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Volleyball Poses

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Luo Huian était la plus belle, la plus forte et la plus narcissique —— Coupez ! Coupez ! Coupez ! Reprenez et refaites-le. Luo Huian était l'immortelle la plus belle, la plus forte et la plus sage dans le royaume de paix et d'harmonie. Ses deux pères l'adoraient et elle disposait d'une généreuse provision de ressources et de pilules. Sa vie était parfaite. Cependant, sa vie parfaite prit fin brusquement lorsque Luo Huian, une immortelle dont la responsabilité était de apporter la paix à ceux qui avaient atteint leur fin et avaient perdu la foi —— Regarda un homme sauter d'un immeuble. À cause de ses croyances inflexibles et de son sens de la justice, elle ne sauva pas le brute. Malheureusement, cet homme était le fils des cieux. La perte de sa vie apporta des ennuis infinis dans la vie de Luo Huian et elle fut punie par les cieux. Elle fut envoyée dans le monde des humains où elle devait sauver au moins cinq cents personnes en sauvant leurs vies lorsqu'ils étaient au bout de leur rouleau. Pour une immortelle, c'était un travail facile, non ? Faux. Sa grand-mère envoya Luo Huian dans un monde où les Roche Sombre avaient semé le chaos. Des bêtes et des monstres naissaient des Roche Sombre qui suçaient chaque once de bonheur des humains. Ce monde était dominé par des chasseurs qui pouvaient tuer les bêtes avec les pouvoirs qu'ils avaient éveillés. Et dans ce monde impitoyable, Luo Huian obtint la plus mauvaise part. Elle se réveilla dans le corps d'un chasseur de classe F ! Zut alors. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, l'ancien propriétaire avait avoué son amour à son cousin par alliance et avait été chassé de la famille. Double malchance dans la marmite bouillante. Sans un seul sou en poche, Luo Huian part accomplir sa mission. Mais que se passerait-il lorsque Luo Huian, qui était un chasseur de classe F, anéantirait les Gloires et Cavités de classe Z que même les chasseurs de classe S ne pouvaient pas ? Regardez-la lutter contre les dangers et en même temps sauver la vie des gens. Mais dans cette petite mission, il y a un petit obstacle —— Les trois tentations alléchantes. *********** Résistance à la tentation prise 1 : « MMPH », Luo Huian poussa contre le mer qui l'avait allongée sur le lit en s'asseyant sur sa taille. « Descends. » « Je ne peux pas », répondit Qi Yongrui en retirant sa chemise. « Papa Shun a dit qu'il enviait l'Oncle Wang. Il veut aussi tenir un petit-enfant. Alors, chérie, travaillons dur ce soir, d'accord ? » Luo Huian : Chers Cieux sauvez-moi, je suis une femme sans désirs ! **** Résistance à la tentation prise 2 : « Penses-tu qu'il est beau ? » Fan Meilin interrogea la femme qui se tenait à côté de lui. Bien qu'il ait gagné la course et le trophée, sa femme regardait l'autre mer. « Eh bien oui », Luo Huian, qui appréciait la beauté, acquiesça immédiatement. « Pourquoi poses-tu cette question ? » Les yeux de Fan Meilin brillèrent alors qu'il lui souriait et se penchait vers elle pour lui murmurer à l'oreille, « Il peut être beau, mais je suis meilleur conducteur. Non seulement sur la piste mais aussi au lit, veux-tu essayer chérie ? » Luo Huian : Résiste à la tentation ! À tout prix ! Je suis une femme au cœur de fer. ***** Résistance à la tentation prise 3 : « Est-ce nécessaire ? » Luo Huian interrogea alors qu'elle était assise sur le canapé, observant le mer tracer ses doigts sur ses courbes alors qu'elle était vêtue seulement d'un maillot de bain moderne. Le mer acquiesça tout en écrivant sur son petit carnet, « Je dois tracer chaque pouce de ta peau pour créer ma plus belle création, alors ne bouge pas. » Après avoir fini d'écrire, il tendit le carnet à Luo Huian, ses doigts effleurant la courbe de sa poitrine, de sa taille et ——— Luo Huian : Ma vertu est en grand danger ! ** Fl qui essaie de faire tout pour sauvegarder sa vertu car cela ralentirait sa cultivation X Mls qui font de leur mieux pour la lui prendre. *********** Avertissement : bien que le livre soit dans un contexte comique, il pourrait y avoir des sujets délicats abordant la dépression et la solitude. ***********
fairytail72 · 31.5K Views

