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Die Passion des Herzogs

(HAUPTGESCHICHTE ABGESCHLOSSEN) Im Königreich des Herzens, einem Reich, in dem Vampire herrschen und Menschen nichts weiter als Vieh sind, wurde Lilou, eine Bäuerin, von dem schlimmsten wahnsinnigen Vampir seiner Art gejagt. Doch so furchtbar, wie er sie als seine "reservierte Mahlzeit" bezeichnete, nannte dieser Vampir sie auch seine Braut! Außer: Meine Augen blicken voller Angst auf das noch immer schlagende Herz in seiner Hand. "Mein Herr, verzeiht mir, aber ... ist das der verdammte Beweis, den Ihr mir zu zeigen versprochen habt?" fragte ich mit zittriger Stimme, während ich mit zitternden Knien dagegen ankämpfte, aufzugeben. "Mhm ... glaubt Ihr jetzt, dass ich gut darin bin, Herzen zu erobern?" Der silberhaarige Mann mit den bedrohlichen tiefroten Augen starrte mich nach einem Nicken stolz an. Ich schnappte nach Luft, als er seine Hand zu einer Faust ballte und das frische Herz zerdrückte. "Ja, Mylord. Ihr seid gut darin, buchstäblich." Beschämt sah ich zu, wie die Teile des Herzens fielen, als er sich näherte. Bei jedem seiner Schritte wich ich einen Schritt zurück, bis ich mit dem Rücken an einer festen Säule stand. "Hm", kicherte Samael kurz und blieb vor mir stehen. Seine langen, spitzen Nägel, die mit Blut bedeckt waren, zeichneten meinen Ellbogen bis hinunter zu meiner Hand nach. Sanft klemmte er meinen Zeigefinger zwischen seine und führte ihn vor seine Lippen. "Aber habe ich deinen Test bestanden?" fragte er, während die scharfe Spitze seines Nagels über die Spitze meines Fingers strich. Ich starrte in seinen durchdringenden Blick, als ich zögernd antwortete: "Gerade so." Er grinste und nickte zufrieden, bevor er seinen Nagel auf die Spitze meines Zeigefingers drückte, aus der sich schnell ein Blutstropfen bildete. "So ein süßes Aroma." flüsterte er, nahm meinen blutenden Finger in den Mund und leckte ihn leidenschaftlich ab. Sein bedrohlicher Blick verließ meinen nicht, während er ein wenig von meinem Blut verzehrte. "Heißt das, du nimmst meine Einladung an?" Samael hielt meinen Finger zwischen seinen Reißzähnen und erkundigte sich. Ich biss mir unbewusst auf die Unterlippe, mein Herz in der Brust trommelte, während mir der Schweiß den Rücken hinunterlief. "Aber ... ich bin nur ..." Ich hielt inne und hoffte, dass meine Antwort dem Ganzen ein Ende setzen würde. "... ich bin nur ein Mensch." Samael schnalzte mit der Zunge, verärgert über meine Antwort, als er meinen Finger losließ. "Nein", flüsterte er. Mein ganzer Körper versteifte sich, als er sich vorbeugte und mit der Nasenspitze meine Schulter bis zu meinem Hals streichelte, während sein heißer Atem meine Haut kitzelte. "Du bist nicht einfach nur ein Mensch ... du bist mein Mensch." betonte er, bevor ich spürte, wie sich seine Lippen teilten und die Spitze seiner Reißzähne meine Haut berührte. Cover nicht meins. *** Original Story von: alienfrommars FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM für originelle Charaktere: @authoralienfrommars Discord-Server:
alienfrommars · 48.1K Views


