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Lucy Fairytail

Escapé de mi ex, fui capturada por su rival

``` —Durante los últimos tres años, Ariana Ari Harlow ha dado todo de sí a su marido —. Los dos se casaron porque su hermana decidió huir en la noche de la boda, ya que creyó los rumores de que la Corporación Nelson estaba en bancarrota. —Ari amaba a Noah desde que tenía dieciséis años —, pensó que era el sueño de su vida hecho realidad. Sin embargo, no sabía que su hermana le había tendido una trampa y no era el comienzo de su nueva vida, sino su nuevo infierno. —Se vio obligada a renunciar a su formación como médico porque la respetable Señora Nelson no podía tener las manos cubiertas de sangre —. Ari aceptó. —Por el bien de Noah, se convirtió en la esposa perfecta que cuidaba de sus suegros y su marido —. No obstante, lo único que le esperaba eran insultos, su marido se avergonzaba de ella y su suegra creía que su hermana, Ariel, era la más adecuada para su hijo. —Con todo, Ari persistió —. Pensó que algún día llegaría a ablandar el corazón de su marido. —¡Pero lo pilló besando a su hermana! —.Con el corazón roto, Ariana decidió divorciarse de su marido, pero de alguna manera se encontró enredada con Nicolai —. El enemigo y rival de su marido. —No estaban destinados a estar juntos —. Pero a Nicolai no parece importarle las probabilidades en su contra. —De hecho, estaba decidido a irrumpir en la vida de Ari y prenderle fuego a todo —.En un estado de embriaguez, una vez la sujetó del cuello contra la pared de un bar sórdido : — "Puedes negarlo todo lo que quieras princesa, pero me deseas—. Sus ojos recorrieron su pecho agitado y sus ojos se oscurecieron, el rojo apareció desquiciado, posesivo como si quisiera arrancarle el alma del cuerpo y anclarla al suyo : — "Apuesto a que si echo un vistazo, estarás chorreando húmeda por mí. —El calor subió a las mejillas de Ariana mientras ella gruñía : — "Cállate. —Hazlo tú—, dijo Nicolai mientras estampaba sus labios sobre los de ella . —Sus besos se quemaban en su alma, y su calor le quemaba la piel cada vez que se tocaban —.Pensó que su mayor error había sido enredarse con Nicolai. —Con todo, Ari pronto se dio cuenta, literalmente, que ser deseada por semejante hermosa pesadilla era mucho peor que un error . ``` Y las cosas se complican cuando su marido descubre la verdad sobre todo. —Dispárame en el corazón, Ari —dijo Noah mientras colocaba la boquilla del arma donde latía su corazón—. Porque una vida sin ti es una vida que no quiero, así que mátame o vuelve. Te lo suplico. Ahora que Nicolai le había dado una opción, ¿se enamoraría Ari de él y se lanzaría a una vida de nada más que peligro? ¿O volvería con su marido, Noah, a quien ha amado desde que tenía dieciséis años? ¿Y evitaría Ariana el peligro que acecha en la oscuridad, esperando a que ella cometa un error y pierda todo lo que le es querido? ¿Encontraría la clave de todos los secretos que la atan a Noah y Nicolai así como a su retorcido destino? ******* —Se trata de dinero, ¿verdad? Toma y lárgate —gritó mientras lanzaba la tarjeta negra a la cara de Ariana. Ariana no podía creer lo que oía cuando su marido o su futuro exmarido la humillaba de esta manera. Tres años. Ariana Harlow le dio a Noah Nelson tres años y sin embargo cuando lo sorprendió besando a su hermana mayor, Ariel—— esto fue lo que él le dijo. —Voy a divorciarme de ti —declaró Ari y se fue. Se fue sin un centavo, pero Ari se topó con Nicolai. El enemigo y rival de su marido, el príncipe de la mafia de la Ciudad Lonest, un bastardo notorio conocido por sus tendencias violentas. El desafortunado encuentro la colocó en el camino de Nicolai y, así como así, posó sus ojos en ella. La primera vez que se encontraron, Nicolai le pidió que lo invitara a cenar. La segunda vez que se encontraron, le entregó un millón de dólares. La tercera vez que se encontraron, declaró —Te ves bien en mis brazos, ¿qué dices princesa? ********
fairytail72 · 268.9K Views

Minha Esposa é uma Exorcista de Fantasmas

