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Ariana Cooper

Escapé de mi ex, fui capturada por su rival

``` —Durante los últimos tres años, Ariana Ari Harlow ha dado todo de sí a su marido —. Los dos se casaron porque su hermana decidió huir en la noche de la boda, ya que creyó los rumores de que la Corporación Nelson estaba en bancarrota. —Ari amaba a Noah desde que tenía dieciséis años —, pensó que era el sueño de su vida hecho realidad. Sin embargo, no sabía que su hermana le había tendido una trampa y no era el comienzo de su nueva vida, sino su nuevo infierno. —Se vio obligada a renunciar a su formación como médico porque la respetable Señora Nelson no podía tener las manos cubiertas de sangre —. Ari aceptó. —Por el bien de Noah, se convirtió en la esposa perfecta que cuidaba de sus suegros y su marido —. No obstante, lo único que le esperaba eran insultos, su marido se avergonzaba de ella y su suegra creía que su hermana, Ariel, era la más adecuada para su hijo. —Con todo, Ari persistió —. Pensó que algún día llegaría a ablandar el corazón de su marido. —¡Pero lo pilló besando a su hermana! —.Con el corazón roto, Ariana decidió divorciarse de su marido, pero de alguna manera se encontró enredada con Nicolai —. El enemigo y rival de su marido. —No estaban destinados a estar juntos —. Pero a Nicolai no parece importarle las probabilidades en su contra. —De hecho, estaba decidido a irrumpir en la vida de Ari y prenderle fuego a todo —.En un estado de embriaguez, una vez la sujetó del cuello contra la pared de un bar sórdido : — "Puedes negarlo todo lo que quieras princesa, pero me deseas—. Sus ojos recorrieron su pecho agitado y sus ojos se oscurecieron, el rojo apareció desquiciado, posesivo como si quisiera arrancarle el alma del cuerpo y anclarla al suyo : — "Apuesto a que si echo un vistazo, estarás chorreando húmeda por mí. —El calor subió a las mejillas de Ariana mientras ella gruñía : — "Cállate. —Hazlo tú—, dijo Nicolai mientras estampaba sus labios sobre los de ella . —Sus besos se quemaban en su alma, y su calor le quemaba la piel cada vez que se tocaban —.Pensó que su mayor error había sido enredarse con Nicolai. —Con todo, Ari pronto se dio cuenta, literalmente, que ser deseada por semejante hermosa pesadilla era mucho peor que un error . ``` Y las cosas se complican cuando su marido descubre la verdad sobre todo. —Dispárame en el corazón, Ari —dijo Noah mientras colocaba la boquilla del arma donde latía su corazón—. Porque una vida sin ti es una vida que no quiero, así que mátame o vuelve. Te lo suplico. Ahora que Nicolai le había dado una opción, ¿se enamoraría Ari de él y se lanzaría a una vida de nada más que peligro? ¿O volvería con su marido, Noah, a quien ha amado desde que tenía dieciséis años? ¿Y evitaría Ariana el peligro que acecha en la oscuridad, esperando a que ella cometa un error y pierda todo lo que le es querido? ¿Encontraría la clave de todos los secretos que la atan a Noah y Nicolai así como a su retorcido destino? ******* —Se trata de dinero, ¿verdad? Toma y lárgate —gritó mientras lanzaba la tarjeta negra a la cara de Ariana. Ariana no podía creer lo que oía cuando su marido o su futuro exmarido la humillaba de esta manera. Tres años. Ariana Harlow le dio a Noah Nelson tres años y sin embargo cuando lo sorprendió besando a su hermana mayor, Ariel—— esto fue lo que él le dijo. —Voy a divorciarme de ti —declaró Ari y se fue. Se fue sin un centavo, pero Ari se topó con Nicolai. El enemigo y rival de su marido, el príncipe de la mafia de la Ciudad Lonest, un bastardo notorio conocido por sus tendencias violentas. El desafortunado encuentro la colocó en el camino de Nicolai y, así como así, posó sus ojos en ella. La primera vez que se encontraron, Nicolai le pidió que lo invitara a cenar. La segunda vez que se encontraron, le entregó un millón de dólares. La tercera vez que se encontraron, declaró —Te ves bien en mis brazos, ¿qué dices princesa? ********
fairytail72 · 269.3K Views

Échappé à mon ex, enlevé par son rival

