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Guía para Dominar a Mis Esposos Magnates

``` —Luo Huian era la más bella, fuerte y narcisista —¡corten! ¡Corten! ¡Corten! Vamos otra vez, y háganlo de nuevo. —Luo Huian era la inmortal más bella, fuerte y sabia en el reino de paz y armonía. —Sus dos padres la adoraban, y ella gozaba de un generoso suministro de recursos y pastillas. —Su vida era perfecta. —Sin embargo, su perfecta vida llegó a un fin abrupto cuando Luo Huian, una inmortal cuya responsabilidad era traer paz a aquellos que habían llegado a su fin y habían perdido la fe —vio a un hombre saltar de un edificio. —Debido a sus creencias inflexibles y sentido de justicia, no salvó al abusador. Desafortunadamente, ese hombre era el hijo de los cielos. —La pérdida de su vida trajo infinitos problemas en la vida de Luo Huian y fue castigada por los cielos. Fue enviada al mundo de los humanos donde tenía que rescatar al menos a quinientas personas salvando sus vidas cuando estaban al límite de su ingenio. —Para un inmortal esto era un trabajo fácil, ¿verdad? —Incorrecto. —Su abuela envió a Luo Huian a un mundo donde las Rocas de Penumbra habían desatado el caos. Bestias y monstruos eran engendrados por las Rocas de Penumbra que succionaban cada gramo de felicidad de los humanos. —Este mundo estaba dominado por cazadores que podían matar a las bestias con los poderes que habían despertado. —Y en este mundo despiadado, Luo Huian sacó la peor parte. ¡Despertó en el cuerpo de un cazador de clase F! —Maldición. —Si eso no fuera lo suficientemente malo, el dueño anterior había confesado a su primo político y fue expulsada de la familia. —Doble rana en la olla caliente. —Sin un solo centavo en el bolsillo Luo Huian sale a completar su misión. —Pero, ¿qué pasaría cuando Luo Huian, que era un cazador de clase F, aniquilara a los Penumbra y Vacíos de clase Z que incluso los cazadores de clase S no podían? —Mira cómo se defiende de los peligros y al mismo tiempo salva las vidas de las personas. Pero en esta pequeña misión, hay un pequeño obstáculo —las tres tentaciones atractivas. ``` —Mmph —Luo Huian empujó al mer que la había tumbado en la cama mientras se sentaba sobre su cintura—. Bájate. —No puedo —respondió Qi Yongrui mientras se quitaba la camisa—. Papá Shun dijo que envidia al tío Wang. Él también quiere tener un nieto. Así que, esposa trabajemos duro esta noche, ¿vale? Luo Huian: Queridos cielos, sálvenme, ¡soy una mujer sin deseos! **** —¿Crees que es atractivo? —Fan Meilin interrogó a la mujer que estaba de pie junto a él. Aunque él fue el que ganó la carrera y el trofeo, su esposa estaba mirando al otro mer. —Pues sí —Luo Huian, que era una apreciadora de la belleza, estuvo de acuerdo al instante—. Pero, ¿por qué preguntas eso? Los ojos de Fan Meilin brillaron mientras le sonreía y se inclinaba más cerca de su cuerpo mientras le susurraba al oído: —Puede que él sea atractivo pero yo soy mejor conductor. No solo en la pista sino también en la cama, ¿quieres probar, cariño? Luo Huian: ¡Resiste la tentación! ¡A toda costa! Soy una mujer de corazón de hierro. ***** —¿Es esto necesario? —Luo Huian preguntó mientras se sentaba en el sofá, viendo al mer trazar sus dedos sobre sus curvas mientras ella estaba sentada en nada más que un traje de baño moderno. El mer asintió mientras escribía en su pequeña libreta: —Necesito trazar cada pulgada de tu piel para crear mi obra más fina, así que no te muevas —Después de terminar de escribir, le entregó la libreta a Luo Huian, sus dedos rozando la curva de su busto, cintura y. Luo Huian: ¡Mi virtud está en extremo riesgo! ** La protagonista femenina que intenta hacer todo para salvar su virtud de ser tomada ya que ralentizaría su cultivo x los protagonistas masculinos que intentan hacer lo mejor para arrebatársela. *********** Aviso de contenido delicado: Aunque el libro está ambientado en un contexto cómico, podrían haber algunos temas incómodos que discutirán la depresión y la soledad. ***********
fairytail72 · 118.3K Views

Renaissance dans les années 80 : La Femme Érudite est Mignonne

Trompée pour se marier, exploitée toute une vie comme nourrice sans salaire et finalement battue à mort par sa mère adoptive devant le lit de malade de son père adoptif, la misérable vie de Shen Mianmian prit fin. Lorsqu'elle ouvrit de nouveau les yeux, elle se retrouva à quinze ans. Shen Mianmian jura d'échapper à son destin passé, de punir sa cousine malveillante et sa mère adoptive, mais brilla accidentellement trop fort dans le processus. L'avant-dernière élève à l'école s'éleva soudainement au sommet, devenant la candidate convoitée par des universités prestigieuses, provoquant une sensation parmi tous les enseignants et étudiants... Tandis que d'autres étaient occupés à étudier, Shen Mianmian était occupée à lancer des petites entreprises pour gagner de l'argent... Tandis que d'autres se préparaient pour l'examen d'entrée au collège, Shen Mianmian achetait en une fois les deux maisons hantées les plus notoires de Pékin... devenant une curiosité aux yeux de tous, ils se moquaient d'elle en disant que même si elle avait la fortune pour les acheter, elle pourrait ne pas avoir la vie pour y habiter. Lorsque d'autres étaient diplômés et occupés à chercher du travail, les propriétés hantées achetées par Shen Mianmian furent réquisitionnées par le gouvernement, lui rapportant une somme considérable en compensation pour la démolition. Ceux qui s'étaient moqués d'elle ne purent s'empêcher de se gifler deux fois... demandant partout où pourraient se vendre des maisons hantées. Shen Mianmian, qui avait initialement besoin d'emprunter de l'argent pour les frais de scolarité, utilisa les fonds de la démolition et tira parti de son avantage de renaissance pour acheter un terrain adéquat et construire un immeuble de location, se transformant en la propriétaire la plus riche et la plus prospère de Pékin... Un jour, Shen Mianmian, portant un sac de clés et venant tout juste de percevoir le loyer, fut entraînée au Bureau des Affaires Civiles. "Shen Mianmian, il est temps pour toi de rembourser ce que tu me dois."
Yin Family's Sixth Child · 70.8K Views

Général, Votre Femme Vous Demande de Revenir à la Maison Pour l'Agriculture