Song Yan viveu uma vida miserável. Ela nasceu com uma grande fortuna, mas sua 'sorte' foi 'arrancada' por sua meia-irmã. Era sua fortuna que ela estava destinada a casar com Fu Yusheng, o CEO e proprietário das Corporações Fu. No entanto, sua meia-irmã, que estava com ciúmes, interceptou seu destino e lhe roubou a 'boa sorte', a partir de então Song Yan enfrentou inúmeros problemas, ela sofreu acidentes, perdeu seus roteiros e finalmente morreu após sofrer um acidente de carro. Mas ela não estava disposta a aceitar isso, porque ela amava Fu Yusheng e seu filho que ela deixou para trás na Família Fu. Sua alma, que deveria ter se dispersado e sido levada ao Inferno diante do Rei Yama, se transformou em um fantasma vingativo. Somente após se tornar um fantasma ela percebeu que tipo de decepção perfeita sua meia-irmã havia planejado para ela. Felizmente, antes que sua alma pudesse se tornar ainda mais obscura e se tornar um espírito malévolo, ela cruza o caminho com um mestre celestial que lhe promete um novo começo, contanto que fique com ele e aprenda o caminho do sobrenatural. Assim, Song Yan se tornou discípula do mestre celestial e continuou a servir o mestre celestial e sua família como um Fantasma. Após quinhentos anos de serviço, ela é libertada por seu mestre e tem a chance de renascer. Ela renasce no dia em que sofreu o acidente de carro. Nesta vida, ela é agraciada com o poder sobrenatural de ver as verdades celestiais. Ela jura vingar-se e a seu filho que teve uma morte infeliz por causa de sua meia-irmã. Mas por que seu marido apático, que nunca se importou com ela, está vindo atrás dela?
fairytail72 · 19.8K Views

Échappé à mon ex, enlevé par son rival

Pendant les trois dernières années, Ariana Ari Harlow a tout donné à son mari. Ils se sont mariés parce que sa sœur a choisi de s'enfuir le soir du mariage, croyant aux rumeurs que la Corporation Nelson était en faillite. Ari aimait Noah depuis ses seize ans, elle pensait que c'était le rêve de sa vie qui se réalisait. Cependant, elle ne savait pas que sa sœur lui avait tendu un piège, et ce n'était pas le début de sa nouvelle vie, mais bien son nouveau enfer. Elle a été forcée d'abandonner sa formation de médecin parce que la respectable Mme Nelson ne pouvait pas avoir les mains couvertes de sang. Ari a accepté. Pour l'amour de Noah, elle est devenue une épouse parfaite qui prenait soin de ses beaux-parents et de son mari. Cependant, ce qui l'attendait n'était rien d'autre que des insultes, son mari avait honte d'elle et sa belle-mère pensait que sa sœur, Ariel, était mieux assortie à son fils. Pourtant, Ari persistait. Elle pensait qu'elle réchaufferait le cœur de son mari un jour. Mais elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur ! Cœur brisé, Ariana décida de divorcer de son mari, mais elle se retrouva d'une manière ou d'une autre empêtrée avec Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari. Ils n'étaient pas faits pour être ensemble. Mais Nicolai semble se ficher des obstacles qui se dressent contre eux. En fait, il était déterminé à s'immiscer dans la vie d'Ari et à mettre le feu à tout. Dans son ivresse, il l'a un jour plaquée par la gorge contre le mur d'un pub miteux, "Tu peux le nier tant que tu veux princesse, mais tu me désires." Ses yeux parcouraient son torse haletant et ses yeux s'assombrirent, le rouge apparut dérangé, possessif, comme s'il voulait arracher son âme de son corps et l'ancrer dans le sien. "Je parie que si je jette un coup d'œil, tu seras trempée pour moi." La chaleur monta aux joues d'Ariana alors qu'elle grognait, "Tais-toi." "Fais-moi taire," dit Nicolai en écrasant ses lèvres contre les siennes. Ses baisers brûlaient dans son âme, et sa chaleur lui brûlait la peau chaque fois qu'ils se touchaient. Elle pensait que sa plus grande erreur avait été de s'emmêler avec Nicolai. Cependant, Ari comprit bientôt à la dure, littéralement, qu'être désirée par un tel cauchemar magnifique était bien pire qu'une erreur. Et les choses se compliquent lorsque son mari découvre la vérité sur tout. "Tire-moi dans le cœur, Ari," dit Noah en plaçant la buse du pistolet là où se trouvait son cœur. "Parce qu'une vie sans toi est une vie que je ne veux pas, alors tue-moi ou reviens. Je t'en supplie." Maintenant que Nicolai lui avait donné le choix, Ari tomberait-elle