Pendant les trois dernières années, Ariana Ari Harlow a tout donné à son mari. Ils se sont mariés parce que sa sœur a choisi de s'enfuir le soir du mariage, croyant aux rumeurs que la Corporation Nelson était en faillite. Ari aimait Noah depuis ses seize ans, elle pensait que c'était le rêve de sa vie qui se réalisait. Cependant, elle ne savait pas que sa sœur lui avait tendu un piège, et ce n'était pas le début de sa nouvelle vie, mais bien son nouveau enfer. Elle a été forcée d'abandonner sa formation de médecin parce que la respectable Mme Nelson ne pouvait pas avoir les mains couvertes de sang. Ari a accepté. Pour l'amour de Noah, elle est devenue une épouse parfaite qui prenait soin de ses beaux-parents et de son mari. Cependant, ce qui l'attendait n'était rien d'autre que des insultes, son mari avait honte d'elle et sa belle-mère pensait que sa sœur, Ariel, était mieux assortie à son fils. Pourtant, Ari persistait. Elle pensait qu'elle réchaufferait le cœur de son mari un jour. Mais elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur ! Cœur brisé, Ariana décida de divorcer de son mari, mais elle se retrouva d'une manière ou d'une autre empêtrée avec Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari. Ils n'étaient pas faits pour être ensemble. Mais Nicolai semble se ficher des obstacles qui se dressent contre eux. En fait, il était déterminé à s'immiscer dans la vie d'Ari et à mettre le feu à tout. Dans son ivresse, il l'a un jour plaquée par la gorge contre le mur d'un pub miteux, "Tu peux le nier tant que tu veux princesse, mais tu me désires." Ses yeux parcouraient son torse haletant et ses yeux s'assombrirent, le rouge apparut dérangé, possessif, comme s'il voulait arracher son âme de son corps et l'ancrer dans le sien. "Je parie que si je jette un coup d'œil, tu seras trempée pour moi." La chaleur monta aux joues d'Ariana alors qu'elle grognait, "Tais-toi." "Fais-moi taire," dit Nicolai en écrasant ses lèvres contre les siennes. Ses baisers brûlaient dans son âme, et sa chaleur lui brûlait la peau chaque fois qu'ils se touchaient. Elle pensait que sa plus grande erreur avait été de s'emmêler avec Nicolai. Cependant, Ari comprit bientôt à la dure, littéralement, qu'être désirée par un tel cauchemar magnifique était bien pire qu'une erreur. Et les choses se compliquent lorsque son mari découvre la vérité sur tout. "Tire-moi dans le cœur, Ari," dit Noah en plaçant la buse du pistolet là où se trouvait son cœur. "Parce qu'une vie sans toi est une vie que je ne veux pas, alors tue-moi ou reviens. Je t'en supplie." Maintenant que Nicolai lui avait donné le choix, Ari tomberait-elle amoureuse de lui et plongerait-elle dans une vie remplie de dangers ? Ou retournerait-elle vers son mari, Noah, qu'elle aimait depuis ses seize ans ? Et Ariana éviterait-elle le danger qui guette dans l'ombre, attendant qu'elle fasse une erreur et qu'elle perde tout ce qui lui est cher ? Trouverait-elle la clé de tous les secrets qui la lient à Noah et Nicolai ainsi qu'à son destin tortueux ? ******* Extrait : "C'est une question d'argent, n'est-ce pas ? Prends-le et disparais," hurla-t-il en jetant la carte noire au visage d'Ariana. Ariana ne pouvait pas croire ce qu'elle entendait quand elle a entendu son mari ou son futur ex-mari l'humilier comme ça. Trois ans. Ariana Harlow a donné trois ans à Noah Nelson, et pourtant, lorsqu'elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur aînée, Ariel —— voilà ce qu'il lui dit. "Je vais te divorcer," déclara Ari et partit. Elle est partie sans le sou mais Ari est tombée sur Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari, le prince de la Mafia de la Ville de Lonest, un bâtard notoire connu pour ses tendances violentes. Leur rencontre malheureuse l'a placée sur le chemin de Nicolai, et comme ça, il a posé les yeux sur elle. La première fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, Nicolai lui a demandé de l'inviter à dîner. La deuxième fois, lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés, il lui a remis un million de dollars. La troisième fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, il a déclaré : "Tu serais bien dans mes bras, qu'en dis-tu princesse ?" ********