El Mayor Mago de la Tierra

Se dice que la historia está escrita por los vencedores. Si es así, ¿qué hay de la Historia de la Tierra? Hace dos milenios, un joven llamado Emery encontró un destino trágico. En sus momentos finales, fue transmigrado y aceptado en la escuela de magia más prestigiosa del Universo. "Estás entre los pocos elegidos de miles de mundos humanos. Si aprovechas esta oportunidad o no, depende de ti. Estás en la Academia de Magos, la cúspide de la ingeniosidad humana. La magia, la ciencia y la fuerza están al alcance de quienes se atreven a perseguirlas." [Escaneo completo - Cuádruple afinidad. Agua, Tierra, Planta, y Oscuridad.] "¡Un acólito cuádruple! ¡Solo uno en decenas de miles de acólitos posee esto!" Así comenzó el viaje de Emery junto con sus 4 amigos desde el rincón más lejano de la Tierra. Cada año regresaban a Tierra para crecer, buscar venganza, salvar a la princesa, conquistar el mundo y convertirse en El Mayor Mago de la Tierra. Sus nombres aún están grabados en nuestros libros de historia hasta el día de hoy. Nota del Autor: Siempre me ha fascinado escribir fantasía relacionada con hechos históricos. En esta historia, encontrarás personajes inspirados en mitos y leyendas del mundo real. El universo que creé, espero, hará que la imaginación del lector se excite y sea lógicamente plausible. Espero que lo disfruten. ### Aquí hay algunos aspectos clave que encontrarás: MC: El protagonista sigue el arco clásico de débil a fuerte. Mundo: Imagina una mezcla de Harry Potter y Star Wars. Sistema: Aunque es principalmente una historia basada en la magia, hay un sistema estructurado que es fácil de seguir. Además, elementos de cultivación. Harem: No, hay varios intereses femeninos. Pero disfruto primero del romance. Así que incluso si hay más de un interés amoroso, será profundo. Nota: El inglés no es mi primer idioma, pero notarán que mis habilidades de escritura y en inglés mejoran gradualmente a lo largo de los capítulos. Otros: La novela profundiza en una intensa investigación sobre ciencia e historia, enriqueciendo la trama con detalles factuales e intrigantes. Dale una oportunidad de lectura, podrías sorprenderte gratamente con lo que se desarrolla. Mira el tráiler de video en youtube, escribe "El Mayor Mago de la Tierra"
Avan · 15 Views


Vero Luxe, my fashion brand, recently faced a crushing blow when I lost NZD 7,000,000 to a fraudulent franchise opportunity. What initially seemed like a promising chance to expand the brand quickly turned into a devastating scam. The franchise, which appeared legitimate, turned out to be non-existent, and the funds I invested were stolen by fraudsters posing as business partners. The financial loss was staggering, but the emotional toll particularly the loss of trust was even harder to bear. Having built Vero Luxe’s reputation over years in New Zealand's competitive fashion market, I feared this betrayal could have irreparably damaged everything. Yet, I knew I had to act fast to recover and protect the brand. That’s when I turned to CRYPTO RECOVERY CONSULTANT. Their team of experts swiftly investigated the fraud, tracing its origins and identifying the perpetrators. Thanks to their thorough work, I was able to pursue legal action and collaborate with authorities to track down and recover the stolen funds. With CRYPTO RECOVERY CONSULTANT expertise, I was able to reclaim the majority of the NZD 7,000,000. Their professionalism and coordination with financial institutions and law enforcement were critical in restoring the financial health of Vero Luxe and preventing further damage to its reputation. This experience taught me the vital importance of vigilance and working with trusted experts when navigating business opportunities. While expansion comes with inherent risks, the right support can make all the difference. Thanks to CRYPTO RECOVERY CONSULTANT, I was able to recover the funds and refocus on growing Vero Luxe’s future in New Zealand’s fashion industry. Moving forward, I’ll never take anything for granted and will always vet opportunities thoroughly before making significant financial commitments. contact; cry ptorecoveryconsultant312[@]zohomail,,com / +19842580430
Isak_Roald · 333 Views