amoureuse de lui et plongerait-elle dans une vie remplie de dangers ? Ou retournerait-elle vers son mari, Noah, qu'elle aimait depuis ses seize ans ? Et Ariana éviterait-elle le danger qui guette dans l'ombre, attendant qu'elle fasse une erreur et qu'elle perde tout ce qui lui est cher ? Trouverait-elle la clé de tous les secrets qui la lient à Noah et Nicolai ainsi qu'à son destin tortueux ? ******* Extrait : "C'est une question d'argent, n'est-ce pas ? Prends-le et disparais," hurla-t-il en jetant la carte noire au visage d'Ariana. Ariana ne pouvait pas croire ce qu'elle entendait quand elle a entendu son mari ou son futur ex-mari l'humilier comme ça. Trois ans. Ariana Harlow a donné trois ans à Noah Nelson, et pourtant, lorsqu'elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur aînée, Ariel —— voilà ce qu'il lui dit. "Je vais te divorcer," déclara Ari et partit. Elle est partie sans le sou mais Ari est tombée sur Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari, le prince de la Mafia de la Ville de Lonest, un bâtard notoire connu pour ses tendances violentes. Leur rencontre malheureuse l'a placée sur le chemin de Nicolai, et comme ça, il a posé les yeux sur elle. La première fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, Nicolai lui a demandé de l'inviter à dîner. La deuxième fois, lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés, il lui a remis un million de dollars. La troisième fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, il a déclaré : "Tu serais bien dans mes bras, qu'en dis-tu princesse ?" ********
fairytail72 · 188K Views

Meinem Ex entkommen, von seinem Rivalen geschnappt worden

In den letzten drei Jahren hat Ariana Ari Harlow alles für ihren Mann gegeben. Die beiden haben geheiratet, weil ihre Schwester in der Hochzeitsnacht weglief, weil sie den Gerüchten glaubte, dass die Nelson Corporation bankrott sei. Ari liebte Noah, seit sie sechzehn Jahre alt war, sie dachte, ihr Traum würde wahr werden. Sie wusste jedoch nicht, dass ihre Schwester ihr eine Falle gestellt hatte, und es war nicht der Beginn ihres neuen Lebens, sondern ihre neue Hölle. Sie war gezwungen, ihre Ausbildung zur Ärztin aufzugeben, weil die respektvolle Mrs. Nelson nicht wollte, dass ihre Hände voller Blut waren. Ari war einverstanden. Noah zuliebe wurde sie eine perfekte Ehefrau, die sich um ihre Schwiegereltern und ihren Mann kümmerte. Ihr Mann schämte sich für sie, und ihre Schwiegermutter glaubte, dass ihre Schwester Ariel gut zu ihrem Sohn passen würde. Doch Ari ließ nicht locker. Sie dachte, dass sie eines Tages das Herz ihres Mannes erwärmen würde. Aber sie erwischte ihn dabei, wie er ihre Schwester küsste! Mit gebrochenem Herzen beschloss Ariana, sich von ihrem Mann scheiden zu lassen, doch irgendwie fand sie sich mit Nicolai verstrickt. Dem Feind und Rivalen ihres Mannes. Sie waren nicht füreinander bestimmt. Aber Nicolai scheint sich nicht um die Widrigkeiten zu kümmern, die gegen sie sprechen. Vielmehr war er entschlossen, in Aris Leben einzubrechen und alles in Brand zu setzen. In seinem Vollrausch hielt er sie einmal an der Kehle gegen die Wand einer schäbigen Kneipe: "Du kannst es leugnen, so viel du willst, Prinzessin, aber du willst mich." Sein Blick schweifte über ihre schwere Brust, und seine Augen verdunkelten sich, das Rot wirkte ungelenk, besitzergreifend, als wolle er ihr die Seele aus dem Leib reißen und sie in seinen eigenen einbetten. "Ich wette, wenn ich einen Blick darauf werfe, wirst du tropfnass für mich sein." Hitze flammte auf Arianas Wangen auf, als sie knurrte: "Halt die Klappe." "Zwing mich", sagte Nicolai, als er seine Lippen auf ihre presste. Seine Küsse brannten sich in ihre Seele, und seine Wärme versengte ihre Haut jedes Mal, wenn sie sich berührten. Sie dachte, dass es ihr größter Fehler war, sich mit Nicolai einzulassen. Doch Ari merkte bald auf die harte Tour, dass es viel schlimmer als ein Fehler war, von einem so schönen Albtraum begehrt zu werden. Und die Dinge werden noch komplizierter, als ihr Mann die Wahrheit über alles herausfindet. "Schieß mir ins Herz, Ari", sagte Noah, als er die Mündung der Waffe dorthin brachte, wo sein Herz lag. "Denn