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Do CEO a Concubina

Yan Zheyun foi criado para ser um vencedor. Seus pais estavam na lista da Forbes, ele foi o orador da turma de formandos na melhor universidade do país, e a cereja do bolo foi ser votado como o 'garoto dos sonhos' por quatro anos seguidos por seus colegas. E agora, com apenas vinte e cinco anos, Yan Zheyun era o orgulhoso presidente e CEO de sua própria empresa de tecnologia. Mas o que deveria ter sido o dia mais feliz de sua vida se transformou no pior quando ele ouviu uma estranha voz robótica enquanto atravessava a rua para pegar um café, apenas porque não podia esperar sua secretária voltar da sala de fotocópias. [RELATÓRIO DE ERRO #193842347: ALMA DE OUTRO MUNDO DETECTADA. INICIANDO SEQUÊNCIA DE DEPORTAÇÃO.] E então ele morreu. Em um acidente de carro muito chato, muito comum. ...exceto que talvez ele não tenha morrido. A primeira coisa que Yan Zheyun pensou depois que abriu os olhos e se viu em um quarto que parecia o cenário de um daqueles dramas do palácio interno foi: Nossa, o café não valeu a pena. A segunda coisa que ele pensou depois de perceber que estava agora em um romance histórico BL e havia transmigrado para o corpo de uma beleza trágica que estava (prestes a ser) usada e abusada por seus vários amantes foi: Deve ter sido a técnica errada para abrir os olhos, deixe-me tentar novamente... não, ainda estou aqui. Bem. F**da-se. De CEO a escravo insignificante, Yan Zheyun não conseguia acreditar na sua sorte. Preso em um mundo estranho e cercado por tops loucos (respectivamente conhecidos como 'O Amigo de Infância', 'O Filho do General', 'O Príncipe Herdeiro', 'Outro Príncipe', 'Aquele Duque Assustador' etc.), Yan Zheyun percebeu que seu único dia de experiência como CEO não o havia preparado adequadamente para essa nova vida de infelicidade. Mas ele não era do tipo que desistia sem lutar, então... Yan Zheyun resolutamente decidiu ficar longe da aterrorizante trama romântica, tentar escrever para si mesmo uma nova trama política e, aproveitando, abraçar algumas coxas poderosas, bajular alguns poderosos. E em uma monarquia dinástica, de quem seriam melhores coxas para abraçar do que as do próprio imperador? Liu Yao: ...Este Soberano permite que você abrace outras partes também. Par: - Imperador Top Que-Parece-Sério-Mas-É-Secretamente-Gentil! VS Escravo Bottom Que-Parece-Um-Coelho-Mas-É-Secretamente-Uma-Raposa! - NÃO é um harém, toda a história é 1v1 Avisos: - Este romance lida com alguns assuntos pesados ​​que surgem como resultado da escravidão e de um sistema de castas. Adicionei avisos de gatilho onde relevante, mas só para avisar, os canalhas são chamados de canalhas por um motivo! Atualizações: 21:00 GMT+8 Ilustrado por: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 38.4K Views

Del CEO a concubina

``` Yan Zheyun estaba predestinado a ser un ganador. Sus padres estaban en la lista de Forbes, fue el mejor de su clase al graduarse en la universidad más prestigiosa del país y la guinda del pastel fue ser votado como el "chico césped" cuatro años seguidos por sus compañeros. Y ahora, con apenas veinticinco años, Yan Zheyun era el orgulloso presidente y CEO de su propia empresa tecnológica. Pero lo que debería haber sido el día más feliz de su vida se convirtió en el peor cuando escuchó una extraña voz robótica mientras cruzaba la calle para tomar un café, solo porque no podía esperar a que su secretaria regresara de la sala de fotocopias. [INFORME DE ERROR #193842347: ALMA DE OTRO MUNDO DETECTADA. INICIANDO SECUENCIA DE DEPORTACIÓN.] Y luego murió. En un accidente de coche muy aburrido, muy común y corriente. …excepto que tal vez no lo hizo. Lo primero que Yan Zheyun pensó después