Wanderer Ghost
"The wanderer" is a fictional person, but it could be anyone's.
"The wanderer" is the protagonist of this story, he is an addict, who receives a very important mission.
He discovers that is with him a very powerful stone, which can ruin the world he lives in, a fictional island.
A spiritual world with diverses creatures, the most bizarre possible.
So that the stone must not fell into the wrong hands, after all it could be the source of power to conquer the entire world.
"The wanderer" must destroy the stone by throwing it into the "volcano", which is in the middle of the island.
The walk won't be easy, even that he likes to walk. The problem is whether he can master his addiction and complete the mission, or whether his addiction will be greater and stop him or worse, make him desire the stone.
With several amazing characters and a narrative that is not at all linear.