Ein nächtlicher Lauf hat das Leben von Aila für immer verändert, nachdem sie in einen Kampf zwischen Werwölfen und Jägern geraten ist. Plötzlich wird sie von besagten Jägern entführt und erfährt Geheimnisse über ihre Vergangenheit und ihre Zukunft, während sie sich auf eine Reise begibt, um herauszufinden, wer oder was sie wirklich ist. Ein Problem nach dem anderen taucht auf, als sie schließlich dem Griff der Jäger entkommt, nur um von dem wilden Alpha des Silbernen Halbmond-Rudels aufgenommen zu werden. Anders als die meisten, die ihn fürchten, fordert Aila seine Autorität bei jedem Schritt heraus, während sie mehr über sich selbst und den dominanten, besitzergreifenden Alpha erfährt, der sie für sich beanspruchen will. Werden die Köpfe in einem Kampf des Willens aufeinanderprallen, oder können sie zusammenarbeiten und die verborgene Welt der Kreaturen vor den Jägern schützen? Begleite Aila auf ihrer Reise der Wiederentdeckung, der Liebe, des Lachens und Weinens in diesem actiongeladenen, dampfenden Liebesroman. ----- Gold-Tier-Gewinner im #161 Writing Prompt Contest - Gestaltwandler. ------ *** SNEAK PEEK *** [ERWACHSENER INHALT] "Augen hoch, Aila." Er schnauzte sie an; seine raue Stimme brachte sie dazu, ihm in die Augen zu sehen, und sie war sofort unter seinem eiskalten Blick gefangen. Sie konnte ihre Augen nicht von ihm abwenden, als er näher an sie herantrat, seine Bewegungen langsam, als ob er sich auf sie, seine Beute, stürzen wollte. Ohne nachzudenken, stand sie auf, bereit zu fliehen, aber er packte sie und drückte ihre Hände gegen das Bett. Er bewegte sein Knie nach vorne und spreizte ihre Beine, die sich nur eine Sekunde lang wehrten, bevor er sein Knie eindringen ließ. Er drückte es langsam in die Stelle zwischen ihren Schenkeln, so dass sie bei der plötzlichen Berührung keuchte. "Gefällt es dir, mir nicht zu gehorchen, Aila?" Er knurrte; Aila war einen Moment lang verwirrt, bis sie sich daran erinnerte, wie leicht sie sich seinen Befehlen widersetzte. War er wirklich noch wütend von vorhin? Aber als sie in seinem Gesicht nach einer Antwort suchte, fand sie sie bald. Er war definitiv wütend von vorhin. "Um ganz ehrlich zu sein, das tue ich. Das weist dich in deine Schranken", schmunzelte Aila, als sie seinen glühenden Augen begegnete. Er brachte sein Gesicht näher an ihres heran, der Druck seines Knies zwischen ihren Beinen verstärkte sich und sie biss sich auf die Unterlippe. "Falsche Antwort", knurrte er, bevor er ihr die Lippe zwischen die Zähne biss. ----- *DISCLAIMER* REIFER INHALT: Grafische Gewalt Starke Sprache Sexueller Inhalt Missbrauch -- 【 Band 1: Vollständig】 【 Band 2: Vollständig】 【 Band 3: COMING SOON- May-June of 2024 】 -- Wenn euch die Geschichte gefällt, dann stimmt bitte mit einem Powerstein ab, hinterlasst Kommentare und eine Bewertung! -- Coverbild: Commissioned by @if._art Mein Instagram: @kelly_starrz Mein neuer Discord-Server:
Kelly_Starrz · 59.3K Views

Dangerous: Don't cross the line!

* At night He was rugged and untamed. That one steamy night left Grace utterly captivated. She coyly stretched out her dainty, snow-white feet, hooking them around his waist as she softly laid down her terms: For the first time, no staying overnight. The second time, the moment he got himself a significant other, she'd vanish from his side. Later on, their liaison would remain strictly on a physical level. No strings of money attached, no emotional fetters, just the most primal and unadulterated desires that flared up when night fell, entwining them like a web spun by countless spiders. And once the moment had passed, she'd straighten her skirt and turn her back on him, cold as ice. *During daytime He was the heir to a vast business empire, now impeccably dressed in a sharp suit, exuding an air of aristocratic reserve. He extended his hand to her with a polite smile, “Hello, Grace.” Grace gritted her teeth in secret dismay. She hastened to call off whatever was brewing between them, only to find herself cornered against the dressing room by the man, with no way out. In that cramped space, he was a relentless predator, and she, his irresistible quarry. His firmness pressed against her soft curves, setting every inch ablaze. Outside the door, her female colleagues were swooning over his chiseled abs. Just a thin partition away, he locked his arm around her willowy waist, seized her delicate hand, and guided it to rest on his taut abdomen, his voice dripping with a sultry allure, “Thought you could slip away? It's far too late for that.”
Katubari · 1.6K Views

