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Darlings Diapers

Despertar Abisal

Habiendo pasado su infancia confinada en cadenas, Alice era una niña que no conocía ni el amor ni la alegría. Despreciada por su familia mientras era torturada en nombre del bien mayor durante años, se volvió insensible a todo sentimiento y pensamiento. Eso fue, hasta que un día, un hombre de negro le ofreció una oportunidad de escapar. Hubo una vez rumores extendidos de un infierno interminable, una tierra de muerte gloriosa y oportunidad terrible. Los tontos lo buscaban, y los inteligentes nunca se aventuraban en él. Solo cuando sus ominosos misterios se derramaron sobre la tierra todos oyeron su nombre —el Abismo. Una sola gota de su sangre podía dar a alguien el poder de controlar las sombras, moverse más rápido que el sonido, o tener una fuerza superior a la del hombre más fuerte. Sin embargo, todo tenía un costo; la sangre siempre aseguraba que aquellos que la consumían se convirtieran en parte del Abismo, con una excepción —Alice. Rechazada por su propia sangre, estaba destinada a pudrirse en una jaula dorada. Pero, ese día fatídico cambió todo. Dotada de una segunda oportunidad en la vida, una oportunidad para cambiar su vida y reclamar venganza contra su familia, una oportunidad de sumergirse profundamente en el Abismo y obtener el poder para gobernar su propio destino, Alice tomó su mano, sin ser consciente del destino que se desplegaba ante ella. Discord: Notas del Autor: Este es mi tercer libro, voy a tomar lo que aprendí anteriormente para mejorar. Este libro se centrará en la trama, la acción, la profundidad de los vínculos de los personajes y, en general, un tono más oscuro/enfoque de este mundo de fantasía cruel que he ideado para este libro. Si decides darle una oportunidad a este libro, ¡espero que lo disfrutes! Una experiencia y un tono muy diferentes a los de Nanomancer Reborn.
Reili · 32.1K Views

