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Tio Abuelo Stan

Transmigração: A Pequena Chef Manda no Pedação

``` Novo romance "Tremam, Grandes Seres do Universo" está sendo serializado~ De um dia para o outro, uma bela deusa culinária se transformou na desprezada Pequena Estrela do Desastre Uma casa em ruínas com três cômodos, um pai deficiente, uma mãe frágil e duas irmãzinhas magras para cuidar O quê?! Sua mãe deu à luz três filhas apenas porque trouxe dificuldades para a vida dos seus irmãos? Seu pai caiu do telhado e está acamado por meio ano, só porque ela estava brincando com terra por perto? Se ela liga para os avós uma vez, instantaneamente um adoece e o outro sofre um acidente; até os filhos amados da família do Tio se engasgam com a comida porque justamente naquele dia era o aniversário dela Humph! O Tio pode tolerar, mas a Tia não! Se eu não mostrar meu poder, vão todos me tratar como o gato Garfield?! Eles acham que por cinco taéis de prata, podem me vender para um doente fraco para dar sorte? Tudo bem, já que eu sou a Pequena Estrela do Desastre, vamos transformar a casa de vocês numa zona de desastre! Querem vender minha irmã para uma casa rica para se tornar uma escrava ou empregada? Ela grita, pega um cutelo, luta com os demônios que encontra e mata os fantasmas no seu caminho. De agora em diante, sua fama de mulher selvagem se espalha por toda a vila Que seja selvagem, então. Pelo bem dos entes queridos, me torno com gosto a selvagem Dama da Cozinha. Com minhas excelentes habilidades culinárias, abro um restaurante, me torno uma chef de topo, desenvolvo novas receitas, conquisto os corações dos amantes da comida e até descubro novas maneiras de fazer uma grande fortuna, levando toda minha família a uma maior riqueza e padrão de vida melhor! Quanto àqueles parentes sem-vergonha que lambem suas caras e voltam para reconhecer parentesco, ela dá um doce sorriso, acena adeus: Boa viagem. O papel de deserdar já está emoldurado e pendurado na parede! Quanto aos homens, bem, até minha irmãzinha sabe: Ser bonito não enche o estômago. Um homem que ganha dinheiro, mima a esposa e segue as três obediências e as quatro virtudes é um cunhado de primeira qualidade. Declaração séria: Este artigo é puramente fictício. Por favor, não imite nenhum enredo, comportamento, ação, etc. Valorize sua vida e viva bem~ ```
Xin Yue Ge · 53.9K Views

Esposa Querida dos Anos Oitenta

Gu Huai'an, um jovem descendente da Mansão do Pátio Número 01, tornou-se o comandante-chefe no Centro de Comando de Aviação Dragon em tenra idade. Era conhecido por seu comportamento frio e raramente sorria ou ria. Não apenas vinha de uma família distinta, mas também era a gema inatingível da Mansão do Pátio Número 01 de Beidu. De repente, um dia, ele ouviu alguém o chamando de "irmãozinho". Quando seguiu a voz, uma garota bonita com um rosto indiferente perguntou, "Com licença, senhor, eu o conheço?" Mas ao mesmo tempo: 【Nossa, irmãozinho é tão bonito.】 【Existem montanhas além de montanhas, prédios além de prédios, mas irmãozinho é bonito e gentil.】 【Irmãozinho, me abraça!】 Gu Huai'an: …… A boca da garotinha, enganadora como a de um fantasma. ********* Song Yunuan transmigrou para um livro de época e se tornou uma vilã secundária que seria logo eliminada — um papel tão pequeno quanto há de menor. No seu primeiro dia no livro, ela estava na casa da Família Song, tentando arduamente se lembrar de por que a inteira Família Song seria exterminada na história. No fim, ela falhou em notar as expressões petrificadas coletivas dos membros da Família Song. Mais tarde… Seu pai se tornou o homem mais rico, seu irmão um advogado top, seu irmão mais novo um cientista, sua tia mais nova uma cantora, e até sua avó se tornou uma proprietária de terras. Ela mesma se transformou na queridinha de todos. Song Yunuan: O que aconteceu com o começo infernal que me prometeram?
Joe Yishui · 19.9K Views