Die Weltraum Söldner von Ilurian

Ich wachte auf. Der Himmel über mir war von einer unnatürlichen Farbe – eine Mischung aus blassem Grau und schimmerndem Blau, als würde das Firmament selbst krank daliegen. Kein Wind, keine Geräusche, nur Stille, die dröhnte. Der Boden war staubig und rau, mit Rissen, die wie ein Netz aus Wunden die Landschaft überzogen. Um mich herum erstreckte sich eine trostlose Wüste, doch das war keine gewöhnliche Wüste. Am Horizont erhoben sich seltsame Strukturen, wie Zähne aus Metall, die rostend und bedrohlich in den Himmel stachen. Ihre Silhouetten schienen sich zu bewegen, als ob sie atmeten oder lebten. Es war ein Ort, an dem nichts existieren sollte, und doch war ich hier. Ich tastete meine Kleidung ab. Ein einfacher, grauer Anzug, den ich nicht kannte, und ein seltsames Gerät an meinem Handgelenk. Es blinkte leise, ohne dass ich wusste, was es bedeutete. Ein schwaches Pulsieren ging davon aus, wie ein Herzschlag, der mich daran erinnerte, dass ich noch lebte. Aber wo war ich? Wer war ich? Dann hörte ich es. Ein fernes Summen, das sich langsam näherte. Es war kein Fahrzeug, zumindest keines, das ich je gehört hatte. Es klang organisch und mechanisch zugleich, ein unheimlicher Chor aus Klängen, die sich in meinem Schädel festsetzten. Meine Instinkte schrien, dass ich mich verstecken musste. Doch wohin? Hier gab es nichts außer der leeren Weite und diesen seltsamen Strukturen. Plötzlich begann das Gerät an meinem Handgelenk schneller zu blinken. Eine Stimme erklang, digital und kalt: „Subjekt 473, Protokoll Omega aktiviert. Sicherheit nicht gewährleistet. Bewegung erforderlich.“ Bevor ich weiter darüber nachdenken konnte, was das bedeutete, brach der Himmel über mir auf. Ein grelles Licht durchbrach die Wolkendecke, und etwas Riesiges senkte sich herab. Ein Schiff? Ein Lebewesen? Es war unmöglich zu sagen. Doch eines wusste ich: Meine Zeit hier hatte gerade erst begonnen.
Andre_Castor · 491 Views


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alllife_pharmacy · 2K Views

Falling For The Possessive CEO

After a neverending breathless kiss, he let go of her lips. Looking at her with unusual passion in his usual cold eyes, he whispered. "I won't let anyone take you away. Not even death." Her lips were bitten into a swollen and red state. "You belong to me and only me." ... One year ago, in her drunken state, Xu Xinya made a mistake - a huge mistake of offending a tyrant - Lu Mingyu - the man whose name shuddered countless hearts. A year later, circumstances forced herself to agree to a compromise. As long as she was willing to be his mistress, her family would be spared of the huge debt. Things appeared so, he was their creditor and she was his debtor, nothing more; Xu Xinya was into this just for the sake of the family. But as their relationship grew she begins to doubt, were things really as they appeared to be? Did he allow her in just because of that debt...or was there some other terrifying truth that bound them together way before all of this started. "What was I to you?" She stared into his deep, cold eyes, for once not shying away from his intense gaze. Today, she must get this answer. "What were you to me?" He said absentmindedly. His deep abyss like eyes hazed for a second followed by a deep fascinating chuckled. "Do you dare to confront the truth?" There was clear warning in his tone. Like always, he tried his best to intimidate her and give up. Xu Xinya realized this and this only fueled her resolve. "Yes, I do!" She replied; her determination only becoming tougher at his warning. ... Warning: The genera is dark romance and the ML is portrayed somewhat a possessive freak. He mellows down later own. There will be sexual mature content and violence. So if it is not your cup of tea, steer away. ... Author Message. However, the ending would be happy, I assure you that. This author hates sad endings. Besides, there would be no Rape I assure you that. I despise rape and even though I would like to make my readers cry a bit, involving rape in the construct is taking it too far. In the end, do give this novel a try. You won't regret it.
Author_Shizu · 1.7M Views

Zweimal Luna abgewiesen, der Wunsch aller Alphas

Valerie, die Tochter des ermordeten Alphas des Yellow Stone Rudels, konnte das Rudel nie anführen, weil sie einen Luna-Wolf hatte. Ihr Gefährte Tristan wurde an ihrer Stelle zum Alpha ernannt. Nachdem sie den Titel des Alphas angenommen hatte, wurde Valerie reingelegt und brutal zurückgewiesen, nicht nur von Tristan, sondern auch von ihrem ganzen Rudel und ihrer kleinen Schwester Scarlet, mit der Tristan heimliche Affären hatte. "Ich lehne Luna Valerie als meine Gefährtin ab. Sie wurde im Bett mit einem Fremden erwischt, was bedeutet, dass sie das Rudel verraten würde. Die Strafe für Verrat ist der Tod", verkündete Alpha Tristan herzlos. Die Rufe der Rudelmitglieder und der anwesenden Alphas, die zur Alphatagung gekommen waren, zogen sie zu dem Urteil hin. Niemand hätte gedacht, dass Alpha Denzel, dessen Name ihnen wegen seiner Rücksichtslosigkeit die Haare auf der Haut zu Berge stehen ließ, es zur Konferenz schaffen würde. Valerie schöpfte Hoffnung, als sie erkannte, dass Alpha Denzel ihr Partner der zweiten Chance war, aber sie wurde schmerzlich zurückgewiesen. Die doppelte Zurückweisung führte dazu, dass sie ihren Wolf verlor und von allen anwesenden Alphas zum Tode verurteilt wurde. Sie dachte, ihr Schicksal sei besiegelt, als Alpha Denzel ging und ein Krieger bereit war, sie hinzurichten. Alle waren schockiert, als Alpha Denzel sich plötzlich umdrehte. "Halt! Die verräterische Tochter eines verstorbenen Alphas sollte nicht getötet werden. Sie erwartet noch mehr Leid", erklärte er. Valerie fiel das Herz in die Hose, als sie seinen finsteren Blick sah, der wie ein bodenloser Abgrund war, und sie wurde vor Erschöpfung ohnmächtig. Ein paar Monate später entbrannte ein Krieg zwischen den Alphas, die Anspruch auf die zweimal abgewiesene Luna erhoben. Wird die Mondgöttin ihr nach dem Tod ihres Wolfes gnädig sein und ihr einen anderen Wolf geben? Und welcher Alpha könnte ihr nun kaltes Herz zum Schmelzen bringen?
Glorious_Eagle · 1.1M Views