ein Leben ohne dich ist eines, das ich nicht will, also töte mich oder komm zurück. Ich flehe dich an." Jetzt, da Nicolai sie vor die Wahl gestellt hatte, würde Ari sich in ihn verlieben und sich in ein Leben voller Gefahr stürzen? Oder würde sie zu ihrem Mann Noah zurückkehren, den sie liebte, seit sie sechzehn war? Und würde Ariana der Gefahr ausweichen, die im Dunkeln lauert und darauf wartet, dass sie einen Fehler macht und alles verliert, was ihr lieb ist? Würde sie den Schlüssel zu all den Geheimnissen finden, die sie an Noah und Nicolai sowie an ihr verdrehtes Schicksal binden? ******* Auszug: "Es geht nur um Geld, nicht wahr? Nimm es und verschwinde", rief er und warf Ariana die schwarze Karte ins Gesicht. Ariana traute ihren Ohren nicht, als sie hörte, wie ihr Ehemann oder ihr zukünftiger Ex-Ehemann sie so demütigte. Drei Jahre. Ariana Harlow gab Noah Nelson drei Jahre, und doch, als sie ihn dabei erwischte, wie er ihre ältere Schwester Ariel küsste, sagte er genau das zu ihr. "Ich werde mich von dir scheiden lassen", erklärte Ari und ging. Sie ging mittellos, aber Ari stolperte über Nicolai. Der Feind und Rivale ihres Mannes, der Mafiaprinz der Lonest City, ein berüchtigter Bastard, der für seine gewalttätigen Neigungen bekannt ist. Das unglückliche Zusammentreffen brachte sie in Nicolais Weg, und schon hatte er ein Auge auf sie geworfen. Als sie sich das erste Mal trafen, bat Nicolai sie, ihn zum Essen einzuladen. Als sie sich das zweite Mal trafen, übergab er ihr eine Million Dollar. Als sie sich das dritte Mal trafen, erklärte er: "Du wirst gut in meinen Armen aussehen, was sagst du, Prinzessin?" ********
fairytail72 · 138.2K Views

The Lycan Gifted Slave

Poor Lucy Wood never foresaw things getting this dire. She was borne by a slave woman who died after giving birth to her and treated as a slave by her step mother and sister. Shunned and rejected by Alpha Thorne-her fated mate-she is all but shattered in her lonely misery. Yet, the fates can be hilariously sadistic. Not even six months into her abandonment, Lucy finds herself in the custody of the most feared Lycan King, Tristan Landon. Fearsome, with a reputation to make even the bravest cower, Tristan rules with an iron fist, his law extending over the whole realm of the werewolves. Still, beneath the commanding and intimidating exterior, Lucy feels that there must be something far more complicated about Tristan-some dangerous allure, perhaps even a spark of something more than dominance. Thrown into the world of royal politics, ancient bloodlines, and dangerous plots, Lucy's life does another flip when Tristan declares her his future Luna. His impulsive move rattles the very core of the kingdom, further enraging Zara-a cunning she-wolf who laid claim to the position of Luna. Jealousy knows no bounds, and with Lucy's former mate, Alpha Thorne, they become a force to be reckoned with. They both join in an attempt to destroy everything she has ever loved. While trying to learn the ropes of her new position, Lucy learns some shocking truths about her lineage: deep inside her lies a power unlike any other-the power of the Lamia pack, a lineage of Alphas forgotten by time, whose powers can alter the very fate of all werewolf packs. But as Spiderman knows, with great power comes great danger, and soon Lucy's strength will be both blessing and curse. Smitten by his growing feelings for Lucy and his need to control the powerful forces surrounding him, Tristan must ultimately decide if their bond is worth the risk of his kingdom. But when Alpha Thorne kidnaps Lucy's child, an ancient prophecy is illuminated-one that speaks of a great reckoning, one where the future of the packs hangs in the balance of Lucy's talents. Amongst betrayals lurking at every turn and old and new enemies threatening her at every pass, Lucy must make her way through a maze of deceit, love, and power. Now, will she be able to find her trust in Tristan and become the Luna their world needs, or will the darkness within tear them apart for good? This is a thrilling tale of love, power, and betrayal. Lucy must rise above the shadows to claim her own fate before it is too late.
