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Robe Gothique Femme

J'ai retrouvé ma mémoire et je suis devenu riche après mon divorce

"Gu Dai, je ne t'ai épousée que pour rendre Grand-père heureux. Si quelqu'un d'autre avait sauvé Grand-père, j'aurais épousé cette personne de la même manière ! Ne te fais pas d'illusions !" Pendant les trois années de mariage, le mari de Gu Dai l'a insultée à de nombreuses reprises. Elle n'aurait pas cru avoir été autrefois choyée et riche si elle n'avait pas soudainement retrouvé la mémoire. Pourquoi a-t-elle volontairement servi cet homme pendant trois ans ? Cet homme était même assez méprisable pour tomber amoureux d'une autre femme ! La première chose que Gu Dai fit après avoir retrouvé la mémoire fut de demander le divorce ! Des rumeurs se répandirent dans toute la capitale que la fille des taudis allait divorcer de Monsieur Song ! "Sérieusement ? N'est-elle pas une chercheuse d'or ?" demandaient tous. "Elle fait juste la difficile. Vous croyez qu'elle pourrait tourner la page ?" demanda Monsieur Song. Peu de temps après, tout le monde découvrit que Gu Dai était retournée dans la famille Gu dans la capitale. Elle était désormais la jeune demoiselle de la famille la plus riche de la ville. Il s'est avéré qu'elle était la jeune demoiselle de la famille Gu qui avait disparu après un accident de bateau de croisière il y a trois ans ! "Monsieur Song, Mademoiselle Gu est bien au-dessus de votre niveau," disait tout le monde. "Et alors ? Elle ne sait pas prévoir l'avenir. À part de l'argent, elle n'a rien d'autre," disait Monsieur Song. Peu après, les gens commencèrent à découvrir les multiples identités de Gu Dai. Elle était une hackeuse de renom, une doctoresse miracle, la meilleure designer du pays... Elle était tout ce que Song Ling recherchait. Lorsqu'ils se rencontrèrent à nouveau, il la saisit et la supplia les larmes aux yeux. "Dai, peu importe si tu as des sentiments pour d'autres. Peux-tu s'il te plaît me laisser rester à tes côtés quand même ?"
Mountain Springs · 80.3K Views

Accouplée au Prince Cruel

[Contenu Mature] Sauver un Fae blessé dans la forêt n'était pas dans les plans d'Islinda, et pire, il s'avère être de la royauté, le Prince Valérie de la cour d'été, héritier et prince héritier du trône d'Astaria. Mais alors, les humains se méfiaient de ces créatures d'un autre monde pendant que les Fae méprisaient les humains, les considérant comme des créatures inférieures. Islinda et le prince étaient mondes à part, mais cela ne les a pas empêchés de tomber amoureux. Malheureusement, le Prince Valérie ne pouvait pas rester dans le royaume humain pour toujours et devait retourner dans son royaume avec la promesse de revenir pour elle. Et elle l'a cru. Mais c'est l'autre qui vient à la place. Sombre, maussade, impitoyable mais dangereusement séduisant, tout le monde craignait le Prince Aldric. Même étant un guerrier redoutable et fils du roi d'Astaria, Aldric se voit refuser son droit au trône et est maudit à ne jamais prendre sa place en raison de son héritage obscur. Tordu de l'intérieur et privé d'affection, le Prince Aldric fait ce qu'il sait faire de mieux, engendrer la misère. Il a capturé Islinda – la femme qui a attiré l'attention de son frère. Il l'a volée de chez elle pour ses desseins cruels. S'il ne pouvait pas avoir la couronne, il pouvait au moins jouer avec l'intérêt amoureux de son frère. Son nouveau prix. Islinda le haïssait. Elle le détestait pour lui avoir tout pris ce qu'elle aurait pu avoir avec le prince de l'été. C'est le méchant. Maintenant elle a été entraînée au milieu des politiques sales jouées dans les cours de la cour d'Astaria, sans parler de survivre aux jeux glacials joués par le prince. Mais tout espoir n'était pas perdu, car le prince cruel pouvait la tenter autant qu'il le voulait mais il n'aurait jamais la chose qu'il désire le plus. Être aimé. Il n'aurait jamais son cœur ! Ou pourrait-il l'avoir ? ________ « Que peux-tu m'offrir, petit humain, » Il souriait, lent et cruel. Elle ferait un si merveilleux jouet. « Je t'en prie, » Elle le suppliait, les larmes commençant maintenant à s'accumuler dans ses yeux, « Laisse-moi juste partir. » « D'accord, » Il haussa les épaules comme si c'était une demande facile, « Tu peux y aller. » « V-vraiment ? » Elle murmura, trouvant cela difficile à croire. « Petit humain, tu découvriras que mon esprit change très facilement. » Ces mots semblaient miséricordieux et pourtant elle pouvait sentir la menace en dessous. Mais le pensait-il vraiment ? Islinda n'attendit pas pour le savoir car elle s'élança en sprint. S'il y avait même la moindre chance qu'il change d'avis, alors elle la saisirait. Elle n'abandonnerait pas l'espoir pour autant. Elle ne savait pas pourquoi, mais après un moment, Islinda risqua un regard par-dessus son épaule et le sang se figea dans ses veines à la vue de ce qui s'approchait. Oh non, elle venait de faire une terrible erreur. Ce n'était jamais la liberté. C'était une chasse. Et elle venait de devenir la proie. _________ Note : C'est un livre de fantasy sombre et le personnage masculin principal est un méchant, alors ne vous attendez pas à une romance douce. À quoi s'attendre ? Mort, sang, tension sexuelle intense et scènes explicites. Et ce n'est pas un harem inverse. Cadeau magique château = 5 chapitres bonus ! Venez, faisons une chasse sauvage !
Glimmy · 40.4K Views