``` # VIE DE FAMILLE Su Xiaoxiao faisait la sieste mais a ouvert les yeux pour découvrir qu'elle avait été transmigrée et se trouvait maintenant dans le corps d'une fille bien en chair. D'une docteure militaire distinguée, elle était devenue une gourmande et une paresseuse. De plus, elle terrorisait souvent les gens du village en compagnie de son père et de son frère. C'était pourquoi personne aux alentours ne voulait l'épouser. Bien que sa famille soit parvenue à arranger un mariage avec une famille illustre, le marié s'est enfui le jour du mariage. Quand son père a dit qu'il lui attraperait un mari, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'il le fasse littéralement en capturant Wei Ting avec un sac après qu'il eut été épuisé de combattre des brigands. Su Cheng souriait mystérieusement à sa fille. "Papa a une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle. Laquelle veux-tu entendre en premier ?" "L'une ou l'autre." "J'ai capturé un mari pour toi. Il est cent fois plus beau que He Tongsheng ! Tu vas définitivement l'aimer !" "Alors, c'est quoi la bonne nouvelle ?" demanda-t-elle dans un état second. Su Cheng décida de se laisser porter par le courant et changea ses mots. "La bonne nouvelle c'est que tu n'as plus besoin de donner naissance ! Mon gendre nous a déjà donné des enfants !" Après s'être mariée, Su Xiaoxiao menait une vie trépidante à réformer son père gangster et son frère cadet pour le mieux, à sauver la vie de son époux magnifique, et à élever ses trois canailles... En outre, elle devint inopinément l'une des dames les plus puissantes de la dynastie Yan ! ```
Pian Fangfang · 86.9K Views