``` VOLUME 1: CONCLUÍDO Link oficial do trailer do romance abaixo: 1. Link do Instagram: 2. Link do Youtube: AVISO: Uma jornada de amor e ódio como uma montanha-russa e uma história comovente repleta de mistérios. Dylan Sterling, o mais jovem e impiedoso CEO do Grupo Sterling, possuía poderes especiais que superavam o Grupo. Dinheiro, fama e inteligência eram claras evidências de seu status na sociedade a que pertencia. Seu talento excepcional tinha um propósito oculto, e o MUNDO SOMBRIO que ele comandava era cruel. Ele não mostrava misericórdia a todos que bloqueavam seu caminho e devorava aqueles que tentavam se opor a ele. Savannah Schultz - 21 anos, órfã que se tornou modelo, estava noiva para se casar com Devin apenas para ganhar apoio para o negócio da família que seu pai construiu por muitos anos. Depois ela decaiu após a morte de seu pai. E seu tio Dalton Schultz a adotou para pegar tudo que ela tinha, incluindo a ajuda de Devin. Devin a vendeu como uma escrava para seu tio Dylan - para tramar contra o homem notório por capital adicional para injetar em sua empresa. Dylan a consumiu como uma caixa de chocolates e a tratou como um chip de barganha. Ela se sentiu desequilibrada e caindo em um abismo profundo. Raiva, tristeza, constrangimento – incharam dentro dela e ameaçaram arruinar sua vida. Para se salvar da humilhação, ele planejou perfeitamente tomar ela como sua esposa nominal e prometeu ajudá-la a terminar o noivado e apoiar o negócio da família. Desamparada e humilhada, ela aceitou sua barganha. Ela começou a se fortalecer diante daqueles intimidadores, mas ainda era fraca quando se tratava dele. Eles moravam juntos, mas tratavam um ao outro como estranhos. Ele não tinha planos de se apaixonar por ela, pois alguém já ocupava seu coração há alguns anos. Então, a situação mudou quando ele descobriu quem ela realmente era! Mas o mundo sombrio que ele comandava ameaçava destruí-los. Mistério, engano e vingança os impulsionaram a se erguerem juntos. Capa criada por Weilan Quer saber mais sobre a história, siga-me no Instagram: annashannellin ```
AnnaShannel_Lin · 50.7K Views

Marido Maligno, Esposa Gulosa: Compre a Senhorita Porca, Ganhe Pãezinhos de Graça

[Status: CONCLUÍDO] “Feng Tianyi! Seu irmão destruiu minha família Tang! Há algo de bom na sua família?” “En. Você não está vendo como nossos genes de boa aparência são passados para nossos filhos? Quanto à dívida da família Feng, eu vou pagá-la.” Ele disse descompromissadamente. Tang Moyu zombou e cruzou os braços sobre o peito. “Como você vai pagar por isso?” “Que tal eu te pagar com o meu corpo?” “...” Tão sem vergonha! O homem sentado em sua cadeira de rodas explodiu em uma gargalhada ao ver a expressão feia dela. “Senhorita Tang, não adianta fingir que você não viu, já que você praticamente subiu na minha cama e se aproveitou de mim.” Cinco anos atrás, Tang Moyu era a imperatriz do mundo dos negócios e estava no auge de sua carreira antes de ser reduzida a nada quando seu noivo se apaixonou por outra mulher. Tudo bem, já que não havia amor entre ela e Feng Tianhua, mas quem diria que essa ‘Cinderela’ era um lobo em pele de cordeiro? Então há Feng Tianyi, o infame sucessor da família Feng, um autor aclamado pela crítica que constantemente balançava a lista dos mais vendidos com seus livros. Os boatos dizem que ele era de cabeça quente e temperamental. Ele era tão implacável, que nem homens nem mulheres queriam sua companhia. Os rumores até diziam que seu rosto era tão bonito e fora deste mundo. Ele era praticamente um deus entre os homens. Era uma pena que ele fosse deficiente. Os dois nunca deveriam se encontrar novamente, mas um par de pequenos bolinhos doces interveio. “Tio, nós não temos dinheiro para pagar pelos danos.” disse o Pequeno Bolinho mais velho. "Meus manuscritos são inestimáveis”, respondeu o tio bonito com diversão. “Tio, se você não se importa, podemos pagar com a nossa Mamãe? Ela também é inestimável.” E assim o par de pequenos bolinhos doces e o tio bonito entraram em um acordo, mas quem diria que a mulher em questão era uma rainha gelada do inferno que tinha uma estranha afinidade por doces? —— Editor/revisor: ninaviews Capa do livro: Bizzybiin / direitos autorais 2020 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 38.5K Views