Mon épouse super féroce bien-aimée

"Le nouveau livre 'Réprimandée comme l'étoile de la mort, tous les grands du Capital se précipitent pour me gâter' est maintenant disponible !" Également connu sous le nom de "Ère Renaissante : S'enrichir avec le Système de Connexion." [Une protagoniste féminine énergique vs. un protagoniste masculin vindicatif, sarcastique et élégant] Après une explosion en laboratoire, Lin Tang retourne à cette époque de pauvreté et est liée à un système de connexion. Avant qu'elle ait le temps de réclamer le pack de cadeaux pour nouveaux venus, son fiancé, arborant un air confiant, vient rompre les fiançailles. La raison, c'est qu'il est sur le point de décrocher un emploi stable. Lin Tang regarde l'homme ordinaire mais sûr de lui, entrouvre légèrement ses lèvres rouges et dit : "... romps-les !" Moins d'un mois plus tard, son ex-fiancé est renvoyé pour une raison quelconque. Lin Tang fait un tour dans le comté et devient l'officier exécutif de la Station de Diffusion dans l'Usine Textile. OS interne de l'ex-fiancé : Est-il trop tard pour se réconcilier maintenant ? - Ces temps étaient difficiles ! Même choyée par ses trois grands frères et ses parents, tout, de la nourriture aux vêtements et même le savon, nécessitait des coupons... Même une vie frugale ne pouvait pas atténuer la misère. Regardant la bouillie noire dans le bol, Lin Tang resta silencieuse, “......” Heureusement, elle avait un système ! Besoin de quelque chose ? Il suffit de se connecter pour l'obtenir. - Plusieurs années plus tard. Un homme séduisant regardait sa délicate femme au teint clair, gardant son sérieux tout en disant, “J'ai entendu dire que tu pouvais assommer un sanglier avec juste deux coups de poing ?” Les yeux de Lin Tang pétillèrent, ses doigts exerçant doucement de la force, le Pot d'Émail dans sa main se déforma. Elle répondit d'un ton sérieux, “Absurdités ! Ne crois pas ces rumeurs. Nous sommes des gens civilisés et ne pouvons pas être aussi barbares !”
a visitor from South Flight · 19.2K Views