Like ka Chakkar

Characters: Rohan - Ek school student jo social media par kaafi active hai aur followers aur likes ko bahut seriously leta hai. Neha - Rohan ki classmate aur dost, jo responsible tareeke se social media use karti hai. Mr. Verma - School ke teacher, jo students ko social media ke risks ke baare mein samjhate hain. Scene 1: Rohan aur Social Media Ka Nasha Panel 1: Rohan apne phone par social media par scroll kar raha hai aur apne profile par like aur comments ka check kar raha hai. Text: "Wow! 100 likes! Lekin Neha ke 200 hain... kya karoon ki mere bhi aur followers badhein?" Panel 2: Rohan selfie lekar aur edit karke flashy captions ke sath post karte hue dikhaya jata hai. Text: "Shayad kuch aur cool post karne se mere likes badh jayenge!" Scene 2: Fake Fame Ka Pressure Panel 3: Rohan ek expensive sneakers kharid leta hai, sirf apne followers ko impress karne ke liye, lekin andar se nervous aur stressed lagta hai. Text: "In sab mein paise bhi kaafi lag rahe hain... par agar likes badh gaye toh worth it hoga!" Panel 4: Neha Rohan ko samjhati hai ki likes aur followers ke piche bhagna zaroori nahi hai, asli dosti aur self-worth in cheezon par depend nahi karti. Text (Neha): "Rohan, yeh sirf ek screen hai! Real life mein jo hum hain wahi sabse important hai." Scene 3: Galat Post Ka Nateeja Panel 5: Rohan bina soch-samajh ke ek party ki photo daal deta hai jisme kuch students ki consent ke bina unki embarrassing photos bhi dikhayi deti hain. Text: "Sabko show-off karna chahiye! Yeh toh ek mast post hai." Panel 6: Agle din, Rohan ko complaints milti hain aur kuch log usse naraz hote hain kyunki unke photos bina unki ijazat ke daale gaye the. Text: "Yaar, maine toh socha hi nahi ki isse unhe problem hogi..." Scene 4: Realization aur Apne Aap Ko Improve Karna Panel 7: Mr. Verma Rohan aur class ko social media ke responsible use ke baare mein samjhate hain aur batate hain ki likes aur comments se humari asli value nahi banti. Text (Mr. Verma): "Social media pe hamare actions ka asar dusre logon par bhi padta hai. Zaroori hai ki hum uska sahi istemal karen." Panel 8: Rohan apni posts ko delete karta hai, privacy aur responsible use ke baare mein seekhta hai, aur apni asli life par dhyan dena shuru karta hai. Text: "Mujhe ab samajh aaya ki real life mein khush rehna aur dusron ki respect karna sabse zaroori hai." Scene 5: New Beginning Panel 9: Rohan aur Neha real-life activities mein time spend karte hain, jaise sports aur reading, aur Rohan aakhir mein social media ka responsible use karne lagta hai. Text: "Ab main social media ko life ka ek hissa samajh kar use karunga, aur apne asli doston aur hobbies par focus karunga."