fairytail72 · 188K Views

Meinem Ex entkommen, von seinem Rivalen geschnappt worden

In den letzten drei Jahren hat Ariana Ari Harlow alles für ihren Mann gegeben. Die beiden haben geheiratet, weil ihre Schwester in der Hochzeitsnacht weglief, weil sie den Gerüchten glaubte, dass die Nelson Corporation bankrott sei. Ari liebte Noah, seit sie sechzehn Jahre alt war, sie dachte, ihr Traum würde wahr werden. Sie wusste jedoch nicht, dass ihre Schwester ihr eine Falle gestellt hatte, und es war nicht der Beginn ihres neuen Lebens, sondern ihre neue Hölle. Sie war gezwungen, ihre Ausbildung zur Ärztin aufzugeben, weil die respektvolle Mrs. Nelson nicht wollte, dass ihre Hände voller Blut waren. Ari war einverstanden. Noah zuliebe wurde sie eine perfekte Ehefrau, die sich um ihre Schwiegereltern und ihren Mann kümmerte. Ihr Mann schämte sich für sie, und ihre Schwiegermutter glaubte, dass ihre Schwester Ariel gut zu ihrem Sohn passen würde. Doch Ari ließ nicht locker. Sie dachte, dass sie eines Tages das Herz ihres Mannes erwärmen würde. Aber sie erwischte ihn dabei, wie er ihre Schwester küsste! Mit gebrochenem Herzen beschloss Ariana, sich von ihrem Mann scheiden zu lassen, doch irgendwie fand sie sich mit Nicolai verstrickt. Dem Feind und Rivalen ihres Mannes. Sie waren nicht füreinander bestimmt. Aber Nicolai scheint sich nicht um die Widrigkeiten zu kümmern, die gegen sie sprechen. Vielmehr war er entschlossen, in Aris Leben einzubrechen und alles in Brand zu setzen. In seinem Vollrausch hielt er sie einmal an der Kehle gegen die Wand einer schäbigen Kneipe: "Du kannst es leugnen, so viel du willst, Prinzessin, aber du willst mich." Sein Blick schweifte über ihre schwere Brust, und seine Augen verdunkelten sich, das Rot wirkte ungelenk, besitzergreifend, als wolle er ihr die Seele aus dem Leib reißen und sie in seinen eigenen einbetten. "Ich wette, wenn ich einen Blick darauf werfe, wirst du tropfnass für mich sein." Hitze flammte auf Arianas Wangen auf, als sie knurrte: "Halt die Klappe." "Zwing mich", sagte Nicolai, als er seine Lippen auf ihre presste. Seine Küsse brannten sich in ihre Seele, und seine Wärme versengte ihre Haut jedes Mal, wenn sie sich berührten. Sie dachte, dass es ihr größter Fehler war, sich mit Nicolai einzulassen. Doch Ari merkte bald auf die harte Tour, dass es viel schlimmer als ein Fehler war, von einem so schönen Albtraum begehrt zu werden. Und die Dinge werden noch komplizierter, als ihr Mann die Wahrheit über alles herausfindet. "Schieß mir ins Herz, Ari", sagte Noah, als er die Mündung der Waffe dorthin brachte, wo sein Herz lag. "Denn ein Leben ohne dich ist eines, das ich nicht will, also töte mich oder komm zurück. Ich flehe dich an." Jetzt, da Nicolai sie vor die Wahl gestellt hatte, würde Ari sich in ihn verlieben und sich in ein Leben voller Gefahr stürzen? Oder würde sie zu ihrem Mann Noah zurückkehren, den sie liebte, seit sie sechzehn war? Und würde Ariana der Gefahr ausweichen, die im Dunkeln lauert und darauf wartet, dass sie einen Fehler macht und alles verliert, was ihr lieb ist? Würde sie den Schlüssel zu all den Geheimnissen finden, die sie an Noah und Nicolai sowie an ihr verdrehtes Schicksal binden? ******* Auszug: "Es geht nur um Geld, nicht wahr? Nimm es und verschwinde", rief er und warf Ariana die schwarze Karte ins Gesicht. Ariana traute ihren Ohren nicht, als sie hörte, wie ihr Ehemann oder ihr zukünftiger Ex-Ehemann sie so demütigte. Drei Jahre. Ariana Harlow gab Noah Nelson drei Jahre, und doch, als sie ihn dabei erwischte, wie er ihre ältere Schwester Ariel küsste, sagte er genau das zu ihr. "Ich werde mich von dir scheiden lassen", erklärte Ari und ging. Sie ging mittellos, aber Ari stolperte über Nicolai. Der Feind und Rivale ihres Mannes, der Mafiaprinz der Lonest City, ein berüchtigter Bastard, der für seine gewalttätigen Neigungen bekannt ist. Das unglückliche Zusammentreffen brachte sie in Nicolais Weg, und schon hatte er ein Auge auf sie geworfen. Als sie sich das erste Mal trafen, bat Nicolai sie, ihn zum Essen einzuladen. Als sie sich das zweite Mal trafen, übergab er ihr eine Million Dollar. Als sie sich das dritte Mal trafen, erklärte er: "Du wirst gut in meinen Armen aussehen, was sagst du, Prinzessin?" ********
