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Nanomante Renascida - Eu Me Tornei Uma Garota da Neve?

``` Este livro está terminado! Por favor, dê uma chance ao meu próximo livro, pois o seu apoio me ajuda muito! O livro se chama Despertar Abissal! Estou capturada? Tudo bem, não posso evitar já que não consigo me mover. Experimentada? Ao menos me dêem um anestésico. Estou livre? Deixe-me conseguir um pouco de vingança. Quer implorar pela sua vida? Desculpe, esta moça aqui guarda rancor. Destruí o laboratório, agora deixem-me explorar este mundo livremente. De alguma maneira, entrei para o grupo do Sr. Herói. Tudo bem, ele parece divertido. "Aiya, que crueldade. Para a honra de ser um herói, você mataria esta mocinha, huh?" Ela sorriu enquanto sangrava até a morte. "Che, você ainda está com cabeça para piadar agora?" Ele disse com um olhar severo. "O que é a vida se não para aproveitar cada momento? Já que vou morrer e não consigo me vingar, espero que alguém o faça." "Ninguém fará. Você era a única mais poderosa do que eu com sua Nanomancia. Agora que você está fora do-" "Silêncio, criança. Estou tentando morrer em paz aqui." "Mas eu sou ve-!" "Ap! Boas crianças não perturbam seus anciãos." "Mas você-!" "Tchau~" Ela sorriu antes de perder as forças. "DROGA!" … Por que estou dormindo nos campos de neve? Os Lobos estão rosnando para mim. Com fome, huh?... Eu também. Este é o meu segundo livro, por favor, tenham misericórdia deste autor. Divirtam-se. A capa foi desenhada pelo incrível Aoi Ogata Nanomante = Um mago que usa nanobots Servidor do Discord: ```
Reili · 88K Views

Ich bin ausgewandert und habe einen Mann und einen Sohn bekommen!

Sie war unter vielen Namen bekannt: Dämonin, böse Hexe, Erbin der Hölle, die böseste und giftigste Blume in der Welt des Untergrunds. Was alle nicht wussten: Die Erbin der geheimnisvollsten Attentatsorganisation hatte einen einfachen Traum. Einen Traum, den viele Mädchen hatten: ein friedliches Leben mit einem Mann und einem Kind. Als die berüchtigte Anführerin der Attentäterorganisation im Körper von Heaven Liu aufwachte, dachte sie, ihr Lebenstraum sei endlich wahr geworden. Doch die Realität war ganz anders, als sie erwartet hatte. Heaven Liu war eine abgehalfterte Schauspielerin, die auf dem Höhepunkt ihres Ruhms aus dem Rampenlicht verschwand. Der Grund dafür? Eine ungewollte Schwangerschaft. Sie wurde gezwungen, einen Mann zu heiraten, den sie nicht liebte, und die Ehe ging schnell in die Brüche - fast bis an den Rand der Unheilbarkeit. Wird es ihr gelingen, die gebrochenen Herzen ihres Mannes und ihres Sohnes zu heilen? Oder wird sich die Kluft zwischen ihnen weiter vertiefen? Würde es angesichts dieser von Anfang an lieblosen Ehe eine Chance geben, dass sie als Familie glücklich leben können? Oder war es schon zu spät? Und vor allem: Würde sie wirklich den Ketten entkommen, von denen sie glaubte, sich befreit zu haben? Oder würde ihre eigene Hölle sie einholen und sie zurück in die Grube der Hölle schleifen, wo sie hingehört? ***** DAS EBOOK IST JETZT BEI AMAZON ERHÄLTLICH. LINK: Die spanische Übersetzung ist auch auf Webnovel verfügbar. Link:!_29071013600828005 Die portugiesische Übersetzung ist ebenfalls auf Webnovel verfügbar! Link:!_29287259500602105### Haftungsausschluss: Das Cover ist nicht mein Eigentum. Alle Credits gehen an den Künstler. Dies ist ein Teil der Wild Series der Autorin. Wild Miss Heiress: Ich bin reinkarniert und habe einen Mann und einen Sohn! TRITT MEINEM DISCORD-SERVER BEI:
BAJJ · 61.8K Views

Éveil du Talent : Moi, le plus faible éveillé, je commence avec le Sort de Feu Draconique