Leitfaden zur Herrschaft meiner Tycoon-Ehemänner

Luo Huian war die schönste, stärkste und narzisstischste... Schnitt! Schnitt! Schnitt! Schnitt! Nimm zwei und mach es nochmal. Luo Huian war die schönste, stärkste und weiseste Unsterbliche im Reich des Friedens und der Harmonie. Ihre beiden Väter kümmerten sich liebevoll um sie, und sie hatte einen großzügigen Vorrat an Ressourcen und Pillen. Ihr Leben war perfekt. Doch ihr perfektes Leben fand ein jähes Ende, als Luo Huian, ein Unsterblicher, dessen Aufgabe es war, denjenigen Frieden zu bringen, die ihr Ende erreicht hatten und denen der Glaube abhanden gekommen war. Er beobachtete einen Mann, der von einem Gebäude sprang. Aufgrund ihrer starren Überzeugungen und ihres Gerechtigkeitssinns rettete sie den Tyrannen nicht. Leider war dieser Mann der Sohn des Himmels. Der Verlust seines Lebens brachte unendlichen Ärger in Luo Huians Leben und sie wurde vom Himmel bestraft. Sie wurde in die Welt der Menschen geschickt, wo sie mindestens fünfhundert Menschen das Leben retten musste, als diese mit ihrem Verstand am Ende waren. Für eine Unsterbliche war das eine leichte Aufgabe, oder? Falsch gedacht. Ihre Großmutter schickte Luo Huian in eine Welt, in der Gloom Rocks ein Chaos angerichtet hatte. Bestien und Monster wurden von den Gloom Rocks geboren, die den Menschen jedes bisschen Glück aussaugten. Diese Welt wurde von Jägern beherrscht, die die Bestien mit den Kräften, die sie erweckt hatten, töten konnten. Und in dieser mörderischen Welt zog Luo Huian den Kürzeren. Sie wachte im Körper eines Jägers der Klasse F auf! Verdammt! Als ob das nicht schon schlimm genug wäre, hatte die frühere Besitzerin ihrer Schwägerin alles gestanden und wurde aus der Familie verstoßen. Ein doppelter Frosch in der heißen Kiste. Mit keinem einzigen Penny in der Tasche macht sich Luo Huian auf den Weg, um ihren Auftrag zu erfüllen. Aber was würde passieren, wenn Luo Huian, die eine Jägerin der F-Klasse war, die Glooms und Hollows der Z-Klasse auslöschte, was selbst die Jäger der S-Klasse nicht konnten? Beobachte, wie sie sich gegen die Gefahren wehrt und gleichzeitig das Leben von Menschen rettet. Aber bei dieser kleinen Mission gibt es ein kleines Hindernis. Die drei verlockenden Versuchungen. *********** Widerstehen Sie der Versuchung 1: "MMPH", stieß Luo Huian gegen den Mer, der sie auf das Bett gedrückt hatte, während er sich auf ihre Taille setzte. "Geh runter." "Ich kann nicht", antwortete Qi Yongrui, während er sein Hemd auszog. "Vater Shun sagte, er sei neidisch auf Onkel Wang. Er möchte auch ein Enkelkind haben. Also, Frau, lass uns heute Abend hart arbeiten, ja?" Luo Huian: Lieber Himmel, rette mich, ich bin eine Frau ohne Verlangen! **** Der Versuchung widerstehen, Take 2: "Findest du, dass er gut aussieht?" fragte Fan Meilin die Frau, die neben ihm stand. Obwohl er derjenige war, der das Rennen und den Pokal gewonnen hatte, schaute seine Frau auf den anderen Mer. "Nun ja", stimmte Luo Huian, die Schönheit zu schätzen wusste, sofort zu. "Aber warum fragst du das?" Fan Meilins Augen blitzten auf, als er sie anlächelte und sich näher an ihren Körper lehnte, während er ihr ins Ohr flüsterte: "Er mag gut aussehen, aber ich bin ein besserer Fahrer. Nicht nur auf der Rennstrecke, sondern auch im Bett, willst du es ausprobieren, Darling?" Luo Huian: Widerstehe der Versuchung! Um jeden Preis! Ich bin eine Frau mit einem eisernen Herzen. ***** Widerstehe der Versuchung, nimm 3: "Ist das nötig?" fragte sich Luo Huian, als sie auf der Couch saß und zusah, wie der Mann seine Finger über ihre Kurven gleiten ließ, während sie nur in moderner Badekleidung saß. Der Mer nickte, während er auf seinen kleinen Notizblock schrieb: "Ich muss jeden Zentimeter deiner Haut nachzeichnen, um meine beste Kreation zu schaffen, also beweg dich nicht." Nachdem er mit dem Schreiben fertig war, reichte er Luo Huian den Notizblock und seine Finger strichen über die Kurven ihres Busens, ihrer Taille und --- Luo Huian: Meine Tugend ist in höchster Gefahr! ** Fl, die alles tut, um zu verhindern, dass ihr ihre Tugend genommen wird, da dies ihre Kultivierung verlangsamen würde X Mls, die alles versuchen, um sie ihr zu entreißen. *********** Trigger-Warnung: Obwohl das Buch in einer komödiantischen Umgebung spielt, könnte es einige unangenehme Themen geben, die Depression und Einsamkeit behandeln. ***********
fairytail72 · 6.5K Views

