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Cheryl Cole Toes

Mr Bodyguard, Protect Your Heart!

Dove Sterling, a twenty two year old CEO of one of the biggest Beauty companies in the country, and a mother of a three years old adorable little boy. She, one day four years, under the influence of a drug, given to her by a 'friend' by trick, spends a night with a complete stranger, whom she doesn't even remember. But days later, while she tries to forget about it, and wants to move on with life, her life comes to a screeching halt, when she finds out that she is pregnant! And if all this was any less of a problem, a bunch of people were always on her toes! Waiting for every opportunity to see her suffer. But Dove? she wouldn't ever let them have this luxury. Dante Lancaster, the owner of the world's largest security firm, and the heir of one of the richest families, finds himself head over heels with the unknown woman he had spent his first night with. She was almost itched into his mind. But a thunder broke above his head, when he finds out that, the girl was none other than the granddaughter of his saviour. Someone, he respected dearly. But that did not lessen his craze for her. He was obsessed. And then he learnt that she was pregnant with his child! And that was the moment, that he swore to make her his. But life happened, and things spiralled in such ways, that Dove went abroad, giving birth to her son there, while Dante kept fighting his demons, while keeping an eye on her. And after three years... Fate happened in such ways, that he had to protect her and he incharge of her and her son's safety. So will our Male Lead be able to use his chance and make the woman of his dreams all his, by heart and soul, while the little 'Mommy's protector' doesn't give him a break! His own son is being a trouble for him! Dante had a headache coming from his own blood
Sal_World · 232.6K Views

Betrothed to a Billionaire

--- Ariana was rooted to the floor outside of Anthony’s door her heart raced in her chest, like something was preparing to break apart her ribs. She had not wanted to come to a halt, much less listen in on the conversation that was unfolding before her. But the sound of laughter that came from Rachel was not new to her ears which suddenly had her face the direction of the voice like a pupet. “…you’re so bad, Anthony,” Rachel whispered sexily. “I never lie to you,” Anthony countered sullenly then suddenly grew smarmy, “I’m only bad with you.” Reaching out Ariana braced her back against the wall and her mind whirled round with confusion. Glancing around the corner she stopped breathing as she saw them. Rachel resting on Anthony laps, having her hand resting on Anthony’s arm. He leered at her, and from even his bearing suggest that he wanted something more than friendship from her. “She has not realized it yet?” Rachel asked me in low tones as if Shareen was a hopeless case. Anthony chuckled. “He realized Ariana was smart, as well as trusting in his team. That’s her weakness.” Such words are a shock for Ariana as if someone slapped her. [His fists clenched.]His hands shook, and for a moment she considered; she felt that nausea could overcome herself. Trust. That was what she had delivered to them – what she considered they deserved. And now? Now they were laughing about it, about her . She wanted to rush into the room and meet them eye to eye, look them into the eyes and scold them for every single angry word that rises within her chest. But she didn’t move. Not yet. She held a strap of her bag so tightly her hands became gloved. Indeed, she retreated sensibly, her breathing becoming light. It was not so strange they did not notice her go ; of course they did not. Why would they, if they reckoned she did not know any better? And when she came to the door of the house, shutting herself out on the cold evening, when the wind caressed her cheek like a slate, then in her soul something leaped. The heartbreak was still there, but it was buried beneath a wave of something new,rage. But she paused and with her head held high she walked away leaving her legs give away from her. The frosty night’s darkness embraced her when she tripped outside, onto the campus and grass., but the freezing air was no match for the icy sensation in her chest. She began to ponder vigorously various questions, accusations and processes of retaliation in her mind. But she didn’t see the car. This blaring of the horn was too late. There was the pathetic squealing of brakes and a moment of unbearable agony that filled her from head to toe. The world staggered, and the last thing Ariana could make out before everything went black was the night sky above her. Everything went black. ---
Tomisin_Osarz · 7.8K Views

Il s'avère que je proviens d'une vraie famille aristocratique !