The Alpha's disguise

The starry night sky was graced with a gorgeous full moon . A serene and calm atmosphere befitting a night of love for the wolves who had found their mates but not for the Moon Road pack the most powerful pack in the west. " Howl! Howl! Howl! " Dangerous grieved cries of Drake and his pack cut through the silent night like a knife ready for the kill. ______a while before " Bella, my love" Drake said coquettishly as he snaked his hands slyly around Isabella's waist to hold her tightly in his embrace from behind. He leaned into the crock of her neck inhaling her scent which intoxicated him. " Drake ! What are you doing?" She scolded trying to hold back a blush with her half revealed shy smile. " Izzy why are you calling me like that again?" He complained as he turned to face her with a mischievous smile. Then she said still with her back facing Drake, " I know you're excited and desperate even. You probably can't wait to mark me. You've waited for all this time. Don't come up with any naughty ideas now when there's just a few minutes to go" " But I just wanted to hold you " Drake said coquettishly as if he was a little boy caught stealing candy. * I just wanted to hold her. Is that not even allowed? * He thought probably pouting in his mind. _______ Who would have thought that the godly feared Alpha Drake Nillocks of the Moon Road pack known to be unapproachable yet inresistible would be swayed of his feat by a simple woman from his pack just like that after an encounter in which he almost killed her. Drake is tall. Very tall even for a wolf male. He has an intense shade of black shiny hair that looks bluish when turned right towards light reaching the middle of his neck . His vibrant green eyes that could suck the soul out of anyone with just a glare, his thin kissable rouge lips coupled with his straight jawlines made him to die for. He has the fit body of an alpha. He is very masculine having muscles in all the right places. From his straight neck to his broad shoulders and firm arms to his wide chest and abs all giving way for his slim waist line coupled " Drake it's not allowed for the groom to see her bride before the ceremony why then are you here. Jeez ! Do you know you're calling bad luck to come right at our door step" she sighed softly. " I can only pray nothing bad happens" ______Isabella is a very beautiful she wolf. With an average height of a wolf and straight dark brown hair that reaches the middle of her back that isn't a rare look in Moon Road pack but her gorgeous face was something that could get everyone wowing at a glance. She had a round plum face with a pair of crystal clear almond shaped amber eyes, a cute high bridge pionted nose, straight thin brows and her very long lashes that made her a top class seductress with every blink couple with a pair of natural cherry red lush lips she was a beauty of all kinds of beauties. Cute, elegant, classic, hot , sexy, gorgeous she was all in all. Isabella came from an average family in the Moon Road pack. As every she wolf's dream she only hoped that after she got her wolf on her coming of age she would be able to find her mate and live a simple life filled with love with him. On her eighteenth birthday, Izzy finally got her wolf 'Alma' and in her excitement she shifted immediately and run into the woods to experience her new physiques agility. She probably didn't expect to meet and even crush into the feared Alpha of her pack that she had never seen. Yet that strong masculine rainy scent and foresty green eyes could never leave her mind till they finally met again at her door step when he'd traced her scent to her home. ______mating ceremony The ever awaited mating ceremony didn't come out as expected. Rather than joy the Moon Road pack were scarred for a lifetime. Sworn to avenge his love, Drake spent two straight years in vegence until he smelled her " Why do I smell Isabella" Drake exclaimed __ Why is he smelling Isabella? Isn't she dead
Kenia_Nimo · 1K Views

Married To My Sister's Husband

It was a bright Saturday morning, the sun was already glistening inside and adding exuberance to the already elegant royal-like master bedroom. As rays of sun rested on Olivia’s face, she slowly opened her eyes revealing a pair of lovely hazel brown eyes. She could hear the chirping of bird from a close distance and for a brief moment she wished she could just sink into the feeling of how beautiful the day felt, but she can’t. it may be a new bright day for everyone, but for her it’s just another day of a continuous never ending torture called her marriage. It didn’t seem like a new day, more like a continuation of her 3months nightmare. She looked by bed locker to get her phone, it was already 7am and she wondered why she slept in. She turned to the other side of the bed to meet a surprising half naked, yet breath taking Markian still soundly asleep. He was a sight for sore eyes, as her eyes moved from his waist to his sexy abs, to his well-built chest and broad shoulders, up to his neck and then his handsome face. He looked peaceful and very innocent, the exact opposite of what he was when he is awake. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, and one would think that after 3months of being in the same house with this man she must have gotten use to his sexiness, but that was the exact opposite. He was lying close to her that she could feel his breath on her face and he was half naked, though she wasn’t complaining but that was not normal, neither was the splitting headache she was having since the moment she moved to get her phone. At this moment, the flashbacks came flooding in as she suddenly sat up from the bed, she gasped but immediately held her mouth with her hand. What happened last night, what did she do, and what exactly was she asking her sister’s husband to do to her?
Coisa_fay · 54K Views