La Fiancée du Diable

Un amour condamné dès le début, une cause perdue, une bataille vaine — et pourtant, aucun des deux cœurs n'est prêt à lâcher prise jusqu'à la toute fin. ----- Arlan Cromwell, l'incarnation même du Prince Héritier parfait. Tout ce qu'il désire, c'est vivre une vie normale d'humain, mais la vie d'un dragon est tout sauf normale. Il n'a qu'un seul but — retrouver sa fiancée en fuite et la décapiter. Que se passe-t-il lorsqu'il découvre que la femme qui a conquis son cœur est celle qu'il a juré de tuer ? Oriane, une Sorcière Noire, déguisée en homme, a passé toute sa vie à fuir sans savoir ce qu'elle fuit. Lorsque les mystères de son passé commencent petit à petit à la rattraper, elle n'a personne vers qui se tourner… sauf Arlan. Mais quand elle apprend que l'homme à qui elle a donné son cœur est le même homme qui veut la tuer, comment peut-elle accepter la cruelle carte que la vie lui a distribuée ? Deux personnes avec des secrets à garder, des identités à cacher et des réponses à chercher. Lorsque l'obscurité menace d'emporter Oriane, le Dragon pourra-t-il protéger sa compagne ? ----- Extrait - « Si j'avais su que tu étais ma fiancée, je t'aurais tuée dès le premier moment où nous nous sommes rencontrés. » Le regard d'Arlan se teinta de haine. « Si j'avais su que j'étais fiancée à toi, je me serais tuée avant même que tu ne le fasses ! » Oriane reflétait les mêmes émotions que lui. Il sortit un poignard et le lui offrit. « Il n'est pas trop tard. Tranche-toi simplement la gorge avec ça et tu saigneras sans douleur. » Elle accepta le couteau, ses doigts serrant fermement sa poignée. L'instant suivant, il était plaqué contre le mur et le couteau était sur le côté droit de son cou. « Que dirais-tu si je l'essayais sur toi en premier, mon fiancé ? » « Essaie si tu veux. Mais quand tu échoueras, ce couteau goûtera d'abord au sang de ton grand-père, puis au tien. » La colère monta dans ses yeux, et l'instant d'après, du sang coulait sur le côté droit de son cou. Elle avait coupé assez profondément pour trancher un vaisseau sanguin important. « Tu n'aurais pas dû me provoquer, » ricana-t-elle en reculant, attendant qu'il s'effondre. Il se contenta de sourire en coin et passa son doigt le long de la blessure profonde sur son cou. « On dirait que tu as échoué. » Elle regarda la blessure de son cou se cicatriser toute seule et resta choquée jusqu'au plus profond d'elle-même. « Toi... qu'est-ce que tu es ? » « Devine ? » ----- Instagram- mynovel.20 Facebook- Auteur mynoveltwenty
Mynovel20 · 61.3K Views

Monsieur, que diriez-vous d'un mariage ?

Au sommet de sa carrière, l'actrice de liste A, Song Ning, a annoncé son retrait de l'industrie du divertissement par amour, choquant la nation. Tout le monde pensait qu'elle avait dû trouver son foyer idéal. C'est pour cela qu'elle était si déterminée. Au début, Song Ning le pensait aussi. Pour le reste de sa vie, elle ne serait pas une célébrité. Elle serait seulement une femme vertueuse et dévouée qui prendrait soin de son mari et de ses enfants à la maison. Cependant, la nuit précédant leur mariage, elle a découvert que son fiancé avait une liaison avec sa meilleure amie. Enragée, Song Ning a trouvé un homme au hasard pour enregistrer leur mariage à l'entrée du Bureau des Affaires Civiles. Elle voulait initialement se venger de son fiancé pourri, mais elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que l'homme avec qui elle a enregistré son mariage fut l'héritier du plus grand groupe financier du pays, Mu Chen. Après leur mariage, Mu Chen chérissait Song Ning et la protégeait de toutes les manières possibles. Il ne laissait personne la tourmenter. Song Ning a toujours pensé qu'elle serait heureuse pour le reste de sa vie et vivrait la meilleure vie qu'elle désirait. C'est vrai, elle l'a obtenu. C'était juste un peu différent de ce qu'elle avait imaginé au départ. La personne qui lui avait tout donné était quelqu'un d'autre. Des années plus tard… Song Ning regardait Mu Chen avec affection. "Je suis vraiment chanceuse. Merci à Dieu de t'avoir rencontré et de m'avoir sauvée de l'enfer." Mu Chen sourit faiblement. "Oui, remercions Dieu." Cependant, Song Ning ne saura jamais. Mu Chen ne parlait pas de remercier Dieu de lui avoir permis de rencontrer Song Ning. Il remerciait Dieu d'avoir fait en sorte que le fiancé de Song Ning la trompe, pour qu'il puisse avoir sa chance. Il n'y avait pas de rencontre accidentelle. C'était juste une poursuite préméditée. Ce jour-là, il avait attendu Song Ning à l'extérieur du Bureau des Affaires Civiles pendant dix heures…
Mountain Springs · 92.2K Views