fairytail72 · 138.2K Views


What will you do if you, as an heiress of a mafia organization in this modern world, suddenly jump into another dimension? Historical era? The worst in this world is when a girl needs to be girlish, polite, wearing a dress with thick layers, and too traditional for her liking! But, of course, she will ruled this world, too, right? *Reminder: English is not writer main language so read at your own risk. ~~~~~~~~~ ::VOLUME 1 : WHERE IS THIS WORLD?:: => Ariana Rose Conrad, heiress of Mafia from Black Eagle Organization in modern world suddenly jump into another dimension which totally different than the world that she know. ::VOLUME 2 : MARRY THE ENEMY:: => New life of Ariana as a Duchess. She also began to focusing on her mafia organization here. Her first case to investigate regarding the disease suffered by her mother-in-law. Love also started to blossom between her and her husband but something like this definitely not that easy as they started as enemies. After a big event, Ariana decided to leave the Silver Palace and divorce. ::VOLUME 3 : THE STRUGGLE OF LOVE:: => The Duke does not want to give up and keep on searching for his wife desperately even if she already left him. Reunite at some point but Ariana refused to coming back. Things getting complicated after Zayn collapsed, making Ariana have to make another big decision in her life. ::VOLUME 4 : THE FAMILY:: => The Basileious and the Conrad are now in a tense state after what Ariana said to the King, her own father. The empire also is in uproar because of that. People opinion is now divided into both of the household. ~~~~~~~~~~
Aira_Rin · 740.2K Views

My Siren University Revenge System

The system approached her because her rage in her unconsciousness refused to settle for death. She needed to be reborn to take revenge. [Siren Revenge System, Initializing…. [10% [23% [57% [72% [97% [100% [Installation Complete.] “What's that? Hello?” She rubbed her eyes multiple times, trying to get them open, but her head was pounding so much that it hurt. She tried to figure out where she was, but it was only until she opened her eyes that everything became clear. As soon as she opened her eyes, an interface popped up before her, one that only she could see. [Host - Sirena Waterford [Balance - 100000000000000000000000 dollars [Race - Siren [Body - 29/100 (weak) [Mind - 44 /100 (weak) [Age - 23 [Level - 1/100 [Skills - Needs to use siren revenge points to rejuvenate body, wits, skills, voice and powers. [Siren Revenge Points: 0/100] “What is this? Why is this in my head? Who are you? What do you want from me? Somebody, help me!” She screamed for help, begging her head to cooperate as it was all new to her. What had happened to her? [Welcome, host Sirena Waterford, to the siren revenge system. You have been reborn.] ....... Ayra Lanchester was killed by her husband and sister after catching them having an affair. On a quest for revenge, the system notices her and she is reborn as a siren, in the body of a young university student, Sirena Waterford. The system gives her another chance at life, and she decides to take revenge on all men and the people that hurt her. Immediately after starting a new life in her new body, she discovers that the old occupant has a complicated life, and is also related to the people that she wasn't meant to be related to. What does she do with these new powers? The chosen siren kills with no mercy, while dealing with the lesbian attraction she feels for her new body and other females in her university system. She protects, as much as she kills. With the challenges everywhere, We can only wonder if she overcomes all, or ANY. Find out in this interesting read. WARNING: There is harem and lesbian content in this book, and it is rated 18+. No kids zone! Parental guidance is advised.
