Dreams Above the City
Diego, a young and aspiring musician from the quiet countryside, arrives in the bustling mountain city of Baguio with nothing but his guitar and a heart full of dreams. Unexpectedly, due to unforeseen circumstances, he finds himself in a new place—a small apartment in Room 401—offered to him by a newly found friend who saw his potential. There, he unexpectedly becomes housemates with three men who are as different as they are driven: a passionate filmmaker, a graphic designer with big ambitions, and a corporate worker longing for freedom.
As Diego navigates the challenges of pursuing his music career, he finds himself immersed in a world he never knew existed—one filled with late-night rooftop conversations, the thrill of first love, and the bittersweet sting of failure. Together, the four roommates form an unlikely bond, sharing laughter, heartbreak, and hope as they chase their dreams against the backdrop of Baguio’s enchanting night skyline.
This is a story of rediscovering oneself, navigating the complexities of love and identity, and confronting the harsh realities of money and ambition. "Dreams Above the City" captures the essence of youth, the pursuit of passion, and the unbreakable connections that shape who we are.