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Mei Ling Kung Fu Panda

Incrível Herdeira Real do Jovem Mestre Fu

Shi Jin era uma mulher desesperada e apenas um rosto bonito em sua vida passada. Ela foi trocada ao nascer e criada em uma família rica, apenas para eventualmente morrer de uma morte horrível. Após renascer, Shi Jin torna-se inteligente, encontra vários apoiadores poderosos, avança muito em sua carreira e deixa os haters chocados. Todos os olhos estão atentos para assistir a sua desgraça. A verdadeira filha da família rica acredita que, se Shi Jin ficasse, ela poderia ser usada como empregada extra. Seu ex-noivo insiste em manter os arranjos de casamento que seus pais concordaram e casar com a garota rica. Todos na família Shi acreditam que ela está acabada na indústria do entretenimento no momento em que deixou a família. Seus antifãs sentem que a única maneira dela se virar é subindo na vida com favores sexuais! Shi Jin recebe muita má imprensa online após ser flagrada comendo com o homem mais rico do mundo. Todos zombam dela por usar seu corpo para se promover no ramo do entretenimento. O homem mais rico do mundo fica intrigado, "Qual é o problema em comer com minha irmã biológica?" Os paparazzi perseguem Shi Jin por três dias e noites quando ela se hospeda em um hotel com uma celebridade internacional. A celebridade internacional comenta, "Há algum problema em discutir o roteiro com minha filha biológica?" Um belo dia, Shi Jin acaba pressionada contra a parede por um enigmático chefe global e é beijada até suas bochechas ficarem ruborizadas. Os paparazzi prontamente guardam suas câmeras e perguntam, "Parentes? Vocês não foram longe demais com o ensaio?" O chefe enigmático: "Vocês têm algum problema com eu beijar minha esposa?"
Sweet Sago · 2.4K Views

Las identidades de la señora Dejan sorprenden a toda la ciudad de nuevo

—Qiao Nian vivió en la casa de la familia Qiao durante 18 años antes de que sus padres biológicos la encontraran. De repente, todas las familias adineradas de la ciudad se enteraron de que la familia Qiao tenía una hija falsa. —La verdadera hija de una familia acaudalada sería talentosa, gentil y amable. —Una hija falsa no sería capaz de adquirir ninguna habilidad y no lograría nada. —¡Todos querían ver cómo de miserable se volvería cuando regresara a su barranco después de ser expulsada de una familia rica! —Qiao Nian también pensaba que sus padres biológicos eran pobres maestros del condado de Luohe. —¡Quién iba a imaginarse que su hermano conducía un Phaeton que valía trescientos mil yuanes! —¡Su padre biológico también era un profesor que enseñaba en la Universidad de Tsinghua! —El gran jefe de la familia de escorias se convirtió en un lamebotas y se inclinó ante su abuelo… —Qiao Nian se quedó boquiabierta. —Ehm… ¡esto no era lo mismo que decir sí! —Después de liberarse de la familia de escorias, Qiao Nian pudo ser ella misma. —Era la estudiante más sobresaliente en el examen de ingreso a la universidad, una estrella de transmisión en vivo y la heredera de una invaluable herencia cultural… Sus identidades se revelaron y cuando comenzó a aparecer en las búsquedas populares en la ciudad, la familia de escorias se volvió verde. —Los antifans se burlaban: «¿Cuál es el punto de intentar fingir una imagen? ¿No te estás pegando a mi hermano todos los días?». —Qiao Nian respondió: Lo siento, pero creo que ya tengo pareja. —Hermano Top: @Qiao Nian. Permíteme presentártela a todos. Esta es mi hermana. —Abuelo adinerado: Querida nieta, ¿por qué trabajas tan duro? ¡Si quieres una bicicleta, el abuelo te la comprará! —Los ricos y poderosos de Pekín propagaron el rumor de que el Maestro Wang escondía a una esposa en su lujosa casa. No importaba cuánto intentaran persuadirlo, nunca la llevaba a conocer a nadie. Si le preguntaban, siempre respondía con la misma frase. «Mi esposa es del campo y es tímida». —Esto sucedió hasta que un día alguien vio al noble y frío Maestro Wang sujetando la delgada cintura de una chica mientras se escondía en un rincón de una pared y murmuraba con los ojos rojos. «Cariño, ¿cuándo me darás un título?». —[Hija falsa proveniente de una verdadera familia adinerada] + [Dos grandes jefes]"
Brother Ling · 531K Views

Acordei Meu Marido Deficiente na Noite de Núpcias!

