Earth, a once-thriving planet, now faces rampant inflation and overpopulation, teetering on the edge of crisis. Many have fled to other planets, escaping the consequences of their actions. Those left behind suffer the brunt of the struggle, facing starvation and poverty. However, the doctors and engineers who once cared for the people have forsaken them, using their knowledge to seize control and join the more affluent on other planets. The doctors there, to seize control over the populace and join the elevated populace , spreaded a diseases. A disease which is contagious at the first stage but gradually turns into a hereditary disease . It's a pandemic from which the leftovers can never escape .
The scientists, before abandoning the population and joining the elite on other planets, realized a looming disaster, a potentially catastrophic event that could wipe out the remaining people within two to three years. They discovered that the ancient scientist's warning about the earth's cosmic position held true. Due to its unfavorable cosmic location, the Earth was fated to be destroyed, slamming into the planets of a neighboring solar system sometime in the future.
Before leaving Earth, the scientists harnessed the planet's energy and the power of the sun's star with their advanced technology. This energy, derived from celestial bodies in the night sky, was used to modify their position, freezing them indefinitely in place. The sky, devoid of its former brilliance, now remains dim, the dazzling spectacle of the night sky replaced by a blank canvas. However, the control system for these interventions was left on Earth .
Victor is a tragic figure, struck by a dangerous illness and also a sky enthusiast who gazes at the heavens with awe. Despite his anticipated premature demise, his thoughts turn to the seemingly impossible, yearning to reunite with friends now living as inhabitants of other planets.