de abrir los ojos y encontrarse en un dormitorio que parecía el set de uno de esos dramas del palacio interior fue: "Vaya, el café no valía la pena." Lo segundo que pensó después de darse cuenta de que ahora se encontraba en una novela histórica BL y había transmigrado al cuerpo de una trágica belleza que estaba (a punto de) ser utilizada y maltratada por sus múltiples amantes fue: "Debo haber abierto los ojos con la técnica equivocada, déjame intentarlo de nuevo... no, todavía sigo aquí. Bueno. Mierda." De CEO a esclavo de poca monta, Yan Zheyun no podía creer su suerte. Atrapado en un mundo extranjero y rodeado de tops locos (respectivamente conocidos como "El Amigo de la Infancia", "El Hijo del General", "El Príncipe Heredero", "Algún Otro Príncipe", "Ese Duque Espeluznante", etc.), Yan Zheyun se dio cuenta de que su experiencia de un día como CEO no lo había preparado adecuadamente para esta nueva vida de miseria. Pero no era de los que se rinden sin luchar, así que… Yan Zheyun se decidió resueltamente a mantenerse alejado de la aterradora línea romántica, intentar escribir una nueva línea argumental política y, de paso, abrazar algunos muslos gruesos, ganarse el favor de los poderosos. Y en una monarquía dinástica, ¿qué muslos serían mejor elección para abrazar que los del propio emperador? Liu Yao: …Este Soberano te permite abrazar otras partes también. Pareja: - ¡Emperador Top que parece serio pero en secreto es amable! VS ¡Esclavo Bottom que parece un conejo pero en secreto es un zorro! - NO es harem, toda la historia es 1v1 Advertencias: - Esta novela trata algunos temas duros que surgen como resultado de la esclavitud y un sistema de castas. He añadido advertencias de contenido donde es relevante pero solo para avisar, ¡a los canallas se les llama canallas por algo! Actualizaciones: 21:00 GMT+8 Ilustrado Por: HAZHE ```
Queeniecat · 35.2K Views

Senhor, Que Tal um Casamento?

No auge de sua carreira, a atriz de lista A Song Ning anunciou sua retirada da indústria do entretenimento por amor, chocando a nação. Todo mundo pensou que ela deve ter encontrado o lar ideal. Foi por isso que ela estava tão determinada. No início, Song Ning também pensava assim. Pelo resto de sua vida, ela não seria mais uma celebridade. Ela seria apenas uma mulher virtuosa cuidando de seu marido e filhos em casa. Porém, na noite anterior ao seu casamento, ela descobriu que seu noivo estava tendo um caso com sua melhor amiga. Furiosa, Song Ning encontrou um homem qualquer para registrar seu casamento na entrada do Cartório de Registro Civil. Ela originalmente queria se vingar de seu noivo canalha, mas não esperava que o homem com quem registrara seu casamento fosse o herdeiro do maior grupo financeiro do país, Mu Chen. Depois de se casarem, Mu Chen mimou Song Ning e a protegeu de todas as formas possíveis. Ele não deixava ninguém intimidá-la. Song Ning sempre pensou que seria feliz pelo resto de sua vida e viveria a melhor vida que desejasse. Isso mesmo, ela conseguiu. Apenas foi um pouco diferente do que ela havia imaginado originalmente. A pessoa que lhe deu tudo era alguém diferente. Muitos anos depois... Song Ning olhava para Mu Chen com afeto. "Eu sou realmente sortuda. Agradeço a Deus por ter te encontrado e me salvado do inferno." Mu Chen sorriu levemente. “Sim, agradeça a Deus.” No entanto, Song Ning nunca saberia. Mu Chen não estava falando sobre agradecer a Deus por ele ter conhecido Song Ning. Ele estava agradecendo a Deus por o noivo de Song Ning tê-la traído, para que ele tivesse uma chance. Não existia algo como um encontro acidental. Era apenas uma perseguição premeditada. Naquele dia, ele esperou por Song Ning do lado de fora do Cartório de Registro Civil por dez horas...