Après avoir vécu avec la famille Fang pendant dix-huit ans, Fang Yuan découvrit qu'elle était une fausse héritière. Quand la véritable héritière réapparut, elle fut abandonnée et était sur le point d'être renvoyée dans une zone pauvre et isolée... Mais ce qu'elle ignorait, c'était que cette soi-disant zone pauvre et isolée s'avérait être le quartier de villas le plus cher du pays ! Du jour au lendemain, elle est passée de simple héritière d'une famille aisée à véritable héritière d'une famille extrêmement riche! Ses parents biologiques la couvraient d'attentions excessives. D'un simple geste de la main, elle disposait de millions en argent de poche. Elle pouvait conduire n'importe quelle voiture de luxe du garage et acheter des articles de créateurs haut de gamme venant du monde entier. Envie d'aller à l'école ? Elle pouvait choisir parmi les universités de prestige les plus célèbres ! Vous ne voulez pas étudier ? Eh bien, prenez le contrôle de l'entreprise familiale ici et amusez-vous avec ! Ce qui surprit le plus Fang Yuan, c'était qu'elle avait même un fiancé. Cependant, avant qu'ils ne puissent se rencontrer, le fiancé vint à sa porte pour rompre leurs fiançailles. Fang Yuan ne s'en souciait pas vraiment, mais pourquoi cette personne parlait-elle de rompre leurs fiançailles, puis se retournait-elle pour se raccrocher à elle ? Il voulait toujours tenir sa main et l'embrasser. Fang Yuan, agacée, demanda, "Excusez-moi, qui êtes-vous, monsieur ?" L'homme sourit et dit, "Chère Yuanyuan, je suis ton futur mari !" Fang Yuan répondit, "Monsieur, vous m'avez confondue avec quelqu'un d'autre. Je n'ai pas de mari, seulement un ancien fiancé qui veut rompre nos fiançailles." Bao Yi, l'homme le plus riche et redouté de la ville, avait une expression embarrassée. Il pensait pour lui-même, 'J'ai vraiment envie de tuer cet idiot qui a fait une rupture spectaculaire sans même la rencontrer !'
Nunu · 103.6K Views

Síndrome do Filho do Meio

``` _ _ _ _ Relacionamento MXFXF. Por favor, leia a nota. Adicione isso à coleção e me apoie. Todos os comentários serão apreciados Ela não era a herdeira, a mais velha, nem a mais nova. Ela apenas existia na família, mantendo a cabeça baixa e se deixando desvanecer até que pudesse partir. "Eu tentei me destacar, ficar em silêncio e até expressar meus pensamentos. Mas não importa o que eu faça, nunca sou reconhecida. Minha existência tem importância? Afinal, não é como se alguém nesta família gostasse de mim." Rika Goodwill era a vergonha de sua família. Nascida a filha 'beta' do meio de um casal de Alfas e ômegas de destaque, era natural que ela fosse negligenciada em comparação com seu perfeito irmão Alfa e sua doce irmã ômega. Sua situação fora da família não era melhor. As pessoas a evitavam por causa de sua família da máfia e julgavam sua natureza sem uma segunda reflexão. Seus únicos amigos eram o 'casal queridinho do século'. Mas Rika de alguma forma se tornara uma terceira roda entre as brigas e rompimentos frequentes deles. Ao longo de seus 17 anos de vida, Rika aceitou seu destino e seguiu em frente. Afinal, nenhuma quantidade de queixas mudaria sua situação de ser uma terceira roda. A faculdade deveria ser sua grande chance. Era para ser a época em que Rika tinha para si mesma, onde ela poderia se sentir ela mesma, então ela se candidatou para um lugar onde ninguém a conhecesse. Esta deveria ser a sua oportunidade de ouro! Rika deveria se libertar de sua vida cada vez pior. Mas nem sua família nem seus 'amigos' estavam prontos para deixá-la ir, e não demorou muito para que sua vida pacífica se tornasse amarga. ____________ Esta história terá um par romântico hétero, bem como Yuri e também é um omegaverse. Alfas femininas são Futas. Se não é o que você gosta, saia antes de entrar. Deixe muitos comentários para mim ```
Holy_mackrel · 39.2K Views

Renaissance ; la fille illégitime change la donne

#TERMINÉ# *C'est un roman léger, mignon et rapide...* "Monsieur, vous êtes tellement beau, puis-je ?" Elle se retourna en le regardant chaleureusement, son sourire enchanteur était séduisant tout comme ses yeux violets. Huo Shen ne répondit pas mais la laissa faire ce qu'elle voulait, voyant qu'il n'avait pas refusé, elle leva ses mains menottées et retira délicatement le masque sans déranger sa coiffure. "Vous êtes beau même sans cette marque violette, dommage que vous ayez été empoisonné ! Quel beau visage vous avez là..." Elle soupira légèrement, son ton semblant exprimer de la pitié, la grande marque violette autour de son os de la joue s'étendait et s'agrandissait. "N'est-ce pas ?" Il était surpris que quelqu'un puisse dire que c'était du poison, oui, son corps s'affaiblissait petit à petit... Il ne se sentait plus lui-même. "Moi ? Je suis née