Mise à jour quotidienne ! 9h PST ---------------------- À l'ère de l'Éveil Universel sur la Sphère Azure, une myriade de races et de dieux coexistent. Démons, dieux obscurs et monstres descendent dans le royaume mortel, pour être accueillis par les Éveillés. Howard, lors de son Rituel d'Éveil, découvre des talents doubles — Récupération de Mana de rang F, et le talent suprême : Synthèse Suprême. Il garde un profil bas, se cachant en tant que 'magus ordinaire'. À travers d'innombrables actes de synthèse, il forge des artefacts suprêmes, des compétences suprêmes et des classes suprêmes ! Synthèse de Boule de Feu... Ding ! Synthèse réussie, acquisition de la compétence de rang D — Serpent de Feu ! Synthèse de Serpent de Feu... Ding ! Synthèse réussie, acquisition de la compétence de rang B — Python de Feu ! Synthèse de Python de Feu... Ding ! Synthèse réussie, acquisition de la compétence de rang S — Dragonfeu ! Lorsque les démons envahissent et que les dieux obscurs descendent, ils restent bouche bée devant la Sphère Azure qui se dresse devant eux. "Non, c'est un piège... un piège déguisé en simple cupcake !" ---------------------- Participation WSA 2023 ! Veuillez montrer votre soutien si vous aimez l'histoire ! Comment pouvez-vous montrer votre soutien ? Offrez une Pierre de Pouvoir ! 150 = 1 chapitre bonus 200 = 2 chapitres bonus 500 = 3 chapitres bonus La sortie bonus aura lieu la semaine suivante !
Red_Skin_Duck · 117.1K Views

Volé par le Roi Rebelle

En tant que princesse incapable de manier la magie, la seule valeur de la Princesse Daphné pour son royaume résidait dans son mariage arrangé. La tâche était simple, mais quand Daphné fut kidnappée et emmenée dans les froides montagnes de Vramid, elle réalisa qu'elle était dépassée par les événements. Elle avait déjà entendu parler de ces montagnes maudites auparavant - un terrain rocheux, des températures glaciales, et une terre gouvernée par un homme que beaucoup craignaient sur le continent. Le Roi Atticus Heinvres, le souverain assoiffé de sang du Nord. Bien qu'elle ne l'ait jamais rencontré auparavant, des histoires sur la cruauté du Roi Atticus étaient répandues. Certains disaient qu'il était un monstre, d'autres prétendaient qu'il était le diable en personne, mais peu importe l'histoire, tout le monde connaissait l'homme qui possédait des pouvoirs au-delà de l'imagination de tous. Il pouvait renverser des armées et ruiner des royaumes d'un simple geste de la main, aidé par ce que d'autres disaient être un anneau d'obsidienne maudit. Personne en dehors de Vramid n'avait jamais rencontré le redoutable roi auparavant. Jusqu'à Daphné. Cependant, en rencontrant l'impressionnant monarque, Daphné découvrit que le roi pourrait ne pas vraiment être le monstre que les autres prétendaient qu'il était. En fait, ce qui était caché sous ce bouclier d'obsidienne pourrait juste être un diamant brut. ― [Extrait] « Alors... où devrais-je vous mettre tous les deux ? » demanda-t-il nonchalamment, sans attendre de réponse. « C'est regrettable de n'avoir qu'un seul lustre. » « Sous mon lit ? Non, non, trop sale. Mes moutons de poussière ne méritent pas cela, » réfléchit Atticus à voix haute. « La cheminée ? Et la table de toilette ? Je suppose que si je coupe la tête de l'un d'entre vous, je pourrais l'accrocher au-dessus de... Ma femme, quelle tête veux-tu fixer du regard pendant que tu te coiffes ? » « Atticus ! » cria Daphné. « Je ne veux aucune tête ! Laisse-les partir. » « Très bien. » Atticus haussa les épaules et claqua des doigts. Il y eut deux craquements identiques alors que les deux cous se brisèrent simultanément. Daphné poussa un cri d'horreur. Cet homme, son mari, venait de tuer deux hommes d'un claquement de doigts, comme s'il éteignait des bougies. « Je t'avais dit de les laisser partir ! » cria Daphné. « Oui, je les ai laissés partir, » dit Atticus. Puis, ses yeux s'assombrirent. « Pour recevoir le jugement divin des cieux. » ― Serveur Discord :
