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Mia ist kein Störenfried!

Die Familie Miller hatte eine Unruhestifterin in der Familie. Ihr Name war Amelia Miller. Ihre Mutter starb bei der Geburt, als sie geboren wurde. Ihre Stiefmutter stürzte während der Schwangerschaft von einer Treppe und starb. Amelias Vater bestrafte sie, indem er sie mit dem Gesicht zur Wand auf dem Dachboden stellte. Auf dem Dachboden war es dunkel und feucht, und es gab überhaupt kein Sonnenlicht. Niemand brachte ihr etwas zu essen, und Amelia dachte, dass sie vielleicht dort sterben würde. Kurz vor ihrem Tod wählte sie eine Nummer, die ihre Mutter ihr vor ihrem Tod gesagt hatte. Nachdem sie aufgelegt hatte, hörte sie ein Rumpeln um sich herum. Das Haus der Familie Miller war von einer Gruppe schwarz gekleideter Leibwächter umstellt. Acht Männer stiegen aus ihren Autos aus, jeder mit einer anderen Aura. Sie gingen direkt auf den Dachboden. Der Mann, der sie anführte, kniete nieder und hielt Amelia, die bewusstlos war, in seinen Armen. Er hatte einen ernsten Gesichtsausdruck. "Die Familie Miller muss bankrott gehen." Nachdem sie die ganze Nacht geschlafen hatte, wachte Amelia auf und musste feststellen, dass ihr Vater bankrott war. Ihre Familienmitglieder waren alle obdachlos. Inzwischen hatte sie... Sie hatte acht Onkel und einen netten Großvater, der sie sehr liebte. Amelias Vater bereute, was er getan hatte, und war nicht bereit, sein Schicksal zu akzeptieren. Und was ist, wenn Amelia jetzt ein gutes Leben führt? Sie war immer noch die Unruhestifterin, die für den Tod ihrer Mutter und den Bankrott ihres Vaters verantwortlich war! Er ahnte nicht, dass sich ihr Glück nach Amelias Rückkehr ins Haus ihres Onkels nur noch zu verbessern schien. Sogar ihre bettlägerige Großmutter konnte jetzt aufstehen und auf dem Platz tanzen! Schließlich behauptete ein gottähnlicher Mann, ihr Vater zu sein. Er verwöhnte sie so sehr, dass die ganze Welt neidisch auf sie wurde.
Nunu · 25.1K Views

Die gedankengelesene Erbin: Vom Hochstapler zum Familienliebling

Wenyan hatte ein Buch gelesen, in dem eine Figur, die ihren Namen trug, eine falsche Erbin war. Nachdem die wahre Erbin ihre Position eingenommen hatte, versuchte die Hochstaplerin, sich ihren Platz in der reichen Familie zu sichern, indem sie den ältesten Sohn unter Drogen setzte und aus einem gekochten Reis ein Geschäft machte, nur um von der Familie Shen entlarvt zu werden und schließlich aus Verzweiflung Selbstmord zu begehen. Wenyan war wütend über ein solches Ende. Wie konnte man ohne den Rückhalt einer wohlhabenden Familie nicht überleben? Hatte die Familie ihr nicht ein luxuriöses Haus und unzählige Luxusgüter zur Verfügung gestellt? Allein der Verkauf dieser Güter würde Dutzende von Millionen einbringen. Sie war einfach ein hoffnungsloser Fall! Wäre sie die Wenyan aus dem Buch, hätte sie ihre Stellung aufgegeben und einfach entspannt gelebt wie ein gesalzener Fisch! Aber als sie aus ihrem Schlaf erwachte, verwandelte sie sich tatsächlich in das Buch. Getreu ihrem Wort, hörte sie auf zu intrigieren. Über Nacht packte sie ihre Koffer, verkaufte ihr Haus, ihr Auto und ihre Taschen und suchte sich einen Job. - Die gesamte Familie Shen bemerkte die Veränderung von Wenyan, ihrer Adoptivtochter. Sie war nicht nur gehorsam ausgezogen, sondern machte auch keinen Ärger mehr. Noch seltsamer war, dass sie jetzt ihre innersten Gedanken sehen konnten! Papa, Mama, ich wollte nie in euer Nest eindringen, aber die DNA-Testergebnisse der wahren Tochter haben Probleme. Sie ist sogar noch falscher als ich, die Scheinerbin.】 