Gutaussehende CEOs liebenswerte Ehefrau

"Du bist das Mondlicht, das die Dunkelheit der Nacht erhellt. Du bist der Regen, der das ausgetrocknete Land flickt. Du bist der Atem, der mein Herz lebendig hält." "Haha, Gatte, du wirst immer besser darin mir zu schmeicheln" "Solange es für dich ist, kann ich in allem besser werden, was du willst, meine liebe Frau." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Während sie um ihr Leben rennt, opfert sie sich, um ihren Geliebten entkommen zu lassen. Hua Lan wacht in einem fremden, luxuriösen Zimmer auf und stellt fest, dass sie sich an nichts von sich selbst erinnern kann. Als sie erfährt, dass die Informationen über ihre Existenz ausgelöscht sind und dass sie sich vor den Leuten in Acht nehmen muss, die hinter ihr her sind, beginnt Hua Lan ein neues Leben mit einer neuen Identität. Umgeben von ihrem gut aussehenden Ehemann und seiner liebevollen Familie, passt sich Hua Lan (jetzt Mu Lan) an ihr neues Leben an. Aber jetzt hört sie in ihren Träumen ein Mädchen flüstern: "Solange du nicht sagst 'Ich liebe dich', werde ich unsere Erinnerungen für mich behalten. Lebe wohl, meine Liebe." Mu Liang weiß, dass um sie herum etwas Geheimnisvolles vor sich geht. Sie hat einen rätselhaften Hintergrund und verblüffende Fähigkeiten. Aber es ist ihm egal, wer sie in der Vergangenheit war und warum man sie immer wieder angreift. Er kann nur daran denken, sie zu lieben, sie zu schätzen und sie einzusperren, damit sie nie wieder in ihre Vergangenheit zurückkehren kann. Denn er weiß, dass er nicht einen Moment ohne sie leben kann. Sie versuchen, das Geheimnis um Hua Lan zu lüften. Aber sie braucht ihr Gedächtnis zurück. Der beste Arzt kann nicht verstehen, warum sie sich an nichts mehr erinnern kann. Wenn sie jedoch in ein Paar grausame Augen blickt, tut ihr der Kopf weh. Da sie ihr Gedächtnis nicht wiedererlangen kann, müssen sie einen anderen Weg wählen, um ihre Rätsel zu lösen. Aber was wird sie tun, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hat? Jemand und einige Leute müssen ein paar Ohrfeigen bekommen. Aber wer wird die Ohrfeigen bekommen? Und wer wird am Ende lachen können? ~WILLKOMMEN ZUM ERSTEN ORIGINAL CEO BUCH AUF WEBNOVEL ***Dies ist eine Geschichte über ein Mädchen, das für sich selbst und die Menschen, die ihr wichtig sind, kämpft. Sie versucht herauszufinden, wer sie ist, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis verloren hat, und die Menschen um sie herum werden ihr helfen, die Rätsel um sie herum zu lösen. ***wird überarbeitet. wenn du Fehler findest, weise bitte darauf hin*** **WARNUNG: PLAGIIEREN SIE NICHT UND VERÖFFENTLICHEN SIE DIESE ARBEIT NICHT AUF ANDEREN SEITEN. WENN IHNEN DAS WERK GEFÄLLT, EMPFEHLEN SIE ES ANDEREN IN WEBNOVEL.COM ZU LESEN. __________________________________ Buchreihe: 1. Handsome CEO's Darling Wife 2. Meine Frau ist eine Göttin: 99 geheime Küsse 3. Verlorene Glückseligkeit 4. Die Kobra Weitere Bücher: 1. Meine Geliebte 2. Vom Schicksal verwirrt __________________________________ Discord-Server - Instagram: flow07.autor Facebook-Seite: Flow07 Unterstützen Sie mich. Gönner: Kaufen Sie mir einen Kaffee:
Flow07 · 62.6K Views

Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands

Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and narcissistic——- Cut! Cut! Cut! Take two, and do it over. Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and wisest immortal in the realm of peace and harmony. Her two fathers doted on her, and she had a generous supply of resources and pills. Her life was perfect. However, her perfect life came to an abrupt end when Luo Huian, an immortal whose responsibility was to bring peace to those who had reached their ends and had run out of faith—— Watched a man jump down a building. Because of her inflexible beliefs and sense of justice, she did not save the bully. Unfortunately, that man was the son of the heavens. The loss of his life brought infinite trouble in Luo Huian’s life and she was punished by the heavens. She was sent to the world of humans where she had to rescue at least five hundred people by saving their lives when they were at the end of their wits. For an immortal this was an easy job, right? Wrong. Her grandmother sent Luo Huian to a world where Gloom Rocks had wrecked chaos. Beasts and monsters were given birth to by the Gloom Rocks that sucked every ounce of happiness from humans. This world was dominated by hunters who could kill the beasts with the powers that they had awakened. And in this cutthroat world, Luo Huian got the short end of the stick. She woke up in the body of an F-class hunter! Dang it. If that wasn’t worse enough, the previous owner had confessed to her cousin-in-law and was kicked out of the family. Double frog in the hot crock. With not a single penny in her pocket Luo Huian goes out to complete her mission. But what would happen when Luo Huian who was an F-class hunter annihilated the Z-class Glooms and Hollows that even the S-class hunters could not? Watch her fend against the dangers and at the same time save the lives of people. But in this small mission, there is a small obstruction —— The three alluring temptations. *********** Resisting the temptation take 1: “MMPH,” Luo Huian pushed against the mer who had pushed her down on the bed while sitting on her waist. “Get off.” “I can’t,” answered Qi Yongrui as he took off his shirt. “Daddy Shun said that he is envious of Uncle Wang. He also wants to hold a grandchild. So, wife let's work hard tonight alright?” Luo Huian: Dear Heavens save me, I am a woman of no desire! **** Resisting the temptation take 2: “Do you think he is good looking?” Fan Meilin questioned the woman who stood next to him. Even though he was the one who won the race and the trophy, his wife was looking at the other mer. “Well yes,” Luo Huian, who was an appreciator of beauty, agreed at once. “Why are you asking this though?” Fan Meilin’s eyes flashed as he smiled at her and leaned in closer to her body as he whispered in her ear, “He might be good looking but I am a better driver. Not only on the track but also in bed, do you want to try darling?” Luo Huian: Resist the temptation! At all costs! I am an iron-hearted woman. ***** Resisting the temptation take 3: “Is this necessary?” Luo Huian questioned as she sat on the couch, watching the mer trace his fingers on her curves while she sat in nothing but modern swimwear. The mer nodded as he wrote on his small notepad, “I need to trace every inch of your skin to create my finest creation, so don’t move.” After he finished writing, he handed the notepad to Luo Huian, his fingers brushing against the curve of her bosom, waist and ——— Luo Huian: My virtue is at extreme risk! ** Fl who is trying to do everything to save her virtue from being taken as it would slow down her cultivation X Mls who are trying their best to snatch it from her. *********** Trigger warning: though the book is set in a comedic setting, there might be some uneasy topics that would discuss depression and loneliness. ***********
fairytail72 · 1.2M Views

From Apocalypse To Entertainment Circle (BL)

In a world devastated by an unforgiving apocalypse, Qing Xia struggles against a life filled with despair. Surrounded by the suffocating remnants of society—polluted air, barren land, and the haunted expressions of humanity—he often envies those who have found peace in death, escaping the relentless suffering of existence. Yet, the memory of his family's sacrifice fuels his determination to endure, making him one of the last survivors in a landscape of desolation. But fate has other plans. During a routine mission, Qing Xia’s life abruptly ends, or so he believes. To his shock, he awakens reborn as an idol on the brink of obscurity, a mere shadow in a vibrant world. Eager for a second chance, he seeks solace in a newfound identity, yearning for a life filled with simple pleasures. However, tranquility slips through his fingers as he is thrust into an unexpected chaos—a variety show that pulls him into the heart of danger, where secret agents, ruthless hitmen, and shadowy figures lurk. With every step, the weight of his dreams collides with a reality he never wished to face. As he grapples with relentless uncertainty, Sian realizes that the struggle for peace may lead him deeper into turmoil. In this haunting journey, can he carve out a destiny in a world that seems determined to tear him apart? The winds of fate do not blow as one wishes, and with shadows closing in, every moment counts. ---------------------------- Black box: Someone: "Darling, help me deal with these people." Sian: "Stay away from me. I have nothing to do with you or them." Someone, with fake tears: "Darling, I’m hurt. Come kiss me here, and the pain will go away." Sian, holding a military knife: "Does it hurt there? How about I just cut it off for you?" Someone, stripping Sian’s clothes: "Darling, you look so beautiful when you’re angry. I can’t take it anymore." Sian: "Go to hell! Ah—ahh! Stop it—stop! That hurts! Quit biting me, you damn dog!"      ---------------------------------------     Dear readers, welcome to an exciting adventure! This is a captivating BL novel filled with +18 scenes that add a spark of joy and love and some sadness. If you’re open to exploring vibrant stories and vibrant connections, dive right in to accompany our Angel, the MC " Sian," on his journey in this new world. PS: the cover+ the ML photo are not mine.
EratoChronicles · 146.8K Views