comme ça..." ************************* Su Wei Wei était née illégitime, hors mariage et la seconde famille dans laquelle sa mère s'était mariée la traitait comme une servante sans position familiale. Ses demi-frères et sœurs ne lui accordaient pas une minute, elle vivait dans les quartiers des serviteurs avec les autres serviteurs de la famille Su ! Tout ce qu'elle recevait étaient des choses usées, des vêtements aux chaussures. Elle fréquentait une école de bas niveau tandis que ses demi-frères et sœurs étudiaient dans des écoles de haut niveau, à cause de sa naïveté, elle était reconnaissante qu'ils lui aient permis de rester dans leur maison et donc elle voyait tout positivement Sa gentillesse les avait amenés à l'utiliser, sa faiblesse les avait amenés à la piétiner, et maintenant avec une Renaissance, elle acquiert assez d'expérience de vie et de connaissances sur l'avenir, comment va-t-elle manoeuvrer pour changer son destin ? Après être sortie de prison, elle est adoptée par un homme puissant, se remémorant sa vie misérable, et elle décide d'exercer sa vengeance. Avec la présence de l'homme, elle peut exercer du pouvoir mais elle le lie à elle à cause d'une faveur et donc ils se fiancent. *Je ne possède pas la couverture, tout crédit va à son propriétaire...* Attention ; je ne crée pas un protagoniste masculin froid et insensible qui pense de manière irrationnelle et bougonne tout le temps, il peut l'être avec les étrangers mais pas avec la protagoniste féminine.... Je l'ai déjà dit, c'est un roman doux et mignon... il n'y a pas de torture entre le protagoniste masculin et la protagoniste féminine, ne vous attendez pas à voir cela dans mes romans.
Kim_Li_0078 · 146.8K Views

Carnivals : Revendiqué par le prince Alpha dérangé [BL]

Fuir pour votre sécurité et s'inscrire dans une école remplie de psychopathes... pour être revendiqué par un prince alpha dérangé ? Ouais, vous seriez mieux mort. • . • La vie de Jules était parfaite jusqu'à ce que toute sa famille soit assassinée soudainement, lui étant le seul survivant. Un sauveur est intervenu parce qu'il était toujours en grand danger, ce qui a conduit Jules à adopter une nouvelle identité et à devenir une personne complètement différente du jour au lendemain— et à s'inscrire à Carnivals, une école prestigieuse pour garçons, réservée aux êtres surnaturels. À Carnivals, des monstres rôdent dans les couloirs sombres et les forts prédaient les faibles. Vous devenez soit un prédateur, soit une proie... et à en juger par l'allure de Jules— un garçon trop beau pour son bien, avec une carrure mince et petite, il était évident qu'il allait être dévoré vivant par les prédateurs. Voici Blaze, un loup qui fait frissonner l'échine de chaque prédateur de l'école, un Alpha incroyablement séduisant qui était aussi dangereux et dérangé que les rumeurs le prétendaient. Il jeta un coup d'œil à Jules et décida là, à ce moment-là, que Jules lui appartenait. *** Je reculais lentement, les yeux écarquillés alors que mon regard se fixait sur le sourire naissant au coin de ses lèvres. Blaze ne souriait jamais, et quand il le faisait, cela ne présageait rien de bon. Mon cœur s'accélérait alors que je reculais encore, le souffle coupé alors qu'il commençait à réduire la distance entre nous. En un rien de temps, mon dos était plaqué contre le mur froid et c'est alors que ça m'a frappé en plein cœur que j'étais acculé et piégé, comme une véritable proie... par nul autre que Blaze, alors que je pensais que ma vie ne pouvait pas être pire. Il me dominait sans effort, dégageant tant de dominance et je devais incliner la tête en arrière pour pouvoir rencontrer ses yeux sombres, et mon souffle s'est coupé lorsque nos regards se sont croisés. Il se pencha et mes yeux se fermèrent immédiatement alors que je retenais mon souffle, attendant qu'il frappe. J'avais entendu toutes les rumeurs horrifiantes et interminables à son sujet. C'était un Prince Alpha en présence duquel quelqu'un comme moi ne devrait jamais se trouver. Quand j'ai senti la pointe de son nez froid glisser sur la longueur de ma gorge, ma bouche s'est ouverte pour lâcher un gazouillis de surprise. Il aspira un long souffle audible et un frisson me parcourut l'échine alors que je devenais encore plus raide, la confusion obscurcissant mon esprit. Qu'est-ce qui se passait ? Pourquoi faisait-il cela soudainement ? Oh mon dieu... il était vraiment un alpha dérangé comme tout le monde le dit ! *** CE LIVRE EST CLASSÉ 18+ ! Il contient du contenu mature tel que : - Harcèlement. - Consommation de drogues. - Scènes explicites [beaucoup de ça.] - Violence. - Harem [pas entre les personnages principaux.] Alors... procédez avec prudence, vous êtes prévenu ! *Je ne possède pas les droits sur la couverture !
