Naruto: Heir To The Cherry Blossoms
In this reimagined Naruto universe, Minato Namikaze is revealed to be half Hyūga, connecting Naruto to the prestigious clan. After Minato and Kushina’s deaths, Hiashi Hyūga, recognizing Naruto's heritage, adopts him into the Hyūga clan to preserve the bloodline.
Under the strict tutelage of Hiashi, Naruto grows into a cold, composed, and prodigious individual, embodying the principles of the Hyūga clan and adhering strictly to its rules. With an air of authority and discipline, Naruto distances himself emotionally from others, even his adoptive sisters, Hinata and Hanabi, addressing them formally as "Hinata-sama" and "Hanabi-sama." His demeanor is eerily similar to the refined yet unyielding nature of Byakuya Kuchiki.
As Naruto matures, fragments of his past life as Byakuya Kuchiki begin to surface. The memories of a noble, powerful captain from another world steadily influence his personality, pushing him further toward the ideals of order, honor, and duty while also granting him insights into incredible power and techniques.