Sterling_Omodiya · 9.7K Views

Guide to tame my villainous husbands

Sequel to Guide to raise my cutie husbands. Mo Qiang, an architect was chosen by the fairy of nature who brought her to the world of interstellar where she was punished to revive the nature that she has destroyed with her own hands while creating architecture that she thought was paving way for the future. Now, stuck with a nature-reviving system in a world full of poisonous gases and intergalactic stuff where she has to start from the very beginning and plant more forest and crops while creating a liveable world for the humans, Mo Qiang was suffering. But it sounds easy right? No! In her path she has three villainous husbands, all three of them want to kill her such that they will be able to marry her capable sister after kicking her away who was trashy and good for nothing. Mo Qiang has nothing against them, in fact, she is more than willing to divorce them after securing her life and raising her favourability in their hearts such that they will not kill her but —— Why are they coming for her now? Hello, you all wanted to marry her sister right? Excerpt: “ Here you go,” said Mo Qiang as she pushed the divorce agreement looking at her first husband who was gentle but poisonous like a snake. “ I have already signed the document of our divorce, you can take a look —-wait, why are you taking your clothes off?” The mer looked at her and smiled gently as he took off his glasses and said, “ Looks like my wife is not happy with me not giving birth to our child, don’t worry I will work hard tonight.” Mo Qiang: “…..” I do not want you to work hard! Take second! “ Take this and sign it,” said Mo Qiang, this time more fiercely as she looked at her second husband who was reading a script for his film. “ I am sure you want to divorce me right? I have already signed —-woah! What are you putting me on the bed for?” She asked while looking at the gorgeous face. Her second husband stared down at her and with a blank expression and voice as cold as water said, “ I have to practice a love-making scene, help me, dear wife.” Mo Qiang: “……” This movie that you are shooting is based on the Zerg apocalypse, don’t lie to me! With whom are you going to make love with? A Zerg? Take third! “ Huff, huff..this is the divorce agreement, sign it... I know that your company does not allow idols to date so here sign it,” she said to her third husband who was practising his dance moves. The mer who was dressed in a loose silk shirt and sweat dripping down his body took a look at the document that she was handing him and then hugged Mo Qiang. A second later she heard his sniffling voice while he peppered kisses on her neck, “ Wife you do not want me? Is that the new idol who attracted your attention, I knew it! I will take care of him!” “Put down that knife will you!” And why is the third prince of the imperial family who hated her to the bones coming after her with flowers? She already has her hands full! ….
