva desde criança. Formalmente falando, Jing Yao era a segunda irmã na família. No entanto, na realidade, ela era tão pobre que nem conseguia pagar seu próprio aluguel. Sua família nunca lhe mostrou qualquer cuidado ou afeto. Pelo bem do casamento de sua irmã mais velha, a mãe biológica de Jing Yao a armou fazendo-a beber com um investidor. Ela foi até drogada. Felizmente, ela estava alerta o suficiente para fugir. No entanto, ela correu na direção errada. Como resultado, ela acabou dormindo com Liang Xun. Depois de voltar para casa, a mãe de Jing Yao gritou com ela. Seu noivo idiota a humilhou. Jing Yao cancelou o casamento na hora. Desde então, ela deixou a família Jing. Mais tarde, Liang Xun descobriu que Jing Yao estava grávida. Ele a procurou e pediu para que ela se casasse com ele. No entanto, Jing Yao o rejeitou. Liang Xun ofereceu diretamente 100 milhões como presente de casamento, e ela acabou aceitando. Rumores começaram a se espalhar na internet. Jing Yao, uma celebridade feminina que recentemente ganhou popularidade, estava sendo acusada de se envolver no relacionamento de sua irmã mais velha. Alguns até disseram que ela era a sugar baby de Liang Xun. Apesar das críticas, Jing Yao publicou uma resposta positiva. "Eu não tenho uma irmã mais velha, e eu sou a sugar mommy de Liang Xun." Liang Xun imediatamente comentou na publicação dela. "Minha esposa está certa."
Mountain Springs · 55.2K Views

Sang Pewaris Melawan Kembali

Sharon adalah orang biasa, sementara suaminya, Wallace Harris, adalah seorang pria yang menjanjikan dan tampan. Keluarganya adalah salah satu keluarga paling bergengsi dan terkaya di Kota New York. Dapat menikahi Wallace adalah sebuah kecelakaan. Sepanjang tiga tahun pernikahan mereka, Wallace tidak pernah tidur dengan Sharon. Keluarganya juga terus membujuknya untuk menceraikan Sharon. Itu adalah pesta ulang tahun matriark tua keluarga Harris, dan semua orang muda dari keluarga Harris telah memberikan hadiah paling mahal yang mungkin untuk membuat nenek bahagia—kecuali Sharon. Dia meminta untuk meminjam uang dari Nyonya Harris untuk penjaga rumah tua, Paman Smith, karena dia tidak punya uang untuk membayar pengobatan medisnya. Tapi seperti yang diduga, keluarga Harris menghinanya saat dia meminta. "Keluarga Harris belum pernah memiliki kerabat miskin seperti kamu. Jangan pernah muncul di hadapanku lagi! Wallace seharusnya menikahi Crystal. Dia tentunya seorang gadis muda yang layak menikah dengan keluarga kita!" kata Nyonya Harris. "Ketahuilah tempatmu dan pergilah dari sini. Jangan tinggal di rumah kami lagi. Bagaimana kakek Wallace bisa begitu bodoh menikahi wanita miskin dan tak berguna seperti kamu untuk anakku?!" kata Juni, ibu Wallace. "Hanya beberapa juta dolar, tetapi kamu begitu miskin sehingga perlu meminjam dari keluarga kami. Bagaimana seorang wanita sepertimu pantas bersama Wallace? Jika itu Crystal, dia tentunya tidak akan mempermalukan kami sebanyak ini!" Malam itu, Wallace memberikan Sharon sebuah kartu bank, yang berisi jutaan dolar. "Perusahaan sedang berkembang, jadi saya tidak banyak memiliki uang tunai. Kamu bisa menggunakan ini untuk membantu Paman Smith." Menghadapi permusuhan keluarga Harris, Wallace menyatakan, "Karena saya telah menikahinya, dia adalah tanggung jawabku. Terlepas dari dia kaya atau miskin, Sharon adalah istriku." Hanya sampai suatu hari seorang asing mendekati Sharon. Baru saat itu Sharon tahu bahwa dia adalah putri dari keluarga terkemuka yang berhak menerima aset setidaknya sepuluh miliar. Tiba-tiba dia memiliki perusahaan terbesar di New York dan sebuah kartu bank yang berisi ratusan juta 'uang saku'. Dalam sekejap mata, identitasnya telah berubah. Dia tidak lagi menjadi menantu perempuan miskin yang tidak disukai oleh keluarga Harris. Sebaliknya, dia telah menjadi orang paling bergengsi di New York!
Mountain Springs · 36.8K Views