The Scum Showdown

Uploading this book on Royal Road too! [28.03.2025] Killian, was cursed by The Gods of his world. Born on the night when the Blue Bloods, a group of families with superpowers forced his family and others to live in the slums, his birth was nothing short of unfortunate. Unlike others of his kind, he was destined to work as a garbage picker, while the Blue Bloods created a rift in power throughout the kingdom. When a lost jewel falls into Killian's possession, the fates churn themselves to make him the most powerful of them all. The catch? Killian must unravel the secret of the lost jewel. Sadly, The Gods have other plans. In an endless tryst, where the weakest rises up to the challenge, the Scums must fight the Blue Bloods to take back what's theirs. *** Some say the world we live in wasn't always wretched. The Gods we no longer pray to love us once. And our shoulders that carry large sacs of garbage were once donning the finest of silk. Then, one fateful night everything changed. The sky turned red, and the Gods called out. And then, THEY emerged from the darkness. The Blue Bloods. The Blue Bloods weren't like ordinary humans. They had what no human could possess. The Blue Bloods were blessed with the powers of Gods. Their bloodlines were coveted and destined to flourish. And ours? "And henceforth, the crown shall always rest on a Blue Blood's head. The time has come for the Scums to return. Abandon thy riches, and homes. Give it all up for those who deserve it," Gods said. A battle ensued between the Blue Bloods and the Scum. The consequences? My mother died, while giving birth to me. The Gods fury hit her too hard, as she stood her ground. And I... I was destined to rot here, between the garbage.
Shanaya_Stephens_ · 4.9K Views

Transmigró en los años 90 como una pequeña bola de masa

Song Qiaoxi, un huérfano, transmigró en un libro. Se convirtió en una niña pequeña en los años 90 y fue mimada por toda la familia. Sin embargo, este niño estaba lleno de pensamientos negros, blancos por fuera y negros por dentro. Song Qiaoxi, que se enteró de la trama, se niega a seguir siendo el niño travieso. ¿No es mejor ser una buena chica con cinco tensiones y cuatro bellezas con un desarrollo integral de la moral, la inteligencia, la fisicalidad y el arte? Los padres se sorprendieron al descubrir que el niño mimado ya no era michielero. Más tarde, el padre Song se convirtió en un magnate de los medios, la madre Song se convirtió en profesora de tiempo completo y la niña malcriada se convirtió en una princesita. Ella también creció y se volvió cada vez más hermosa. Se graduó de una escuela prestigiosa y fue considerada la recién llegada más influyente del círculo. * + * + * Chu Jin es el villano trágico del libro. Sus padres murieron cuando él era un niño. Pero ahora mismo, el futuro villano tiene solo siete años, un pobre niño autista con la ropa rota y cicatrices en las piernas. Song Qiaoxi sacó caramelos de sus bolsillos y levantó las manos en alto, "Aquí hay algunos dulces, ¿seremos buenos socios?" El principal magnate de los negocios en Internet es Chu Jin, que posee un cuerpo y una apariencia comparables a los de las supermodelos, lo que hace que innumerables internautas y chicas famosas anhelen. Poco tiempo después, el joven tirano se casó de repente. Internet estaba sumida en el caos. A pesar de eso, Chu Jin publicó un certificado de matrimonio con una leyenda: Tú eres la luz de mi mundo @Song Qiaoxi
DaotistaCV · 2.7K Views

