Ashley has just been promoted at Peacecholds Bank to the position of Chairman. At her party to celebrate her latest success in the takeover bid of another minor bank, she meets Terry Palmer. She has heard a lot about him, and even though he speaks less, Ashley is ambitious in telling Terry that she would want him to work for her, not even as partners, but as her subordinate. Terry calmly tells her off, that her achievement is only a farce, nothing substantial, and she does not have the resources to hire him yet.Ashley takes Terry's abrupt response personal and promises him that he would come begging, when she was done with taking over his bank. They eventually become rivals. Ashley, setting her sights on Dutton to the amazement of her colleagues, and even the board. Terry, trying hard to make so much money for his bank off the forex market, so as to buy more percentage of shares, leaving no room for Ashley. With the banter back and forth, a third party notices their fight, and moves to take advantage, becoming a formidable competitor. Realizing this, the two of them are forced to work together and put their past behind them. As they spend more time together, they start to see each other in a different light and begin to develop feelings for one another.They manage to fight off the competitor, but Terry gets hurt in the process. In the end, Terry and Ashley realize that they are meant to be together and get married. They also find out that Ashley is pregnant, and they're both overjoyed. They finally get the happy ending they both deserve.