Mountain Springs · 67.3K Views

El Criador de Alfa Damien: La primera noche

Ella era una simple humana que solo quería vivir una vida pacífica en el campo cuando encontró a su compañero. Él era el Alfa workaholic que nunca se entregaba a los placeres mundanos, en cambio, obtenía alegría de ser poderoso. Su destino se entrelazó cuando ambos poseían lo que anhelaban, paz y amor. __________________ Antes de cumplir la edad de 18 años, Alfa Lucas de la manada de Amantes del Payaso afirmó ser el compañero de Aurora y quiso hacerla su Luna. Lamentablemente, fue acusada de infidelidad el día de su boda y fue rechazada por el hombre que afirmaba ser su compañero y la amaba. Tuvo que presenciar la muerte de sus padres y cómo le arrebataban su herencia. —Yo, Lucas Dominion, te rechazo, Aurora Madison como mi compañera. ……………………………………….. Después de ser vendida como esclava, fue comprada para ser criadora para el Alfa de la manada Crescent Red, la manada más influyente y grande del país. Damien, que era el Alfa de la manada de la media luna roja, no le dedicaba ni una mirada a Aurora, y ella fue arrojada a la parte más profunda de la mansión para trabajar con los omegas. Cinco años más tarde, había planeado meticulosamente la muerte de sus padres, lista para poner su plan en marcha. Desafortunadamente, Alfa Damien, que la había descuidado durante años, de repente se interesó y no la dejaba fuera de su vista. Aurora, que nunca creyó que podría ser bendecida con otro compañero, decidió no volverse a enamorar. Viendo cómo el Alfa la favorecía, decidió aprovechar su ayuda y vengar la muerte de sus padres. La situación cambió cuando descubrió que él era su compañero, ¿otro compañero? ………………………………………… —¿Compañero? No tengo tal cosa —dijo ella, negando la chispa que sentía entre ella y Damien, aunque era evidente. Su corazón se calentaba con su voz, su rostro se calentaba con su toque. Él ya había destrozado su resolución, pero ella juró no ser débil otra vez. Sin embargo, ¿cómo podía negar que no sentía nada por él cuando tenía tales efectos sobre ella? ¡Pero tenía miedo, aterrorizada de ser traicionada por su compañero otra vez! Los casos de tener dos compañeros eran raros, ¿por qué la diosa de la luna le había otorgado tal destino? —No puedes negarlo por siempre, y no tengo ninguna intención de dejarte ir —dijo él, sus ojos llenos de ira al ver cómo a ella le disgustaba tanto la idea de tenerlo como compañero. —No tengo nada que ofrecerte —trató de convencerlo para sacarlo del trance en el que estaba. Si tan solo supiera que él estaba en su sano juicio. —Solo necesito a mi compañera —diciendo eso, dio grandes pasos hacia la puerta y la cerró de un portazo al salir. Después de encontrar la fuerza para liberarse de su doloroso pasado, Aurora se enfrenta a su primer compañero, Alfa Lucas, quien busca reclamarla. Frente a una elección, ¿volverá con quien la traicionó, o permanecerá con Alfa Damien, quien no le ofreció nada más que paz? La portada es para el autor, ¡no usar! ```
Trishybaby · 328K Views


*WARNING!!!* EXTREME LEVELS OF CULTURE!! *Lemons? - In excess!!!* *V's? - Of course yes!!* *Plot? - Divine!! ******** According to Elven tradition, every firstborn prince, upon his 18th birthday, would become husband to seven elven goddesses in exchange for blessing the land of Sylvandar with abundance. And so the cycle continued, each generation bound by an ancient promise, a marriage of duty rather than desire. That is, until the sixteenth king of Sylvandar threatened to break the cycle. Refusing to wed his only son to 'some depraved goddesses of old,' he locked the prince away in a tower right from birth. It was gilded and golden and extravagant, but it was always a cage. ___ Locked away, Ashen's fantasies of a goddess started one night, and he had an instant obsession for the goddess in his dreams. She was built like a temptress would be. She was lithe, like a reed by a calm stream. He didn't know why, but he instantly trusted this goddess. As soon as he saw her, some magic took hold of him. "Are you here to claim me?" "Your father has given you to us." "How did he give me to you? What does that mean?" "You should not fear me," She said softly, instead of answering. She held up her hand when Ashen opened his mouth, shaking her head and cutting him off. "No harm will ever come to you." The king had arrived home that night, and he was yelling, screaming. "Where is he? Where is my son!" The doorknob rattled, and the goddess could smell his fear on the other side. It was something to make her grin with pleasure. She waited for the king to kick through the door and burst the lock free, let him see her holding Ashen, let