Married to My Favorite Book Crush

Have you ever read a romance novel and wished you could marry one of the characters because of the big crush you have on them? A billionaire CEO? A hot cheerleader or ex-wife? A Mafia boss? A cute bad boy neighbor or bully? While you can only dream of it, fellow romance addict, Rhylan Hicks, got to live it. When eighteen years old Rhylan is forced by her father to enter a one-year contract marriage with a fat, sickly, older billionaire in exchange for a handsome settlement for her struggling family, Rhylan watched romantic fantasies of her dream spouse-built over a lifetime-crumble to her feet. With only days to spare before her wedding, and nothing left to lose, she indulges Readym, a mysterious book club in an old library which offered her one shot at picking her ideal man, either from any romantic novel ever written or by writing out his features and qualities in a magical diary she would be given and signing it to make him come alive. Rhylan chooses her all time favorite billionaire character to replace her distasteful husband to be. Her groom couldn’t have been more perfect. Her new life is luxurious. Her status goes from the ugly, fat girl to luckiest woman alive in the small town of Utopia to the bitter envy of her peers. Until…she starts to notice certain differences in her spouse that contradicts the features and qualities he ought to possess. Is there something the wish granting book club failed to disclose? What happens when her husband's scripted life as a novel character begins to clash with his new life in the real world, leading him to start asking burning questions about his true identity? How will Rhylan compete for his affection with his fictional love interest stuck in his head? Will Rhylan be able to keep her big secret and protect her fairytale life or will Calvin’s growing suspicion smother their fledging romance? Will she lose everything to the thorns that follow a wish that is too good to be true?
Pennedby_Precious · 12.5K Views

Invincible Beginning

El día 15 de septiembre del año 2002, una catástrofe dio inicio a una nueva y horrible vida. La primera catastrofe vino y terminó abruptamente, con terremotos gigantescos en la parte asiática. En occidente, los océanos se evaporaron a la nada en un segundo, y en el otro segundo crecieron cientos de veces su tamaño, provocando tsunamis de magnitudes terribles. Los volcanes salieron de su sueño con rabia, destruyéndolo todo a su paso. La [Tierra] sacó de su interior viejos secretos olvidados, se alzaron sectas malvadas y poderosos extraterrestres, inmortales, demonios y dioses vinieron a la Tierra, creando aún más caos. Aparecieron seres monstruosos y de mal innato saliendo desde misteriosas fisuras, acabando con todo a su paso y marcando su dominio absoluto en la [Tierra]. Estas bestias eran poderosas, ...terriblemente poderosas. Cuando las personas estaban desesperadas, apareció su salvación. Fueron habilidades creadas y dadas aleatoriamente por [%a@-O/g*$], una voluntad infinita que abarca todo y que aparece como un [Sistema]. Algunas de estas habilidades eran tan poderosas como para acabar a las monstruosas criaturas y enfrentarse a dioses y demonios. Los humanos lucharon durante largos años, construyendo santuarios y sectas con ciudades gigantescas llenas de millones de personas. Dentro de este mundo cruel, lleno de peligros y muerte, un personaje extra obtiene poderes inimaginables de manera casual. Teniendo una personalidad inteligente, decidida y algo cruel en la mayoría de los casos, seguirá el camino más beneficioso para él sin importar nada.   LA IMAGEN NO ES MIA, si la persona que lo hizo, quiere que lo quite, por favor avísame
ThePlayerkun · 34.4K Views

Xavier’s girl

I heard the door opening. "I'm fine Stephanie," I said thinking she was the one that followed me. "It cute you think my sister cares" I hear Alan voice "What are you doing here," I asked him annoyed "Oh just doing someone a favour," he said as Xavier walked in behind him. I was alarmed as to why they were both here "what do you want" I asked both of them getting up. "You're in my room," Xavier said as he locked the door behind him. Making me more alarmed. "I'm sorry I didn't know, I can leave, " I said not wanting to anger him. I made my way to the door but Alan grabbed me "not so fast sweetheart" he said holding my arm. "Please let me go" I begged them. I didn't know what they were planning but I knew they were up to something. "Why would we do that" Xavier said walking to me and stroking my collarbone making me shiver. Vanessa morales just moved to town. Shy, smart and quiet girl planned to spend most of her high school life hidden. But some how ended up at the cheerleader tryouts and the school bad boy blackmailing her. She tired her best to stay away from him but he wasn't letting her go. She didn't know he had plans for her. He has been waiting for this days for years, waiting for her to return. Of course she didn't remember him (he never forgot her), that didn't bother him cause he knew she belonged to him. He would do anything to make her stay this time. One party and her life is ruined. Warning: This book is provocative. It will not be for everyone. If you are a reader with certain triggers or sensitivities common to the dark romance genres this book is not for you.
cluelessgixl · 2M Views