saltedpepper · 155.1K Views

Après avoir échoué à séduire le grand ponte tyrannique, j'ai été entraînée dans un mariage

# THÉRAPEUTIQUE # GÂTERSAFEMME # TÊTUE Sang Qianqian, la fille aînée de la famille Sang, avait dix-huit ans quand elle est tombée amoureuse de Shen Hanyu à première vue. "Je t'aime, Shen Hanyu." "Mais pas moi," répondit Shen Hanyu sans pitié, chaque mot plein de détermination. "Ni maintenant, ni jamais."Furieuse, la riche héritière planifia sa vengeance contre Shen Hanyu mais découvrit par hasard qu'il deviendrait un tyran froid et impitoyable qui détruirait sa famille ! Sa rancœur envers lui monta en flèche, mais après son départ, il manqua Sang Qianqian comme un fou, alors qu'elle menait maintenant une vie insouciante après avoir déménagé loin et feint sa mort. Soudain, elle entendit la nouvelle que Shen Hanyu, devenu un magnat et apparemment plus fou encore, avait fait exhumé sa tombe et était maintenant à sa recherche. Alarmée, elle se dépêcha de faire ses valises pour s'enfuir à nouveau... seulement pour trouver l'homme lui-même debout à sa porte, respirant à travers des dents serrées, "Tu fuis encore ? Vas-y."Sachant que l'évasion était futile, Sang Qianqian changea de tactique et tenta de s'en sortir en usant de son charme, mais échoua et finit par s'y soumettre.***Des années plus tard, réalisant qu'elle avait été dupée, Sang Qianqiang jeta les papiers du divorce devant Shen Hanyu. "Je veux divorcer !"Shen Qianyu la tira simplement dans ses bras et se pencha pour l'embrasser. Se détachant après un long moment, il demanda d'une voix rauque, "Tu veux toujours divorcer ?"Étourdie par le baiser, Song Qianqian marmonna, "N-Non..." "Alors appelle-moi chéri." "C-Chéri..."Shen Hanyu acquiesça, satisfait. "C'est bien, ma fille."
Little Tower of Blossoms · 81.3K Views

Cultivation Game: Killings Get Me 100x Rewards

Cultivation Game: Killings Get Me 100x Rewards Ye Xuan transmigrated into a cultivation world, only to find himself at the bottom of the food chain. For years, he barely survived, cursing his bad luck. However, things took a turn for the worse when the sect he belonged to as an Outer Sect disciple was suddenly attacked by a rival sect. He managed to save himself by hiding, but soon, an injured disciple stumbled into his hiding spot. The man was a disciple of the rival sect and threatened Ye Xuan. With no other choice, Ye Xuan decided to attack the disciple and killed him. Ye Xuan, who had never even killed an ant before, felt a wave of horror wash over him. However, his fearful expression turned to astonishment when a system screen appeared before his eyes. [System Notification]: You have killed the son of the Grand Elder of the Elite Sword Sect. [Reward]: Elite Sword Art That fateful day marked the turning point in Ye Xuan's life, setting him on a path that would transform the timid, fearful boy into a legendary figure: the Killer God. [System Notification]: You have killed a Level 1 beast, the One-Eyed Serpent. [Reward]: 10 Years of Cultivation Experience [System Notification]: You have killed a horde of bandits. [Reward]: 100x Experience, 1000 Spirit Stones, and a random Martial Skill Author's corner: "This novel is participating in the WSA writing contest! Please help keep the story alive by voting with Power Stones. Your support is greatly appreciated!"
