The Maze of the Wise
Story Summary
Michael Dean (Lin Xiran), a seemingly ordinary urban office worker, unlocks a mysterious “Intelligence System” after solving an online “genius puzzle.” The system declares him a participant in the “Trial of Wisdom,” guiding him to a secret organization—the Society of Intellect.
The Society claims to recruit the brightest minds worldwide, offering challenges to advance humanity’s progress. Beneath this noble facade lies a web of secrets. As the challenges grow increasingly perilous, Michael discovers a fierce power struggle between the Society’s factions—the Extremists and Conservatives.
With the Intelligence System’s aid, Michael survives escalating trials, from solving basic puzzles to life-or-death missions. Gradually, he unravels the Society’s grand conspiracy: the organization’s true purpose and the Intelligence System’s hidden motives.
In the end, Michael faces a pivotal choice: become a puppet of the system, helping the Society realize its ambitions, or defy the rules and expose the truth lurking behind the facade.