CEO’s Billion Dollar BabyMomma

When Evelyn’s loser fiance steals her company's secrets and elopes with her prostitute mother, she finds herself facing impending bankruptcy. But unexpected help comes in the form of an unusual offer from her business rival and ex-boyfriend, Alexander Langford. “Bear my children, Eve, and I’ll save this precious company of yours.” To everyone else, Alexander is the heir to a billion dollar fortune, and the acting industry’s handsome darling. But to Evelyn, he is nothing more than a cold-hearted, arrogant man she dumped for being a compulsive liar years ago - but unknown to her, he has never lied about his love. How could Alexander miss the golden chance to hit two birds with one stone? He gets his inheritance, and a family with the love of his life. Now, if only dear Evelyn would stop thinking the worst of him… [Strong female lead x doting male lead.] [EXCERPT] “You’re out of your mind,” Eve snaps. “You could have any woman in this world, and you want ME to be the mother of your children?!” “Why not? You’re smart, savvy, and fucking hot,” Alex says as he takes a step forward, trapping her body between his muscular arms. His dark blue eyes gaze deep into hers with unbridled lust. “I want our children to have the best from both of us. Our children could take over the world.” “There is no ‘our’,” Eve says coldly, pushing him away. “I will be the surrogate for your children. This is nothing but a business deal. There is NO love in this contract. But in exchange, you need to do something else.” “And what is it?” “Help me take down my ex-fiance. That bastard deserves to die after fucking my mom and ruining my life.” Alex chuckles. “It’s a deal then, sweetheart.” * It was nothing but a business deal at first. But what if the line between business, love, and hatred were getting blurry as they got entangled too far and too long? * [Power couple, slow burn, getting back together.]
ForeverPupa · 13.7K Views

Vampire Chronicles

Year 1540 Nicole is a lowly human from the mainland trying to make ends meet as she would often paint for middle and high-class people sometimes even Purebloods which was rare in her case. She receives little money which doesn’t financially support her living. Until one day she received an invitation from the Snow Kingdom to paint the great Lord Jasper Gervassius. She reaches the kingdom and Meets Lord Jasper in the hopes of making a big income she receives more than what she bargains for. ---------------------------------- Teaser: Jasper placed both of his hands on either side of Nicole's head trapping her with his body. He stared down at her looking at his sweet innocent lamb, he couldn't help but smile at her widely. Her doe-like eyes staring back at him only made him want to devour her "Why do you play these games with me darling you know I don't like it. I think you forgot who you're dealing with." He leaned down against her lips slightly flicking his tongue in her mouth making her crave for more."My Quahneah Woman" Nicole gasped in shock as she wondered how he knew her tribe's name. Before she could say another Jasper had cupped her cheek softly placing his lips on hers and kissing her softly as he slowly removed his hands against the wall. He was wrapping his arms around her waist bringing her body closer to his as there was no space between them. As they continued Nicole started to become breathless pulling herself back to breathe, she couldn't help but look up to see Jasper looking at her with a smile that was Duchenne. His purple orbs looked into her seeing the love and adorn affection he was showing her.  "Jasper I have a question to ask you" Jasper hummed waiting for her question" What are we going to do about the tirade ." Jasper's smile suddenly became sinister as he narrowed his eyes "Why don't you leave that to me, darling."
KyrieUzumaki · 130.1K Views

Marriage with my daughter's father: Darling please be gentle

Winter’s impulsive one-night stand in a nightclub would set off a chain of events that would change her life forever. After discovering she was pregnant, she fled to another country, determined to start over and raise her child in peace. But when her grandfather suffers a life-threatening accident, Winter returns to a world she swore to leave behind—only to discover that her grandfather had arranged a marriage for her, one she never consented to. The shocking revelation? The man chosen for her was none other than Kalix Andreas, the ruthless mafia don with whom she had shared that fateful night of passion. Cold, calculating, and powerful, Kalix is not the man Winter remembers. Underneath his unyielding exterior lies a dangerous man with a past that binds them both. Faced with a forced union, Winter must confront her deepest fears. Kalix is determined to claim her heart and her soul, declaring, "I’ve waited years for you, Angel. No matter how strong the walls are, I will break them with my love. You have to be mine." But can she accept the love of the man who embodies everything she’s fought against? Or will the weight of his dark secrets tear them apart? A tale of passion, betrayal, and redemption, the story will keep you on the edge of your seat as Winter struggles to choose between love and the walls she’s built around her heart. PS: I DO NOT OWN THE COVER. CREDIT TO THE RESPECTED OWNER.
akshaya_vanne · 30.8K Views