Shen Familie Eltern: ...... Dann wurde die lange vermisste "Tochter", die gefunden worden war, als Hochstaplerin entlarvt und von der Polizei zum Verhör abgeführt. 【Großer Bruder, dieser Schulkamerad von dir taugt nichts, er ist ein Firmenspion, das uneheliche Kind der Erzfeinde der Shen Familie.】 Shen Family's eldest son: ...... Danach wurde der Mitschüler beim Diebstahl vertraulicher Dokumente erwischt und ebenfalls von der Polizei zum Verhör abgeführt. 【Zweiter Bruder, du bist so ein reiner und edler Mensch, du darfst nicht mit der Tochter der Qin-Familie zusammen sein, sie benutzt dich nur, ihr Herz ist eigentlich auf jemand anderen gerichtet.】 Der zweite Sohn der Familie Shen: ...... Danke, ich werde es mir ansehen. 【Und dritter Bruder, vierter Bruder......】 Am Ende konnte niemand vorhersehen, dass die unscheinbarste Adoptivtochter der Shen-Familie die verwöhnte Schwiegertochter werden würde.
Draw the sword with a smile · 22.9K Views

Die Frau, die ich aufgegabelt habe, ist zu heftig

Als Feng Qing geboren wurde, wurde sie aufgrund der Nachlässigkeit des Krankenhauses an ein Paar aus den Bergen verkauft. Sechzehn Jahre später holten ihre leiblichen Eltern sie aus einem kleinen Bergdorf nach Hause, und sie dachte, ihr Leben würde sich verbessern, aber das tat es nicht. Nicht nur, dass sie keine Liebe von ihren Eltern bekam, ihre Ersatzschwester machte sie auch noch blind. Schließlich verheirateten ihre Eltern sie mit einem alten Mann in den Fünfzigern. An ihrem Hochzeitstag flüchtete Feng Qing aus dem Hotel, während eine Reihe von Leibwächtern hinter ihr herlief. In einer kritischen Situation kletterte sie in ein schwarzes Auto, das am Straßenrand geparkt war. Auf dem Rücksitz des Wagens saß ein gut aussehender Mann, dessen Gesicht von kalter Rücksichtslosigkeit geprägt war. Er sah aus wie jemand, mit dem nicht zu spaßen war. Feng Qing tätschelte ihre schmutzigen kleinen Hände. "Also, Mister, ich habe bemerkt, dass Ihnen die Einsamkeit ins Gesicht geschrieben steht. Was halten Sie davon, eine Frau zu haben, die sich Ihnen jetzt vorgestellt hat?" Xie Jiuhan wurde gemeinhin als der Neunte Meister bezeichnet. Er war der Oberherr der Hauptstadt und hatte eine sprunghafte Persönlichkeit. Er war stur und rücksichtslos. Die Gesellschaft in der Hauptstadt setzte alle Mittel ein, aber keiner von ihnen kam auch nur in die Nähe des Saums der Kleidung des Neunten Meisters. Von diesem Tag an begannen sich in der Hauptstadt Gerüchte zu verbreiten. Der Neunte Meister, der sich normalerweise von Frauen fernhielt, zog eine zierliche kleine Frau im Herrenhaus groß und verwöhnte sie bis aufs Blut. Meister Neunter: "Meine Frau ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen." Der Arzt: "Wer ist dann die Dame, die jemandem mit einem einzigen Tritt die Kniescheibe zertrümmert hat?" Meister Neuntens: "Meine Frau lebte früher auf dem Dorf, sie ist nicht gut im Lernen." Die Studenten der Capital University: "Ihre Frau wird in jeder Prüfung die Nummer eins. Wenn sie nicht gut in der Schule ist, was sind wir dann? Zurückgebliebene?" Meister Neuntens: "Meine Frau ist extrem schüchtern. Sie hat noch nicht viele große Namen oder prominente Persönlichkeiten getroffen." Das Publikum: "Bitte halten Sie den Mund!" Die führende Autorität in der Medizin, Wissenschaftsprofessoren und berühmte internationale Regisseure standen vor Ihrem Haus Schlange und baten darum, sie zu sehen! Ja, Ihre Frau war noch nie mit großen Namen oder prominenten Persönlichkeiten zusammengetroffen, denn sie war hier die prominenteste Persönlichkeit.