GEEK GIRL QUEEN: Becoming Enchantress In a New World

“What would you do for me, Sir Grimm?” I look over the strapping soldier before me. “You are my queen,” he responds. “I will do anything for you.” A slow smile spreads my lips. “Alright then, take off your armor.” He looks at me with bright blue eyes, like he’s been waiting on this very command a long time coming. The clang of light metal echoes in the room as his chain mail falls away. He stands now in only crimson breeches and battle sandals. His eyes never leave mine for a second. “Divine,” I lift my hand to him, and my fingers settle over his broad chest, tracing a path down the battle scar over his left breast down to abs hard as bricks. My breathing quickens as I feel his heart beat right under my nails. In the former world; the world of Highschool jocks and cheerleaders, and geeks, and weirdos, this utterly beautiful man could never have been mine. I could never have had him. But in this world I do, along with as much men as I could ever want. In this new world, I am Queen and I rule and love unopposed. --- Alessandria Irene Forsythe is transmigrated on the most important day in her highschool social life; Prom Night. She wakes up in an entirely new world. A world like something from her History classes. Horses instead of cars and magic literally in the air. And then she learns she is also queen. A Queen with handmaidens and knights and servants, and this grand new world to rule. It’s a long way up from awkward highschooler. From geek girl to goddess. Best of all is when she learns her dayone and totally unattainable crush from her past life is now a knight in her royal guard. And now, she can have him—in every which way. Alessandria, now Her Royal Majesty, teams up with another unlikely adversary from her past to uncover the truth about what really happened on prom night. But in the meantime, as a wealthy empress with a rocking bod, she is eager and determined to explore her sexuality now that the lows of being a highschool nerd is in the past, first of which is Lance, the amazingly hot jock turned dashing warrior. Between fleeting moments of desire, she is torn. The right thing would be to use her power as Regent to restore the world back to its former state—even if she ends up back in highschool with huge glasses and unable to get all the hot guys. But she doesn’t want that now, does she? Afterall, no one remembers anything from before, except her, their Geek Girl Queen. DAILY UPDATES!!!
Dean_Sahara · 36.6K Views

The CEO’s Perfect Mistake

Megan Corteza fell in love with the school’s football quarterback, Ashton Pritzgold. She has a simple beauty, but she is the number one all over senior high school students, but she lacked with one thing, and that is money which matters in their school to become famous that is why she was never on Ashton’s radar. Ashton Priztgold is the most popular guy on campus because he got it all, intelligent, hot, handsome, and the football prodigy, and most of all, son of the filthy rich business tycoon in the country. Megan always kept away from the rich, but one day she was shocked when Ashton approached her, and she became the envy of all the girls on campus, and her once peaceful life became chaotic because of him. For Ashton, Megan was way out of his league because hot cheerleaders and rich girls will always chase him around, but he was on a mission to know her and couldn’t stop himself from falling in love with her. And he didn’t foresee the big mistake he had made will hurt her whole being and shattered not only her heart but her entire future. Megan was broken-hearted and left no choice but to left her home after her high school graduation and promised herself never to forgive Ashton for what he had done to her. Ashton is now the CEO of Pritzgold International Shipping Lines, Incorporated. After eight years, he meets Megan again, and he realized he was such a fool for hurting her because, after so many years, he realized Megan was still his one great love. ====== Excerpt: ”What are you doing here, Ashton?” Megan asked angrily, and she hated herself because even if she was angry with him she can't deny he has still the same effect on her. ”To win back your heart, and claim what is rightfully mine.” He replied, and his intense gaze is driving her crazy. "You have nothing to claim because you lose your chance eight years ago." She answered coldly. Megan was shocked to find the man she hated the most, standing on her doorstep, who became more attractive and still wears the same smile that always melts her heart. Her first love, Ashton, can she kept her promise never to forgive him? Can Ashton convince Megan to give him another chance, and make her believe that he is now a different man and he regretted everything he had done to her? (Warning: Have mature content on the later part of the story) Thank you to all readers! Please support my other books entitled: Princess Malia’s Secret Falling In Love With Miracle My Friend's Arrogant Brother Loving Madeline The Powerful Dragon Witch (WSA Entry 2021) The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster You Can’t Buy My Love The CEO's Cold Hearted Ex When Sky Fall's In Love
sirenbeauty · 1.1M Views

