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Wow Tranquilo Viejo

Achtziger Jahre Sweetheart Wife

Gu Huai'an, ein junger Spross des Hofes Nr. 01, war schon in jungen Jahren zum Oberkommandierenden des Dragon Aviation Command Center aufgestiegen. Er war für sein kühles Auftreten bekannt und lächelte oder lachte nur selten. Er stammte nicht nur aus einer angesehenen Familie, sondern war auch das unerreichbare Juwel der Beidu No. 01 Courtyard Mansion. Plötzlich hörte er eines Tages, wie ihn jemand "kleiner Bruder" nannte. Als er der Stimme folgte, fragte ein hübsches Mädchen mit gleichgültigem Gesicht: "Entschuldigen Sie, Sir, kenne ich Sie?" Doch gleichzeitig: 【Wow, little brother is so handsome.】 【Es gibt Berge jenseits der Berge, Gebäude jenseits der Gebäude, aber der kleine Bruder ist hübsch und sanft.】 【Kleiner Bruder, Umarmung!】 Gu Huai'an: ...... Der Mund des kleinen Mädchens, trügerisch wie der eines Geistes. ********* Song Yunuan wanderte in einen Historienroman und wurde zu einer kleinen Bösewichtin, die bald beseitigt wurde - eine Rolle, die zu klein war, um kleiner zu sein. An ihrem ersten Tag im Buch stand sie im Hof der Familie Song und versuchte sich zu erinnern, warum die gesamte Familie Song in der Geschichte ausgelöscht werden sollte. Am Ende bemerkte sie nicht den versteinerten Gesichtsausdruck der Mitglieder der Familie Song. Später... Ihr Vater wurde der reichste Mann, ihr Bruder ein Top-Anwalt, ihr jüngerer Bruder ein Wissenschaftler, ihre jüngere Tante eine Sängerin, und sogar ihre Großmutter wurde eine Vermieterin. Sie selbst wurde zu jedermanns geliebtem Liebling. Song Yunuan: Was ist aus dem höllischen Start geworden, der mir versprochen wurde?
Joe Yishui · 7.3K Views

Je viens d'hériter de l'héritage de l'Empereur Arcanique

Dans l'Empire Solaire, les gens étaient divisés par leur sang. Les nobles profitaient de leur vie dans la richesse, avec du vin raffiné et des plats incroyables. Ils régnaient en maîtres sur les roturiers. La seule raison pour laquelle ils en étaient capables, c'est qu'ils avaient la connaissance de la force la plus puissante du monde - la magie. Les nobles contrôlaient leur savoir pour éviter qu'il ne se répande facilement parmi les roturiers, rendant plus difficile pour eux l'apprentissage de la magie. Léo, un jeune orphelin à Solaria, avait une affinité pour la magie incroyablement puissante. Il ne le savait même pas car il ne pouvait jamais apprendre la magie - il était trop pauvre pour essayer d'apprendre dans une académie de magie. Il essayait juste de survivre dans les rues de Solhaven jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve le tome perdu de l'Empereur Arcane. "Je peux battre un Mage du 7ème Cercle." "Wow ! Tu as dû t'entraîner pendant de nombreuses décennies. Quel âge as-tu ?" "17." "..." Le monde allait être bouleversé. NOTE POUR MES FORMIDABLES LECTEURS : NE prenez PAS de privilège si le mois est sur le point de se terminer. Votre accès aux privilèges se terminera lorsque le mois se terminera. Il NE dure PAS un mois entier après que vous l'ayez acheté. Veuillez acheter les niveaux de privilèges dans la PREMIÈRE MOITIÉ du mois pour obtenir le meilleur rapport qualité-prix. Pour les personnes qui pensent que Discord est à la mode, voici le serveur Discord pour ce livre. N'hésitez pas à discuter de ce que vous pensez de ce livre sur le serveur.