Yishen · 45.1K Views

Who is Greater_?

Expanding the synopsis to 2,000 words would turn it into a detailed introduction or prologue rather than just a summary. Below is a refined and extended version that gives more depth to the story while keeping it engaging and immersive. --- Who is Greater? A Story of Faith, Money, and Sacrifice Prologue: The Silent Question It was a cold night. The kind that seeps through your clothes and wraps itself around your bones. The sky stretched endlessly above, a canvas of stars glimmering like scattered diamonds. The moon, pale and unwavering, stood still in its place, indifferent to the world below. I sat in my courtyard, nestled in an old rocking chair, gazing at the vastness above. The silence of the night was comforting, almost deceptive, making me forget the burdens I carried. If only life could be this peaceful. But peace is a luxury. For a long time, I had believed in the goodness of life. I had worked hard, built a home, and raised my family with love and devotion. My daughter was growing into a bright young girl, and my son—my little boy—was the light of our lives. But life is unpredictable. One moment, you are standing firm, and the next, you are swept away by a storm you never saw coming. That storm came for me when my son fell ill. Chapter 1: A Father's Burden The next morning, I left for work. The streets were waking up, people rushing to their destinations, unaware of the battle I was fighting inside. An auto-rickshaw approached, and I raised my hand to stop it. It sped past without hesitation. I sighed and continued walking. The cold air wrapped around me, but I ignored it. I had bigger things to worry about. As I walked, I saw a familiar face—a long-lost friend. "Hello! Where have you been all these years?" I asked, the joy in my voice surprising even me. We exchanged warm greetings, our handshake firm and full of unspoken memories. But no matter how much we smiled, I couldn’t ignore the weight in my chest. "How is your family?" he asked, his tone soft. I hesitated. "My daughter is fine… but my son is unwell. He has been admitted to the hospital." His face darkened with concern. "That sounds serious. What will you do?" I sighed deeply. "I don’t have the money to continue his treatment. Can you help me?" For a moment, he said nothing. I could see the battle in his mind—the guilt of wanting to help but being unable to. Finally, he nodded. "I’ll try." Chapter 2: The Hospital Walls We rushed to the hospital. The halls smelled of antiseptic and quiet desperation. My mother stood near the doctor, worry lines deep on her face. "Doctor, what’s the situation?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. The doctor looked at me with practiced detachment. "Your son needs surgery immediately. You must deposit ₹2 lakh as soon as possible." The words hit me like a punch to the gut. ₹2 lakh. It might as well have been ₹2 million. "I… I don’t have that kind of money," I admitted. The doctor’s gaze didn’t waver. "Without payment, we cannot proceed." A suffocating silence followed. My friend placed a hand on my shoulder, grounding me. "We’ll find a way," he said. And so, we ran. We made countless calls, begged for help, knocked on doors. Some helped, others didn’t. Piece by piece, we collected the amount. By evening, we had ₹2 lakh. The surgery was scheduled. But this was only the beginning. Chapter 3: A Temporary Relief The hours passed like years. When the doctors finally emerged, my heart nearly stopped. "The surgery was successful," they said. Relief washed over me like a wave. My son was safe. For now. But reality wasn’t done with me yet. The next day, the doctor called me aside. "You will have to stay here for a few more days." Days turned into weeks. The bills stacked higher. My savings had already vanished, and each passing moment brought a new demand. One evening, the doctors sat me down. Their faces were unreadable. "There are additional complications," one of them said. "Your son needs