# 1V1 # AFEIÇÃO COM O TEMPO A madrasta de Shi Qian armou para ela e a forçou a casar com um homem em estado vegetativo. Havia três coisas boas nele. Ele era rico, bonito... e incapaz de acordar! Fu Sinian, que estava em coma por mais de três anos, acordou e descobriu que de repente tinha uma esposa. Sua pequena esposa era clara, linda e tinha pernas longas. "Se você não me ama, eu não preciso de você!" Fu Sinian disse e friamente jogou os papéis do divórcio. *** Não muito tempo depois, a famosa Shi Qian foi flagrada em uma fotografia no luxuoso carro do figurão, Fu Sinian. Fu Sinian esclareceu publicamente e disse, “A Senhorita Shi e eu somos conhecidos.” Internautas: “Vocês são apenas conhecidos? Ambos andando no mesmo carro! Estamos esperando que você nos dê um tapa na cara com suas palavras, Jovem Mestre Fu! Nove milhões de fãs estão assistindo e esperando!” Não muito tempo depois, Shi Qian, que era popular no meio, foi fotografada novamente entrando no hotel ao mesmo tempo que Fu Sinian e só saiu depois de três dias. Fu Sinian esclareceu novamente, “A Senhorita Shi e eu não temos esse tipo de relação. Não estamos namorando.” Internautas: “O Sr. Fu deve ter falhado na sua investida! Se houvesse uma garota que o Jovem Mestre Fu não pode lidar neste mundo, com certeza seria a deusa deles, Shi Qian!” Trinta milhões de fãs continuaram a comer pipoca e assistir ao drama! Mais tarde, Shi Qian, que tem duzentos milhões de fãs, teve enjoo matinal enquanto estava na Cerimônia de Premiação de Melhor Atriz! Fu Sinian caminhou lentamente até o palco e abraçou a cintura de Shi Qian e disse, "Obrigado pela preocupação de todos. A Sra. Fu está grávida do nosso segundo filho!" Todos os duzentos milhões de fãs ficaram confusos. A bela Shi Qian estava grávida de seu segundo filho? Eles estavam assistindo o drama desdobrar o tempo todo! Quando foi que eles deixaram de acompanhar?
Wisps of blue smoke · 132K Views