Kindred Hearts Esper Chronicles

In the year 1995, a crystalline meteor hurtled towards Earth and crashed in the forests of Aomori, spreading clouds of mysterious dust upon its impact. These dust clouds contain a mysterious substance that turns children and teenagers alike into Espers, human beings gifted with supernatural powers known as Sigils. Some have telekinetic powers, others can control elemental properties and some of them have mind-control powers. As time passes, Espers faces prejudice from normal people due to their powers, fearing that they might replace them. Some of them even think that Espers must be eradicated. There are even people who want to capture Espers and exploit their Sigils. On that day, an organization dedicated to researching and defending these supernatural youngsters known as Lazuline was formed. They even built a paradise for them known as Azure City, an artificial island located on the temperate waters of Sagami Bay, Japan. However, Azure City was just a temporary solution to the Espers. Eldritch beings known as Deviants invaded the city and the shadow of a mysterious consortium loomed upon its supernatural inhabitants, and they must fight back for their rights to live. These are the stories of their struggles and their daily life amidst the threat posed by the evil forces. Cover illustration by Reei_ReIN Original character design and story concept by Farhan Gustama Hartono and Alfredo Chandra Special thanks to Gregorio Corigliano, Jacob Furrier, Grant Felix, Rizqy Abd, Bernice Neoh, OldManTai and Tatyina
Fargusno7930 · 25.5K Views

Ascension (Book 1): The Awakening

In a future where the Inter-Continental Alliance (I-CA) strives to maintain a fragile peace amidst a planet teeming with threats, Rear Admiral Amelia Valerie stands as a beacon of resilience and leadership. Tasked with defending the I-CA High Command on the Moon, Valerie is thrust into the epicenter of a looming conflict that threatens to unravel the very fabric of their civilization. Valerie's journey is marked by her struggle to balance duty and morality. As she navigates through treacherous political landscapes and faces enigmatic adversaries like the formidable 'Sins', she grapples with decisions that could either save or doom her people. The sudden appearance of a colossal entity near the mining stations around the asteroid belt exacerbates the instability within the I-CA. This mysterious entity poses an existential threat that Valerie must decode and confront. Amidst the escalating tension, Valerie's leadership is tested as she attempts to communicate and negotiate with this new adversary, all while managing internal dissent and the constant pressure from higher-ups. Her strategic mind and calm demeanor in the face of total annihilation reflect her seasoned experience, but the emotional toll of her decisions weighs heavily on her. As alliances shift and hidden agendas come to light, Valerie finds herself questioning the very foundations of the I-CA and her role within it. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Valerie must harness her inner strength and the support of her loyal crew to navigate the perils ahead and awaken a new dawn for her people. "Ascension: The Awakening" is a gripping tale of courage, loyalty, and the relentless pursuit of peace in a universe on the brink of chaos. Through Valerie's eyes, readers are drawn into a world where the line between right and wrong is blurred, and the true cost of leadership is revealed.
Ay82473 · 2K Views

L'excentrique de la meute : Un mystre dvoiler

Dans le monde des loups-garous, des sorcires et des vampires, aadhya, une humaine, s'est toujours demand si elle avait vraiment sa place dans cet univers. Peu importe le nombre de fois o elle s'est pose la question, la rponse tait toujours la mme... OUI Ses parents taient l'un des couples de betas les plus puissants (seconds en commandement) de leur poque sur tout le continent. Mais mme avec le sang de beta qui coulait dans ses veines, aadhya savait qu'elle tait diffrente de tous les loups-garous qu'elle avait rencontrs dans sa vie. Elle n'avait pas les sens surdvelopps des loups-garous, elle ne s'tait mme pas transforme en loup lorsqu'elle avait atteint l'ge appropri, ce qui l'avait automatiquement catalogue comme "l'trangre de la meute". Mme aprs avoir t traite comme une paria, harcele par les autres enfants loups et se rveillant chaque jour avec ce rire inquitant et ce cauchemar qui semblait toujours trop rel pour n'tre qu'un rve, elle ne s'est jamais laisse abattre. Elle s'est pousse au maximum et s'est entrane comme tous les loups de leur meute. C'tait le jour de son vingtime anniversaire lorsqu'elle a soudainement ressenti les 'picotements de l'me soeur' au contact de son bourreau numro un, le futur alpha de leur meute Ethan Smith. Elle savait que rien n'allait tre normal partir du moment o elle avait ressenti ce premier frisson mais elle ne savait pas que rien dans sa vie n'a jamais t normal depuis qu'elle est venue au monde. Ethan acceptera-t-il le don du lien de l'me soeur et laissera-t-il derrire lui sa petite amie qui est une louve de haut rang pour une humaine ? aadhya survivra-t-elle tout ce qui va bientt se drouler sur son chemin ? Rejoignez aadhya dans le voyage de sa vie qui est rempli de mystres, d'action, de romance et de nombreux rebondissements.. Lisez «The Pack's Weirdo: A mystery to Unveil» pour tmoigner des montagnes russes d'motions et voir comment la vie d'une humaine ordinaire 'aadhya' se dploie dans le monde des loups-garous. Dj aim et apprci par des milliers de lecteurs travers le monde sur diffrentes plateformes de livres lectroniques. La premire uvre signe de l'auteur Mudita Upreti.
Mudita Upreti · 35.5K Views