Reni_Joseph · 694 Views

La Mordida del Alfa Entre Mis Piernas

``` —Si te vuelvo a ver, me saciaré con tu cuerpo mientras sangras, ¡príncipe! —Rosina, una mujer atormentada por un oscuro pasado, desarrolló una peligrosa obsesión que llevó a una estela de sangre y cadáveres. Una depredadora que disfrutaba de su presa antes de quitarles la vida. Siempre había despreciado la idea de tener una pareja hasta que se vio obligada a asistir a la temporada anual de apareamiento. Albergando un profundo deseo de libertad, detestaba cualquier asociación con la realeza. Durante el evento de apareamiento, se encontró con un hombre misterioso que llevaba una máscara roja sangre. Draco fue retratado como un despreocupado Tercer Príncipe que buscaba solo diversión y evitaba las responsabilidades que conllevaba la corona. Sin embargo, su encuentro con Rosina provocó un cambio en él. Se da cuenta de que para ganarse su mano en matrimonio, debe convertirse en rey. Esa transformación puso a Draco en un camino de auto-descubrimiento y crecimiento mientras se esforzaba por demostrar que era digno del amor de Rosina. ¿Su encuentro cambiaría su destino o los llevaría a la ruina? _____ Volumen 2: —Mi deber es encontrar a un noble para liderar mi manada, pero conquistaste mi corazón, plebeyo —Felissa era responsable de buscar una pareja digna de estatus y cumplir con su deber como la única hija de un Alfa, lo que la llevó a girar su vida para convertirse en una perfecta futura Luna de la manada Medianoche. Era conocida por ser tan delicada como una flor frágil, o eso creían. Detrás de su alegre sonrisa se ocultaba la oscuridad que quería ascender y apoderarse de su cuerpo. Una personalidad nacida debido al uso de la magia. Mientras Felissa buscaba a un compañero noble para satisfacer a sus padres, conoció a un plebeyo con dos identidades. Vicenzo era un hombre que vivía diferentes vidas para mantener a su madre a salvo de la manada abusiva. Estaba dispuesto a sacrificar el vínculo con su pareja para destruir al Nuevo Monarca como su tarea, pero su corazón se rompía lentamente y ansiaba el toque de su pareja. ¿Priorizarían su deber o cederían a lo que sus cuerpos deseaban? _____ Volumen 3: —Te aceptaré a pesar de todo lo que has hecho, mi querida —Gastone vivía en el mundo humano como castigo pero fue llamado de vuelta al reino de los hombres lobo por Rosina para encontrar a su pareja. No quería una debido a su situación de vida y orgullo como Príncipe caído. En el camino, salvó a una mujer problemática llamada Lucía y la llevó al reino después de que ella le suplicara que la salvara. Eso causó problemas ya que los hombres lobo eran mitos para los humanos. Con la ayuda de Draco, Gastone y Lucía se instalaron temporalmente en un lugar aislado por seguridad. Lucía había escapado de un Orfanato que trabajaba en el mercado negro. Su objetivo era detener su negocio para salvar la vida de muchas chicas pero falló después de años de planificación. Después de conocer a Gastone, tenía la intención de usarlo a su favor ya que necesitaba su esencia para sobrevivir a la maldición. ¿Florecería su amor después de descubrir grandes diferencias entre sus razas? __ [ ¡WPC #301 - Ganador del Lugar de Oro! ] . . Portada Oficial Encargada. __ Contáctame: IG: mona_milku Discord: __ ```
youneedsomemilk · 231.1K Views

Duque, isso dói...