Gusain · 4.1K Views

La fiancée destinée du Dragon

``` Méfiez-vous des trahisons du destin. —- Les yeux rouge flamboyant de Sterling transpercent le regard terrifié de Faye. « Ma petite papillon, ne comprends-tu donc pas ? Une fois qu'un dragon reçoit quelque chose de précieux, il ne le lâche jamais. » ---- Faye Montgomery est une jeune noble de bas échelon prise dans un jeu de trahison impériale et de mort. Peu après le décès inopportun de sa mère, Faye est informée par son beau-père ivre et dépravé qu'en échange des dettes croissantes de sa famille, elle sera vendue dans un mariage contractuel. Son nouveau mari est le commandant de chevaliers le plus célèbre et le plus redouté de l'Empire d'Eastcarin... Duc Evan Sterling Thayer du Lac de Stanhall. Dès sa première rencontre avec le guerrier austère et glacial, Faye comprend que sa situation est bien pire qu'elle ne l'imaginait à l'origine. Elle se rend compte qu'elle a rencontré le Duc dans le passé. La jeune mariée pense désormais que la mort aurait été préférable à être vendue dans cette union impitoyable avec l'ancien adversaire de sa famille et l'homme responsable de ses malheureuses circonstances actuelles. Cependant, au fil du temps, même en luttant pour se libérer de cet homme abomination, Faye découvre que leurs fils rouges du destin sont plus étroitement entrelacés qu'elle ne l'imaginait auparavant. Ils sont tous deux devenus des marionnettes malgré eux de l'empire. Avec les nombreux agendas cachés et secrets de ceux au pouvoir autour d'eux, ils devront mettre de côté leurs différences et former une alliance s'ils souhaitent survivre. Ce roman était ma participation au concours WPC de juillet 2023 ! Le soutien que tout le monde a montré à cet égard est grandement apprécié. L'histoire est pleine de tournants inattendus que vous ne manquerez pas d'apprécier ! … {AVERTISSEMENT : Contenu pour adultes R-18} LES SCÈNES DE SEXY TIME COMMENCENT APRÈS LE CHAPITRE TRENTE. Avertissement : CECI EST UNE ŒUVRE DE FICTION. TOUS LES NOMS, PERSONNAGES, ORGANISATIONS, LIEUX ET ÉVÉNEMENTS SONT SOIT LE PRODUIT DE L'IMAGINATION DE L'AUTEUR SOIT UTILISÉS DE FAÇON FICTIVE. La couverture est la mienne, alors ne l'utilisez pas. email : ```
The_Sweet_Sparrow · 97.7K Views

Serpent’s Wrath: The Age of Chaos

Oliver and the rest of his classmates were chosen by the system and thrust into a chaotic world where everyone would transform into nascent gods. Alongside countless indigenous deities of this primal realm, they would fight, kill, and grow. This was the dawn of the universe, the birthplace of all myths, an era before the creator god Aether had even begun to mold the world. The sky, the sea, the land, ordinary life? None of it existed yet. Zeus, Odin, Eve—all the gods you’ve ever heard of—were still infants, or not even born. But this place was far from safe. Aether’s act of creation, the twilight of the gods, the war between Titans and dragons—these cataclysms would claim the lives of ninety-nine percent of all deities. Oliver and his peers had no intention of being part of that doomed majority. To survive, they had to become stronger! While the other students received starting items graded merely A or B, Oliver—thanks to a glitch in the system—obtained an SSS-tier artifact: The Book of the Chaos Era! With it, he would devour everything, ascend to unimaginable heights, and forge his own destiny. His legend would begin with countless transformations, yet through them all, his presence would remain unshakable. Some would come to call him the world-creating serpent—his eyes opening to summon day, closing to usher in night. At the end of the world, those who glimpsed him would revere him as the serpent that encircles the universe—Jörmungandr. From the depths of hell, others would gaze upon him and name him Satan. He was the spark that ignited the Golden Dynasty, a terror to mortals and gods alike, a herald of chaos, and the harbinger of eternity.