Marked by the Ruthless Princess

In her previous life, Lina Riley harbored an unrequited love for the Fifth Princess, Victoria Ashwood. Lina sacrificed everything for her—securing her place on the throne, protecting her borders, and losing her arm and sight in the process. Yet, her loyalty was repaid with a goblet of poisoned wine and the execution of her entire family. Victoria despised her, accusing Lina of cruelty and of orchestrating her elder sister’s death, deeming her unworthy of love. When the poison took effect, Lina closed her eyes in despair, only to awaken back in the moment they first met. On that fateful day, Lina had stumbled upon Victoria being beaten by palace maids, an encounter that set everything in motion. This time, Lina turned away, choosing a different path, but a faint fragrance of plum blossoms lured her in. One reckless night led to a moment of despair when she awoke to find the coldly beautiful face of her bedmate—Lucille Everard, the Princess Regent. Lucille, while outwardly uninterested in court affairs, was notorious for her swift and decisive actions that had seen emperors replaced with alarming frequency. Compared to Lucille’s power, Lina’s past dealings with Victoria seemed like mere child's play. As Lucille stirred awake, Lina's nerves were frayed. “Given the circumstances, Your Highness, what do you think of me now?” she asked, resigned to her fate. To her surprise, Lucille chuckled softly. “I think you’re wonderful.” Stunned, Lina could only manage a confused “Huh?” From that moment, everything veered off course. Lucille's palace soon bloomed with roses—Lina’s favorite. Amidst the swaying blossoms, the resolute Princess Regent would gently take Lina’s hand, her once-frigid gaze warm and tender. “My dear Lina, you are the finest woman in the world.” In her new life, Lina often dreamed. She dreamt of someone leaving a bouquet of roses at her grave, their robes trailing the light fragrance of plum blossoms. They sipped wine with a wry smile, murmuring, “Silly girl, I avenged you.” Victoria Ashwood was reborn too. She hadn’t expected that killing Lina would provoke her aunt’s ruthless revenge. Determined to avoid a similar fate, she resolved to feign affection for Lina, even if it took a lifetime. At a palace banquet, Victoria was taken aback by Lina’s beauty. Draped in fine silks, Lina was a dazzling sight, so different from the weathered woman Victoria remembered. Drawn to her, Victoria was about to approach when she noticed Lucille at Lina’s side, gently wiping her lips with a soft smile. “Take it slow,” Lucille murmured. Lina paused, then chuckled as she adjusted a strand of Lucille’s hair. Victoria’s heart twisted in fury. When her desperate attempts to win Lina back failed, she demanded, “Why won’t you love me?” Lina sneered. “Show some respect, Fifth Princess. You should address me as Aunt. Besides, your hypocrisy and cold-heartedness make you unworthy of love.” Years ago, a young Lucille Everard encountered a lost girl in the palace gardens. The girl declared that Lucille was beautiful and promised to marry her one day. Thirteen years later, a fateful misunderstanding during a bout of poisoning entwined their paths. What began as teasing quickly turned Lucille from a hunter into prey, helplessly ensnared by the woman she never forgot. Tags: 1. Cold yet protective Princess Regent × Reborn and resigned noblewoman 2. Nine-year age gap (Princess Regent is older) 3. Alternate history, non-patriarchal setting 4. Puppet empress, regent princess ruling behind the scenes 5. Two lifetimes of love, slow-burn romance
Writerszai · 734 Views