fairytail72 · 2.9M Views

The Rise of Quetzalcoatl

Check out my other novels - |Arpious of the Planes| |My Ares System| |Warlock of Wisdom: My Odin System| -- Same Universe - |Arpious of the Planes| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/21/25, in other words, it was March the 21st, 2025. Humanities technology advanced exponentially throughout the years. The only thing that they hadn't focused on for a while was space. The endless abyss that they call space was still unknown to them. Once they colonized their solar system, they thought it wasn't enough. They sent a search party out of their solar system but soon lost contact. Not long after, Earth lost contact with all of the other planets. Then a huge earthquake shook the earth itself and then portals opened up around the world. Soon monsters came out ravaging and flattening cities. Only a brave group of humans entered the portals which they then found multiple discoveries on the other side. They found stones that gave them different abilities and monsters a different world with a boss that lets them exit the portal, which was soon called dungeons. Those 6 friends were then later on called the 6 Primordial Braves. With the news of this, countries all over the world sent in people to retrieve stones, and then they would crush them, granting them abilities. They would then go back in to retrieve more and hand them out to the public. 500 years passed... This isn't the story of a hero. It's the story of a weak girl who was ridiculed and bullied every day because of her low status. And due to her cowardly nature, she was unable to fight back, making more people pick on her. While she was laying in an alleyway, with bruises and cuts all over her body, she saw a green, semi-see-through panel that appeared in front of her. It was like a notification you would see in the VR games from 400 years back. The green panel had a black text that said... [Would you like to become an Ancient Being?] ------------------------------------------------------------------- !Spoiler Below! . . . At the beginning of the novel, there will be a lot of going back and forth between the MC's personality. Plus, most of the problems, in the beginning, will be centered around herself. Also, at the beginning of the novel, there is an act of short and sweet revenge that lingers just a bit longer through the story, but this novel is not revenge-based. The Yuri aspect won't be as heavily used compared to my first novel. The girlfriend is mainly used to help the MC get through the mental box and distorted feelings that the MC has to suffer through at the beginning of the novel. You might dislike the characters that I made Lucy's friends, but I promise you'll change your mind later on. I think... Okay, that should be it! Phew... that was tiring. Time to drink my fourth cup of coffee today... ------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 Power Stones by the weekend = 1 extra chapter 750 Power Stones by the weekend = 2 extra chapters -- Twitter - @equuipwebnovel Discord - equuip#6686 -- Any money you send will help me hire people to create new covers for my novels. -- Cover is not mine. If the owner wants it removed, plz contact me through discord (Rarely check twitter). Source-
equuip · 2.2M Views

Alpha's Dark Desires

Alpha Kane is notorious in the werewolf world—a ruthless leader whose enemies tremble at his approach. Known as the "Ladykiller," he has left a trail of satisfied women, all yearning for a taste of his intense passion. With a reputation for electrifying encounters, he reigns supreme in the realm of desire, leaving a legacy of pleasure in his wake. At 28, Kane has resigned himself to a life of dominance and pleasure, convinced he will never find his mate. That is until fate introduces him to Elena, a captivating and naive young woman whose purity stands in stark contrast to his dark desires. When their paths cross, he is struck by the intensity of their connection but is equally horrified by the idea of tainting her innocence with his brutal needs. Kane grapples with a tumultuous dilemma: Should he protect her from the dark passions that define him, or will she ignite a fire within him that challenges his very identity? As he struggles to reconcile his predatory instincts with the tender bond forming between them, the stakes rise. Can he tame his ruthless nature to embrace the love he never expected? Or will his fears drive them apart, leaving them both unfulfilled? As desire collides with innocence, Elena must decide: will she surrender to the alpha’s intoxicating allure and explore the depths of her own passions, or will she find the strength to confront his demons and demand the love she deserves? In this gripping tale of power, submission, and redemption, witness a love story where dark desires collide with the purity of the heart, challenging the boundaries of pleasure and passion. Will Kane become the prince charming he never thought he could be, or will he forever remain a prisoner of his own dark legacy?
lucy_mumbua · 114.3K Views

HIGH SCHOOL DIARIES (A Tale Of Love And Deception)

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] High School Kings and Queens Season 1, Volume 1 Synopsis: At Ivory High, Six students face an intense battle not just in academics, but in life. Secrets, family backgrounds, friendships, teen love, and the thirst for fame drive the competition. A once-ignored student rises to fame in mysterious ways, stirring opposition and igniting a fierce academic and social war. As tensions rise, the fight for the coveted titles of King and Queen of Ivory High becomes more dangerous, pulling everyone into a high-stakes game. Follow this Jaw dropping teen drama as rivalries heat up, alliances are tested, and deadly plots unfold in the quest for power. In the end, only the strongest will claim the throne, while others risk losing everything they have owned all this why. Excerpt: Abigail strolled through the elegantly designed corridor, her mind calculating her next move. She had to rise from the wretched status she currently held. Suddenly, a foul odor invaded her senses, followed by cruel laughter. It was Lucy Alexandria, her sworn enemy, flanked by her clique. Kneeling in front of them was Catherine, a girl covered in filth, with more being dumped on her. "A worthless being like you should die. You don’t belong here," Lucinda spat, rage twisting her features. She raised a stick to strike Catherine, but Abigail stepped forward, her voice icy. "Touch her, and you’ll face a painful demise." Note: This novel is rated 18+ and intended for mature readers only. Update Schedule: Daily updates. Delays may occur due to exams or school, but rest assured—mass releases will follow.