him take in the view of his son lost to tradition. "The elven tradition has been fulfilled, King Galahad," she said lightly. The shout of horrified despair was music to her ears when she willed Ashen and herself home together. ___ But as it turned out, Ashen had spent all his life in a tower and lacked the makings of a husband. To be deserving of seven beautiful elven goddesses, he had to be stripped of all innocence. And so he was kicked down the infinite corridor of carnal delight. Within this corridor, every step is a leap across universes, every breath, a taste of air from a thousand different worlds. To those who dare to tread its paths, it offers glimpses of erotic lives unlived and kinky fates unwritten. But also, those already lived and fates set in stone. It is a tapestry of many existence that span the breadth of all the 'kink' that is, was, and will be. And so, Ashen journeys down the infinite corridor of carnal delight into the erotic lives of others in order to be stripped of his innocence and become a husband deserving of his beautiful wives-to-be. ******** #No NTR *WARNING!!!* *WRITTEN BY A DEGENERATE!!!* THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN R18 SCENES, VULGAR WORLDS, SOME INSTANCES OF ABUSE AND A WHOLE LOT. IF THIS IS NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA, I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU AVOID IT. OTHERWISE, ENJOY!!!... DISCLAIMER: COVER ISN'T MINE.
Masokissed · 80.5K Views

The Trap Academy

In a world ravaged by war, humanity has been driven underground into fragile colonies, surviving beneath the earth while mythical creatures reign over the surface. Their last hope lies in the Trap Academy, an institution that trains duel cultivators—warriors who use elemental magic through the blending of their powerful Yin and Yang energies. However, this is no ordinary academy. The path to becoming a hero involves more than just magic: students must engage in intimate, taboo rituals to strengthen their abilities and forge dangerous connections. Milo, a young man chosen by a lottery from his colony, is thrust into this strange and twisted world. Forced to abandon his family and his best friend Zana, a goblinoid girl, Milo enters the academy with dreams of becoming a hero to protect his people. But the reality of the Trap Academy is far more sinister than he could have imagined. After a mysterious indoctrination ritual, Milo and his fellow students fall under the influence of the academy’s headmaster, losing their inhibitions and submitting to a purpose that is not their own. Unbeknownst to them, the academy hides an ancient evil—the Demon Prince of Lust—who thrives on the forbidden acts and dark desires of the students. Feeding on the lust and power they generate, the Demon Prince manipulates the academy for his own dark ambitions, threatening to consume everything in his path. In this dark fantasy smut novel, love and power intertwine in dangerous ways, and Milo must navigate the delicate balance between temptation, power, and survival. With Zana by his side, he will confront the alluring dangers of the academy, uncovering secrets that could change the fate of humanity—or damn them all. Warning: This novel contains explicit content, including graphic sexual scenes, dark themes, and violence. Reader discretion is advised. __________ Also: This is gonna be a very dark type of fantasy, not to mention a smut with poly idealism and no boundaries between the sexes and genders. bending them for the better or worse of the colonies. secrets are everywhere and reason is out of the window, it's just something you'll have to read to see. And if you don't like this novel, don't be a dick about it, just drop it and move on, honestly this is more of a pass some time type of book with mystery, multiple loves, and sometimes gay and straight interests with occasional orgies or sex offs while discovering and experimenting with kinks and other things. there's a reason for everything I'm just honestly not gonna spoil it to way later, so this is a choice type of thing. and or curious on what the fuck is happening. No Offense To Anyone, Group Or Party, this is just something that came to mind, I'm also kinda doing is as part of a fucked up kinda bet or else id be making my zombie evolution novel as my first novel up on this account. but instead I gotta make this or pay my friend $100, and as a broke college student, hell no, I'll make this shit work. Any help, suggestions, or ideas are greatly welcomed. For those who just wanna read this, with no complaints, I love y'all, and keep on being... idk, chill I guess? Thanks. I'll make it hella interesting.