The Last Broadcast

In the remote, fog-shrouded town of Millhaven, superstition holds sway, and silence is salvation. Embarrassed radio DJ Jack Mercer is back in his hometown in one final attempt at salvaging his career, going live on a Halloween broadcast to reveal the town's darkest tale: the Revenant, a ghost said to take one soul every decade. But Millhaven's inhabitants—tightly lipped and haunted by centuries of guilt—won't talk about the curse, forcing Jack to rummage through decaying archives and deserted buildings for clues. When he discovers a decades-old diary of Evelyn Carter, a woman who disappeared while searching for the Revenant, Jack learns a chilling truth: the villagers' forebears summoned the creature, sacrificing lives for temporary peace. Jack knows the Revenant is no legend as his broadcast plans come apart—equipment breaking down, figures haunting the abandoned town hall. It's alive. And it's hungry. Halloween night, Jack's live broadcast, and the town's suppressed transgressions boil over. The listeners are overwhelmed by shrieked voices through static images of their worst regrets. Cornered in the hall with the Revenant's claws around his throat, Jack is presented with a terrible decision: die to shatter the cycle or escape, dooming Millhaven to perpetual suffering. But the Revenant has an endless hunger, and Jack's broadcast—a twisted, repeating scream—could have released the curse into the world. A terrifying investigation of guilt, complicity, and the price of truth, The Last Broadcast poses the question: What if the things we bury never die? And what if the horror we dread most is the horror we've already become?
MSarA · 3K Views

The hollow Within

Do you believe in magic? The answer of most will be no. But what if magic DID exsist? To some, it might just be your typical average story. But this has an element of unpredictability mixed in between. Their lives were similar to the two sides of a coin. In order to flee from a perpetually toxic relationship, she offers to him, a proposal he would have never expected. Diego Raymond, desperate to prevent the element from being revealed, has no other option but to concur. Diane Lewis was a normal teenage girl from an aristocratic family. But since she met HIM, her view of the world turned upside down. "How is that even possible?" She asked, mouth agape. He smiled at her, showing a perfect set of snow-white teeth. "With magic, anything is possible." Horn your skills and train your ability. "I will protect you." She said, with a determined gaze. "You can Barely even protect yourself. You are not strong enough." He retorted. "Then, just wait for Me to get stronger." She said, with a smile. "You have no right to be here. We cut ties remember?" Dennis, the man she acknowledged as her Older brother, posed that question, while glaring at her fiercely. "I am not here for you. I am here for the family. There are still people I treasure in this place. So let me through or else..." She completed her statement by majestically drawing out her sword. So many secrets lay hidden. Injustice in the form of justice. Lies, fabricated to become truth. Deception roams around, unleashed. And a Naive girl, who had never seen the shadow that lurked around in the abyss. Will her Destiny be actualized, saving those which she held dear to her heart? Or will she be overwhelmed by the challenges of her new world, succumbing gradually underneath the waves, which seek to devour Her whole, perishing alongside her family?
Oliviana_Peterson · 32.7K Views