After the Happy Ending with My Archenemy [Quick Transmigration]

和死对头HE后[快穿] Author: 光明在案 Synopsis: Perspective: Main Shou (Receiver) After having a happy ending with his mortal enemy, he lost his memory. --- General Qin Chu received a very troublesome mission. He met a task object he particularly hated: sharp-tongued, a drama queen, and in several worlds, dragging him down. Unable to hold back, General Qin Chu ended up beating up the task object. Unexpectedly, while beating him up, they accidentally rolled into... Then, the task object woke up, lost his memory, and seemed to have a fiancée? Qin Chu picked up his particle cannon. --- The Empire's Prince, Levi, woke up from a crisis, only to encounter a black-robed youth blocking his door telling stories. The first time Levi saw the youth, he sarcastically said, "You're so short." The black-robed youth lifted his eyelids and gave him a cold glance, "Try saying that again." Levi laughed, "What, do you dare to hit me?" Later... The Prince, with a face like a pig's head, snuggled into the youth's arms, saying, "Darling, I was wrong~" Levi X Qin Chu Task object turned deadly rival series Empire General Shou - High combat power, overflowing protectiveness. Empire Prince Gong - Pretends to be weak, a born drama queen. Not an all-powerful protagonist. Not a fast-paced face-slapping, abusive quick transmigration. Content Tags: Strong-Strong, One-Sided Love, Enemies to Lovers, Quick Transmigration. Search Keywords: Main Character: Qin Chu | Supporting Character: Levi | Others: Atypical Quick Transmigration. One Sentence Summary: He lost his memory. Theme: After passing through darkness, still believing in the goodness of humanity. --- This is translation of BL novel. NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR
ssp25 · 1K Views

The love package; My Darling wife and baby girl

Eric Crown rushed into the hospital, carrying the injured woman mindful of the fact that she is heavily pregnant. He left his assistant Andrew behind, who was trying to catch up with him. Andrew had tried to carry the woman from Eric but he refused to allow him or even allowed his driver touch her. ""Somebody help me" Eric immediately alarmed the hospital nurse at the reception immediately he entered with the injured woman. The emergency staff and nurses ran to him immediately seeing the injured woman in Eric's arms. Doctor what can be done for her Eric asked she is so seriously injured. We have to get the baby out of her first, the doctor replied assessing her injuries. We will try to save her life, I hope the baby is still alive the doctor added. What! Eric exclaimed shock. Take her to the operating theatre the doctor instructedthe emergency personnel there. The nurses and emergency staff put her on a hospital stretcher, and started wheeling her to the operation theatre. A nurse came with some papers for Eric to sign, he didn't even look at them he just signed. Dr. Robert, the medical director of the hospital was already informed of Eric's coiming. He just got to Eric at this time and asked who the woman involved in the accident was? Eric, still in shock with blood all over his shirt and trousers turned to Dr. Robert puzzled. What does that have to do with anything ? Dr. Robert was surprised by Eric's answer. Mr. Crown, I wanted to know if she was a family member he explained. No, I don't know her. She was hit by my car and we just rushed her here. Dr. Robert has known Eric for a long time, well known for his compassion and charity work but he never get emotionally involved. From the look on Eric's face, Dr. Robert felt there can only be one explanation then asked "were you driving" ? No, my driver was Eric answered. I see, you don't need to wait. Be rest assured we will take good care of her, it's just that from what I have seen she is in a critical condition. How critical Eric asked Dr. Robert. She might not survive Dr.Robert answered heavily, we were all quiet until a nurse came and told Dr. Robert they were ready for him at the operating theatre, he left with the nurse. She can't die, she cannot die Eric told himself. He felt this strong sense of attachment to her. Why is he feeling like this? As if, as if we have met before he thought. Sir, sir. sir? Andrew called out, touching Eric's shoulder lightly. Eric don't know how long he stood there but he suddenly realized Andrew was calling out to him. Sir, you need to change, there is a rest room over there Andrew said holding a change of clothes for him and pointing toward the restroom. Eric just continued to sit there, dazed! The incident playing over and over again in his mind. How come she was on the road at this time of the night? He wondered. She is heavily pregnant, why would any man allow his wife to move around at this time of the night?, and she was alone. Come to think about it, Eric didn't notice any wedding ring on her he thought, probably he didn't look properly. Mr. Crown, a nurse called out . Eric Crown looked up at her wondering when he sat down. Andrew immediately asked her what she wanted We need to know her name for our records she said We don't know Andrew answered.. But... It's an emergency, we had to rush her here, she was already unconscious Andrew explained. Then Dr. Robert suddenly came out of the Operating theatre, pulling off his face mask. We stood up as he walked toward us, eager for news . You have a baby girl Dr. Robert said smiling Me ? Eric asked surprised!
SCarew · 739K Views