Bem-vindo ao mundo extravagante da elite, onde Seraphina Alaric, uma garota delicada e frágil que sempre depende de remédios para melhorar, está apenas tentando encontrar um respiro antes que sua vida seja virada de cabeça para baixo por um casamento arranjado... Sério, quem quer estar preso quando ainda está tentando descobrir o que quer na vida? Durante um banquete sofisticado, ela esbarra no enigmático Duque de Everwyn. E a parte mais maluca? Ela não faz ideia de quem seja esse cara—apenas pensa que ele é um estranho misterioso. Do nada, sentindo-se aventureira (e talvez um pouco imprudente), ela sugere um encontro secreto que vira seu mundo de cabeça para baixo. Naquele momento oculto, Seraphina mergulha de cabeça em seus desejos mais selvagens. Mas reviravolta na trama—acontece que o cara com quem ela acabou de passar a noite é ninguém menos que seu futuro marido. Ops! Tanto por um estranho misterioso—ela acabou de passar a noite com seu futuro marido! "Duque, isso dói..." convida você para um redemoinho de auto-descoberta, romance ardente e o doce caos do amor quando você menos espera. Será que Seraphina pode se libertar das correntes da sociedade, ou ela se encontrá enredada na própria teia da qual tentou escapar? Junte-se a ela nessa jornada emocionante, e descubra como o amor pode ser ao mesmo tempo libertador e complicado. Não perca—sua próxima obsessão está a apenas uma página de distância!

FFF Class Auto Hero: The Weakest Class Turned Out To Be The Strongest?

"Oh Lord Lunareio, you are the only one who can save our world." ... My name is Rikuya Takatsuki, and I didn’t ask to be summoned to some fantasy world with my classmates. But there I was, expected to be a hero and protect the Kingdom from Realm Eaters, dimensional monsters chewing through reality. Apparently, all the races summoned forth heroes of legend, which was sort of a shocker to me since it wasn’t the cliché "slay the demon king" trope. Sounds cool, right? Wrong. While everyone else got flashy powers and legendary classes, I was slapped with the FFF Auto Hero class—no skills, no perks, and no respect. The kingdom handed me some pocket change and politely told me to scram. Fine by me. I was all set on enjoying the easy life in this new world anyways, when out of nowhere a bunch of cultists kidnapped me, claiming I’m their prophesied god or whatever. They gave me a mansion, unlimited snacks, and zero responsibilities, so of course, I played along. But then my so-called useless class kicked in. Turns out Auto Hero means my body hijacks itself whenever there’s danger, turning me into some kind of unstoppable killing machine. Efficient? Sure. Ethical? Not so much. Now everyone thinks I’m this terrifying cult leader who takes down monsters, corrupt kings, and anyone dumb enough to stand in my way. While my classmates enjoy their shiny hero lives, I’m here in the shadows, leading a cult, toppling kingdoms, and pretending I have some grand plan. The truth? I’m just winging it. I mean... what’s the worst that could happen?