“Your mission is to retrieve an artifact that was lost a long time ago. But that artifact wasn’t here in our realm. You have to find it on Earth. Someone had stolen the item ages ago and escaped. It was time to search for it again and try to have it back. It is destructive for Earth. We know their world was much more fragile than ours. And I chose you for this mission, General Rizika, for I believe in you. The kingdom as well. Will you accept the mission?” The king announced. [System: Mission: Retrieve the Autonus artifact.] [System: Please confirm.] “System, confirm.” She announced with a hard tone. [System: Mission: Retrieve the Autonus artifact confirmed. The tasks would start upon reaching Earth.] When she crossed the portal. [System: Hello, Rizika. Welcome to Earth.] [System: Checking your body...] ‘Wait, your voice changed.’ The male robotic voice that her system had in Albria had turned into a girly voice with a high-pitched tone. It wasn’t robotic at all. It seemed like there was a teenager in her head. [System: Loading resources...] [System: Opening..] [Makeup: Cool, Chic, Vibrant, Natural, Hot, Sunny. Select which one.] Each one was showing an image of her face with the makeup. [Footwear: Flipflops] [Jewelries: Star-studded earrings, bangle bracelet, diamond pendant necklace] [Other accessories: None] [Gold chest: None] [System: This is a Goddess system. Start with the mission to earn and visit beauty shops.] “A Goddess system? What the hell?! This is a fucking scandal!” She wasn’t done rampaging yet. “An—” She was panting in furiousness. “An insult! A debauchery to my career!” She went to a nearby tree and punched the sturdy bark. She had never even touched any makeup in her life. She was solely focused on training, fighting, and drinking beer with the knights. She’s a respectable general in her kingdom. Never in her life did she even wear a girl’s clothes outside of her standard military dress robe uniform. Sure, she had suitors, for despite how manly her actions and status are, her natural beauty was remarkable in the entire kingdom. She did not even pay attention to it. “System, do you know what’s the freaking mission?” It was a sarcastic question. “It’s to ret—” [System Mission: Tame the Mafia Boss] "What the actual fuck?" AN: Be warned for cursing, vulgarity, and sexiness.
IzannahFrame · 3.7K Views

Revenge of the Crimson Shadow

Eternal Cleansing Region, somewhere in the Aries Kingdom, midnight “Ohmmm~~~!” The sound of chanting was heard as pebbles jumped, buildings vibrated, and the ground shook. In a huge church, many figures in dark red robes were on their knees surrounding an altar, seemingly praying to a god. There were thousands upon thousands of figures, all chanting the same thing. The gargantuan church had very tall windows, with which housed stained glass. The church was very caliginous, only having the soft light of the moon to illuminate things through those windows. If one gazed up, a mural could be discerned within a cupola. It illustrated a devil lingering above the land, with which figures with red eyes stood; then, a huge sun encroaching upon the territory of that devil, and burning all that was. Afterward, the mural showed a few survivors, on their knees, worshiping what appeared to be a god floating in the air as the surrounding lands burned to ash. The robed figures surrounded an altar upon which stood an imposing golden statue of a muscular man, in nothing but a toga, holding out his hand. In his hand, burned a powerful flame. If one were to observe this statue, they would immediately notice the beautiful orange sapphire the size of one’s hand. This statue was six stories tall, reaching just below the cupola. “Ohmmm~~~!” everything shook once again due to the sheer power of those figures’ unified voices. All of the figures began to glow a soft reddish-orange holy light, reminiscent of the sun. The light began to get brighter, gradually overtaking the gentle light of the moon. On the altar, in the center, directly below the cupola, was another silhouette. This silhouette stood with its hands held out, radiating an even greater light than those below. “Ohmmm~~~!” the statue’s eyes began to shine a similar light. Moments later, the light from the robed figures began to wane, as if the statue was absorbing it. The silhouette below the statue, however, started glowing even brighter. Seconds passed. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes, into hours. As every second ticked by, robed figures collapsed one after the other, their state unknown. The statue’s eyes were getting brighter as each fell. After seemingly an eternity, the silhouette’s light began to flicker out of existence. Just before it blinked out of the world, the statue’s eyes flared up, and the world seemingly stopped. The silhouette’s eyes began to match those of the statue. Suddenly, a deep, monotone voice escaped from the shadowy figure, “The boy with the Shadow Dragon Bloodline. Find him. Kill him. Wipe his whole lineage from the face of this region!” it boomed throughout the church, escaping through the walls as if they were illusory. People all throughout the region began to look in the direction of the church in response to some profound power. As the figure on the altar was speaking, cracks ,glowing the same color as the statue, began to appear around its body. As soon as the silhouette stopped speaking, it collapsed and the statue’s radiant glow began to fade. “Ohmmm~~~!” echoed out once more.
TheScaredOne · 6.6K Views