Bree_Airee · 125.8K Views

Du PDG à la concubine

Yan Zheyun avait grandi destiné à gagner. Ses parents figuraient sur la liste Forbes, il avait été le major de sa promotion dans la meilleure université du pays, et la cerise sur le gâteau, il avait été élu « beau gosse de l'école » quatre années de suite par ses camarades. Et maintenant, à seulement vingt-cinq ans, Yan Zheyun était le fier président et PDG de sa propre entreprise technologique. Mais ce qui aurait dû être le jour le plus heureux de sa vie se transforma en pire quand il entendit une étrange voix robotique en traversant la route pour aller chercher un café, juste parce qu'il ne pouvait pas attendre que sa secrétaire revienne de la salle de photocopie. [RAPPORT DE BUG #193842347 : ÂME D'UN AUTRE MONDE DÉTECTÉE. INITIATION DE LA SÉQUENCE DE DÉPORTATION.] Et puis il mourut. Dans un accident de voiture très banal, très quelconque. … sauf qu’en fait, peut-être pas. La première chose que Yan Zheyun pensa après avoir ouvert les yeux et s’être retrouvé dans une chambre qui ressemblait au décor d'un de ces drames du palais intérieur fut : Wow, le café n’en valait pas la peine. La deuxième chose qu’il pensa après avoir réalisé qu’il était maintenant dans un roman BL historique et qu’il avait transmigré dans le corps d'une beauté tragique qui allait (être) utilisée et abusée par ses nombreux amants fut : Je dois avoir ouvert les yeux de la mauvaise manière, essayons encore…non, toujours là. Eh bien. Merde. Du PDG à l'esclave insignifiant, Yan Zheyun ne pouvait croire à sa chance. Coincé dans un monde étranger et entouré de tops fous (respectivement connus sous le nom de ‘L'Ami d'Enfance’, ‘Le Fils du Général’, ‘Le Prince Héritier’, ‘Un Autre Prince’, ‘Ce Duc Flippant’, etc.), Yan Zheyun réalisa qu'une journée d'expérience en tant que PDG ne l'avait pas suffisamment préparé pour cette nouvelle vie misérable. Mais ce n’était pas le genre à abandonner sans se battre, alors… Yan Zheyun prit fermement sa décision d'éviter la terrifiante trame romantique, d'essayer de se créer une nouvelle trame politique, et pendant ce temps, de serrer quelques cuisses puissantes, d'amadouer les puissants. Et dans une monarchie dynastique, de quelles cuisses serait-il mieux de se rapprocher que celles de l'empereur lui-même ? Liu Yao : …Ce Souverain vous permet aussi d'étreindre d'autres parties. Association : - Empereur au Sommet-Air-Sévère-Mais-Secrètement-Bienveillant VS Esclave au Bas-Face-de-Lapin-Mais-Secrètement-Renard - PAS un harem, toute l'histoire est en 1 contre 1 Avertissements : - Ce roman traite de sujets lourds résultant de l'esclavage et d'un système de castes. J'ai ajouté des avertissements déclencheurs là où c'était pertinent, mais juste pour information, les salauds sont appelés salauds pour une raison! Mises à jour : 21h00 GMT+8 Illustré par : HAZHE
Queeniecat · 62.9K Views

Alfa Não Quer Uma Companheira

Esta é uma coleção de histórias de lobisomens que vão te manter na expectativa, virando as páginas e desejando mais. ************************* Livro 1: Sua Alma Gêmea Alfa Freya é a alegria e a vida da alcateia. Todos a reverenciam como filha do Alfa. Ela é abençoada pela deusa da lua. A Deusa da Lua a abençoou com um coração de ouro. Mas seu companheiro Zack, um alfa, não a quer porque ele não quer uma companheira. ********* Livro 2: Seu Companheiro Despedaçado Sarah está com vinte e três anos e ainda sem um companheiro. Ao visitar a casa da alcateia, ela finalmente encontrou seu companheiro. O filho do Alfa. O homem mais atraente que ela já conheceu. Mas ele é mudo. ********* Livro 3: Sua Paixão Ava é uma desertora que é forçada por uma nova lei a frequentar uma escola para lobisomens por um ano. Lá ela encontra seu companheiro, um certo Alfa, que tem um rancor contra todos os desertores. Ele conseguirá a vida que sempre desejou, ou seu orgulho falará mais alto? ********* Livro 4: Seu Companheiro Irritante Mary James teve uma vida bastante difícil. Depois de ser traída e ter o coração partido tanto pelo namorado quanto pelo pai, Mary se muda para uma pequena cidade para encontrar consolo com sua mãe. Nem tudo é o que parece, e logo Mary se encontra em um mundo que ela nem sabia que existia fora de romances e filmes. Não apenas a cidade parece estranha para ela, mas seus sentidos se aguçam, seu temperamento fica fora de controle e sua fome aumenta. Quando um alfa masculino arrogante, egocêntrico, sexy e possessivo, que não a queria em primeiro lugar, aparece, sua vida desce sem problemas para a loucura.