address_x · 2.9K Views

Rejected By The Alpha King; But She Is The Key

The air in the secluded passage crackled with a tension that was both palpable and suffocating. Arin, her back pressed against the cold stone wall, watched as Roan stalked towards her, his eyes burning with a mixture of rage and a chillingly possessiveness. It had been months since he had cast her aside, months since his words had shattered her world, yet the memory of his rejection remained as sharp as shattered glass. He had found her alone, a rare moment of solitude in the bustling citadel, and he had seized the opportunity to confront her. Jealousy, a venomous and unfamiliar serpent, coiled within him, fueled by the sight of her arrival alongside Alpha Zayan. Though he would never admit it, the unexpected image of her with anyone, talk more an Alpha gnawed at his pride, a stark reminder of his judgment. "So," he began, his voice a low, menacing growl, "the whore returns." Arin's chin lifted, her eyes flashing with a defiant fire. She refused to cower before him, to allow him the satisfaction of seeing her break. "I came with Alpha Zayan," she corrected, her voice steady, "at his invitation." Roan scoffed, his lips curling into a sneer. "An invitation," he echoed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "How convenient. I suppose you've been… entertaining him in exchange for his protection?" He stepped closer, his imposing figure casting a long, intimidating shadow over her. "You always were good at selling yourself, weren’t you? First me, then whoever else was willing to take you." He watched her, his eyes filled with a cruel satisfaction, as if he expected her to crumble beneath his insults. He wanted to see her break, to see her reduced to the trembling, humiliated woman he had left behind. But Arin had changed. The pain of his rejection had forged a resilience within her, a strength she never knew she possessed. She had learned to value her own worth, to define herself outside of his judgment. A slow, deliberate smile spread across her lips, a smile that held no warmth, only a chillingly detached amusement. "I would rather be a whore in a cheap bar," she said, her voice laced with a quiet contempt, "than be your whore, King Roan." His eyes widened, a flicker of surprise momentarily breaking through his mask of arrogance. He had expected tears, pleas, perhaps even a desperate attempt to defend her honor. He had not expected defiance.
SukieWrites · 2.3K Views

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Full Title, AZI: The History Shattering Burial of a Selfish Lunatic, Who Walked through Reincarnation for Two-Trillion Years Volumes 1-3 Synopsis: “Who?” Holding a lone gourd in hand the young man raises it to the Heavens with a single question. “Who wishes to accompany me? To stay by my side for an eternity, and to walk through the mountains, and seas?” May container spoilers below Volume 4 Synopsis: Weapon spirits, such is the nature of every single Sinner within the Leng Bing Realm. In other words, all of them are but tools, and a tool… “A tool has no right to choose their owner, and what a tool does is decided by their owner.” “…Cruel, how very cruel the laws of this world are. Even upon death, a soul may not rest.” Volume 5 Synopsis: “Surnamed Ye, if you had a choice between being a hero or a demon lord, which would you choose? Naturally, you can also choose to be a villager A or B if you wanted to.” “What kind of question is that? Hmm.” Contemplating for a bit, Ye Chen answers— “I guess, the hero? Since he always wins in the end?” “Hero, is it?” “And you, surnamed Long?” “I think, the role of the hero—is a role that should only be played by a masochist.” “The hell? Is this entire question supposed to be a way to diss me?” “The fate of a hero is to suffer. They’re constantly being pushed left and right. …While everyone else drowns in a sea of despair, a hero must stand their ground, and step forward—to guide the deadbeats along. They must become the shining beacon of hope that others may follow—towards a future, where they may survive. Tell me then, if a hero isn’t a masochist, then what are they?” The world is a game board, those who control the game board, and the game itself… What are they? Volume 6 Synopsis: “A lunatic near death has three options. One, they can choose to pass away peacefully. Two, they can choose to spend the rest of their remaining life to find a solution that will let them live. Three, they can drag an entire world down as a part of their burial.” ……… “The longer you live for, and the more you experience, the less you care about the things around you. Maybe, I’m just someone who has reached that point?” ……… “You’re right in saying that even if this world goes up into flames, I’d still be drinking away at my leisure. Why bother to care for a world that is completely foreign to me? The people who I had cared for, they aren’t here; hence, I see very little purpose in getting myself invested into this environment.” ……… The 46th prince of the Hong Xiao Empire was born between the emperor and the 114th concubine. He was born on a moonlit night, and yet, since his eyes were blind, his majesty—the emperor decided to name him Bujian Yue. “Did you know—that the more fearful a prey is, the tastier it is? At least to me, since I enjoy chewing on my food to savor the flavor.” “…?” Enlarging its stature, the black serpent abruptly snaps its head forward, and swallows the palace maid whole. Leaving a bite mark on the ground, the black serpent begins to chew, as the sound of meat and bones being pulverized comes from its maw. And eventually, the black serpent swallows.
