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Sistema de Pecado: Harén Demoniaco Después de la Reencarnación

``` Reencarnando para encontrarse a dos bellezas recostadas sobre su regazo, Jake descubrió que él era un Barón Demonio sin linaje. Exiliado del Infierno al mundo humano, a Jake le quedó una pequeña mazmorra y sus dos sirvientes con apenas monstruos bajo su mando. Justo cuando pensó que las cosas no iban bien para él, de repente oyó una voz femenina en su cabeza. —[¡Ding! Bienvenido anfitrión al Sistema de Pecado.] —[Por favor, gira la Ruleta del Pecador para desbloquear tu primer Pecado.] —Esto es... —mientras Jake tocaba instintivamente el disco oscuro que apareció ante su vista, el disco comenzó a girar y se detuvo cinco segundos después. Volvió a escuchar la voz del sistema. —[¡Ding! Felicidades, has desbloqueado el Pecado de Lujuria.] Etiquetas adicionales: Mc Malvado - Mc Inteligente - Mc Descarado - Mc Maquinador - Smut - Sin Yuri - Sin NTR - Pero Contiene Netori - Loli Legal - Súcubo - Elfo - Ángel - Vampiro - Chicas Gato - Chicas Dragón - Chicas Zorro - Chicas Monstruo - Esclavas - Milf - Princesa - Hermosa - YANDERE - Seinen - Maduro - R18 - 18 - Historias de Sexo - Bestialidad - Hentai - NSFW - Embarazo - Incesto - Juegos de Dominación - Control de Emociones - Manipulación de Linaje - Corruptor de Personajes Justos - Pecados - Gore - Transmigración - Mana - Diablo - Demonio - Nigromante - Muerte - Mazmorra - Evolución Aviso: Por favor, lea esto con precaución. Como autor, les recomiendo que NO muestren esto a sus hijos. Si tienen el corazón sensible, no abran este libro. ```
FireEngine · 236.8K Views

Sistema do Pecado: Harém Demoníaco Após Reencarnação

Reencarnando para encontrar duas belezas deitadas em seu colo, Jake descobriu que ele era um Barão Demônio sem linhagem sanguínea. Exilado do Inferno para o mundo humano, Jake foi deixado com uma pequena masmorra e seus dois servos, com quase nenhum monstro sob seu comando. Justamente quando ele pensava que as coisas não estavam boas para ele, de repente ouviu uma voz feminina em sua cabeça. [Plim! Bem-vindo, anfitrião, ao Sistema do Pecado.] [Por favor, gire a Roleta dos Pecadores para desbloquear seu primeiro Pecado.] "Isso é..." Enquanto Jake tocava instintivamente o disco escuro que apareceu à sua vista, o disco começou a girar e parou cinco segundos depois. Ele ouviu a voz do sistema novamente. [Plim! Parabéns, você desbloqueou o Pecado da Luxúria.] — — — Tags adicionais: Mc Malvado - Mc Inteligente - Mc Sem Vergonha - Mc Maquinador - Smut - Sem Yuri - Sem NTR - Mas Contém Netori - Loli Legal - Súcubo - Elfa - Anjo - Vampiro - Garotas Gato - Garotas Dragão - Garotas Raposa - Garotas Monstro - Escravas - Milf - Princesa - Bonita - YANDERE - Seinen - Maduro - R18 - 18 - Histórias de Sexo - Bestialidade - Hentai - NSFW - Gravidez - Incesto - Jogo de Dominação - Controle de Emoções - Manipulação de Linhagem Sanguínea - Corrompendo Personagens Justos - Pecados - Gore - Transmigração - Mana - Diabo - Demônio - Necromante - Morte - Masmorra - Evolução — ー ー Aviso: Por favor, leia isso com cautela. Como autor, eu recomendo que NÃO mostre isto aos seus filhos. Se você tem um coração sensível, não abra este livro.