WhiteNightingale · 101.8K Views

El regreso de la heredera billonaria carne de cañón

Hera Avery está trabajando en varios trabajos de medio tiempo para pagar su matrícula universitaria. Está manejando su trabajo y su vida amorosa simultáneamente. Su novio, que es una celebridad en ascenso, la hizo pagar por su costoso apartamento ubicado en un edificio conocido. El edificio también es hogar para herederos y herederas bien conocidos. En el cumpleaños de su novio y su tercer aniversario, ella regresó a su apartamento solo para encontrarlo con otra mujer. Pero, ¿qué obtuvo a cambio? Una bofetada en la cara, una ruptura y fue desalojada del apartamento que estaba pagando con su propio dinero. Después de ser desalojada y quedarse sin hogar, creyó que las cosas no podrían empeorar. Sin embargo, la nueva novia rica de su ex infiel fue más allá contactando con cada establecimiento y persuadiéndolos para que la pusieran en la lista negra. Esto provocó que perdiera sus medios de vida e incluso difundieron rumores de que estaba obsesionada con su exnovio celebridad y fue atacada por sus fanáticos. Sin salida, apretó los dientes. —Abuelo, estoy dispuesta a heredar el consorcio. El Viejo Maestro Avery se rió a carcajadas después de escuchar su convicción y le hizo una transferencia bancaria a Hera. [Has recibido una transferencia de dinero de $100,000,000,000 a tu cuenta que termina en ####] [Nota: Mi querida nieta, usa este dinero para regalarte lo que desees. No escatimes, y si te lo gastas todo, no dudes en pedirme más.] Hera estaba asombrada. Cuando su identidad fue anunciada, su exnovio se arrodilló y lloró ante ella, para que volviera con él. —¿Crees que es tu turno? —dijo sarcástico el Protagonista masculino 1—. Mira atrás. Cuando su exnovio miró hacia atrás, vio a hombres influyentes alineándose con ramos de rosas para cortejar a Hera. —Es tu culpa por ser ciego —comentó frío el Protagonista masculino 2—. Llora y suplica, pero no tendrás ninguna oportunidad mientras nosotros estemos aquí. —¿Quieres que te rompa las piernas? —amenazó el brutal e impaciente Protagonista masculino 3. —Solo eres una pequeña estrella —se mofó el rey del entretenimiento Protagonista masculino 4—, pero ¿quieres pasarme por encima? —Me aseguraré de que quedes apartado —advirtió el temperamental Protagonista masculino 5. —¡Cariño, están intentando robarte de mí! —exclamó el coqueto Protagonista masculino 6. Viendo a los problemáticos Protagonistas masculinos, Hera sentía que se acercaba un dolor de cabeza sin saber qué hacer. —Entonces, ¡déjemoslo fluir!
GoddessKM · 117K Views

A Carne de Canhão no Jogo Apocalíptico Global vive uma vida tranquila

``` #protagonistamasculinocarinhoso #infraestrutura #RPG #protagonistaOP (Atenção: Não leia enquanto estiver bebendo. O autor não é responsável por incidentes de engasgo devido à excessiva felicidade. XD Só compartilhando boas vibrações. Se você está para baixo e se sentindo triste, leia meu romance!) Li Chunhua nunca esperava que seria transportada para outro mundo depois de estar lendo um livro estranho que encontrou na Biblioteca da Seita. Ao abrir os olhos, sua mente estava repleta de memórias de outra garota cuja aparência e nome se assemelhavam aos dela. Ela realmente se tornou a personagem secundária vilã naquele romance angustiante do protagonista masculino que leu. Frente ao futuro de uma morte miserável, Chunhua decidiu se afastar do protagonista masculino e dos personagens secundários e decidiu viver discretamente. Graças à sua fisiologia de carpa, o caminho para uma vida confortável foi tranquilo. Enquanto outros ainda estavam passando fome pela falta de comida, Chunhua já havia começado a cultivar e criar animais. Quando outros ainda estavam sem um abrigo adequado, ela já estava construindo estradas. Embora estivesse apenas comendo sua terrível culinária, sua vida já era boa! [Parabéns por atualizar sua cabana de palha para uma cabana de madeira Nível 1.] [Parabéns por atualizar sua cabana de madeira Nível 1 para uma casa de pedra Nível 2.] [Parabéns...] Tudo ia bem até ela encontrar um homem inconsciente e coberto de terra na floresta. Ela sempre acreditou na condicionante cármica e, portanto, cuidou dele até que se recuperasse. Até que um dia, ele lhe disse seu verdadeiro nome. Li Chunhua ficou atônita. De jeito nenhum, o homem que salvei era, na verdade, o protagonista masculino! Será que é tarde demais para devolvê-lo à floresta? A expressão de certa pessoa escureceu e a jogou na cama. "Você ousa!" ```