Zurbluris · 50.4K Views

Beyond the Firewall

In a world where technology is both a blessing and a curse, Ethan Stone is the enigmatic founder of SHIELD—a covert organization focused on global security—and the genius behind Sprint, a revolutionary auto-tech company that outshines even the most ambitious ventures of today. To the outside world, Ethan is just another tech billionaire with a mysterious past, but beneath the surface, he’s a master hacker, a fearless strategist, and a relentless force who refuses to bow to any government or authority. Ethan’s journey into the shadows began years ago when he infiltrated a secret government project experimenting on human augmentation. Although he came out of it with cybernetic enhancements that push the limits of human ability, he chose to remain fully human on the outside. His body may be altered, but his mind, spirit, and determination are unyieldingly his own. However, the digital fortress Ethan has built around his life begins to crumble when Mariam—a fiercely independent fashion designer—unexpectedly steps into his world. Initially, she’s just another civilian he’s trying to protect from his dangerous enemies. But as their bond deepens, Ethan realizes that protecting Mariam means more to him than any mission or project he’s undertaken before. She becomes the light in his otherwise dark and calculated life, reminding him of his remaining humanity. But Ethan’s enemies are ruthless, and they’ll stop at nothing to bring him down. When a shadowy figure from his past launches a series of brutal attacks, targeting Ethan and everyone he cares about, he’s forced to go on the offensive. Despite all his enhancements and strategic brilliance, he’s never faced a threat this personal. And it’s not just his life on the line—it’s Mariam’s as well. Determined to keep her safe without compromising who she is, Ethan uses his most cutting-edge technology: self-healing nanobots designed to protect her from harm without altering her humanity. As Mariam is thrust deeper into Ethan’s world of cyber warfare, mercenary armies, and covert battles, she proves time and again that she’s not just someone who needs protection—she’s his partner, his equal, and, perhaps, his greatest strength. Together, they navigate a labyrinth of secrets, betrayals, and shifting allegiances, as Ethan faces enemies old and new. As the shadowy figure continues to haunt them, Ethan must confront the question he’s been avoiding: can he truly protect Mariam without losing himself in the process? And what happens when the lines between human and machine blur beyond recognition? Beyond the Firewall is a high-stakes, action-packed saga blending elements of sci-fi, romance, and adventure. With a storyline spanning thousands of chapters, this epic series explores the price of power, the limits of technology, and the strength that comes from embracing one's humanity amidst a world where everything else can be hacked, upgraded, or controlled.
Cipher_IV · 15.2K Views


WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886 Email @ Telegram: Website link: The scent of freshly brewed espresso and vintage Led Zeppelin records should have been my retirement anthem. But I was hunched over a computer in my still-under-construction vinyl record cafe, screaming at a blockchain explorer as if it just ridiculed my acoustic session. My life savings, $430,000 worth of Bitcoin, carefully earned over a decade of writing alt-rock ballads for car commercials, vanished into thin air. The culprit? Some smooth "investment manager" who'd promised me "Taylor Swift-level returns" on crypto staking, then bailed faster than my band's 2008 reunion tour.  The scam was a cringe symphony.Guy had a LinkedIn profile dotted with adjectives such as "Web3 maestro" and "DeFi virtuoso," an autotuned elevator jazz playing website, and a contractual loophole big enough to drive a tour bus through. I signed over access like a groupie handing over backstage passes. Poof. Gone. Money. My café's espresso machine sat in its box, accusatorially. My spouse said I needed to "get a real job again." Even my dog gave me the side eye. Enter my drummer, Chad, a guy who had escaped a festival pyro tragedy by jumping into a kiddie pool. He texted me: "Bro, look at Digital Tech Guard Recovery. They're crypto Roadies." I pictured a group of pierced hackers in black hoodies, blowing gum and cracking firewalls. Good enough. Digitals crew followed the scambot's trail with the ferocity of a producer hunting for the perfect bassline. The crook had routed my Bitcoin through privacy coins, obscured wallets, and exchanges located in countries that I couldn't spell. Their engineers stalked his path like a creep watching a pop star's concert tour schedule, in cooperation with Interpol and a Cypriot bank used also as a hub for meme stocks. As it turns out, my "maestro" had become careless, stashing money in a wallet associated with a failed NFT venture named "Aping for Jesus." Typical. Sixteen days later, my wallet beeped. Balance returned. No taunting, only a curt email: "Scammer's assets frozen. Your money's back. Buy better speakers." I blasted "Eye of the Tiger" through the café sound system, shocking a hipster with oat milk. The espresso machine finally came online. Digital Tech Guard Recovery didn't just restore my cryptocurrency; they wrote the encore for my midlife crisis. My café exists today, littered with grail-worthy records on the walls and a tip cup emblazoned "ETH accepted." Chad's no longer on the espresso machine, but he's got free coffee for life. If your cryptocurrency is ever swindled by a cyber rockstar, don't go into existential tailspin. Call the Digitals. They'll turn your faceplant into a victory lap. Just maybe screen your "maestros" harder than your band's setlist.
