Naruto: Log in System
In a twist of fate, a young man is reincarnated into the Naruto world as Gin, an unassuming orphan who shares a piece of the Nine-Tails’ chakra alongside Naruto, Nami, and Haruto—children born to the legendary Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Unlike the canon story, Minato and Kushina remain alive, raising their children in the Hidden Leaf Village. But Gin is no ordinary boy. With memories of his past life intact, he wields a mysterious system that grants him extraordinary opportunities through missions, challenges, and the ability to log into other dimensions.
As Gin grows, his ambitions surpass the confines of the shinobi world. Armed with a sharp mind, relentless determination, and the power of the system, he forges his path, mastering forbidden techniques, cultivating new powers, and challenging the very fabric of the universe. But the world of the Otsutsuki clan is only the beginning. Beyond the stars lie races and empires unknown to the shinobi world, and Gin is determined to unite them all under his banner.
From the Hidden Leaf Village to the vast reaches of space, Gin embarks on a journey to create a galactic empire—a civilization where power, peace, and prosperity reign supreme. Along the way, he faces formidable foes, uncovers secrets of the universe, and struggles with the weight of leadership in a galaxy teeming with war, betrayal, and ambition.