The_Sweet_Dumpling · 43.2K Views

Du PDG à la concubine

Yan Zheyun avait grandi destiné à gagner. Ses parents figuraient sur la liste Forbes, il avait été le major de sa promotion dans la meilleure université du pays, et la cerise sur le gâteau, il avait été élu « beau gosse de l'école » quatre années de suite par ses camarades. Et maintenant, à seulement vingt-cinq ans, Yan Zheyun était le fier président et PDG de sa propre entreprise technologique. Mais ce qui aurait dû être le jour le plus heureux de sa vie se transforma en pire quand il entendit une étrange voix robotique en traversant la route pour aller chercher un café, juste parce qu'il ne pouvait pas attendre que sa secrétaire revienne de la salle de photocopie. [RAPPORT DE BUG #193842347 : ÂME D'UN AUTRE MONDE DÉTECTÉE. INITIATION DE LA SÉQUENCE DE DÉPORTATION.] Et puis il mourut. Dans un accident de voiture très banal, très quelconque. … sauf qu’en fait, peut-être pas. La première chose que Yan Zheyun pensa après avoir ouvert les yeux et s’être retrouvé dans une chambre qui ressemblait au décor d'un de ces drames du palais intérieur fut : Wow, le café n’en valait pas la peine. La deuxième chose qu’il pensa après avoir réalisé qu’il était maintenant dans un roman BL historique et qu’il avait transmigré dans le corps d'une beauté tragique qui allait (être) utilisée et abusée par ses nombreux amants fut : Je dois avoir ouvert les yeux de la mauvaise manière, essayons encore…non, toujours là. Eh bien. Merde. Du PDG à l'esclave insignifiant, Yan Zheyun ne pouvait croire à sa chance. Coincé dans un monde étranger et entouré de tops fous (respectivement connus sous le nom de ‘L'Ami d'Enfance’, ‘Le Fils du Général’, ‘Le Prince Héritier’, ‘Un Autre Prince’, ‘Ce Duc Flippant’, etc.), Yan Zheyun réalisa qu'une journée d'expérience en tant que PDG ne l'avait pas suffisamment préparé pour cette nouvelle vie misérable. Mais ce n’était pas le genre à abandonner sans se battre, alors… Yan Zheyun prit fermement sa décision d'éviter la terrifiante trame romantique, d'essayer de se créer une nouvelle trame politique, et pendant ce temps, de serrer quelques cuisses puissantes, d'amadouer les puissants. Et dans une monarchie dynastique, de quelles cuisses serait-il mieux de se rapprocher que celles de l'empereur lui-même ? Liu Yao : …Ce Souverain vous permet aussi d'étreindre d'autres parties. Association : - Empereur au Sommet-Air-Sévère-Mais-Secrètement-Bienveillant VS Esclave au Bas-Face-de-Lapin-Mais-Secrètement-Renard - PAS un harem, toute l'histoire est en 1 contre 1 Avertissements : - Ce roman traite de sujets lourds résultant de l'esclavage et d'un système de castes. J'ai ajouté des avertissements déclencheurs là où c'était pertinent, mais juste pour information, les salauds sont appelés salauds pour une raison! Mises à jour : 21h00 GMT+8 Illustré par : HAZHE
Queeniecat · 62.9K Views

OP Absorption

Later that day, Fin was out on his usual scrap run. The safe zone’s edge was a mess of twisted metal and broken concrete, leftovers from when the first Gates opened. He lugged a heavy bag over his shoulder, his boots crunching on gravel. The air smelled like rust and something faintly sour—probably a dead rat or worse. “Yo, Fin! Hurry it up!” his boss, Greg, yelled from the truck parked a hundred yards away. Greg was a squat, sweaty guy who acted like he was king of the scrap heap. “We ain’t got all day!” “Yeah, yeah,” Fin muttered under his breath. He bent down to grab a jagged piece of rebar, his fingers brushing the cold metal. His power kicked in—useless as ever. He could feel every nick and dent in the steel, like it was whispering its boring life story to him. 'Wow, so thrilling,' he thought sarcastically. That’s when he heard it—a low, guttural growl. He froze. His head snapped up, eyes darting around. The safe zone wasn’t *supposed* to have monsters. That’s why it was called safe. But the sound came again, closer this time, from behind a pile of rubble. “Greg?” He called, his voice shaky. “You hear that?” No answer. The truck’s engine roared to life—Greg was bailing. “Fin, move your ass!” the man shouted before peeling out, dust kicking up behind him. “Seriously?!” Fin dropped the rebar and bolted. He wasn’t a runner, but fear made his legs move faster than he thought possible. The growling turned into a snarl, and he risked a glance back. Something big and scaly was charging after him—green skin, claws like kitchen knives, and a mouth full of teeth that didn’t fit right. A monster. A freaking monster.