Nyonya Mengejutkan Identitasnya Seluruh Kota Lagi

Qiao Nian tinggal di rumah keluarga Qiao selama 18 tahun sebelum orang tua kandungnya menemukannya. Tiba-tiba, semua keluarga kaya di kota itu tahu bahwa keluarga Qiao memiliki anak perempuan palsu! Anak perempuan sejati dari keluarga yang berkecukupan pasti berbakat, lembut dan baik hati. Anak perempuan palsu pasti tidak akan bisa menguasai kemampuan apa pun dan tidak mencapai apa-apa. Semua orang ingin melihat betapa sengsaranya dia ketika dia harus kembali ke lembahnya setelah diusir dari keluarga kaya! Qiao Nian juga berpikir bahwa orang tua kandungnya adalah guru-guru miskin dari Kabupaten Luohe. Siapa sangka bahwa kakaknya mengendarai Phaeton yang harganya tiga ratus ribu yuan! Ayah kandungnya juga seorang profesor yang mengajar di Universitas Tsinghua! Bos besar dari keluarga penjahat itu menjadi penjilat dan membungkuk di depan kakeknya... Qiao Nian terperangah. Ehm... ini tidak sama dengan mengatakan ya! Setelah terbebas dari keluarga penjahat, Qiao Nian bisa menjadi dirinya sendiri. Dia adalah siswa terbaik dalam ujian masuk perguruan tinggi, bintang siaran langsung dan pewaris warisan budaya yang tak ternilai... Identitasnya terungkap dan ketika dia mulai muncul di pencarian teratas di kota, keluarga penjahat itu menjadi pucat. Anti-fans mengejek: Apa gunanya berpura-pura? Bukankah kamu hanya terus mengikuti kakakku setiap hari? Qiao Nian menjawab: Maaf tapi saya sudah punya pasangan. Kakak Sempurna: @Qiao Nian. Izinkan aku memperkenalkannya kepada semua orang. Ini adalah adikku. Kakek Kaya Raya: Cucu kesayanganku, kenapa kamu bekerja keras? Kalau kamu mau sepeda, kakek akan belikan untukmu! Orang kaya dan berpengaruh di Beijing menyebarkan rumor bahwa Master Wang menyembunyikan seorang istri di rumah mewahnya. Tidak peduli seberapa keras orang mencoba membujuknya, dia tak pernah membawanya keluar untuk bertemu orang lain. Jika ditanya, dia akan mengatakan kalimat yang sama. "Istri saya dari pedesaan dan dia pemalu." Itu sampai pada suatu hari ketika seseorang melihat Master Wang yang mulia dan dingin memegang pinggang ramping seorang gadis sambil bersembunyi di sudut dinding dan bergumam dengan mata merah. "Sayang, kapan kamu akan memberiku gelar?" [Anak perempuan palsu yang sebenarnya berasal dari keluarga kaya] + [Dua bos besar]
Brother Ling · 57K Views

Depois de Deixar o CEO, Ela Surpreendeu o Mundo

Mo Rao nasceu numa família de médicos militares. Seus pais arriscaram suas vidas para salvar a avó de Fu Ying, por isso esta última forçou Fu Ying a tomar Mo Rao como sua esposa. Mo Rao sempre soube que Fu Ying tinha uma garota dos sonhos chamada Qu Ru. Esta garota não conseguiu se casar com Fu Ying como desejava porque a avó de Fu Ying os impediu. Após o casamento, Fu Ying foi muito atencioso com Mo Rao. Eles até tinham uma alta compatibilidade, especialmente na cama. Fu Ying sempre se encontrava profundamente imerso na ternura de Mo Rao. Até que um dia, Fu Ying disse, “Qu Ru voltou. Vamos nos divorciar. Vou transferir para o seu nome a propriedade que prometi a você.” Mo Rao disse, “Não podemos não nos divorciar? E se... eu estiver grávida...?” Fu Ying respondeu desalmadamente, “Aborta! Eu não quero mais obstáculos entre mim e Qu Ru. Além disso, Qu Ru tem leucemia, e sua medula óssea é compatível com a dela. Se você estiver disposta a doar a sua, eu posso lhe prometer qualquer coisa.” Mo Rao disse, “E se a minha condição for que não nos divorciemos?” Os olhos de Fu Ying se tornaram frios. “Mo Rao, não seja muito gananciosa. Mesmo que eu lhe prometa por causa de Qu Ru, você sabe muito bem que eu não amo você.” As palavras ‘eu não amo você’ feriram o coração de Mo Rao como uma faca. Seu sorriso de repente se tornou distorcido e ela não era mais a mulher dócil que costumava ser. “Fu Ying, esta é a primeira vez que você me repugna tanto. Você me chama de gananciosa, mas você não é o mesmo? Você quer que nos divorciemos para poder ficar com Qu Ru? Tudo bem, eu concordo com isso. Mas até sonha que eu vou salvá-la? Não se esqueça, não há essa de melhor de dois mundos na vida, assim como você e eu.” Então Mo Rao saiu. Fu Ying na verdade se sentiu sufocado, e esse sentimento o enlouqueceu. Quando Mo Rao apareceu mais uma vez, ela se tornou uma estrela deslumbrante. Quando ela apareceu diante de Fu Ying, de mãos dadas com seu novo amor, Fu Ying não se importou e disse, “Amor, você não disse que só me amaria?” Mo Rao sorriu levemente. “Desculpa, ex-marido. Eu estava enganada naquela época. Você era apenas um substituto. Na verdade, eu amo outra pessoa.”
Mountain Springs · 131.5K Views