Vertragsehe: Der Ersatzbräutigam

Wenige Minuten vor ihrer Hochzeit fand Jeslyn heraus, dass ihr zukünftiger Ehemann nur auf den Nutzen aus war, den er aus der Heirat mit ihr ziehen würde. Mit gebrochenem Herzen und dem Gefühl, betrogen worden zu sein, entschied sie sich für die einzige Möglichkeit, die ihr in diesem Moment zur Verfügung stand: eine Vertragsehe mit einem Mann, den sie finden konnte, sonst würde das Vermögen ihrer Familie in den Händen ihrer Feinde landen. ... "Mister, bitte, wollen Sie mich heiraten?" Fragte sie ihn. Ein Mann, den sie auf der Toilette des Hochzeitshauses sah. Er muss einer der Gäste sein", dachte sie. Maverick war von diesem Vorschlag überrascht. Er sah, wie sie zusammenzuckte, als er sich umdrehte und sie ansah. Es war offensichtlich, dass sie sich vor ihm fürchtete, doch sie nahm sich zusammen und war bereit, in das Geheimnis einzutauchen, das vor ihr lag. "Es wird ein Ehevertrag sein. Wir werden uns nach einem Jahr scheiden lassen", hörte er sie sagen. Er brauchte auch eine Frau für seine Göre, also antwortete er: "Abgemacht." Ohne dass sie es wusste, schloss sie gerade einen Vertrag mit dem süßesten Teufel, den es je gab. ... Er ist der Albtraum von Land M, einem Land, in dem das Böse regiert. Sie ist das kleine Häschen, das mit Liebe und Zuneigung aufgezogen wird. Eine Fliege verletzen? Nein, das hatte sie noch nie getan. Doch als sie gezwungen wurde, die Frau des Dämons zu werden, hatte sie keine andere Wahl, als ihre falsche Rolle abzulegen. Welches kleine Häschen? Wer hat gesagt, dass sie nicht mit ihren Absätzen auf die Finger eines Pianisten treten und so tun konnte, als ob sie es nicht so gemeint hätte? Ha, diese Berühmtheiten wollen die Mitleidskarte ausspielen? Wollen sie die Sympathie der Öffentlichkeit erlangen? Nun, warum wird sie wieder als 'Häschen' bezeichnet? Ist es nicht, weil sie die Beste darin war, niedlich zu wirken? Hat denn niemand diesen weißen Lotusblumen, die sich in das Bett ihres Mannes stürzen wollen, gesagt, dass sie seine Seele gestohlen hat, als sie seinem unartigen Sohn den Hintern versohlte?
Hassy_101 · 177.3K Views

After Transmigrating Into a Cannon Fodder and White Moonlight-bl

This is a short story about a little cutie who went from being hated by everyone to being loved by everyone after being transmigrated into a book. Ruan Miao, who is delicate, frail, and upright, transmigrated into a sadomasochist novel and became a scheming green tea that everyone scolded. Not only did he make the kind and gentle shou protagonist, Jian Fanyu, suffer from ab*se, but he even managed to become the gong protagonist’s unattainable white moonlight after his death. Faced with this heinous plot trend, Ruan Miao, who just wanted to study quietly to get into a good university, was flustered. However, just when he was thinking about how to quit this bad triangle relationship, Jian Fanyu was reborn. Ruan Miao glanced at young master Jian who was supposed to be “cold and elegant” in the original book, but now he was paranoid and gloomy, and his eyes turned dark. Because the present Jian Fanyu seems to have a great interest in him. **** In the previous life, Jian Fanyu and Yan Yang had been entangled for decades but they finally broke up. No matter how hard he tried, it couldn’t make up for the dead white moonlight hidden in the other party’s heart, and that white moonlight fueled Jian Fanyu’s hatred for many years. After reliving his life, and seeing that hypocritical and weak face again, Jian Fanyu wanted to watch him kill himself with cold eyes but found that the man seemed different.
VSOL11 · 137.4K Views

The Kidnapped Bride

“Who the hell are you!? What are you doing in my room?” Jennifer shouted when she saw the man sneaking inside her room out of nowhere, just a few minutes before the wedding.  Gun was pointed in her direction, straight into her heart with horror evident on her stunned face. A smirk landed on the man's face when he answered back, “You have two options, Ms. Jennifer, either you die at this point or...escape with me!”  ….. Jennifer Taylor, freshly graduated, was ready to be thrown into an unhappy marriage with the Mafia King of their state, Lucas Smith. Everyone concluded that the man fell for her beauty and mind but nothing was true. No matter how much others tried to convince her but her heart never melted. On the wedding day, she was all ready to execute her plan but suddenly, a mysterious man appeared inside her room, threatening to kill her.  Who is he? She is clueless but all she can do is to follow his lead and the adventure he is giving her, to safeguard herself from those who are waiting to take undue advantage out of her. But later in her life, she discovers that whom she considered a threat all along, was her helping hand who tagged along for a very long period. Moreover, with this stranger, she walks on the path of unveiling all the truths that were hidden deep in the grave. … *SneakPeak* The man came near her, with a towel wrapped around his abdomen. But her eyes flew to his abs, those perfect figured abs… A dangerous smirk passed by his lips when he asked, "Like what you see, Ms. Taylor?"  Realization drew over her when he caught her lingering gaze on his upper naked body. "What?! No! And don't you have any kind of shame? You're standing in front of an unmarried girl!"  "So what? I heard that girls get attracted to men who have good physique. You know it isn't difficult to accept that you like it.." he was still shamelessly provoking her. "You!! I'm stuck with a shameless pervert for sure! Go and wear something before I hit you with my hands!" Jennifer was burning in the pit of anger but at the same time, her cheeks burned red.  At last, as per her wish, he wore the bathrobe and turned around to come to main point, "What do you wish to ask?" "Tell me who changed my bridal dress?" Jennifer asked with a straight face, but Javier didn't look shocked. "Do you see anyone else in this house? If your pretty eyes can, let me know." "Except you, obviously no one else," Jennifer answered in a hurry, but then her eyes turned wide when she realized what she just spoke in front of him. Javier laughed at her innocent expressions, "Bingo! There you have your answer. Who would have changed your clothes except me?" ***** •18+ MATURE CONTENT- BE ALERTED •The cover's rights are reserved to the original creator.  •You can follow me on  Instagram- amaira_knight   Discord- Amaira_Knight#1314 ***** My Other works-  High School: Way to Forever My Clever wife is Sweet Support Author by adding the book into your library and please do give it a try! Thank you so much :)
Amaira_Knight · 2.3M Views