J'ai retrouvé ma mémoire et je suis devenu riche après mon divorce

"Gu Dai, je ne t'ai épousée que pour rendre Grand-père heureux. Si quelqu'un d'autre avait sauvé Grand-père, j'aurais épousé cette personne de la même manière ! Ne te fais pas d'illusions !" Pendant les trois années de mariage, le mari de Gu Dai l'a insultée à de nombreuses reprises. Elle n'aurait pas cru avoir été autrefois choyée et riche si elle n'avait pas soudainement retrouvé la mémoire. Pourquoi a-t-elle volontairement servi cet homme pendant trois ans ? Cet homme était même assez méprisable pour tomber amoureux d'une autre femme ! La première chose que Gu Dai fit après avoir retrouvé la mémoire fut de demander le divorce ! Des rumeurs se répandirent dans toute la capitale que la fille des taudis allait divorcer de Monsieur Song ! "Sérieusement ? N'est-elle pas une chercheuse d'or ?" demandaient tous. "Elle fait juste la difficile. Vous croyez qu'elle pourrait tourner la page ?" demanda Monsieur Song. Peu de temps après, tout le monde découvrit que Gu Dai était retournée dans la famille Gu dans la capitale. Elle était désormais la jeune demoiselle de la famille la plus riche de la ville. Il s'est avéré qu'elle était la jeune demoiselle de la famille Gu qui avait disparu après un accident de bateau de croisière il y a trois ans ! "Monsieur Song, Mademoiselle Gu est bien au-dessus de votre niveau," disait tout le monde. "Et alors ? Elle ne sait pas prévoir l'avenir. À part de l'argent, elle n'a rien d'autre," disait Monsieur Song. Peu après, les gens commencèrent à découvrir les multiples identités de Gu Dai. Elle était une hackeuse de renom, une doctoresse miracle, la meilleure designer du pays... Elle était tout ce que Song Ling recherchait. Lorsqu'ils se rencontrèrent à nouveau, il la saisit et la supplia les larmes aux yeux. "Dai, peu importe si tu as des sentiments pour d'autres. Peux-tu s'il te plaît me laisser rester à tes côtés quand même ?"
Mountain Springs · 102.4K Views

