The True Test Of a Warrior, Warriors of Oduduwa 3
The True Test of a Warrior, this book was supposed to be the last novel in the Warriors of Oduduwa novel franchise, but of course, the content of this book exceeded the boundaries that I had set for it. As I wrote this book, I explained in complete detail the origin of some of the covenants in the Yoruba country and dished out a lot of background stories on some of the major characters in this book. Then I introduced another primary antagonist and exposed a fraction of his evil capabilities and his twisted ideals. This story also contains a mixture of the political structure of the Yoruba Empire and the nature of some of its greedy leaders. Before the introduction of the British indirect rule and how the political structure affects the people at the grassroots. To sum it up, the entire book centres on the culture of the Yoruba people; however, some things are different; for instance, there was no such thing as the Adegunju province and the Ẹṣọs test never existed during the pre-colonial era (a little spice to make the story interesting).
I spent a lot of time and effort on this book, cross-checking each character and charting each event, hoping to come up with an excellent ending that will entertain everyone who reads it. I hope you all enjoy this story