The Immortals: Odyssey

In the dawn of time, a family of ordinary sailors and fishermen unknowingly stumbles upon a fate that would forever alter their destiny. A goddess, angered by their alleged act of theft against her, cursed them to sail the seas eternally, plundering treasures and pillaging wealth. And they came to be known as the first pirates to ever exist. This curse, however, came with an unexpected twist; immortality. For centuries, the family navigated the treacherous waters, exploiting their newfound gift, to amass power and riches. They became the stuff of legend, feared and revered by all who crossed their path. Their dreaded name, "The Damned Ones," struck terror into the hearts of both men and gods. Years passed, and the goddess, seemingly capricious, lifted the curse, allowing the family to set foot on land once again. But this freedom came with a catch; their immortality remained, a double-edged sword that rendered them invincible and more formidable. And as the ages went by, the family's exploits became the tales told in myths and legends, but they themselves, lived among the humans. They built civilizations, sowed chaos, and reveled in their unparalleled power. Even the powerful rulers and other immortal factions trembled at the mention of their name. They were an overpowered, unkillable set of monstrosities that wanted nothing more than to have fun. After years of separation, the family reunites, only to discover that one of them had gone missing. But that was only just the beginning. A new enemy had emerged from the darkness, one who had in his possession a mysterious and terrifying power, one capable of killing even the unkillable family. The family, driven by a mix of concern and self-preservation, put aside their differences and join forces to vanquish the threat. Allied once again as one, their unyielding resolve and unmatched power would be tested like never before, but one thing was certain– they would not go quietly into the night. They had lived for tens of centuries and have gotten unaccustomed to death. The battle for their existence had begun, and the fate of the world hung in the balance. They fought against both old and new foes, in a world where the supernatural was nothing more than a fairy tale, living up to their mythical title as the... IMMORTALS Sneak peak! The sun dipped into the horizon, casting a bloody orange glow over the battle-scarred shore. The air reeked of saltwater, smoke and piles of dead bodies littered the battleground, their limbs twisted in unnatural poses. Amidst the carnage, a burly man stood tall, victorious over a defeated foe, he remained still, taking in the aftermath of the war. His side had emerged victorious, their enemies laid low. A sense of pride and satisfaction swelled within him, but it was short-lived. But his triumph was short-lived. A sudden sharp pricking sensation in his back prompted him to turn around, where he faced a young warrior, shaking with fear, clutching the hilt of a longsword whose blade had pierced through the man's back and was protruding from his gut. The man scoffed and with a swift motion, he reached around and grasped the hilt, pulling the sword from his body. The warrior's eyes widened in horror as the man withdrew the blade, the metal sliding out of his flesh with a sickening squelch. As the sword cleared his body, the man's wounds began to heal at an alarming rate. The gash in his back closed, the skin knitting together with an unnatural speed. The warrior stumbled backward, his eyes fixed on the healing flesh. "You... you're a monster!" The man's gaze locked onto the warrior, his eyes burning with inner fire. "You're right, i am a monster. Stab me a hundred times, decapitate me, entomb me, cut me up into a million pieces and incinerate the parts... I won't stay dead, I'm 'the' immortal, I can't be killed!" And with a swift, deadly motion, the man jabbed the sword into the warrior's throat, ending his life with a single, brutal stroke
Red_Hood69 · 7.3K Views

Universal Power System

By the year 2350, Earth was quite different than the futuristic dystopia that was imagined by scientists and comic book authors alike. With greed and corruption more rampant and powerful than ever, human beings were on the brink of ending humanity itself with countless wars and skirmishes. However, before such a tragedy could become a reality for Earth, an unexpected visitor saved humanity from the brink of self-extinction, one who was suffering from the devastating effects of their own extinction event. Humanity had been searching the cosmos for signs of extraterrestrial life for several centuries now, but they didn't expect was to be discovered by an alien race first who were known as the Yalhvi. The Yalhvi were a supernatural race capable of manipulating elements and using other abilities, something that was only considered Sci-Fi up to that point. After suffering from a similar fate in their home world which ultimately led to the destruction of the whole planet, the remaining Yalhvi swore of violence as they scoured the galaxy in search of another suitable planet to call home. A historic peace treaty was forged; granting the Yalhvi residence on Earth. In exchange, the Yalhvi shared their knowledge and revealed the secrets behind their supernatural abilities. With this newfound understanding, humanity slowly began awakening its very own extraordinary powers. Many discoveries were made and humanity advanced forward at an exponential rate. With the help of the Yalhvi, many more secrets were found and questions answered. Humanity expanded its reach much farther than the solar system, finally making contact with dozens of other species within the galaxy and establishing connections, greatly improving their technology thanks to Yalhvi's architecture and design. However, once again humanity fell victim to greed as they didn’t heed the warnings that Yalhvi had given them. Slowly, a hierarchical system emerged, where the strong reigned supreme and the powerless were oppressed. Wars erupted once again, this time posing an even greater threat than nuclear warfare, threatening to destroy all this great progress and risk the very survival of the human race once again. Amidst the chaos, ten courageous warriors arose, standing united to end the devastating conflicts that plagued their world and achieve some semblance of peace. *************** “We welcome humanity to the beginning of a new year and a new century. May we continue to flourish and make many more advancements in the coming years! Here’s to making more cherished memories in 2600!” As the holographic image of a spokesperson projected across Emerald City, announcing the arrival of a brand new year, a young boy named Mako walked through a dimly lit alley, his discontent brewing within. "Humph! Another year of happiness reserved for the privileged and wealthy. For us, it's more of the same," Mako muttered to himself as he continued walking through the alley. Little did he know that a new enemy was about to reveal itself, threatening the destruction of the entire Milky Way Galaxy, and with the dawn of this new year, a path would unveil that destiny had intricately woven for him to become the one who would either save the galaxy or lead to its destruction if he were to fail. Amidst the struggles and injustices, Mako's role in shaping the future would be the key to the survival of trillions of living beings, challenging the oppressive forces that sought to maintain control over everything. *************** If you like this novel then please consider adding them to your Library! Join the Discord: Follow me on Instagram: @the.real.kingu
KingU · 1.4M Views