El Prometido del Diablo

Un amor condenado desde el principio, una causa perdida, una batalla perdida, y aún así, ninguno de los dos corazones está dispuesto a rendirse hasta el final. Arlan Cromwell, el epítome del perfecto Príncipe Heredero. Todo lo que quiere es vivir una vida normal como un humano pero la vida de un dragón no tiene nada de normal. Solo tiene un objetivo: encontrar a su prometida fugitiva y decapitarla. ¿Qué sucede cuando descubre que la mujer que ha conquistado su corazón es la que juró matar? Oriana, la Herbolario, disfrazándose de hombre, ha pasado toda su vida huyendo sin saber de qué huye. Cuando los misterios de su pasado la atrapan lentamente, no tiene a quién acudir... excepto a Arlan. Pero cuando se entera de que el hombre al que le ha entregado su corazón es el mismo hombre que quiere matarla, ¿cómo puede aceptar la cruel mano que la vida le ha dado? Dos personas con secretos que guardar, identidades que ocultar y respuestas que encontrar. Cuando cierta oscuridad amenaza con llevarse a Oriana, ¿el Dragón podrá proteger a su pareja? Extracto: —Si supiera que eres mi prometida, te habría matado en el mismo momento en que nos conocimos. —¡Si supiera que estaba comprometida contigo, me habría matado antes de que tú me mataras! Sacó una daga y se la ofreció. —No es demasiado tarde. Simplemente corta tu garganta con esto y sangrarás sin dolor. Ella aceptó el cuchillo, sus dedos apretaban con fuerza el mango. Al siguiente momento, él estaba presionado contra la pared y el cuchillo estaba en el lado derecho de su cuello. —¿Qué tal si lo pruebo contigo primero, mi prometido? —Siéntete libre de intentarlo. Pero cuando falles, este cuchillo primero probará la sangre de tu abuelo, luego la tuya. La ira se levantó en sus ojos, y al siguiente momento, la sangre fluyó por el lado derecho de su cuello. Ella cortó lo suficientemente profundo como para cortar un importante vaso sanguíneo. —No deberías haberme desafiado —dijo ella con desdén—. Y se echó hacia atrás, esperando que él colapsara. Simplemente sonrió y pasó su dedo por la profunda herida en su cuello. —Parece que has fallado. Observó cómo la herida de su cuello se curaba por sí sola y se sintió impactada hasta los huesos. —Tú... ¿qué eres? —¿Adivinas?
Mynovel20 · 188.7K Views

El retorno de los guerreros elementares

“Los gemelos no pueden estar juntos, o el mundo será destruido.” Dijo Sabrina sin emoción: "¡Tenemos que separaros!" El dolor de una nueva existencia. “¡Simon!” El llanto de la niña hizo mudanzas en el tejido de la trama.  “Yo tomaré todo lo que tienes, abuelo, y te destruiré” El odio del niño hizo quebró lazos. Dos almas que volvieron al mundo, desde temprano, solo para experimentar nuevamente el dolor y el sufrimiento. Pero había personas que de esa vez les acompañarían para luchar contra su destino escrito en piedra, y les mostrarían que vivir, no era solo desespero, cuando había alguien de tu lado. “Te ayudaré”, dijo el joven . “Enfrentaremos eso juntos” “En el pasado, cometimos errores tontos”, la chica que odiaba se puso de su lado. “Pero ahora, juntos, venceremos cualquier desafío, ¿no es para eso que volvimos?” En una dimensión rota, una niña le miraba con tanta codicia e interés que le dio pie de gallina. “Eres exactamente la cobaya que procuraba”, la niña lo miró con una sonrisa sádica que le hizo dar un paso para atrás reflexivamente. “Venga, cuidaré bien de ti” Adentrando en una tienda sospechosa e interesante, el hombre que la comandaba se viró para mirarla, sus ojos, negros, se volvieron azules, como si llamas lo incendiasen.  La chica dio un paso para atrás, sintiendo el peligro, pero la porta se cerró detrás de ella con un golpe y el hombre le sonrió. E con una voz magnética y seductora, le dijo calma y posesivamente. "Estás finalmente aquí, de esa vez, no te dejaré ir." Mientras los poderes dimensionales luchaban, planeaban, crecían, ganaban y perdían. El árbol del mundo dejó su última hoja caer. Iniciando. El fin. Esa historia es de mi autoría, pero también la publico en la webnovel. El español no es mi primer idioma, si hubiere errores, por favor avísame y sean pacientes. Plagió: no permitido, esa viene de mi cabeza, entonces, cuidado, no saben lo que hay en ella. Yo mismo tengo miedo de ella a veces :3
Miss_Fourier · 295 Views