Val_Sparks · 20.3K Views

The Legal Wife Of The Domineering CEO

“Please, can we not do this here?” Ariana pleaded, she feared someone would walk in on them. “You shouldn't worry about anyone walking in to see me ravishing your beautiful body. I will pluck out their eyes and make you understand that only i get to see you this way.” Alexander chuckled and moved her closely to him to untie her blouse. “B..but..” Ariana tried opposing, while trying to hide her moans when she felt his kisses. This isn't right. He doesn't know that she's not the one he's looking for. He groaned and pushed her against his desk. “You have starved me enough for a while, Now bend over and let me have a taste of my wife.” . . For Ariana, being Andrew's wife has been the only dream that she couldn't wait to fulfill . But fate takes a drastic turn, when she meets his fianceè at her very own engagement dinner with his parents, for her inability to meet his parents daughter-in-law status. Fate takes a drastic turn when she gets kidnapped that night, gets shoved right at the altar as a bride of a ruthlessly vicious man, Alexander Knights, who would kill every single eye that looks at his wife, because she belongs to him only and she's never leaving his side anymore. With an incident that has him in coma, Ariana gets to learn that she looks just like his run away fianceè, hence that being the reason why she's mistaken for his lover. Will a marriage backed by lies eventually give her the anticipated love life that she wants? What will happen when Alexander’s fianceè comes back to finally take back her position? Would it be too late or would Ariana eventually become Alexander’s one and only legal wife? Let's read to find out!
Jayden222 · 33.2K Views

Escaped My Ex, Got Snatched by His Rival

For the past three years, Ariana Ari Harlow has given her all to her husband. The two of them got married because her sister chose to run away on the night of the wedding, as she believed the rumours that the Nelson Corporation was bankrupt. Ari loved Noah since she was sixteen, she thought it was her dream come true. However, she did not know that her sister had dug a trap for her, and it was not the beginning of her new life, rather it was her new hell. She was forced to give up her training as a doctor because the respectful Mrs Nelson could not have her hands covered in blood. Ari agreed. For the sake of Noah, she became a perfect wife who took care of her in-laws and husband. However, what waited for her was nothing but insults, her husband was ashamed of her and her mother-in-law believed that her sister, Ariel was well-matched for her son. However, Ari persisted. She thought that she would warm the heart of her husband one day. But she caught him kissing her sister! Heartbroken, Ariana decided to divorce her husband, but she somehow found herself entangled with Nicolai. The enemy and rival of her husband. They were not meant to be together. But Nicolai doesn’t seem to care about the odds stacked against them. In fact, he was determined to break into Ari’s life and set everything on fire. In his drunken stupor, he once held her by her throat against the wall of a dingy pub, “You can deny it all you want princess, but you want me.” His eyes raked over her heaving chest and his eyes darkened, the red appearing unhinged, possessive as if he wanted to wrench her soul out of her body and embed it in his own. “Bet if I take a peek, you will be dripping wet for me.” Heat flared up Ariana's cheeks as she snarled, “Shut up.” “Make me,” said Nicolai as he smashed his lips on hers. His kisses burned into her soul, and his warmth seared her skin every time they touched. She thought that her biggest mistake was getting entangled with Nicolai. However, Ari soon realised the hard way, Literally, being wanted by such a beautiful nightmare was much worse than a mistake. And things turn complicated when her husband finds the truth about everything. “Shoot me in the