Realidad 0 (Ángel Álvarez).

Sinopsis: Una historia inspirada en el videojuego Fortnite, de la mano de un fiel jugador y seguidor del lore del videojuego. Realidad cero relata los hechos acontecidos durante el capítulo 4 hasta la temporada actual en el que se esté desarrollando la historia de Fortnite, desde la perspectiva de Venra; un joven huerfano mitad cuervo mitad humano criado por una inteligencia artificial llamada M.I.A, el cuál emprenderá un viaje en donde aprenderá más acerca sobre el pasado de la isla así como de sí mismo, pero sobre todo, el verdadero significado de ser un "Raven". Preguntas frecuentes: P: ¿Esta historia puede emplearse como una guía para entender de mejor manera el lore en la línea principal del juego? R: No, Realidad cero si bien utiliza elementos y sucesos vistos en el canon de Fortnite, la historia narrada es totalmente independiente a la misma, puesto que es mi forma de darle una narrativa al lore del juego. Por este motivo nada de esto debería considerarse como un hecho o una guía clara para seguir el lore, es solo mi visión de la historia. P: ¿Porque comenzar desde el Cap4? R: Elegí comenzar a partir de este punto ya que considero que fue en este capítulo donde la consistencia entre hechos de la historia era cada vez menos clara; a diferencia de temporadas anteriores, eso no significa que se omitan dichos acontecimientos, ya que serán de vital importancia para el desarrollo de la historia pero sobretodo de su protagonista. P: En la sinopsis se indica que se abarcarán hechos actuales según lo que suceda en el juego. ¿Cómo se llevará a cabo eso? R: La historia se irá desarrollando de acuerdo a los elementos que el juego otorgue, ya que el objetivo de esta historia es ver como el protagonista se va desenvolviendo según lo que vaya ocurriendo en el mundo del videojuego. P: ¿Cómo se dividirá la historia? R: De momento la idea es publicar pequeñas partes cada semana, de ahí la frecuencia con la que se publiquen dependerá de la recepción de la misma.

The Darker Sins

A secret mission was all it took for Elise to gain the infamous twins, Azael and Reuel's attention and from then on, there was no stopping them. While the twins want her, Elise wants nothing to do with them. Amidst the growing infatuation and feelings, Elise has even to protect herself from the danger she has unknowingly put herself into. ---------------------------------------------------------------- “You were ours the day you stepped inside our club,” Azael said as he strode towards her and Elise took a step back instantly. “I belong to no one.” She declared as she maintained her gaze on him. But her wavering voice gave her away and Azael arched his lips, taking it as a challenge. “Are you sure, darling? Why does your heartbeat say otherwise?” Reuel approached her from behind and Elise was now trapped between the twins. “I…” Elise licked her lips as she maintained her gaze on the man before her while her mind was focused on Reuel’s wandering hands that were inching towards her waist. “You what, gorgeous?” Azael probed as he smirked at her evilly and Elise was lost in his mysterious depths instantly. “Tell us you want us, Elise.” Reuel urged from behind. “Tell us, baby. Tell us you want us as much as we want you.” Azael ran a finger along her arm and goosebumps peppered on her skin instantly. “Tell us, Elise.” And that was all it took for Elise to surrender. “I want you.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- This book contains mature content including violence and sexual themes. It is also a reverse harem romance and explores many different aspects of BDSM. Read at your own discretion.
prada_murthy · 25.1K Views