Femme Fatale: Mastering The Power Of Seduction & Allure

In “Becoming a Femme Fatale: Embodying Confidence, Allure, and Power,” This book offers an inspiring guide for women who want to tap into their inner strength, charm and mystery to change their lives. This book goes beyond simply adopting a seductive persona; it’s about weaving the principles of confidence, independence and grace into every facet of your daily life. Across eight comprehensive chapters, readers will discover the key characteristics of the femme fatale from mastering seduction and nurturing an air of mystery to exuding confidence and refining personal style. She provides practical exercises and real-world examples that illustrate how to embody the femme fatale lifestyle in both personal and professional settings. She guides readers on how to maintain a captivating presence, forge a strong identity, and embrace their complexities with elegance and assurance. This guide transcends mere surface appeal, exploring the mindset, habits and personal development necessary to live as a femme fatale every day. It encourages readers to keep evolving, take bold steps and fully accept their sensuality and strength. The concluding chapter emphasizes how to seamlessly integrate the femme fatale identity into everyday life, offering practical tips on self-improvement, mastering social situations and incorporating the femme fatale mindset into daily practices. Whether you aim to radiate confidence in your career, add an element of mystery to your romantic life or simply become a more empowered version of yourself, “Becoming a Femme Fatale” lays out a roadmap for living boldly, passionately and without apology. With practical guidance, empowering exercises and transformative insights, this book motivates women to realize their full potential, celebrate their unique allure and become irresistibly unforgettable.
Sandra_Ezenwa · 72 Views

The Only Leveling System

Nobody on Earth expected monsters to suddenly rush out from portals that appeared out of thin air. What happened was what would only appear in novels, mangas, or animes. Everything seems surreal. Unfortunately, for those who are in denial, none of this is a dream. This is REALITY. Rem’s "peaceful" life was shattered on that day. Many years had passed since then. Rem somehow ended up being the last human alive on Earth. She succeeded in defeating the Demon King. Despite all the rewards she received, Rem didn’t have the will to live anymore. Suddenly, a man in a white robe appeared before Rem. "I'm Alchit, the God of Light. Congratulations on your victory." 'What is there to celebrate? My family, friends, comrades... Everyone but me is all dead!' "What kind of god are you??! Alicht, the God of Light? More like A SH*T, the God of all sh*ts!!!" "HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! This is the first time anyone has insulted me like that. For that, I'll tell you a little something...!" Alchit leaned over to Rem's right ear and whispered: "This happened because I find things like this entertaining. You're simply a CHARACTER I took interest in. That's how you survived for so long." Before Rem could process what she just heard, Alchit ended her life ruthlessly with his blade. Was Rem going to die just like that? Yes! Of course, she is. Not even plot armor can protect her from this. How can a mere human survive any sword that pierced one's heart without dying? At least her death was quick and probably painless, right...? After dying, Rem got reincarnated into another world. The only problem was, she was reincarnated as a MONSTER. A monster that's the size of a CAT. Actually... Make that two problems. Rem can’t remember anything in her past life except for her first name, the day the portals appeared, some knowledge about the monsters she met before, being brutally murdered by Ash*t, and her immeasurable hatred for Gods. Having an annoying yet somewhat helpful system barely helps in the situation Rem’s in. "Why am I here, just to suffer?” Let's look at the bright side. Rem has another chance. A chance to get revenge in this new life of hers. Nonetheless, her priority right now is to survive. How will Rem survive in the current cat-sized monster body she's in? Will she ever succeed in getting her revenge? Can she get her memories back and uncover the truth? Join Rem on her journey and see for yourself! ——————————————————————— Tags: Adventure, Fantasy, FemaleMC, FemaleProtagonist, GameElements, Magic, MedievalWorld, ModernWorld, Monster, Monsters, Nonhuman, Overpowered, Portals, PowerfulMC, Rebirth, Reborn, Reincarnation, Revenge, System, Transmigration ——————————————————————— TOLS = The Only Leveling System ——————————————————————— ^Please note that everything in this novel is made up and isn't real. I have no intentions of trying to hurt or offend anyone! Thank you for reading!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^I'm back!!! :) I'll be rewriting and editing every chapter. You can see what I've edited under the auxiliary volume, "Revised Chapters." Hopefully, this will improve my writing tenfold!^ ——————————————————————— ^This is my first novel! I'm writing this novel as a new hobby I had come across, and to improve my writing skills. If there are any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors, please inform me. Feel free to make any suggestions you have! All suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading this novel!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^This cover is by swd3e2 (I did some research, and this was all I could find about the artist)! I will take this cover down if the artist asks me to do so.^ *This Cover’s Artist: ———————————————————————
JUnknownC · 1M Views