heart, Ari,” said Noah as he brought the gun's nozzle where his heart lay. “Because a life without you is one that I don't want, so either kill me or come back. I beg of you.” Now that Nicolai had given her a choice, would Ari fall in love with him and jump into a life of nothing but danger? Or would she go back to her husband, Noah, whom she loved ever since she was sixteen? And would Ariana avoid the danger that lurks in the dark, waiting for her to make a mistake and lose everything dear to her? Would she find the key to all the secrets that tied her to Noah and Nicolai as well as her twisted fate? ******* Excerpt: “It's all about money, isn’t it? Take it and get lost,” He shouted while throwing the black card at Ariana’s face. Ariana couldn’t believe her ears when she heard her husband or her future ex-husband humiliate her like this. Three years. Ariana Harlow gave Noah Nelson, three years and yet when she caught him kissing her elder sister, Ariel—— this was what he said to her. “I am going to divorce you,” Ari declared and left. She left penniless but Ari stumbled into Nicolai. The enemy and rival of her husband, the Mafia prince of the Lonest City, a notorious bastard known for his violent tendencies. The ill-fated meeting placed her in Nicolai’s path, and just like that he set his eyes on her. The first time they met, Nicolai asked her to invite him to dinner. The second time, when they met, he handed her a million dollars. The third time when they met, he declared, “You will look good in my arms, what do you say princess?” ********
fairytail72 · 1.8M Views


Fifteen years ago, Damien Blackwood made a vow he would carry with him forever: the girl who saved his life, Ariana Grey, would one day be his mate. She had risked everything to rescue him from the flames of a raging fire, sacrificing her own sight in the process. For six months, they had lived together in the wilderness, surviving on each other’s strength and forming an unbreakable bond. It was during that time, while they fought against the odds, that Damien swore he would protect her for the rest of his days. But when his father, Alpha Reginald, found them, Damien was ripped from Ariana’s side. His father, with threats of violence against his family, made it clear that she was not to be brought back into his life. Now, Damien stands on the cusp of becoming the next Alpha, the weight of the pack’s future resting on his shoulders. But Reginald imposes one final condition for Damien to claim his rightful place: he must find a mate. His heart, however, still clings to Ariana—the woman he’s been searching for relentlessly for over a decade. During a solitary journey into the wilderness, Damien finally senses his mate. But when he finds her, he is bitterly disappointed. The woman before him is not Ariana. She is Melina, a blind girl and the daughter of a pack servant, and yet, her presence haunts him, reminding him too much of the lost woman he once loved. Consumed with guilt and bitterness, Damien rejects her without hesitation. What Damien doesn't know is that the woman he’s just cast aside is Ariana herself, living under a new identity, blind and unrecognized. Though she has always loved him, the pain of his rejection is too much to bear. As time passes, Damien’s cruelty escalates, culminating in him framing her for the murder of his own mother after witnessing his father commit the crime. Unbeknownst to him, Ariana is carrying his child. Banished and imprisoned, she endures years of suffering while Damien becomes the Alpha, haunted by the regret of his actions. But when Damien discovers that his father never sought out Ariana and has been manipulating him all along, his guilt turns to rage, and he nearly kills Reginald, leaving him in a coma. Haunted by the truth, Damien realizes that the blind girl he wronged was, in fact, Ariana. Rushing to free her from her prison, he finds a heart broken beyond repair, hardened by the pain of his betrayal.