luthizo · 1.4K Views

A journey of nothingness

En el reino de Montesis, donde la magia está prohibida, Don (Sei-naru Shaw), un técnico y reparador de 129 años con habilidades elementales, sueña con proteger a María y crear un hogar tranquilo, pero pierdo sus poderes. Su vida cambia cuando es obligado a convertirse en un Protector para mantener el orden y la paz mundial, como lo fueron sus padres en su pasado olvidado. El viaje comienza cuando Don se enamora de la belleza y cultura del reino de Montesis durante su primera expedición. Este mundo está dividido entre dos fuerzas mágicas: el éter positivo y el éter negativo ("la Nada"), este último rigiendo a Don y convirtiéndolo en un imán para las fuerzas oscuras del inframundo. Al ser el único sobreviviente de su raza, Don se convierte en blanco del rey más poderoso de la Tierra y de Mei-Wei, una de las mujeres más influyentes por sus medicinas especiales. El conflicto se intensifica después de la destrucción de su pueblo, el asesinato de su maestro y de su amor platónico, la madre de María, hecho ocurrido tras la aparición de un príncipe del inframundo, quien planea desatar el caos a través del bosque. Consumido por la venganza, Don acepta la oferta de Mei-Wei, aunque se niega a ser lo que su padre fue, el Protector, revelando su lado más oscuro y apático. Mientras los defensores del reino lo superan en fuerza, Don compensará con táctica y mucha violencia, comenzando su descenso hacia la oscuridad. Sin embargo, una voz interior persiste, advirtiéndole de las consecuencias y tratando de regresarlo al camino del bien.
joens_st04 · 4.4K Views

El aprendis de abismo

El Aprendiz del Abismo Lucas siempre había sido un chico común en el pueblo de Eldoria, un lugar tranquilo rodeado de bosques y montañas. Sin embargo, su vida cambió la noche en que encontró el abismo. Era una grieta en la tierra, oculta entre las ruinas de un templo olvidado. De su interior emanaba una brisa helada y susurros en un idioma antiguo. Atraído por una extraña sensación, Lucas se acercó y, al asomarse, vio algo imposible: en el fondo del abismo brillaban estrellas que no pertenecían al cielo. —Bienvenido, aprendiz—susurró una voz en su mente. Antes de que pudiera reaccionar, una sombra salió disparada y lo envolvió. --- Capítulo 2: Pactos y Secretos Lucas despertó en su habitación, pero algo había cambiado. Su reflejo en el espejo parpadeaba con ojos que no eran suyos, y en su brazo derecho había una marca oscura con forma de espiral. Un anciano misterioso, llamado Maelgrim, apareció en el pueblo ese mismo día. Le reveló a Lucas que el abismo era un portal a una dimensión olvidada, y que él había sido elegido como su próximo guardián. —No es un don, muchacho. Es una maldición—le advirtió el anciano—. Pero si no aprendes a controlarla, el abismo te consumirá. Lucas debía decidir: ignorar su destino o aceptar el entrenamiento para dominar la magia del abismo. --- Capítulo 3: Criaturas de la Oscuridad Lucas aceptó el entrenamiento. Maelgrim lo llevó a las profundidades de una caverna donde el tiempo y el espacio parecían retorcerse. Allí, enfrentó a su primera prueba: un ser hecho de sombras llamado Noctus. —Si no lo dominas, te devorará—le dijo el anciano. Lucas usó la marca de su brazo y, con gran esfuerzo, sintió que podía comunicarse con la criatura. En lugar de luchar, estableció un vínculo con ella. Noctus se convirtió en su primera aliada. Sin embargo, algo peor acechaba en el abismo. Criaturas mucho más antiguas y peligrosas se estaban despertando, y pronto el mundo entero estaría en peligro. Lucas era solo un aprendiz, pero el destino del abismo y de su mundo estaba en sus manos. --- ¿Qué te parece este inicio? ¿Quieres que siga la historia?