Greatwrites · 13.9K Views

Transmigration: I became my favorite character, the villainess.

Priest Alexander, how good is your printing? Princess Vivian said seductively with only a piece of white clothing that covered little to none of her sinful body. Alexander was shocked by the sight in front of him, looking at the woman who was one of the most beautiful, No! She’s the most beautiful woman in the Empire, but because she never made an attempt to dress up so nobody has ever seen her shine this brightly. Now looking at her with water dripping from her body like the sea pearl, her flamboyant red hair like that of burning fire, and her perfectly seductive body still wet and still carrying the freshness of a rose petals shower. Looking at the way she is wet from head to toe with the room filled with the scent of rose with water dripping from her body, gives a kind of allure that makes it hard for any man to resist her. She’s currently looking like a seductress, No!, She’s a seductress because she’s currently doing what is seductress does, seducing a priest. Vivian had an heart disease since the day she was born, since she was young, she spent most of her life lying on the hospital bed, denying her the joy of living like every other normal child. The only way for her to escape the reality that haunts her and the pain she goes through is by reading novels, watching movies, and following celebrity gossip on social media, but what becomes of Vivian when she suddenly dies from over-excitement and is transmigrated into a novel as her favorite character who was the villainess, and probably the most naïve and innocent villainess ever.
PnStar_lighter · 47.1K Views

The Absolute beast Tamer

2000 years ago a catacalism happend that changed everything, a mystrious type of enrgy called Ena was introduced to this world causing a wide spread mutation in animals and plants creating many bizzar new species every single organism changed and that included us humans as we gaind the applity to harness ena transforming us from mere mortals to super humens but the tiping of the pyramid was sudden and even with ena cultivators being born humanity could not stope the mutated beasts invasion, falling from the top of the pyramid as an apex predator of this world to a prey at lowest leveles of spectrom, 90 percent of the humen population were wiped out that was when someone discoverd that he could tame these beasts and use them to fight and grow stronger at a speed that seemed impossiple for any ena cultivatior saving what was left of humanity and curving a small pice of land as a sanqutary for the suvivers, those heros where called beast tamers and thats how this honoroble profisson was born. Waking up in a new world, Alan Ortex finds himself thrust into a bizarre and very dangerous new life. With a new family to protect and the desire to face the unknown, fear and excitement bubble up inside him. He will start his journey across the multitude of encounters that he will find in this new life. From a weak high school student, wondering and wanting to make a name for himself, wanting to enjoy his life to the fullest, as he promised himself on the first day he woke up in this new world. In this world full of bizarre creatures and beasts and unbelievable superpowered humans, he will become the strongest beast tamer ever—the absolute one. It's a tale of life, a journey into the unknown full of trials and one big mystery unfolding after another. Stay on your toes; it is going to get serious. The link to the absolute beast tamer hub Discord community: https//
Mo_zastobia96 · 385.9K Views

Dominic Hayes and Alyssa;The fears of a billionaire

Dominic Hayes and Alyssa;The Fears of a Billionaire. Dominic Hayes, a self-made billionaire and CEO of one of the world’s most powerful tech conglomerates, lives a life most could only dream of. From his towering penthouse in New York City, he commands vast empires of wealth and influence, shaping the future with every decision he makes. To the world, he is untouchable a man who has everything. But power comes with enemies. When Dominic receives a cryptic message “I know what you did” his perfect world begins to fracture. Shadows from his past resurface, none more haunting than Andrew Cole, a former rival whose company Dominic crushed in his ruthless ascent. Andrew vanished after his downfall, but now, it seems, he has returned. And he is not alone. As