Mommy, Daddy Admits He Was Wrong

# MULTIPLE BABIES # FAKE DEATH # REMARRIAGE Su Zhi'en and Jiang Chen had been married for five years. Just before she was about to give birth, Jiang Chen brought his unattainable crush home and proposed a divorce. In grief and indignation, Su Zhi'en's amniotic sac ruptured and she died on the operating table, leaving behind a baby boy with bruises all over his body waiting to be fed. Jiang Chen transferred all his guilt onto his son. He put a distance between him and other women, focusing on raising his son. Gradually, people outside said that he could not do it anymore… When Jiang Chen's parents heard the rumors, they thought that their son really had something to hide, so they secretly asked someone to approach the recently famous Doctor Bai Zhi. Jiang Chen was tricked by his parents into entering the private ward, only to unexpectedly see the person who had died five years ago sitting inside. "Su Zhi'en!" "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang. My name is Bai Zhi." Bai Zhi hid the shock in her eyes and said in all seriousness, "I heard from your parents that a certain function of your body is failing?" Jiang Chen gritted his teeth. "Don't you know if I'm capable or not in that sense?" He was not mistaken. The person in front of him was his wife who had died five years ago! Five years ago, Su Zhi'en barely escaped death at the operating table. She did not want to have any contact with Jiang Chen anymore. However, she never expected that Jiang Chen, who did not care for her five years ago, would become so shameless. "Su Zhi'en, your son doesn't want to eat. Do you want to come over and take a look?" "Su Zhi'en, your son keeps asking for your mother. Come over and take a look." "Su Zhi'en, your son's throat is hoarse from crying!" He used his son as bait, causing Su Zhi'en to have no choice but to take the bait. Su Zhi'en wanted to take a look, just one look… but who would have thought that she would step into a man's trap and never come out again?
Zhou Meng · 285.4K Views

Fostya. un monde magique sans système !

un type lambda fan de jeu de rôle (facilité scénaristique activé !) s'évanouie de fatigue en rentrant chez lui. il se réveille plus tard en constatant qu'il n'est plus dans la petite ruelle sombre menant à chez lui, qu'il ne sait pas comment il en ai arrivé là, et surtout, qu'il ne sait même pas vraiment quoi il est. reprenant un de ses surnom, Spyro, il se mettra en quête de découvrir cet univers étrange... sous la forme d'un limon ! une histoire où on voit, découvre et expérimente le monde à travers le héros. ce qui veut dire que la perception du monde peut être amenée à changer avec le temps... gros Update 11/07/2021 : Bonjour tout le monde, après une demi années d'absence, je suis enfin de retour aux affaires ! j'ai révisé un peu certains perso et corrigé quelques erreurs dans mon récit. je met un petit récap des quelques éléments importants qui ont été modifiés, sachant que cela spoilera un peu l'histoire. /// SPOILER /// description du groupe de Miria : j'avais malencontreusement oublié de signaler que Miria était une faréenne lors de sa première apparition. J'ai aussi mis en évidence que les murs avaient des matériaux anti-magique ! Miria ne parle plus du spar-sac lorsqu'elle détecte le MC. ça change rien, mais ça me semblait un peu plus logique. j'ai vu quelques "cristal d'identité". normalement, c'est "amulette d'identité". si jamais vous voyez encore cristal à certains endroits, n'hésitez pas à le signaler. lorsqu'Espérance participe aux examens de l'académie, elle laisse ses objets magiques à l'entrée. c'est con, mais je me suis rendu compte qu'après coup qu'avoir des objets magique lors d'un exam de magie, c'était pas trop logique en fait ! /// FIN /// A part ça, attendez vous à partir de maintenant à un chapitre par semaine environ. en tout cas, c'est l'objectif que je me fixe à partir d'aujourd'hui.
Gelsius_Ark · 81.2K Views
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