Eclipse of the infinite

In a future marked by collapse and reorganization, Norsthania rises as a powerful, unified nation born from the ruins of the former United States, Canada, and Mexico. Divided into five sectors, each controlling a crucial part of humanity’s fate, the nation seems unstoppable. However, for Staniel Santos Neo Sky, a young man born in the floating city of Stan, the grandeur of his nation crumbles in an instant. Trapped in a life of poverty and pain, Staniel struggles to keep his family’s shop afloat after the tragic death of his mother in an explosion at the quantum energy plant. As his city of technological wonders falls apart, the echoes of a far greater darkness are heard on the horizon. Dark halos begin to appear in the sky, harbingers of an unknown threat. One day, the city is ravaged by a monstrous, colossal creature, whose attack drags Staniel into the abyss of despair. Alone and broken, Staniel faces the grim reality that his home no longer exists. His father is lost, and the city, drenched in blood and destruction, becomes a field of ruins. But from the tragedy rises an iron will: Staniel swears vengeance against the monsters that have destroyed his life. Marked by loss, he joins Norsthania's forces, determined to confront the darkness that threatens to consume all that remains. In a world on the brink of collapse, Staniel will discover that true strength isn’t found in the stars or the technology that builds his nation, but in the resilience of the human heart—capable of enduring, fighting, and rebirthing even in the deepest darkness. His destiny will be forged in the fire of war, facing enemies beyond his imagination, as he fights for the only thing left to him: the memory of his people and the echo of hope.
Eclipse_Infinite_ · 3.2K Views

The Shadowed Lineage

I’ve done it all, I have achieved my greatest dream yet I feel empty. I cherished all those who deserved it, and silenced the undeserving. I’ve come so far through this treacherous road yet as tears flow down my face, I don’t feel the accomplishment. Was everything I did for nought? “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself.” I silently muttered to myself as I read and cleaned the books of my abuelo. These books have been in the attic for so long, a treasure from the past yet they are here, slowly degrading. “Are you done cleaning, hijo?” grumbled by my abuela and she added, “Come on now, we have a lot to clean up, the moving company is coming!” I smiled at her and replied, “Yeah I’ll be done in a while, these are treasures, you know?” As I continued what I was doing, I found a book covered by a tela hidden behind a box. I immediately went for it and as I held it in my hands, I felt the dust-covered worn hard-bonded book. I cleaned it with my trapo and read the worn out title, “La Sociedad Secreta de la Justicia.” The secret society of justice, that is such a rich name for a book, I thought. As I opened it, a trail of musty old-book smell filled the air. A thrill of anticipation went through me as I flipped through the first few pages of. Intrigue went through the roof as I discovered that it wasn’t a novel but my Abuelo’s diary. “Quite a strange title for a diary, lolo.” A tear formed on my eyes as I muttered to the heavens while slightly laughing. My abuelo hasn’t died for long but he still never fails to make me smile. A short burst of deep honks brought me back to reality. I really am in trouble now! I whispered to myself and not long after, I heard the shout of my Abuela, “Alejandro, I told you already, pack up and arrange the books on the truck along with other items!” After a few hours of back-breaking, sweat-forming, and snot-forming work; we’ve finally done it! After a few minutes of break time had gone by, I went to the bathroom and cleaned the dirt I picked up today. After that I dressed myself, and together with my family, we went out of the house. My father, for the last time, locked the gate. As I heard the metals clicking, I looked back to see the house for the last time. This house was my home, my childhood, and my memories yet today I am leaving it all behind. Tears formed on my tear ducts as I was reminiscing about the past. “Let’s go now, your Abuela is tired and wants to sleep on a bed as fast as possible.” blurted out by my father. I closed the door slowly as I entered the taxi solemnly, knowing that a new chapter would start anew, and there was no turning back. Author's Note; Hello mijos and mijas! This will be my hobby book as I am still studying at an engineering school. Expect no regular uploads as this season marks the deadliest chapter of my life (I might fail!). But throwing that aside, this novel only has the backbone for now, nothing is really set in stone so you might, can, and would have a part in creating this! This novel is basically the creation of my daydreaming haha, I am really excited to hear your thoughts! Ah yes, do know that I am Filipino and this novel is centered on the southern tip of the Philippines so expect some unfamiliar words, or unfamiliar sentence-structure, just ask me though, I'll be glad to explain!
Stelllax · 625 Views