Bobby_felix · 320 Views


The day my house turned against me started like any other lights flashing at my command, blinds snapping shut with military precision, and my coffee machine chirping a cheerful "Good morning!" as if it hadn't just witnessed me going broke. Here I was, a self-styled tech evangelist, huddled on the floor of my "smart" house, staring at an empty screen where my Bitcoin wallet once sat. My sin? Hubris. My penalty? Accidentally nuking my private keys while upgrading a custom node server, believing I could outsmart the pros. The result? A $425,000 crater where my crypto nest egg once grew, and a smart fridge that now beeped condescendingly every time I opened its doors. Panic fell like a rogue AI. I pleaded with tech-savvy friends, who responded with a mix of pity and "You did what?! " I scrolled through forums until my eyes were streaming, trawling through threads filled with such mouthfuls as "irreversible blockchain entropy" and "cryptographic oblivion." I even begged my fridge's voice assistant to turn back the chaos, half-expecting it to sneer and respond, "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." A Reddit thread buried deep under doom scrolls and memes was how desperation finally revealed to me Rapid Digital Recovery, a single mention of gratitude to the software that recovered lost crypto like digital paramedics.". In despair, but without options, I called them. Their people replied with no judgment, but clinical immediacy, such as a hospital emergency room surgeons might exercise. Within a few hours, their engineers questioned my encrypted system logs a labyrinth of destroyed scripts and torn files like conservators rebuilding a fractured relic. They reverse-engineered my abortive update, tracking digital crumbs across layers of encryption. I imagined them huddled over glowing screens, fueled by coffee and obscurity of purpose, playing my catastrophe as a high-stakes video game. Twelve days went by, and an email arrived: "We've found your keys." My fingers trembled as I logged in. There it was my Bitcoin, resurrected from the depths, shining on the screen like a digital phoenix. I half-expect my smart lights to blink in gratitude. Rapid Digital Recovery not only returned my money; they restored my faith in human ingenuity against cold, uncaring computer programming. Their people combined cutting-edge forensics with good-old-fashioned persistence, refusing to make my mistake a permanent one. Today, my smart home remains filled with automation, but I've shut down its voice activation. My fridge? It's again chilling my beer silently judging me as I walk by. If you ever find yourself in a war of minds with your own machines, believe in the Rapid Digital Recovery. They'll outsmart the machines for you so you won't have to. Just perhaps unplug the coffee maker beforehand. Contact Info Below: Whatsapp: +1 4 14 80 71 4 85 Email: rapid digital recovery (@) execs. com Telegram: h t t p s: // t. me / Rapiddigitalrecovery1
Evans_Sorensen · 398 Views

Reborn as a K-Pop Trainee with a System

Reborn as a K-Pop Trainee with a System A Comedy-Drama with a Bollywood Twist! Synopsis: Lee Joon, a world-famous Oscar-winning actor, had everything—fame, wealth, and millions of fans. But one day, he dies in the most ridiculous way possible (thanks to a vengeful cat, but that’s another story). The next thing he knows—he’s reborn as an 18-year-old Korean trainee in a ruthless K-pop agency. No acting, no Hollywood connections—just singing, dancing, and suffering. To make matters worse, he has zero talent for dancing. His first attempt at choreography? A Bollywood SRK pose that accidentally goes viral! But just when he’s about to give up, a mysterious system appears: [Ding! Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the ‘Survival Idol System’!] [Complete missions, earn fame, and become the biggest star in the world!] Now, Joon is stuck in the most brutal K-pop survival show where trainees will do anything to debut—even sabotage each other! With his acting skills, his system’s help, and his Indian-style dramatic instincts, can he survive the cutthroat world of K-pop? Or will he just become a meme-worthy internet sensation?! --- What to Expect: ✅ Hilarious Comedy – Joon’s Bollywood antics clash with K-pop’s strict rules! ✅ Chaotic Romance – Fake dating scandals, rivals turning into lovers, and unexpected chemistry! ✅ Showbiz Drama – Backstabbing, industry secrets, and meme-worthy performances! ✅ Overpowered System Shenanigans – Missions, fame points, and Joon scamming his way to stardom! Joon might have been reborn in the wrong industry… but who says he can’t become a K-pop legend anyway?!