Okoye_Emmanuella_7425 · 1K Views

The rude kids Redemption-inspiring tales by moonlight short stories

Moyo and his sister Bella thought they had all the answers. They were intelligent, beautiful, and wealthy, but their arrogance often got in the way. They thought themselves too big to help with chores around the house or participate in group assignments in school. They were born into a wealthy family. However, their attitude was more of a concern for the family. Being the last kids of their parents with a silver spoon in their mouth, they usually got away with some actions. Moyo and a group of rude friends bullied his peers, especially those in the lower class of life, and Bella's beauty got to her head, and her words were like serpent venom to girls and boys who were not equal to her. beauty got to her head, and her words were like serpent venom to girls and boys who were not equal to her. To those equal in wealth and beauty she considers friends, she bosses around. Their parents eventually got tired of their unruly behavior and decided to do something about it. They agreed that the best option was to take the twins to live with their strict grandmother in the South African village where he grew up with wise people. Nia, Moyo, and Bella’s grandmother is a wise and kind woman who does not tolerate indiscipline. Mr. Henry Landford, decided to show his children his struggles while growing up chasing his dreams before he became wealthy in America. Thus, his mother in South Africa was the only answer. Grumpy and sullen, Moyo and Bella arrived at their grandmother’s house determined not to cooperate with her. They tried many tactics to get themselves out of there but failed. While they thought their life in South Africa would be boring, filled with a hell of torment in their grandmother's house. What Moyo and Bella did not know was that their grandmother Nia was a well-known scientist inventor with a secret in her sleeves. Nia decided to take them on an adventurous, captivating tale of stories, proverbs, The story of the great inventors of the world, and morals to straighten them. Nia told them to sit on her red reading chair, and Moyo and Bella thought like every grandmother she was going to narrate a story from a book to them. However, little did they know that Nia had a scientific secret. The kids suddenly found themselves in trouble as they were magically teleported into the story world, where their lives would change as they would experience themselves as actual story characters in parts of Nia's MOONLIGHT TALES.
brainchild · 629 Views

Forbidden Kiss: Vampire Lover

Story Background: This is a world where vampires and humans coexist, and the status of vampires and humans has been reversed. Character Settings: The female protagonist is Cynthia, a red-haired vampire girl. She is the offspring of a human and a vampire. As a result, she can enjoy sunbathing in the afternoon and taste delicious human snacks. With her fair skin and eternal youth, she has won numerous suitors. However, every full moon night, a violent aura will appear on her. The male protagonist is a silver-haired man. Although his specific identity and background are not described in detail in the story, he has a great attraction for Cynthia. Story Synopsis: Cynthia has no trouble dealing with the pursuit of numerous vampires and vampire hunters. And she has a love story full of fun and twists and turns with the silver-haired man. From their initial acquaintance, when Cynthia called herself "Little Bunny", to a series of light-hearted, humorous and slightly ambiguous interactions later, such as "Mr. Hu, you have a little bunny to sign for", their feelings gradually grew deeper during the bickering and playing around. Although Cynthia would be chained up by the silver-haired man, the chains were always loose. She would even tie herself up with ropes, pretending to be captured, and the silver-haired man would cooperate with her by untying the chains and setting her free. All these details reflect the unique affection between them.
Bai_Yi_1629 · 2.7K Views


In a sprawling urban landscape intertwined with a hidden universe of mysticism, Rey emerges as an unlikely hero with an unyielding determination to safeguard his family and cherished ones from the shadows that haunt their world. Faced with the daunting task of mastering newfound strength, Rey embarks on a journey of self-discovery and transcendence, spurred by the enigmatic allure of a relic that promises ascension to the realm of gods. As Rey navigates the complexities of this intricate universe, he encounters an eclectic array of allies and adversaries, each wielding their own fragment of power drawn from the mystic tapestry that binds their reality. Amidst the chaos of urban life, Rey unearths the secrets of ancient lore and uncovers the existence of the revered God Relic, a fabled artifact said to grant unparalleled power and the keys to ascend to divine heights. With every revelation, Rey's resolve is tested as he grapples with the tantalizing temptation of godhood and the profound responsibility it entails. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the universe, Rey must confront his inner conflicts and navigate the treacherous path between light and darkness, all while contending with forces that seek to exploit the relic's power for their own nefarious ends. In a world where the boundaries between mortal and divine blur, Rey finds himself at the epicenter of a cosmic struggle that will determine the fate of all existence. Will he succumb to the seductive allure of godhood, forsaking his humanity in the process, or will he rise above the chaos and forge a new destiny grounded in the strength of his convictions? "RISE OF THE HOLY DEMONIC GOD" is a spellbinding urban fantasy epic that explores the timeless themes of power, sacrifice, and the eternal quest for enlightenment. Join Rey on his daring odyssey as he navigates the perilous depths of the universe, fueled by an unwavering determination to protect those he loves and unlock the mysteries of existence in a world where the line between mortal and divine is blurred. ___________________________________________________________________ This novel has many more tag like World building, Transmigration and romance, superpowers and more so just read it and enjoy. There may be some grammar mistake in this as I am a newbie so, please cooperate and read it.