Once Banished

This novel spoke of four rogues of Alpha, all of them so powerful in their homeland, that each had a special ability that made them unique; all of them were betrayed by someone they loved, trusted, and depended upon. Xavier Knoll, the Alpha of the Middle Land, a man bred for war, was betrayed by his trusted beta, Jaiz, and he watched as his mate was killed. With his last breath, he cursed the middle land, saying, "None of them will know peace until he is incarcerated or returned as a wraith." The curse of Xavier Knoll started surfacing when the Pegasus, a giant creature, started terrorizing the Middle Land. Blood was shed, and people lost hope as the curse kept spreading. The second Alpha, Sebastian Stan, becomes the next Alpha after he kills Xavier Knoll, the former Alpha and king of the middle land. Sebastian was an Alpha with great strength and fame. He was feared across the middle land, and no one dared cross his path. He's a brutal man. At first, Sebastian Stan thought the curse of Xavier Knoll was gibberish coming out of a dying man—not until the curse started affecting his family, cousins, and daughters. When he finally decided to avert the curse, it might be too late because Dylan was already terrorizing the middle land. The Third Alpha, Dylan Knoll, a distant relative of Xavier Knoll, heard about the death of his cousin, and he sought nothing but revenge. Dylan Knoll is a man who loves squeezing from the universe whatever it can give. He loves taking rather than giving. He was a man who preferred fighting with blades over claws. Dylan Knoll conquered every territory he came across except for the middle land. And in every territory he conquers, he will ruin and kill every living and non-living thing so that no one will live to resurface the old way. There will be only one person they will be worshiping, and there will be only one way to worship him: his way. Dylan Knoll leaves the Middle Land untouched because it was ruled by his cousin. But when he heard about his death, he sought help from Caliste, an ancient witch, and King Cassius of Mordor to conquer the middle land and defeat Sebastian Stan. The last Alpha was Rey Reed Smith, a hellhound and someone who was possessed by an ancient spirit beast. Alpha Rey Reed Smith, a hellhound, died on earth, killed by a hunter, but opened his eyes in the middle land. It was some days before he discovered that he was possessed by an ancient spirit beast, which teleported his soul to the Middle Land. The ancient spirit beast, Lord Rey, is the god of all night-walking creatures in the Middle Land. When he discovered the curse of Xavier Knoll, the brute rule of Sebastian Stan, and the deadly plan of Dylan Knoll for the middle land, he possessed the hellhound, Rey Reed Smith, and decided to use his body to cleanse the middle land. With the help of two brothers, Garry the night racer, and Gaius the archer, Rey Reed Smith found himself going deeper into the affairs of the middle land. Nonetheless, there is more to saving the middle land than Rey Reed thought.
Ayo_mide01 · 7.2K Views


"My love for you is past the mind, beyond my heart, into my soul... Life is the flower for which love is honey...and for you, I'll do whenever..." ------------------------------- Three years ago, she left him for another man. Three years later, she'd do it all over again, but will he let her go? --------------------------------------- Wei Yuze, CEO of Wei corporation, the number one most-searched influencer and handsome bachelor billionaire in City Y. He was aloof but still cheerful. The entire netizen world knew of his blissful relationship with Chun Hua, the youngest heiress of the Chun family. After years of courtship romance, a union of marriage ensued between the duo. As the awaiting date kept meeting, both couple households met on the wedding day except for the bride. Even though the weather was a bit shady, the groom stood upright at the altar waiting for his bride, but she never came. Both disappointed and worried, Wei Yuze, dialed her number. However, before it could ring, someone among the crowds roared out "The bride is at the airport...with a man" That day, which was to be the most cherished in his life became his very most shadow. A day he'd never forget. ------------------------------------------- Chun Hua, being called the "Queen of Beauty Fashion" was in a clandestine relationship with the Monster of Capitalism, which her stans were fully aware of, but tragically, she never showed herself on her wedding day. There were rumors that she eloped with Mo Tiling and that the reason was Wei Yuze treated her with psychopathic love. Three years after that unspoken event, she returned home, and it hadn't taken up to a week yet when she encountered him. Meeting him again was the least she had expected. She thought after what she put him through, he'd have moved on, but it turned out to be the opposite. This time, his pure love for her then turned twisted. However, when he found her reason for leaving on that day, his heart split into two. ---------------------------- "Yes!! I lied to you because I didn't love you...I played with your sick feelings" Chun Hua glared at the man "Leave my daughter out of this" Wei Yuze scoffed outwardly but impaired inwardly. The little light in his eyes constricted coldly "Your daughter? With that man? You call my love, sick..." "Mama, I am scared" A little girl cried out meekly with her eyes turning misty. Chun Hua clenched her jaws and yelled resentfully "Yuze, you were never the man for me" "Even after a hot kiss?" **** What will happen between the two when secrets of the past start to break everything apart? Follow this romance filled with the sweetest, most adorable, most passionate, and heartwarming love and hate story between three adults. This is a slow-burn story between three adults struggling from the perspective of life. Add to library. Check out my other story CHASED BY THE DEMON BILLIONAIRE: MEETING AGAIN Thank you!!! ****i don't own the cover... I picked it from Pinterest and if the original owner wants to take it down, I would...
Kimberlypupa · 16.3K Views