A Dangerous Obsession

Three rejections. Three shattered dreams. That was Layla’s reality, all because she was different—a half-shifter in a world obsessed with purity. Ostracized, shunned, and finally sold off like a pawn to the most feared ruler alive—the Lycan King. He was ruthless, a king with a graveyard of brides, each one a ghostly reminder of a fate worse than death. Layla loathed him. Hated the way his gaze cold and fathomless, held no warmth for her. Hated how his touch, both thrilling and terrifying, sent an uninvited chill down her spine. --- “I hate you!” I screamed, hands clenched so tight my knuckles ached. He sighed, a smirk curling at the edge of his lips, his tone mocking as he closed his book with a deliberate snap. “Stressed, are we?” he asked, strolling toward me, each step reminding me exactly who held the power here. “Lucky for you,” he drawled, rolling up his sleeves as he stopped just inches away, “I know exactly 70 ways to ease those nerves.” His fingers brushed my cheek, a touch that seemed to burn into my skin. “The first… a hug.” His voice dropped to a rough whisper as he leaned in, breath hot against my ear. “And the rest... well, that's 69? what do you say about that?" I swallowed hard, my heart thudding wildly as he tilted his head, waiting for me to react, that insufferable smirk still in place. “What’s the matter, darling?” he murmured, a taunt lingering in his gaze. --- A Dangerous Obsession Can she resist the pull, or will she dance into the flames of her own destruction? A dark dive into obsession, raw need, and the razor’s edge between desire and devastation. --- LYCAN KING CASSIAN I will tear her apart piece by piece, feeding the wildfire that grips her with each shuddered breath. Like air to flame, I’ll claim every inch, drawing heat from her skin until it sinks into her bones. Her pulse will race under my hands, her breaths shallow, pleading. Her eyes may scream, but her lips will still murmur my name. That first taste of fear will only feed something deeper—a need that burns through her veins, molten and fierce. And just when she’s too far gone to turn back, I’ll twist the knife, giving her the pain she’s learned to crave. She’ll be the moth to my flame, helpless against the very thing that will consume her.
Donna_Sheldon · 81.8K Views

The Billionaire's Rental Wife Is A Hot Shot

“I will let you be on top from tonight, please don’t divorce me, darling!” ----- Evelyn’s fairytale life shattered when a stranger stormed in, claiming to be the real daughter of the Wright family with proof. Her enviable privileges? Stripped away. Her spotless reputation? Tarnished. Her four-year engagement? Abruptly annulled. But the worst betrayal came from her once-loving father, all set to marry her off to settle a business score—with a man twice her age! Everyone in the circle attended this scandalous wedding, eager to witness the downfall of the supposed fake heiress. Yet, the climax was not what even Evelyn had anticipated! Zevian Reign, the nation’s richest tycoon, known for being every woman’s fantasy and the nightmare of all his rivals, made a dramatic entrance. His arrival stunned the guests, but his brazen wish was even more startling! He casually demanded to replace the groom and marry the beautiful bride. No one dared to challenge, nor did anyone have the guts to disobey him. They were left with no choice but to watch the wedding unfold. And it was Evelyn’s time to smirk, for she was now the devil’s wife. And all those who had ruined her, they would pay back in tenfold! ++++ [Excerpt] "Why would I ditch my husband for a loser?" Evelyn chuckled, crossing her arms defiantly. "He is better than him in all the aspects." Her gaze drifted to her ex-fiancé nearby, and she continued with a smirk, "Actually, a lot better in bed." As Annabelle’s face flushed with disdain, Evelyn patted her back and leaned in to deliver another slap. "So, good luck with licking my leftovers, dear step-sister. He's a perfect match for you."
Zelra · 1M Views
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