His Reborn Mate is Sweet and Savvy

Klara, a real bossy badass was betrayed by her fiancé just a week away from their marriage. She caught her bestie and fiancé cheating by coincidence, and at that tense moment, Klara‘s world came crumbling down. Fight ensued between them and Klara was at the receiving end of it all, escaping from their treachery proved difficult, as she met with her demise on the same day. Opening her eyes again, Klara realized she transmigrated into a werewolf novel titled; The alpha is obsessed with his Luna. Klara possessed the body of the alpha’s daughter, and main villainess of the story and life proved difficult with many challenges. The alpha’s daughter, Kara has been mocked for being wolfless, and Klara teaches everyone in the pack that as long as she wants, she can be savvy however and whenever she likes it. Klara struggles to be the best version of herself, and works hard to be strong and be respected in their midst. Amid their struggles and romance, strange shadows in the dark are after Klara’s life. What happens when Klara realizes she is the mate of the cursed and most feared alpha of the lion’s claw pack? Is this love? Fate? Or mate? What happens when she tries to gain recognition as many enemies arises? Someone is vehemently against the fated mate relationship, who ? or what? What happens when she gains the attention of the vampire prince? is this a loop of love triangle? (Sneak peek) "Do you admit defeat?" Jake asked, tilting her chin upwards, kissing her lips wantonly till she gave up struggling. Klara stared at him, lacking the strength and will to fight back. With a salty attitude, she finally sat on his thighs and greedily touched his abs which she had been drooling over for weeks! Sighs, she just had a first hand experience with a Yandere Alpha. Tags: #werewolf, #vampires, #transmigration, #witches, #mate, #stubborn, #savvy, #strong, #possessive, jealousy, #hatred, #love triangles.
obiJudith · 31.8K Views

Temari and the Crown Prince

*art in cover not mine. no copyright infringement intended* Once when she was young, Temari sneaked out to fulfill her dream to see the world outside the walls of the orphanage where she grew up. It was the night when King Maximus died. In that expedition she met a boy a few years older than her. They were young but their connection was strong. Before they part ways they promised to see each other again. They never did. Ten years later, Temari is now an infamous thief, known for fulfilling the requests of rich clientele. This time a mysterious client came to her. She was tasked to steal her greatest bounty to date: a royal family heirloom. Getting caught means automatic death. Just in time for her new adventure, the Kingdom of Mowsland opened the castle doors for women of marriageable age. It is time for the crown prince to choose his future wife. Temari took this opportunity to infiltrate the castle and steal the royal heirloom. Pretending to be one of the women vying to become a princess, she met Rhys Mospick, the crown prince of Mowsland – and the boy she once met when she was young. Stuck in the drama of the competition to become the next queen and confused because of her heated encounters with the crown prince, Temari realized that this mission is more dangerous than she thought. Danger is in every corner of the castle hallways and a shadow has been lurking in the dark, watching her every move. When Temari learned that her mission is actually not just a simple act of theft, that she was just a pawn in a more complicated scheme … it was too late. note: this is a royal romance story with fantasy and adventure. But I would like to inform the readers that this is going to be romance focused. THERE WILL BE CHEMISTRY AND TENSION AND SEXY TIMES ALONG THE WAY *********** ~EXCERPT~ “YOU ENTERED THE WRONG ROOM, MY LADY." Temari felt like a bucket of ice was thrown at her. She froze and her stomach clenched painfully when she heard that voice. She looked at the direction where it came from but it was too dark for her to see anything. “W-where are you?” “Where are you, not who are you, huh. Either you recognize my voice or you know whose room you entered without permission,” he commented. Temari gasped at the implication of his words. “I didn’t enter this room thinking that you will be here! I just…” “Got lost again?” Before she could think of a good excuse, she already saw a shadow move from the darkness. She stopped breathing when she finally saw the Crown Prince walking like a panther toward her, quiet but predatory. Temari’s eyes widened when the light of the lone candle in the corner of the room finally illuminated him. Rhys got rid of his extravagant prince outfit from the royal ball. His shoulder-length blond hair is wet, most of the strands were sticking to the sides of his face and neck. He looked like he just finished his bath. Not only because of his wet hair but because he was only wearing a long white robe, silk pants and nothing else. He was also barefoot. The robe was loosely tied on his waist so his whole muscled chest and abs were exposed. The pants were too thin and hanging low on his hips. Every time he takes a step forward, the material of his pants hugs his thick thighs and – “Loving what you see?” the Crown Prince asked mockingly. Temari quickly lifted her gaze to his face. “Not at all, Your Highness.” Rhys smirked but his forest green eyes remained cold and cruel. “Lying doesn’t suit a well-bred aristocrat’s daughter, my lady.” That was the problem, isn’t it? Temari is not a well-bred lady. She is an orphan and an infamous thief.
Foxy_Fairy · 76K Views