Gonza_Sosa · 128 Views

QT: I hijacked a harem system and now I'm ruining every plot(GL)

[WSA 2025] At the Edge of the Void… A soft blue light hums, pulsing with energy, its robotic voice ringing with purpose. > "Do you accept me, System 0404, the Harem-Building System?" A young man in his twenties, eyes shining with excitement, eagerly responds: > "YES!" The blue light flares— The universe shifts— The binding process begins— DING! > [System Successfully Bound to…] …Daphne Han? ??? ??? *** System: "If you’re going to RUIN the harem-building mission, I’m not helping you!" Daphne: "Okay, I’ll just win without you." System: "…Wait, what?" *** World one: Male Lead: "Why are my offers disappearing?!" Daphne: "Oh? Maybe you just weren’t talented enough." System: "YOU CAN’T JUST DELETE THE PROTAGONIST!" - Actress #1: "Wait, I actually love acting, not this forced romance subplot?" Actress #2: "Oh wow, working under Daphne is way better than chasing ML’s validation." Male Lead: "WHERE DID MY HAREM GO?!" System: "DON'T RUIN THE PLOT!" - Villainess: "What do you want in return for everything?" Daphne: "You." System: "NOOOO, SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE HIS FINAL LOVE INTEREST!" World two: Emperor: "You were supposed to compete for my favor!" Daphne: "Nah. I’m the one with favor now." Heroine: "Can I join your court instead?" System: "THAT'S NOT HOW HAREM DRAMAS WORK!" *** CEO: "I was supposed to be her fate!" Demon Lord: "SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO REDEEM ME!" Imperial Prince: "What do you MEAN she’s not interested in me anymore?!" System: "THIS IS NOT HOW THESE STORIES WORK." NB: Currently 6 worlds/arcs (more to come) Yuri/GL No harem Female alpha? Futa? Won't you find out. Updates weekly
Sofie_Vert01 · 77.4K Views

Setting souls

The two men couldn't have looked more out of place on the cold afternoon streets of New Hadepee. The first was a scrawny fellow, no taller than five foot eight, wearing a white shirt marred with ugly reddish-brown stains and a pair of plain tan pants. His companion, by contrast, carried himself with an air of quiet authority—a regal-looking man with a neatly trimmed black beard, wrapped in a great black coat with a red scarf pulled snug around his neck. "I heard the man himself has come back," the one in the stained shirt said, carefully balancing on the curb with his arms outstretched. "Oh? And where did you hear that?" his companion asked, turning his head with amusement to watch the precarious balancing act. "Welp, the sergeant major told me to go down to Olker, so I figured that could only mean he's back," the man in the white shirt replied. "Vistor has close cultural and political ties with the kingdom of Olker. Don't you think it's just a protection job?" the older man in black inquired, a hint of humor in his voice. "Oh, come on, Mang, you know they'd never give someone like me a protection job," the man in the white shirt scoffed, jumping off the curb and spinning around a lamppost. The older man—now known as Mang—came to a halt, reaching into his coat and pulling out an envelope. "Well, Tai, I suppose you're wrong." Mang handed the envelope to him. Tai peeled open the envelope, sliding out the letter and studying it carefully. "Oh wow, so Marlin is marrying the queen of those people?" he asked with a shrug. "She is not a queen. Don't let anyone call her that," Mang snapped. "And if her people weren't so damn difficult, we would have annexed them already." "So we let them succeed but not Gascon? Whose idea was that? They're more like us than those humans are," Tai said, frowning. "Gascon was willing to sell to the Emperor for a small chunk of change," Mang quipped. "The Noctrous family was not." "Ok so what's that matter, all we need is a little persuasion to change their minds? We killed the chief of Gnomandale and sent his stuffed head back to them, then they sold Gnomendale to us. All we need to do to get Olker is beat the hell out of Sylvie and she will sell." Tai folds the letter and places it back into the envelope. "Tai, the people of Vistor don't have the heart to see us beat up the Eladrin people like we did the Gnomes, and plus their Chief tramp Silvye is much too pretty for us to put her head on a stick."  "Welp, it's our loss," Tai muttered, spitting onto the sidewalk. "No, it's not. Not if Chester is back…" Tai frowned. "What's Chester gonna do?" "Last I recall, his fallout with Sylvie wasn't just a petty disagreement. Before he died, he built a fleet of ships and hid them in a cove somewhere. If he wanted revenge, all he'd need is an army." "And who the hell would fight for him?" "The same people who fight for us—the poor." This is a prequel to Then Maker, another story of mine. The writing may feel somewhat outdated compared to my more recent work, but it consists of a series of scenes that occur before the main events of the novel. The description is one of my most recent pieces, which is why it differs in style from the rest of the book.