Geliebt von einem älteren Mann

Das Verlobungsgeschenk beträgt zwei Millionen Dollar, keinen einzigen Cent weniger. Jiang Yu ist bereits achtzehn Jahre alt und kann jetzt heiraten. Schicken Sie das Geld auf meine Karte, und die Sache ist erledigt!" Jiang Yu sah ihre Mutter an, die am Verhandlungstisch ununterbrochen redete. Sie beobachtete, wie ihre Mutter ihren Preis nannte, als sie Jiang Yu verkaufte. Jiang Yu konnte es nicht fassen. Vor achtzehn Jahren brachten sie das falsche Baby aus dem Krankenhaus nach Hause, und Jiang Yu, die echte Tochter einer wohlhabenden Familie, landete bis vor einem Jahr in einem Waisenhaus. Jiang Ran, die falsche Tochter der Familie Jiang, wuchs mit einem silbernen Löffel im Mund auf. Da sie von klein auf über bessere Mittel verfügte, war sie in jeder Hinsicht besser als Jiang Yu und wurde der Stolz der Familie Jiang. Jiang Yu, die sich die meiste Zeit in der Außenwelt herumtrieb, war nichts weiter als ein Landei, das ihre Mutter in den Kreisen der Gesellschaft zum Gespött machte. Doch Jiang Yu hatte keine Ahnung, wie groß der Hass ihrer Mutter auf sie war. An dem Tag, an dem sie achtzehn Jahre alt wurde, "verkaufte" ihre Mutter sie zu einem bestimmten Preis. Jiang Yu sagte: "Wenn du deine Tochter mit jemand anderem verheiraten willst, sollte es Jiang Ran sein. Ich bin deine echte Tochter. Du bist diejenige, die Jiang Ran fälschlicherweise nach Hause gebracht hat!" Ihre Mutter erwiderte: "Halt den Mund. Ich wünschte, ich hätte dich nicht zur Welt gebracht. Du hast nichts als Schande über mich gebracht!" Jiang Ran sagte: "Große Schwester, alles, was Mama tut, ist nur zu deinem Besten. Mach ihr keine Vorwürfe." Ihre Mutter sagte: "Ich bin überzeugt, dass sie nichts anderes als eine Schuldeneintreiberin ist, die zu mir gekommen ist, um ihre Schulden einzutreiben! Entweder du gibst mir zwei Millionen Dollar, oder du heiratest gehorsam!" Jiang Yu verließ verzweifelt das Haus. Durch eine verrückte Kombination von Faktoren heiratete sie versehentlich einen Mr. CEO. Von da an verwöhnte der dreißigjährige Mann seine achtzehnjährige Frau bis zum Äußersten. Das kleine Mädchen sagte: "Mister, jemand hat Ihre Frau schikaniert!" Der Mann: "Welcher inkompetente Narr ist so blind, dass er es wagt, dich zu schikanieren?"
Mountain Springs · 55.6K Views

The Last Bloom of Spring

In the year 2025, India stood as an elective monarchy comprised of 563 kingdoms, a nation forged from the fires of the War of Independence in 1857. Yet, the spectre of an ancient threat loomed on the horizon, a menacing force that had once brought the subcontinent to the brink of annihilation. Vikram, a young prince from the revered Zamorin lineage, found himself exiled to the bustling city of Kolkata, banished by his mother for a transgression that remained shrouded in mystery. Stripped of his privileges and forced to live a life of austerity, he sought solace in the sacred precincts of the Kalighat Temple, where the fierce goddess Kali reigned supreme. As the weight of his exile bore down upon him, Vikram's path became intertwined with three remarkable women – a woman whose life he had saved, another he had rescued from the clutches of a depraved trade, and the daughter of the temple's priest, all of whom harboured profound feelings for the fallen prince. Yet, Vikram's true destiny lay not in the pursuit of earthly affections but in the mastery of an ancient art – the path of cultivation. For he was among the most powerful warriors in the land, a prodigy whose potential had barely been tapped. As the three years of his exile drew to a close, he knew that he must advance his cultivation to realms uncharted, unlocking the secrets of energy manipulation and spiritual transcendence. The urgency of his quest was fueled by the looming threat of an ancient enemy – a sorcerer of unimaginable might who had once marshalled a force of 25 million troops and 2.5 lakh ghosts and jins against the very heart of India. This formidable adversary, whose name had been lost to the annals of history, had come perilously close to subjugating the nation, only to be thwarted by the heroic sacrifice of a South Indian prince and six others, who had given their lives to vanquish the invading horde. Among the few survivors of that cataclysmic battle was a messenger, entrusted with a secret message and a mystical ring, both of which he had delivered to the Zamorin lineage before breathing his last. The contents of that message remained a closely guarded secret, but it was whispered that it held the key to unravelling the sorcerer's true identity and the means to defeat him once and for all. As Vikram's exile drew to a close, he found himself at a crossroads – to embrace his destiny as a warrior of unparalleled prowess or to forsake his heritage and live a life of obscurity. The choice was his, but the fate of India, and perhaps the world, hung in the balance. With unwavering resolve, Vikram chose the path of the warrior, immersing himself in the ancient arts of cultivation and unlocking the secrets of mind, body and soul for his country and countrymen. In the climactic confrontation, Vikram stood face-to-face with the sorcerer, a being of immense power who had eluded death for centuries. Drawing upon the full might of his cultivation, Vikram unleashed a torrent of energy that shook the very foundations of reality. In a cataclysmic clash of wills, the sorcerer's ancient magic and Vikram's Cultivation prowess faced off. But little did they know, the understanding of the universal secret is a domain they hardly chartered
Kannanunni_K_S · 3.5K Views