The Class F Guide Among Us

Human have mutated to adopt powers as a way to prolong their survival in this continuously evolving universe. They are put into different classes in accordance to the level of their power. Having above-average powers, Class A and B will find it easy to climb the social ladder of modern-society. Class C is the average. Class D is somewhat struggling, but they get by. Class E is considered powerless and is often seen as disabled. Class S is a rarity, and they are often recruited to join the country's team of espers to fight mutants. YES is Neo Japan's newly built Esper organization recruiting aspiring Esper trainees as young as 15 years old. Its core team, Team Phoeinix, is the only Esper team in Japan that consists of all S-Class Espers with Neo Japan's beloved young Esper, Takenouchi Sora, as its leading figure. This series follow the story of these elite Espers and the little secret they keep in the team; an F-Class Guide, This story will be divided into a number of Arcs: Book 1: Being a class S grandson of a once famous esper, Shuu knows it won't take long for his potential to attract the attention of Neo Japan's recently formed team of young espers, YES, which consists of 5 class S espers. Follow Shuu as he figures out the innerworkings of an Esper Organization, keeping up with his seniors, working hard, and, to his surprise, finding an F-Class member to the team.. Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Shounen Ai, a little Horror, a little school life-ish Book 2: Arilio Banks is known as Team Phoenix's manager; but those who know him better call him the team's babysitter. It's difficult having to deal with kids with the strength and the temperament of S-Class; with all the screaming, the fighting, the power struggle and the knowledge that these kids can beat you to shreds anytime. No matter! Arilio Banks has long figured out a way to deal with his wards in the form of a Guide. This book follows Arilio Banks as he struggles with building a team; starting from meeting the enigmatic Sora, figuring out the struggles of working with Class S teenagers, and welcoming a guide into the team. Genre: Comedy, Shounen Ai, Yaoi, Action, Fantasy Book 3: With Shuu joining the team, Sora's design for the most powerful team to defeat the Great Mutant that attacked Japan half a decade ago is complete. But victory can only be achieved with understanding the enemy. What are mutants and where do they come from? The further they go to find these answers, the closer the get to the place where their team finally began; Shun-En High School. Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Horror, Yaoi, Shounen Ai Book 4: After the murder of Hinata Ren, YES is finally dissolved with all of its Espers given the choice of retiring early or to join a different Esper Bureau. Takao, after witnessing all the horror of Shun-En and knowing what mutants are, picked the prior and returned to his hometown to take over the small family business with his brother. It's nice living the problem-free life in the country side and ignoring the fact that they have lost their weapon against The Great Mutant. Takenouchi Sora has disappeared, Abe Koukichi left for America, Kikuya Rika abandons her Esper career to become a pop sensation, and the Segawa brothers have gone rogue; one was said to be in a mental institution, and the other joined the enemy's side. It would be easier if only Guide Hinata is alive, but he’s now asleep in his coffin. Or so Takao thinks, until he sees the Guide sipping coffee in his family’s small restaurant. Genre: Comedy, Action, Shounen Ai, Mystery Book 5: ??? ** This story uses an alternate plot and system to another story I am currently writing. I figure that everything I can't put in that story shall go here. Here are other tags that I would like to add to this novel: #guideverse #esper #harem-ish The story will mainly focus on bl (sadly it has become my expertise at this point), but there are some hetero couples here and there.
MissTeaCup · 22K Views
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