Thornton_Chase · 1.6K Views

Writer's Pov: I'll become the Novelist who goes down in history.

"How can a person plan to go through history when 35 of their books were all rejected?" Well, that's Manon, a teenager with the wildest imagination. Manon had only one wish. She made that wish every single day, but nothing happened until the necklace entered her life. "Where am I?" "Good afternoon, Miss Manon. How was your day?" Manon's eyes were wide open. "Are you my necklace?" "Yes, I am, and you can talk." "Wow! Can I ask one last thing? Am I sleeping?" "No, you're not." Manon tried to faint, until she saw the necklace turn into something. "Are you a bunny now? How did you...?" "There's more where that came from," it replied. "And I will grant you each power to become the novelist who goes down in history. But you have to go through some processes." "What do you mean? What's with that mischievous smile you're having? I don't like it," Manon said, her eyebrows furrowed, her blue eyes looking at the bunny. Her eyes got even wider when it turned into a bird. "First, you go through relationships: have your first kiss, make out, then you unlock a new power to be able to write. The more levels you obtain, the bigger the price. Your reward for your next mission is Romance. You write to make people reading it feel like they are there." "What do you mean by 'making out'? Don't worry, in time you will learn. Trust me, it's going to be fun." "How can I trust a necklace that talks, turns into a rabbit, then a bird?" It looked at her. "Fair enough. So, are you ready to have your first mission? Look at your watch." "What watch?" Manon looked at her left hand. "Oh. How? Talking necklace, I'm not surprised for some reason." "First Mission: Fall in love and date the most famous and cutest guy in your high school." "What?!" How will Manon take this new mission? Stay tuned to know more missions she is going to entangle. Will Manon's quest for literary greatness lead her to immortality, or will the secrets she uncovers rewrite her destiny in ways she never expected?
Favour_ada_14 · 4K Views

I am supplementing the database in the cultivation world

When Ma Nong Mo'an was struggling to type data, he accidentally crossed over and became a passerby in the cultivation literature. Good news, the body is connected to big data, it seems like a golden finger; The bad news is that we have to replenish the database before we can go home... Wow, no matter how long we cross over, it's fate! The database of the entire cultivation world is so vast that it cannot be replenished, it cannot be replenished at all! In order to survive, Mo An could only barely enter the libraries of various major sects to copy books and supplement data, striving to be a knowledge transporter. But unexpectedly, moving around, he became the savior of the sect?! The master brother was poisoned and the dantian was destroyed. Oh, it's not a big problem. Big data can analyze toxins and provide on-site teaching for surgical repair of dantian. Second Senior Brother has demonic bloodline and is hiding silently, afraid to reveal his true face to others? Oh, what a big deal! Big data activates dual bloodline skills, switch anytime, seamlessly connect. Little senior sister is beautiful and can still refine weapons, but she was captured by the demon race after being noticed? Don't worry, big data detection and scanning have directly reached the lair of the demon race. Are there not enough talismans for the demons to launch a massive attack? Try using a rune printing machine, print one sack at a time. Evil energy invaded, and a large number of cultivators' hearts were destroyed. When a divine consciousness brick fell, they immediately became clear and refreshed. The evil energy disappeared, and Mo An himself did not expect it. He only worked as a code farmer in the cultivation world, but managed to become a junior sister in the entire cultivation world, and even saved the cultivation world!
