Of Gods and Myths
If there's a myth, it means it's real. Just forgotten.
Cythera had many myths but there's always that myth. A story passed down from elders to their children until it became a myth.
Hidden in these lands, sleeps a woman. They call her Mistress of Cythera, said to have the magic of every element know; a gift from the goddess Cytheria Herself, they said. Some said she is the daughter of two higher Gods, Cytheria and Oikos but was given a task to heal the lands once it is needed.
Cytherians feared and worship her.
Said to have the fiercest auburn hair to have, a beauty that may rival the other Higher Goddesses, the Mistress helped Cythera thrived until she left. The people knew the reason why she left, they abused her powers, always calling for help but never thanking or heeding her advice until she grew tired of fixing every problem they have. Angered by their ignorance, it is said that the Mistress have decided to give judgement once she awakes.
The Elders have told their children to never disrespect the lands or face they wrath of the Mistress.
The stories being spread by the scholars that the Mistress hides and sleeps to regain her lost power but the others believed that she left because the Mistress didn't like what she saw in Cythera and returned to her parents, simply giving up.
But they didn't know she was waking.
Cover Picture: Alice Alinari / Unsplash.com
Cover Edit: Illusionniste
Expect grammatical error since most chapters have not yet been check for grammar. English is not my native language.