Portal Hunter
Synopsis: Portal Hunter: Jin’s Awakening
In the year 2026, ten years after mysterious portals to other worlds began appearing across the globe, humanity has adapted to a new reality where individuals can gain extraordinary powers. These empowered individuals, known as hunters, are ranked from E to S based on their abilities, and they navigate a dangerous world filled with interdimensional threats.
Jin Park, a nineteen-year-old living in London, dreams of a better life for himself and his struggling family. After being fired from his job at McDonald’s by a tyrannical manager, Jin’s fortunes take a dramatic turn when a portal unexpectedly opens near a bus stop, thrusting him into a perilous dungeon.
Injured and disoriented, Jin narrowly escapes deadly encounters with a vicious goblin and a fearsome water dragon. As he lies on the brink of death, a mysterious game-like interface appears before him, offering a second chance. Desperate to protect his family and yearning for strength, Jin accepts the offer, triggering a transformation that heals his wounds and awakens latent powers within him.
Now armed with newfound abilities and a burning desire to change his fate, Jin embarks on a journey through a world where the strong thrive and the weak perish. Along the way, he will face formidable foes, forge alliances with fellow hunters, and uncover secrets about the portals and his own potential.
Portal Hunter: Jin’s Awakening is an epic tale of courage, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of strength in a world where danger and opportunity are just a portal away.