Avery's Game Of Revenge

"I WILL MAKE THEM ALL REGRET THE DAY THEY MET ME! I WILL MAKE THEM WISH THEY WERE NEVER BORN! AND I WILL MAKE THEM HATE THE DAY THEY THOUGHT OF BETRAYING ME!" "You will, Sweetie. And I'll help you with that..." Those were the last words Avery spoke and heard before passing out in her bloody red wedding gown, on the same day she was supposed to marry her boyfriend from senior high school. ~~ Avery McCallum, the sole heiress and president of the McCallum Group of Companies, had her whole family wiped out on her wedding day. Framed for her grandfather's murder and stripped of her position, Avery vows to take revenge on those who wronged her. But her powerless state seems to mock her determination. Enter Archibald Donovan. She used to hate the devilishly hot and narcissistic chairman of the A² Corp who also happened to be her older brother's best friend, but when consumed with the need to take revenge, she begged him to marry her in return for fulfilling a long list of conditions. Archie agrees, and a month later, Avery re-emerges as Ava Donovan, a rising actress and the wife of the most powerful man in the country. With her newfound status, Avery systematically destroys her adversaries, uncovering dark secrets and hidden agendas along the way. But as she navigates the treacherous landscape of her new life, she must confront the truth about her family's past and at the end of it all, come back to him. She owed him after all... ~ EXCERPT Archie's eyes darkened when he saw her stumbling out of the wine cellar, a bottle of wine in one hand and her night robe, in the other. She was literally half naked. "Hey..." her greeting came out in a slur, and that was all he needed to know she was drunk. Very drunk, at that. "Why?" he asked simply, knowing she would interpret his question as she usually did. "I...I visited them today. The flowers on their stones were already wilted broke me. I wanted to be happy and at the same time, I wanted to cry," Avery replied, inhaling short wisps of air before she continued, "Then I found the cellar." "Did it work?" She shook her head slowly in reply, lifting her head up in time to see a mischievous smirk curl on his lips. "Don't be sad, Baby girl. I happen to know a way to make you cry and keep you excited at the same time," he said. "Really?" "Wanna try it, Mama?" Avery nodded, slowly but firmly as he closed the distance between them. As he promised, she did pleasure. Note: This book is participating in the Cupid's Quill Contest. Your support is highly appreciated!
Krepsore07 · 234.2K Views

Stained Sand

Title: Stained Sand In the bustling streets of Mumbai, Rohan, an ordinary high school student, has learned to live with the occasional tremors of life—both literal and metaphorical. However, when an inexplicable event disturbs the peaceful rhythm of his world, Rohan finds himself trapped in a surreal battle between reality and something far more sinister. One morning, while Rohan gets up with playful teasing from his younger siblings, Aarav and Aryan, there is something in the air that is very disconcerting: sand everywhere in great and menacing stretches, as if overnight, has swallowed up the familiar world. The streets start shifting, the school ground begins to shift, even the skies seem to have had the laws of nature torn apart. There's something unnatural with the sand, a weight in the air-as if eyes were watching him, waiting for him to make a move. It all happens when Rohan finds himself faced with a strange man who comes from the sky, garbed in flowing white robes, and tells him that he is very, very far from ordinary. Actually, Rohan leads a life full of hidden powers, wanted by darker forces, even though he has lived an apparently very mundane life in Mumbai. As the man with strange abilities challenged Rohan, manipulating the sand around them into deadly weapons and illusions, Rohan realized that he was no longer a student. He would have to stand up to the forces of this mysterious stranger, who either wanted to wake up his latent powers or destroy him once and for all. With the sand constantly shifting, it reveals more and more of its secrets, and Rohan comes to understand that his life is connected to something much greater than he could have ever imagined: bound by ancient powers, forgotten gods, and a dimension-spanning conflict. Torn by his own identity and the depth of his powers, Rohan must fight his way through this new world full of fatal enemies, obscured truths, and dark alliances. But sand is not his only enemy: old friends, childhood memories, and even the ones he loves may be part of a larger game that may destroy everything he holds dear. Can Rohan find out about his powers before it is too late, or will the dunes of destiny bury him and the world in an eternal storm?
Aman_Maurya_7087 · 131 Views
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