Menerima Warisan Besar Saya Setelah Perceraian

Shen Yan bersikeras menikahi Fu Hang ini meskipun harus menanggung risiko ditinggalkan oleh keluarga dan kerabatnya. Ia berpikir bahwa setelah tiga tahun, ia akan bisa melelehkan es di hati pria itu. Namun, ketika pria ini menahannya dan memaksa dia untuk berlutut di hadapan keluarganya untuk mengaku pada kesalahan yang tak pernah dia lakukan, Shen Yan menyadari bahwa hati pria itu terbuat dari es. Ketika ia terjatuh ke dalam air bersama kakak ipar perempuannya, Chloe Lindsey, Fu Hang segera melompat ke bawah pada momen pertama dan menyelamatkan Chloe Lindsey. Dia membawa Lin Xing ke rumah sakit sementara Shen Yan, yang tidak tahu cara berenang, hanya bisa menunggu penjaga untuk menyelamatkannya. Anak di dalam perut Chloe Lindsey tidak bisa bertahan dalam cobaan tersebut dan dia mengalami keguguran. Fu Hang membawa Shen Yan ke keluarganya tanpa penjelasan apa pun dan meminta dia untuk berlutut dan mengakui kesalahannya. Matanya di bawah alis yang tajam itu terlihat kejam, seolah-olah dia menusuk pisau ke dalam hati Shen Yan. "Setelah Kakak meninggal, dia hanya meninggalkan seorang anak. Kamu seharusnya tidak membunuh anak ini!" "Aku tidak melakukannya. Dia yang melompat sendiri!" "Kamu tunggu apa lagi? Berlutut dan akui kesalahanmu!" Tiga tahun dalam pernikahannya, Shen Yan yakin bahwa bahkan seekor anjing lebih berharga daripada dirinya di keluarga Fu, apalagi Chloe Lindsey yang benar-benar dicintai Fu Hang. Tepat sebelum salah satu lututnya hendak menyentuh tanah, Fu Hang masih berpikir bahwa Shen Yan akan mengakui kesalahannya. Namun tak disangka Shen Yan perlahan meluruskan badan dan berkata, "Fu Hang, ayo kita bercerai. Saya akan pura-pura bahwa saya memberi makan tiga tahun terakhir ini kepada anjing-anjing. Tidak ada seorang pun yang layak menyia-nyiakan masa mudaku setelah ini!" Oleh karena itu, Shen Yan memutuskan untuk pulang dan menerima warisannya yang bernilai ratusan miliar. Kehidupan yang gemilang menantinya!
JQK · 77.7K Views

The Villainess?

How did I get here? The last thing I remember was falling asleep after finishing the book: Trials Of Love. How did I become the villainess Camilla who has the same name as me? **************** Our female lead, Camilla used to be a very extrovert person who had many friends and was socially liked by everyone. However, after her parent's death, she was assigned to live with her Uncle and Aunt. Over time she slowly distances herself from her friends as she believes that she doesn't deserve happiness. She thought that she was the reason her parents died. Back then her parents died in a car accident when they were speeding toward the hospital where she was kept. On that very eventful morning, she had accidentally burnt her hand during food tech and was rushed straight towards the hospital. When her parents heard they too rushed over there hence they got into a car accident and eventually passed away. The only thing that would bring her happiness was the one book her parents left for her: Trials of Love. It talked about a young boy named Damian who grew up in poverty but eventually became the grand duke of the Thedo empire, named after the first King who founded it. Damian grew to love his housekeeper's youngest daughter, Eveline. The two had to go through many trials until they earned their happy ending. Of course with the occasional villainess ruining the happy pair. But who would've thought that our female lead ended up as the villainess? The character she hated the most. Camilla Rose Avery was the lost daughter of the present King and Queen. Camilla had been stolen when she was a year old by a maid. She was found by her older brother when he ran into her in an orphanage on one of his royal tours. Her love for Damian meant that she would try to kill Eveline. Because of her evil deed, she was banished to the eastern empire when Damian became the grand duke. He married Eveline and then the story closed. Ella transmigrates into Camilla. However, there is still time to fix everything. She will be kind to Damian in the hope that he will remember her kindness in the future. Our female lead has decided to change her destiny, so she tries very hard not to fall in love with Damian. However, the storyline seems to be changing. Why is the male lead running after the villainess this time? ********************************************************** Please vote for this book as I've entered a completion with it. English isn't my first language so bear with my grammatical. mistakes. The book cover is not mine, I found it on Pinterest. Please support my other books: - Rebirth for him (sterilizing)
Xiao_Ling16 · 186.5K Views