Becoming the Luna (bl)

Life is all roses and strawberries with your asexual mother till Alpha wolves fall in love with you. And now you have to choose... But who do you pick? Hayden Lebaron is an average teenage boy, well if average means being about the size of a midget and being babied by everyone, at least that's what he thinks. A new student moves to their school and Hayden finds out that he's deeper in the Werewolf world that he ever thought possible and the worst part was that he had no idea that Werewolves even existed. EXCERPT : "What the fuck did you do?" Virgil demands his eyes dark, the only reason Dale doesn't have a black eye yet is because he's still carrying me.  I intervene quickly before Virgil changes his mind and decides to land the punch. "V-Vi-Virgil." I stutter out desperately, reaching for him. "I-It wasn't D-Dale, h-he d-didn't d-do any-anything." "What sort of boyfriend are you, letting your girlfriend get beat up by dudes in the boys bathroom?" Dale accuses, snatching me back and ending my efforts to reach for Virgil, his leaf green eyes nearly glowing.  Shana is momentarily stunned, "Girlfriend?"  She mouths to me, I close my eyes in embarrassment, this was one of those days I wanted to start over.  Virgil isn't even fazed by the obvious confusion. "Thanks." He bites out coldly, the appreciation has the same energy as 'go jump off a cliff. "Now give me back my girlfriend." "No. Now get away from me, you're in my way." Dale deadpans, making a move to continue his journey.  "I won't ask you again." Virgil says in a deadly voice, stepping in front of us, electric blue eyes nearly jumping from his face with how hard he is glaring.  "Hayden sounds terrified of you so no, I'm not giving her back. Now get the fuck out of my way." He says, his quiet voice ringing volumes, the entire hallway is silent now, the entire school watching the school's heartthrob go against the hot new kid... and over me! - I wail mentally, wishing I was a bird, a pebble, anything but Hayden LeBaron right now. VOLUME 2 •~• Come talk to me on discord at Aryna Stan#5852 I'd love to hear your thoughts... Link to the Discord server... •~•
Aryna_Stan · 1.9M Views

Help! I l'm love with my boss

MATURE CONTENT Clarissa,a very beautiful girl,kind and smart after she lost her parents,she moved out of the city and got a new job but well the job didn't really last and she was fired as if fate was playing her she met a handsome man who gave her a new job and who she couldn't help falling in love with Alex Blake,you can only describe him with the word drop dead gorgeous,he one of the richest men in the city,he has everything,money,houses,cars but one thing is missing love,his parents has being making go on a date with different women but he just couldn't find the right one not until he saw Clarissa,something just told him she is the one Excerpt 'What are you doing sir?'I asked as he kept approaching me like a predator with that deep gaze,I can't help but continue moving back until my back met with the wall and he cornered me,I have no where to escape to 'what do you think I'm doing' he asked as he brought his face close to mine and smashed his lips on mine,his lips felt so good on mine,he grazed his tongue on my teeth as if asking for entrance,and when I didn't open up,he bit my lips and it felt like a wake up call for me,I pushed immediately,he looked at me surprised,I lowered my head and said 'we shouldn't be doing this' 'why' he asked,'because we are in the office,what if someone comes in' I just couldn't look him in the eyes he raised my head with his fingers and said 'nobody will come without knocking' before I could reply he claimed my mouth,I sighed in my head I just can't say no to him follow this two in their love journey
Jazzy_Stan · 7.3K Views
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