In a world where magic and mystery reign, a rare and terrifying affliction stalked the shadows. Known as the Immortality Disease, this curse ravaged its victims, burning through their lifespan at an alarming rate. For every year that passed, the infected would age twenty years, their bodies withering under the relentless assault.
Yet, there existed a cruel paradox. Before their lifespan expired, the afflicted became virtually indestructible. Their bodies healed from even the most grievous wounds, and their souls remained unbroken. It was as if fate had granted them a fleeting glimpse of eternity, only to snatch it away in the cruelest manner possible.
Sylvester, a young man with an unyielding spirit, had fallen prey to this curse. Desperate to survive, he dedicated himself to mastering the forbidden arts – magical disciplines so perilous that they bordered on suicidal. The Gold-Eating Energy Magnetic Skill, the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Method, and the True Demon Enters the Heart became his arsenal in the war against time.
As he wielded these potent abilities, Sylvester's powers grew at an astonishing rate. He could enter the mystical realm of the Divinity in a single day, break through to new heights in seven days, transform his very essence in a month, and ascend to immortality in a mere year.
With his small black flag in hand, Sylvester halted a passing stranger. "Wait, traveler," he said with a hint of mystery. "It's been far too long since our last meeting. Come, join me beneath the banner of the Human Emperor, and let us share a tale or two."
The stranger's eyes narrowed, sensing the dark energies emanating from the banner. "Your standard bears the stench of demonic power," he observed warily.
Sylvester's smile was enigmatic. "Merely a few suppressed demons, nothing more."
The stranger pressed on, his curiosity piqued. "And what of the icy breath that surrounds you?"
Sylvester's patience wore thin. "Enough of your questions! Enter, and let us speak of more pressing matters."