Dominic races to uncover who is behind the threats, the lines between business, betrayal, and obsession blur. His empire begins to crumble, his most trusted allies turn against him, and the paranoia sets in. Even Alyssa the one person who has always stood by his side becomes a question mark in his unraveling mind. But Alyssa isn’t just his wife. She is his anchor, his sharpest ally, and the only one who truly knows the man beneath the billion-dollar empire. As Dominic spirals deeper into the mystery, Alyssa fights to pull him back from the edge even as dark forces conspire to tear them apart. With danger closing in from every direction, Dominic must confront the ghosts of his past before they destroy his future. In a high-stakes game of deception and revenge, love may be his only salvation or the final trap that brings him to his knees.
Sageofstories001 · 90.5K Views

Rebirth: Soulbound with the Devil

I am Lilith, the granddaughter of the Demon King. The moment my mother became pregnant with me, I was betrothed to the Devil as a show of gratitude for his mercy in sparing my people from execution alongside the other races. Immediately after my birth, it was the Devil who took care of me, overseeing my childhood all the way to adulthood, always watching over me. He granted me everything I wanted—so much so that all his secret treasures are now at my disposal. We were having a good time together until I laid my eyes on a particular slave named Lucas. I fell in love with Lucas in an inexplicable way, and the Devil would have killed him countless times if not for my constant interference. One day, I declared to the Devil my desire to marry Lucas. This proclamation infuriated him, and he intended to kill Lucas on the spot, but I threatened him with my own life, which compelled him to reluctantly agree to my wish, albeit in a rage. Surprisingly, he continued to try every means to please me and to make me forget about Lucas. He even went so far as to transfer all his powers to me, but I remained solely focused on Lucas. I followed all of Lucas's advice, which suggested that if I embarrassed the Devil enough, he would let me go. I began to act on that advice and even overdo it by publicly slapping him in front of his subjects, cursing him, and causing him to lose face. If not for the fear he instilled in their hearts, his subjects might have begun to criticize him. Throughout all this, he did not seem angry with me; instead, he sealed off all my senses and married me. When I regained my senses, I was furious to find that I had caused immense trouble in his territory. I rushed to Lucas to explain my predicament, and it was he who suggested that I end the Devil's life. I hesitated, but the idea didn’t seem so bad after all. I began planning, or rather, I didn’t really execute any plans and the Devil simply gave me his life willingly. I went to report to Lucas, only to find him overly excited. Lucas was, in fact, not a slave but the Prince of the Fox Race, he's among those that Devil spared. It turned out he had been trying every possible means to harm the Devil, and I had unwittingly become his perfect pawn. I couldn’t comprehend how it all happened, but I became the slave of Lucas and was treated terribly by him. He kept me alive solely because of my beautiful face, and I became nothing more than his prized possession. I regretted everything; I had betrayed the one who truly loved me. I no longer wished to live! Bound from head to toe in chains, I was dragged out of my cell. For the first time amid all this chaos, I saw the familiar sun—the sun that the Devil had worked so hard to create for me. I smiled bitterly, and my gaze fell upon a nearby hard rock. I moved closer and, before anyone could intervene, I struck my head against it forcefully. “I will soon join my real husband,” I thought to myself, but I couldn't shake off what Lucas had told me: “Someone who took care of you since you were a child, who loved you and always sought to please you; you ended his life mercilessly. You are a sin!” I agreed; I was indeed a sin. If there were a chance, I wished for the opportunity to fix my wrongdoing and to obey him. My prayers were answered, and I was reborn—but... why was I reborn to the day I slapped him publicly? Warning: this novel is filled with mature contents and frightening experiences ignore this novel if you don't have rock heart.
ChristianahDammy · 1.9K Views
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