lvv7788 · 105.4K Views

The Reborn - Legacy of the Eternal Realms (Season 2)

Book Information & Story Outline Title: The Reborn Luna CEO: Legacy of the Eternal Realms (Season 2) Genre: Romance | Billionaire | Werewolf | CEO | Reincarnation | Fantasy | Time Travel | Multiverse Synopsis: Seraphina Moonveil, once a feared CEO and a powerful Luna, thought she had reclaimed her destiny. But fate has more in store. An ancient prophecy resurfaces, binding her existence to the balance of the multiverse. To uncover the truth of her past and her ultimate purpose, she must journey through legendary realms-where myths become reality and gods walk among mortals. From Wonderland’s twisted illusions to the magic of Hogwarts, from the lost past of the Alpha and Vampire world to the ancient kingdom of Sun Wukong, Seraphina and her allies must face unimaginable challenges. Betrayal, war, and the weight of an eternal legacy threaten to consume her. As past, present, and future collide, Seraphina must make an impossible choice will she forge her own fate, or is she bound by a destiny written long before her rebirth? Story Outline: 1 : The Awakening & Wonderland . Seraphina’s new journey begins when a mysterious force pulls her into Wonderland. With the White Rabbit as a guide, she must navigate a realm of illusions and twisted truths to find the key to her past. 2: The Alpha & Vampire Kingdoms . Seraphina is thrown back in time to witness the origins of the Werewolves and Vampires, where forbidden love and betrayal shape the fate of their world. 3: The Wizarding World & Hidden Prophecy . An unexpected portal leads her to the world of Hogwarts, where she learns that magic is not just in wands—but in the very fabric of existence. Secrets of her lineage and power are uncovered. 4: The Monkey King & the War of Gods . Seraphina’s journey takes her to the ancient Eastern realms, where Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King, reveals a divine war that threatens all worlds. 5: Return to the Human World & Final Battle . The human world is no longer safe. Seraphina and her allies are hunted, forced into a final battle where only one side can emerge victorious. The fate of all realms rests in her hands. 2. Main Characters Seraphina Moonveil (FMC) Once a ruthless CEO and Luna, now the key to the multiverse’s fate Strong-willed, intelligent, and a natural leader Possesses rare magic that ties her to all realms Torn between her past, present, and future Kael Blackwood Alpha King and Seraphina’s destined mate Fiercely protective but harbors dark secrets Struggles between duty and love Lucian Duskbane Vampire Lord from the lost kingdom of blood Cold and calculating but has a soft spot for Seraphina Knows more about the prophecy than he admits Evelyn Whitmore A mysterious sorceress from the Wizarding World Holds ancient knowledge about the multiverse Has her own hidden agenda Sun Wukong (The Monkey King) A trickster and warrior from the divine realm Helps Seraphina understand her true power Tests her limits through impossible challenges The Shadow King (Antagonist) A god-like being manipulating fate Seeks to rewrite reality for his own gain The true force behind Seraphina’s rebirth 3. Book Wow Factor ✔ Unique Multiverse Concept – Combining werewolves, vampires, CEOs, reincarnation, and fantasy worlds like Harry Potter and Wonderland. ✔ Strong Female Lead – Seraphina is not just a damsel in distress; she is a leader, strategist, and warrior. ✔ Epic World-Building – Every realm has its own rules, history, and challenges, making the adventure unpredictable. ✔ Complex Relationships – Love, betrayal, power struggles, and alliances that shift as the story unfolds. ✔ High-Stakes Action & Magic – From battles in the werewolf kingdom to magic duels in Hogwarts and wars among gods. ✔ Emotional Depth – Themes of fate, identity, sacrifice, and choosing one’s own path.