Nemesis_0001 · 46.8K Views

Benevolent King and His Tyrant Queen

I'm not Grace Finley. I can't remember my actual name anymore. I'm afraid I might forget what my family looks like, I miss them. I need to go back to my life. I want to go back to my life. Forget my overnight Cinderella status, I'm a wife?! Who married me without my knowledge?! My husband, The Grand Prince, happens to be the richest, most feared and most admired man in all of Valoria. His harsh words don't match his kind gestures. And he has got quite a handsome face. Also, did I mention that he is popular despite being the husband of someone? I won't surprised if he happens to have a secret cult of followers/admirers. Anyway, He is a kind man, that's all you have to know. As of now, my only way back seems to be the god of this world. So I first asked him politely, I truly was polite, I'm not lying! But with no reply to my polite inquires, I proceeded to commit blasphemy on my first public outing, and threatened to commit genocide but to no avail. At least tell me the reason for bringing me here, You damn god! I spoke in a 'very flowery' language that was not meant for children and always cursed him to my heart's content but I wasn't struck by lightning. I seriously don't want this privilege okay? Finally, The story of the body I possessed... I don't know. The only onslaught I felt was the severe head and body aches after opening my eyes in this body. I didn't mind until I learned that I woke up from an incident that was an attempt to take my life but covered up as an accident. If only I could find the perpetrator, I would like to encourage them to make another attempt and cooperate as long as it is painless. No memories, People after my life, a family to look after and a kingdom to rule, I have never been this responsible in my entire life! Is this a punishment for living the privileged life of the youngest child in the family? I'm only nineteen for god sake! Let me live!
alwys_fictional · 27.3K Views

Ex-husband seeks remarriage?I'm not cooperating!

In a marriage of convenience, Nathan, after a night of drinking, has an affair with Ava, leading to her ectopic pregnancy. Before the surgery, Ava calls Nathan, who is preoccupied with his mistress and neglects Ava, even going as far as to accuse her of having an affair and carrying another man's child after the surgery... As their one-year contractual marriage comes to an end, Nathan realizes his feelings for Ava. But Ava is not willing to play along anymore! Excerpt: "I am Nathan Ford's girlfriend, loved by him, as everyone knows. And you... you're just a title holder, soon to be thrown out. By then, you'll lose all your dignity... no, you've already lost it. I bet your deceased mother would turn in her grave if she knew what you've become." Hearing Iris Hart's sharp and biting words, Ava Sterling initially didn't want to stoop to her level. However, the mention of her late mother crossed a line. A crisp slap echoed before Iris Hart could even react, leaving five bright red marks on her face. "Ah—Ava Sterling—you lowlife, how dare you hit me..." Iris Hart realized she had been slapped and reached out to retaliate, but Ava Sterling was prepared and caught her hand easily. "Listen, Iris Hart, if I'm the joke, what does that make you? You're also a joke. At least I'm Nathan Ford's wife by law! You! Iris Hart, are nothing but a mistress scorned by everyone. Every wealthy man may stray, but a hotel is just a hotel, and home is home. There can be many dishes, but there's only one bowl of rice."
Bago_Bago_5587 · 423.4K Views
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