Prince_Dammy · 101.8K Views

Escaped My Ex, Got Snatched by His Rival

For the past three years, Ariana Ari Harlow has given her all to her husband. The two of them got married because her sister chose to run away on the night of the wedding, as she believed the rumours that the Nelson Corporation was bankrupt. Ari loved Noah since she was sixteen, she thought it was her dream come true. However, she did not know that her sister had dug a trap for her, and it was not the beginning of her new life, rather it was her new hell. She was forced to give up her training as a doctor because the respectful Mrs Nelson could not have her hands covered in blood. Ari agreed. For the sake of Noah, she became a perfect wife who took care of her in-laws and husband. However, what waited for her was nothing but insults, her husband was ashamed of her and her mother-in-law believed that her sister, Ariel was well-matched for her son. However, Ari persisted. She thought that she would warm the heart of her husband one day. But she caught him kissing her sister! Heartbroken, Ariana decided to divorce her husband, but she somehow found herself entangled with Nicolai. The enemy and rival of her husband. They were not meant to be together. But Nicolai doesn’t seem to care about the odds stacked against them. In fact, he was determined to break into Ari’s life and set everything on fire. In his drunken stupor, he once held her by her throat against the wall of a dingy pub, “You can deny it all you want princess, but you want me.” His eyes raked over her heaving chest and his eyes darkened, the red appearing unhinged, possessive as if he wanted to wrench her soul out of her body and embed it in his own. “Bet if I take a peek, you will be dripping wet for me.” Heat flared up Ariana's cheeks as she snarled, “Shut up.” “Make me,” said Nicolai as he smashed his lips on hers. His kisses burned into her soul, and his warmth seared her skin every time they touched. She thought that her biggest mistake was getting entangled with Nicolai. However, Ari soon realised the hard way, Literally, being wanted by such a beautiful nightmare was much worse than a mistake. And things turn complicated when her husband finds the truth about everything. “Shoot me in the heart, Ari,” said Noah as he brought the gun's nozzle where his heart lay. “Because a life without you is one that I don't want, so either kill me or come back. I beg of you.” Now that Nicolai had given her a choice, would Ari fall in love with him and jump into a life of nothing but danger? Or would she go back to her husband, Noah, whom she loved ever since she was sixteen? And would Ariana avoid the danger that lurks in the dark, waiting for her to make a mistake and lose everything dear to her? Would she find the key to all the secrets that tied her to Noah and Nicolai as well as her twisted fate? ******* Excerpt: “It's all about money, isn’t it? Take it and get lost,” He shouted while throwing the black card at Ariana’s face. Ariana couldn’t believe her ears when she heard her husband or her future ex-husband humiliate her like this. Three years. Ariana Harlow gave Noah Nelson, three years and yet when she caught him kissing her elder sister, Ariel—— this was what he said to her. “I am going to divorce you,” Ari declared and left. She left penniless but Ari stumbled into Nicolai. The enemy and rival of her husband, the Mafia prince of the Lonest City, a notorious bastard known for his violent tendencies. The ill-fated meeting placed her in Nicolai’s path, and just like that he set his eyes on her. The first time they met, Nicolai asked her to invite him to dinner. The second time, when they met, he handed her a million dollars. The third time when they met, he declared, “You will look good in my arms, what do you say princess?” ********
fairytail72 · 1.8M Views


Title: NOT WITHOUT YOU, JACK MASON Synopsis: When wealthy heiress Rita Mason is left to die on a remote farm, betrayed by those closest to her, fate has other plans. As she struggles to give birth to her son, she is discovered by Grace, a childless woman recently cast out of her home. Together, they bring a new life into the world. In her final moments, Rita entrusts Grace with a small bag, whispering, “Name him Jack Mason. Give him this when he turns eighteen.” Inside, a family heirloom and limitless credit cards hold the key to his hidden legacy. Jack grows up in Racoon Village, a place far from the wealth and power that are rightfully his. Raised in poverty but gifted with remarkable intelligence, strength, and charm, he becomes known for his unbreakable spirit. But when his childhood sweetheart, Lucy, breaks his heart, he faces the sting of loss in a new way. Yet hope emerges when he receives an acceptance letter from the prestigious university where he’ll cross paths with Lucy’s best friend. Determined to find his true identity, Jack embarks on a journey through the shadows of his past. Each clue brings him closer to uncovering the truth about his mother’s betrayal and the powerful family that tried to erase her. As he unravels his lineage and seeks to reclaim all that is his, he must also confront the unexpected chance of finding love again. Will Jack Mason achieve the justice his mother never saw—and open his heart to a love that could rewrite his future? Not without you is a story of love, betrayal, jealousy and success.