Bhavna_0042 · 13.1K Views

Powers Against The World

(NOVEL IS ON A TEMP. PAUSE DUE TO ANOTHER PROJECT! POWERS AGAINST THE WORLD WILL RESUME SUMMER-FALL 2025 AND SHOULD BE COMPLETED NO LATER THAN WINTER 2026-27! THANKS FOR ALL SUPPORT!) In a world where humans wield supernatural abilities, power defines everything—status, survival, and even destiny. Jamal, an ordinary teenager, believes he was dealt a weak hand in life. Unlike the prodigies around him, his abilities seem insignificant. But when a near-fatal encounter awakens something deep within him, he realizes his powers hold a potential far beyond his imagination. As dark forces rise and rival factions clash, Jamal must navigate a treacherous path filled with enemies, betrayals, and revelations about his true nature. Among them stands Youden, a mysterious figure whose motives are as enigmatic as his strength. Can Jamal unlock this untapped power before it’s too late? Or will he be crushed under the weight of a world that only respects the strong? A high-stakes adventure filled with action, mystery, and supernatural battles. Fans of My Hero Academia and Solo Leveling will love this thrilling journey of power and survival! If you enjoy the books, feel free to share feedback, as I do this for pure entertainment and to provide a solid book series within Webnovel. Thank you for your time and once again, enjoy the book! The cover was done by @Kurobart64! Feel free to check out more of their art at: Parental Warning Is For Violence & Suggestive Content! (Also, I'm aware of the many grammatical and structural errors, especially in the earlier part of the series from several years ago, and likely due to the transfer from the separate books and auto-correction while also being much younger and inexperienced in writing. It will be fixed and edited over time!)
JdCreates · 275.2K Views

Another Doomsday: Moving for Peace, Waking Up Pregnant in Apocalypse

They say life’s full of plot twists—well, Bai Xiaotong’s life is more like a plot pretzel, twisted in all the wrong places. After centuries of fighting in dungeons that suddenly descended into the Murim World, she thought she'd earned a peaceful retirement after moving to another planet. Yet, after buying a dimensional ticket to cross realms, she ends up face-to-face with an even bigger disaster. Goodbye, dungeon gates and loot drop. Welcome to a world crawling with walking deads! Where each bite turns the living into rotting husks of undead. "I bought a wayfarer item to peacefully retire in another human world, not to clean up another horde of monsters! Do I look so bored to change places just to go hunting?! I didn’t sign up for this mess—” she grumbles, dodging a zombie horde. Why does it feel like she was attracting every apocalypse in the multiverse? Where’s the peaceful world she paid millions of cosmic credits for? Wait, did she pay for a doomsday subscription instead and was auto-renewing?! Damn. How could she end up in a dumpster fire, filled with weak humans who can’t even handle brain-dead corpses in a trance? “Seriously, how does anyone lose to that?” But in reality, it’s not the monsters and weak humans that are giving her gray hairs—it’s the fact that... “AHH! Why does my stomach keep on growing? Darn, it hurts, I think it’s going to explode!” “Ow shi— did I peed myself?” No. Wait, what the hell? Someone tell her, it wasn’t her water! The apocalypse? She can handle that. But childbirth during an apocalypse? That's a whole different level of nightmare. “Hey, you can’t come out yet!” This is insane. At least wait until she figures out where’s the father, ah! --- WSA2025 Entry
Azhe_ · 6.6K Views
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