Embracing destiny

The night was cloaked in a thick fog, the city of Shanghai shimmering in the distance like a sea of broken stars. Li Wei stood at the large window of her modest apartment, cradling her daughter, Mei Ling, in her arms. The city's vibrant life seemed a world away as she gazed out, lost in her thoughts. It had been four years since Zhang Ming, the man who had stolen her heart and shattered it, walked out of her life. The man who was not just her lover but the father of her child. His sudden return had stirred up emotions she had long buried, reopening wounds she thought had healed. Li Wei's mind drifted back to the first time she met Zhang Ming. She had been the diligent HR manager tasked with onboarding the new CEO. An error in the system led her to believe he was an undercover auditor sent to evaluate the company’s practices. Determined to impress, she had gone out of her way to make his transition smooth. Little did she know, her kindness would be the spark that ignited a forbidden romance. Their love had been as passionate as it was secretive. Stolen glances during meetings, hidden kisses in the elevator, and whispered confessions late into the night. But the truth had a way of surfacing. When she discovered his true identity, the betrayal had cut deep. Zhang Ming's resignation, intended to protect her, only left her more isolated and heartbroken. In the months that followed, Li Wei discovered she was pregnant. The news had been a beacon of hope in her darkest hour. She chose to keep the child, raising Mei Ling on her own while burying herself in her work. Every day was a struggle, but Mei Ling's smile gave her the strength to carry on. Tonight, as she held Mei Ling close, the knock on the door startled her. Her heart raced as she approached, a sense of dread mingled with hope. She opened the door to find Zhang Ming standing there, older and wearier but with the same intense gaze that had once melted her defenses. He looked at her with a mixture of hope and regret, his eyes lingering on the child in her arms. In that moment, Li Wei knew their story was far from over. The past and present collided, setting the stage for a tumultuous journey of redemption, love, and second chances.
Mylliscribe · 3.4K Views

Rebirth for you

' In my past life, I couldn't differentiate who was my enemy and who was my friend. I kept my enemy close but isolated my friends. I never knew he was in love with me until the last moment of my life. Later he was the one who took my ashes with him. My so-called lover was actually in a relationship with my best friend, a succumbed and a cheater. Since God gave me a chance to come back then this time I'm gonna value my marriage with him, save my family and revenge on those who hurt me. Qi Yan, I came back for you so please don't let me be disappointed. Love me once again. ' Our female lead is the typical second youngest miss of Fu family Fu Hui Qing, a naïve little child until she is forced to marry the powerful CEO of the Qi family, Qi Yan, instead of her sister to save her family from going bankrupt. For this she hates her whole family even until the end of her life. Only then was when she finally realized how to hurt her parents were. The Qi family head Qi Yu stated that they wanted a daughter from the Fu family to become their granddaughter in law as long as one married his grandson the Qi family will save the Fu family and destroy the one that destroyed them. They chose her and not her younger sister because her mother had visited a fortune master who stated that as long as Hui Qing falls in love with Qi Yan, she wouldn't die before 30. The last time she died was when she 29. Killed by that person she called a friend and by her cheating lover. Now she is gonna take back everything. Her love, marriage, and reputations as the most famous manga artist and fashion designer under the name Jade. This is a tale about how a naïve yet powerful female lead fall in love with her soon to be domineering husband. Would Qi Yan be able to fall in love with her again? How would their story go? Follow to know more. Other books: -Prince and his wives (sterilizing) The cover isn't mine found it on pintrest, so credits goes to the artist. English is not my first language so bear with my spelling mistakes. I will update every Thursday for now, Uk time.
Xiao_Ling16 · 173.5K Views
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