A Wish For Tomorrow

A wish for tomorrow follows the emotional journey of Lysander and Amara, two cancer patients whose lives intertwine in a hospital, where their contrasting outlooks on life form the core of their story. Amara, a hopeful young woman full of dreams and aspirations, is determined to live despite the harsh financial and medical challenges posed by her illness. Lysander, on the other hand, has given up on life, burdened by his inner struggles and the weight of his condition. Despite their differences, they become close friends, with Amara bringing light into Lysander’s dark world. As their bond deepens, Lysander begins to realize his feelings for Amara, but it’s too late — Amara’s cancer has progressed to its final stages. Determined to fulfill her last wishes, Lysander takes Amara on a journey to check off her dreams. Together, they visit meaningful places, experience new adventures, and embrace the joy of living in her final days. Amidst the pain, they share tender moments, including a promise of marriage that Lysander hopes will provide both of them with a sense of peace and closure. Despite their best efforts, time is not on their side. As Amara's health deteriorates, their love story takes a heartbreaking turn. On the day they marry, just as Lysander is about to kiss his bride, Amara slips away, leaving him devastated. Her passing, however, is not without solace. She dies content, knowing her wishes were fulfilled and that she was loved deeply. Lysander is left to carry her memory, living a life full of grief, but also gratitude for the time they shared. Wishes Beyond the Diagnosis is a poignant tale of love, loss, and the power of hope. It explores the intersection of life and death, showing how even in the face of terminal illness, the desire to fulfill dreams and cherish moments can leave an indelible impact on the heart. Through their journey, Lysander and Amara teach us that even when time is short, love can create a lifetime of memories.
Himanshu_M7738 · 4.6K Views

Transmigró en los años 90 como una pequeña bola de masa

Song Qiaoxi, un huérfano, transmigró en un libro. Se convirtió en una niña pequeña en los años 90 y fue mimada por toda la familia. Sin embargo, este niño estaba lleno de pensamientos negros, blancos por fuera y negros por dentro. Song Qiaoxi, que se enteró de la trama, se niega a seguir siendo el niño travieso. ¿No es mejor ser una buena chica con cinco tensiones y cuatro bellezas con un desarrollo integral de la moral, la inteligencia, la fisicalidad y el arte? Los padres se sorprendieron al descubrir que el niño mimado ya no era michielero. Más tarde, el padre Song se convirtió en un magnate de los medios, la madre Song se convirtió en profesora de tiempo completo y la niña malcriada se convirtió en una princesita. Ella también creció y se volvió cada vez más hermosa. Se graduó de una escuela prestigiosa y fue considerada la recién llegada más influyente del círculo. * + * + * Chu Jin es el villano trágico del libro. Sus padres murieron cuando él era un niño. Pero ahora mismo, el futuro villano tiene solo siete años, un pobre niño autista con la ropa rota y cicatrices en las piernas. Song Qiaoxi sacó caramelos de sus bolsillos y levantó las manos en alto, "Aquí hay algunos dulces, ¿seremos buenos socios?" El principal magnate de los negocios en Internet es Chu Jin, que posee un cuerpo y una apariencia comparables a los de las supermodelos, lo que hace que innumerables internautas y chicas famosas anhelen. Poco tiempo después, el joven tirano se casó de repente. Internet estaba sumida en el caos. A pesar de eso, Chu Jin publicó un certificado de matrimonio con una leyenda: Tú eres la luz de mi mundo @Song Qiaoxi
DaotistaCV · 2.6K Views
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