The Unicorn's Forest

Vol 1: The Unicorn's Forest Charlie Rivers is a 14-year old girl who is trying to get through high school without being noticed when she finds herself hearing a voice asking for help when she is only one of two who can hear it. She agrees, despite the fact the other person is someone she doesn't like. When she meets the 'voice' that needed help, she learns that it's a unicorn, yet she's the only one who seems to be able to see the horn. Everyone else thinks it's a horse. Charlie also learns that by having agreed to help the unicorn, she'd gotten herself involved with a group of friends, including the other person who can hear the unicorn, that she hadn’t been really involved with before. Not only is it changing her normal schedule drastically, given she hadn’t hung out with anyone before, but even her personal space seems under attack at times. As she continues to help the unicorn, she funds that going back to how she was isn’t as attractive as it had once been, before she was helping the unicorn but also she wonders if she really would want to. *Minor spoiler in the synopsis for vol. 2 if you haven't read vol. 1* Vol 2: Tip of Other Worlds Charlie and her friends begin traveling to other worlds in search of the world that the griffin canyon connects to. While they do that, Charlie finds herself torn with wanting to grow her relationship with Alex and beginning the expedition through different worlds. Then as the expedition begins, she finds more than she ever expected to find on other worlds, but ever in the back of her mind is the dream she had in which Beth, her best friend, dies in. A dream she's determined to keep from happening, even if she has to sacrifice the friendship that's come to mean so much to her. *Minor spoilers in vol. 3 synopsis* Vol. 3: Acclimating to a New World Charlie leaves her friends and is taken by The Lost. Her friends continue on and encounter a family who has the same disease they had just recovered from. While helping them, they learn about how this world is that of a matriarchal society and has been since ancient times. What that means they can't say, only that it's going to be awkward. Charlie comes to after a while, feeling like her brain had been I'm a fog and that she had been in a waking dream, only to find she's naked and in a kind of cage where she learns she's been taken as a slave. While she has no idea how this happened, she's determined to find a chance to successfully get out of that situation. Mature content will be either through implications or will only extend to the edge of it. The cover art was ai generated. If anyone has any thoughts or comments about this book they'd like to say, but not leave a record of it here, I can be contacted at
Mikaela_Risner · 112.8K Views

From Zero to Stardom: The Radiant Rebirth

Charlie is a nobody. In the small, forgettable town of Maplewood, Charlie barely exists. His days are spent in a haze of lethargy, slumped on a basement couch that smells faintly of regret. His body, soft and bloated, seems to mirror the weight of his apathy—a monument to years of bad decisions and the crushing inertia of laziness. His parents look at him with disappointment, his classmates avoid him like a bad smell, and the girls, even the kind ones, can barely disguise their pity. He’s bullied, mocked, and ignored, but Charlie doesn’t care. Not really. Or so he tells himself. Until one day, a moment so small and humiliating it shouldn’t matter tears open the carefully constructed wall of indifference he’s built around himself. For the first time in years, Charlie feels something stir deep inside—a spark of something raw, terrifying, and undeniable. Then, one night, everything changes. A system appears, a voice in his mind that speaks of transformation, power, and redemption. It offers him a choice: to stay as he is and sink deeper into the void of his existence, or to rise—literally—and reshape himself, body and soul. The system promises him a path, but it won’t be easy. To shed the weight of his old self, Charlie must first face the physical and emotional burdens he’s carried for so long. The path is brutal, filled with trials that test his mind, body, and spirit. But as Charlie begins to claw his way out of the pit of mediocrity, he discovers a world beyond Maplewood—a world of incredible challenges, impossible bodies, and a system that rewards transformation. The ultimate prize? A body forged by effort, determination, and resilience—a body of iron, plasma, and even the golden brilliance of the sun. But each step comes with its own cost, and the system’s promises may hide more than they reveal. Can Charlie rise above the weight of his past, or will the weight of the world crush him once and for all?
Chad_ultraReader · 4.3K Views
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