YatogamiSakuya · 289.2K Views

A Serpent's Tale

In a future, alternate timeline, the Gods have been reawakened with a fury, and with that fury, they take control of the world and reshape it to their collective liking, and reignite the power of magic, changing the way the world functioned as we knew it. With the concept of magic now introduced to humanity, they went wild with it in this new world, creating new things and people that eventually restructured the system of the Gods themselves, changing everything once again. Time has passed since then, and in a remote city in the largest desert two beings encounter one another and create an unlikely spawn, the mother dies shortly after giving birth due to a curse inflicted upon her by mysterious forces. The was then father left to take care of his child on his own and does his best, but is forced to return to his home realm in hell, due to the same reasons he was allowed in the mortal plane in the first place. Left alone with only her friend, the two young serpentines venture off on many adventures together, developing a strong bond for one another that quickly grows into something more. Then on one of these adventures, they find themselves trapped inside a hidden and desolate place. They searched for a way out, but in the end, only one escaped Now alone the little serpent girl has to survive this world without anyone by her side, struggling to cope with all of the losses she's suffered over her life. Will she be able to survive? Or will she fall into an endless spiral of despair and loneliness? __________ Current Upload shedule, whenever it’s ready. Discord Link: Cover Art made by devilbeez, you can find them on instagram. WARNING! This novel contains fetish content such as Futanari and Vore, you have been warned. It also contains some descriptive and gory scenes that some may not like, chapters with such content have a note at the beginning of them. Any and all of this text is subject to change whenever I like.
Wyvers · 986.2K Views

Crown of Underworld

Power is not taken—it is owed. Lucian Smith was just an ordinary reader, a man who devoured stories of ruthless kings and untouchable mafia dynasties. But when fate grants him a second life, he awakens in the very world he once read about—as Lucian Valenciari, heir to the strongest mafia family in existence. The Valenciari Family, feared as "The Silver Serpents," controls the shadows of Eredia, shaping both the underworld and high society. Their legendary bloodline ability, Sovereign Serpent’s Dominion, bends fate itself. And Lucian? He has inherited a power so overwhelming that even his own family fears what he may become. But strength alone is not enough. In a world ruled by ancient bloodlines, betrayals, and unseen wars, Lucian must outplay rivals, silence enemies, and carve his own throne in a world where the weak are devoured. Because the Valenciari do not beg. They do not bow. They collect their debts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey there, dear reader! So, let me tell you—I’ve been working on this story for over a year. That’s 365+ days of writing, rewriting, questioning my life choices, drinking way too much coffee, and staring at my screen like a mafia boss plotting world domination. Every single chapter has been edited, re-edited, and then edited again (because apparently, I enjoy suffering). But why? Because I love this world. I wanted to create something that feels alive—a world where power isn’t just about brute strength but about strategy, deception, and knowing exactly when to strike. And of course, a main character who’s not just strong but calculating, charismatic, and a little terrifying. So, if you’re here for mafia intrigue, deadly power struggles, and a protagonist who always plays the long game, you’re in the right place. Buckle up, because the Silver Serpent always collects his debts—and this story is just getting started. Enjoy, and thanks for reading! —Aaron_Arkwright
Aaron_Arkwright · 1.8K Views
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