Samaddie · 7.3K Views

Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands

Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and narcissistic——- Cut! Cut! Cut! Take two, and do it over. Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and wisest immortal in the realm of peace and harmony. Her two fathers doted on her, and she had a generous supply of resources and pills. Her life was perfect. However, her perfect life came to an abrupt end when Luo Huian, an immortal whose responsibility was to bring peace to those who had reached their ends and had run out of faith—— Watched a man jump down a building. Because of her inflexible beliefs and sense of justice, she did not save the bully. Unfortunately, that man was the son of the heavens. The loss of his life brought infinite trouble in Luo Huian’s life and she was punished by the heavens. She was sent to the world of humans where she had to rescue at least five hundred people by saving their lives when they were at the end of their wits. For an immortal this was an easy job, right? Wrong. Her grandmother sent Luo Huian to a world where Gloom Rocks had wrecked chaos. Beasts and monsters were given birth to by the Gloom Rocks that sucked every ounce of happiness from humans. This world was dominated by hunters who could kill the beasts with the powers that they had awakened. And in this cutthroat world, Luo Huian got the short end of the stick. She woke up in the body of an F-class hunter! Dang it. If that wasn’t worse enough, the previous owner had confessed to her cousin-in-law and was kicked out of the family. Double frog in the hot crock. With not a single penny in her pocket Luo Huian goes out to complete her mission. But what would happen when Luo Huian who was an F-class hunter annihilated the Z-class Glooms and Hollows that even the S-class hunters could not? Watch her fend against the dangers and at the same time save the lives of people. But in this small mission, there is a small obstruction —— The three alluring temptations. *********** Resisting the temptation take 1: “MMPH,” Luo Huian pushed against the mer who had pushed her down on the bed while sitting on her waist. “Get off.” “I can’t,” answered Qi Yongrui as he took off his shirt. “Daddy Shun said that he is envious of Uncle Wang. He also wants to hold a grandchild. So, wife let's work hard tonight alright?” Luo Huian: Dear Heavens save me, I am a woman of no desire! **** Resisting the temptation take 2: “Do you think he is good looking?” Fan Meilin questioned the woman who stood next to him. Even though he was the one who won the race and the trophy, his wife was looking at the other mer. “Well yes,” Luo Huian, who was an appreciator of beauty, agreed at once. “Why are you asking this though?” Fan Meilin’s eyes flashed as he smiled at her and leaned in closer to her body as he whispered in her ear, “He might be good looking but I am a better driver. Not only on the track but also in bed, do you want to try darling?” Luo Huian: Resist the temptation! At all costs! I am an iron-hearted woman. ***** Resisting the temptation take 3: “Is this necessary?” Luo Huian questioned as she sat on the couch, watching the mer trace his fingers on her curves while she sat in nothing but modern swimwear. The mer nodded as he wrote on his small notepad, “I need to trace every inch of your skin to create my finest creation, so don’t move.” After he finished writing, he handed the notepad to Luo Huian, his fingers brushing against the curve of her bosom, waist and ——— Luo Huian: My virtue is at extreme risk! ** Fl who is trying to do everything to save her virtue from being taken as it would slow down her cultivation X Mls who are trying their best to snatch it from her. *********** Trigger warning: though the book is set in a comedic setting, there might be some uneasy topics that would discuss depression and loneliness. ***********
fairytail72 · 1.1M Views
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