Apple_Phoenix · 17.2K Views

I Got Possessed By A Succubus Queen

[Warning: Mature Content +18] Tired of smutty reincarnation and system novels? Oh boy, I got something here for you. ------------------------------------------- Synopsis : Alex is a handsome, ordinary college student. No, he is an extraordinary person, 18 years old and a loner on top of that. It is his freshman in college, but unlike most freshmen; he spends most of his time studying and reading books alone. Sounds typical, right? However, the reason for being an outcast and an introvert, despite being a good looking pal, is his eyes' color! Yes! His looks are above average, he is handsome and charming. Even so, his eyes' iris are uniquely red. He was brought into the world with a rare condition; it made him unlike the other kids his age and he got bullied for having such oddish eyes the whole time, which became his usual life... . UNTIL everything fortunately started changing!  . . . After he got possessed by a succubus queen!...Who is in a dire need of his help... . . . Humm! if this synopsis doesn't make you want to give this a read, I don't know what :) . . --------------------------------- • Quick Development In Characters! • A Nice Plot! • Perfect Hot Smutty Scenes! • Lots Of Harem! • No NTR, No R*pe! • No Strong Inc*st (Blood Related) • Balanced Romance! • Loveable Characters! • Tragedy And Dark Moments (Rarely) • Heart-Warming Romance! • Kinks And Fetiches --------------------------------- Hello there, guys! I hope you guys give this a read! if you are comfortable with the tags below, I highly recommend you read this novel and give it a try! You won't regret it! Also, I would like to apologize for the quality of the writing in the first chapters, properly between the 1st and 20th chapter, but I promise it only gets better, as well as longer. Basically, if you cannot handle grammatical mistakes please don't read this No worries! I'm slowly editing the those chapters, fixing the mistakes in them, so don't worry, you will be able to read this too! For more information about this work, its character reference images, and more announcements, you will find everything on my discord server! ------------------------------ Tags: Action - Romance - Slice of Life -Harem - R-18 - Comedy - Fantasy- Genius Protagonist - Handsome Male Lead - Cute Female Leads - Beautiful Female Leads - Calm Protagonist - Shameless Protagonist- Poor to Rich - Overpowered MC - Smart MC- Vampires - Fantasy Creatures - Mature - Tragedy- Succubus Female Lead - Mature Content - ------------- -- --------------- The book cover is made by an AI, a model mixed by me, which kinda makes the illustration originally mine. Cover illustration credit: MasterY :)
MasterY · 3.5M Views

Smut For Days! [BL]

This is a compilation of BL smut. There will be one shots, short stories, and dedicated volumes. There will be all kinds of kinks and fetishes, which will be included as a warning at the start of that chapter. Included at the start will also be any notes or thoughts I have. I'm open to recommendations, whether be plotline, roles, kinks, fetishes, etc. to include in future chapters. --- Hi, I just wanted to post smutty writing here. There will be some plot, but mostly for the setting and transitions between scene. This is basically a pure smut novel so don't expect too much of the plot. I'll write when I feel like, so updates will heavily fluctuate. I'm also an avid fan of happy endings, so while there probably be bad endings in the future, most will end happily. If a kink/fetish isn't in the warning(because I was lazy, wasn't on Bad Girl Bible's list, etc.), I will apologize in advance. I will include it into the warning when you tell me. However there is a line it needs to cross, as there's so many and all sorts of kinks/fetishes. I'm not going to include every single one. For those interested, the format will be like this: One shots = 1 chapter. Short stories = 2-5 chapters. Dedicated volume = 5+ chapters. All the one shots will be grouped under a single volume, same with short stories. If it's a volume or if I feel like it, there might be a non-smut, expositional first chapter to form the setting. It will be a part of the warning if that's the case. Each chapter will be at least 1000 words.
WhenEver_IWantTo · 130.3K Views
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