revilinejameswang · 13K Views


Abhi ; there is no need for that baby , we will learn the rest of the things together!! Wife1; you are really good at flirting.. Abhi; no no... These kinds of things comes in my mind when I'm with her! Wife2; wow , I guess you are really Lucky ishana ,that you got a life partner like him.... You will enjoy your life with him by your side ... Ishana; okay enough.... enough about me.... let's talk about you guys!! So tell me how's your married life going? And this question is for both of you.. Cousin 2; it's going perfectly fine... Cousin 1; yah exactly it's perfectly fine Ishana; on the bed? Abhi; ( what the hell she said just now is she this shameless, if she is this Frank then why she never talk to me like this, I wish she'll talk to me like that because I want to be the closest person in her life) Cousin 1 ; I don't think you should ask this question this much frankly Cousin 2 ; yah like we are here with 3 outsider how will they think about us !! Ishana; why I feel like you are avoiding my question... Cousin 1; yep I think we should focus on you it's not a good place to talk personal matter!! Right abhi!! Abhi; what will I say in this I don't know how close you guys are to talk like this I'm quite stunned to see this bond between you guys ... It's really good if we can solve other problem.... Ishana; (I went close to abhi and wishper in his ear ) take my cousin in law with you and talk to them !! Abhi; okay.. Cousin in law would you like to come and have a drink with me. Wife 1; whom you are asking?? Abhi ; both of you, I would like to talk to you guys... Wife 2 ; okay let's go ( We are on the other side of the terrace where we cant here what are they talking) Ishana; now you can tell me whats the problem!! Cousin 1 ; there is nothing !! To tell you... Cousin 2; ya he is right there is nothing to tell you!! Ishana; then why the hell there's an awkwardness between you guys ... As if you never talk to each other!! Just living in a room like a roommate Cousin 1; it's just 3 years of our marriage, we are still trying to understand each other.... Ishana; what's there to understand?? You.... you guys never slept together and you never got attracted to each other?? Its A Story About A Girl Who Wanted To Fight For Herself To This Dominating Society. She Wanted To Stand For Herself Not Like Other Girls Who Just Suffer From It...... This Story Is All About How she fell In Love At First Sight, But She Dont Want To Merry The Guy She Fell In Love With, Because She Wanted To Prove That She Can Live Alone..... And Enjoy The Life Alone Without Anyone By Her Side..... #Romance, #Comedy,#18+,#Love INTRODUCTION OF THE CHARACTERS Main Lead Profession Age 1.Abhishek Doctor 27 2.ishana Doctor 25 SIDE CHARACTERS 1.DAD 2. MOM 3. BROTHER 4.RELATIVES Make Sure You Are 18+.. I Know That You Are 18+ Since Birth!!
Goddessofdevil_688 · 78.8K Views

The Drunkard

"This is a fantastic supernatural Western that oozes tension, grit, and mythic heft. Elias Thorne is a fascinating antihero; the curse is sinister, the villains are mundane and eldritch, and the unyielding pressure applies. This is more than another gunslinger story because of the balance of horror, fate, and moral choice; it’s about the will’s ability to fight against the inevitable." Character: Elias Thorne Charismatic, imperfect, and balancing on the line between survival and damnation. His arc is riveting, transforming from reckless gambler to self-sacrificing bearer of the burden. This will make readers root for him and fear for him. The Curse & Its Rules The idea of “borrowed luck” is pretty simple and yet horrifying. The gradual unraveling of Elias’s fortune provides natural suspense, and the Collector as its enforcer makes it all the more ominous. Malachai & The Collector Malachai himself is an intimate, humanistic danger, while the Collector is a more inexplicably dark and inescapable force that lends Elias’s fate a sense of claustrophobia. Their give-and-take maintains the tension. Moral Dilemma  The central question of sacrificing another or suffering the curse himself raises this above a mere survival story. That internal struggle is what will haunt readers. Cinematic Atmosphere: Dusty saloons, moonlit canyons, a town where curses are the currency—it drips with style. It’s a Western at its core but sprinkled with unsettling, supernatural dread. Areas for Enhancement: The Connection Currently, she mainly describes the curse and helps Elias on his journey. Make it personal; give her something to lose. Maybe she wants the amulet back, or she has her own desperate agenda. The Collector’s Voice It’s sinister, but how does it talk? If it had a sense of comedic absurdity, if it addressed him in riddles that pile onto Elias’s decisions, it would be much scarier. More Western-Infused Prose Your world seems increasingly Western, but you could drive the dialogue and narration deeper into the biting, poetic Western voice (Blood Meridian, The Sisters Brothers) and go a long way toward treating the reader to more immersion. [Book Wow Factor] That is a very powerful basis. With just a few tweaks to Selene and the Collector and a touch more Western style infusing the prose, this could be an instant classic. If this were on your shelf, you would snatch it up.
iandino_dinoian · 4.5K Views
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