FireEngine · 113K Views

Système de Péché: Harem Démoniaque Après la Réincarnation

Réincarné pour découvrir deux beautés reposant sur ses genoux, Jake découvrit qu'il était un Baron Démon sans lignée. Exilé de l'Enfer vers le monde des humains, Jake fut laissé avec un petit donjon et ses deux serviteurs, avec presque aucun monstre sous ses ordres. Juste au moment où il pensait que les choses n'étaient pas bonnes pour lui, il entendit soudainement une voix féminine dans sa tête. [Ding! Bienvenue hôte dans Le Système du Péché.] [Veuillez faire tourner la Roulette du Pécheur pour déverrouiller votre premier Sin.] « C'est... » Alors que Jake touchait instinctivement le disque sombre apparu devant ses yeux, le disque se mit à tourner et s'arrêta cinq secondes plus tard. Il entendit à nouveau la voix du système. [Ding! Félicitations, vous avez déverrouillé le Péché de Luxure.] — — — Tags supplémentaires : Mc mauvais - Mc intelligent - Mc effronté - Mc fourbe - Pornographie - Pas de Yuri - Pas de NTR - Mais contient du Netori - Loli légal - Succube - Elfe - Ange - Vampire - Filles chat - Filles dragon - Filles renard - Filles monstre - Esclaves - Milf - Princesse - Belle - YANDERE - Seinen - Mature - R18 - 18 - Histoires de sexe - Bestialité - Hentai - NSFW - Grossesse - Inceste - Jeux de domination - Contrôle des émotions - Manipulation de lignée - Corruption des personnages vertueux - Péchés - Gore - Transmigration - Mana - Diable - Démon - Nécromancien - Mort - Donjon - Évolution — ー ー Avertissement : Veuillez lire ceci avec prudence. En tant qu'auteur, je vous recommande de NE PAS montrer ceci à vos enfants. Si vous avez le cœur sensible, n'ouvrez pas ce livre.
FireEngine · 101.8K Views

Crónicas Abismales

En la parte norte del mundo, una batalla prolongada entre varias razas y la raza demoníaca finalmente ha llegado a su fin. La Señora de los Demonios, una figura de cabello negro y ojos rojos, gobierna desde su palacio de obsidiana, habiendo derrotado repetidamente a la Diosa, el ser más fuerte del mundo. Sin embargo, se abstiene de matarla, sabiendo que solo renacerá para liderar otro ataque. Mientras la diosa se arrodilla ante ella, gravemente herida e indefensa, los sonidos de explosiones resuenan en el exterior, señalando la inminente victoria de la alianza. A pesar de su inmenso poder, la señora de los demonios reconoce la debilidad general de los demonios en comparación con los humanos y la Alianza. El desarrollo de la energía de combate y el mana ha permitido que los humanos ordinarios luchen contra los demonios, llevando a la derrota del ejército demoníaco. Consciente de la intención de la Alianza de esclavizar al demonio abisal, la Señora de los Demonios decide lanzar un hechizo prohibido que le costará la vida. A medida que las fuerzas de la Alianza asaltan el palacio, dudan al sentir la energía del hechizo. La Señora de los Demonios jura resistir y renacer para salvar a su pueblo. Mientras tanto, la diosa reflexiona sobre el trato pasado de la señora de los demonios hacia ella y reconoce su respeto y dedicación a su pueblo. Mientras la señora de los demonios se prepara para lanzar el hechizo, la diosa pregunta si puede abandonar su plan y vivir libremente. Sin embargo, las señoras de los demonios están obligadas por su deber a restaurar la gloria de la raza demoníaca y proteger a su pueblo. Entendiendo la determinación de la señora de los demonios, la diosa prepara su espada, con la intención de enfrentarse al hechizo prohibido de la señora de los demonios. La explosión resultante crea una nube en forma de hongo, marcando el final del conflicto y el comienzo de una nueva era. La Señora de los Demonios y la Diosa se convierten en figuras históricas, y sus historias son contadas ocasionalmente.
Hail_The_loli · 83K Views

Kronik Abisal

Di bagian utara dunia, pertempuran panjang antara berbagai ras dan ras setan akhirnya mencapai akhirnya. Tuhan Iblis, sosok dengan rambut hitam, mata merah, berkuasa dari istananya yang terbuat dari obsidian, setelah berulang kali mengalahkan Dewi, makhluk terkuat di dunia. Namun, dia menahan diri untuk tidak membunuhnya, mengetahui bahwa Dewi hanya akan bereinkarnasi untuk memimpin serangan lain. Saat dewi berlutut di hadapannya, terluka parah dan tak berdaya, suara ledakan bergema di luar, menandakan kemenangan Aliansi yang sudah dekat. Meski memiliki kekuatan yang luar biasa, Tuhan Iblis mengakui kelemahan ras setan secara keseluruhan dibandingkan dengan manusia dan Aliansi. Pengembangan energi pertarungan dan mana telah memungkinkan manusia biasa untuk melawan setan, yang mengakibatkan kekalahan tentara setan. Sadar akan niat Aliansi untuk memperbudak setan Abyssal, Tuhan Iblis memutuskan untuk melemparkan mantra terlarang yang akan menghabiskan nyawanya. Saat pasukan Aliansi menyerbu istana, mereka ragu-ragu ketika merasakan energi mantra. Tuhan Iblis bersumpah untuk melawan dan bereinkarnasi untuk menyelamatkan kaumnya. Sementara itu, Dewi merenungkan perlakuan Tuhan Iblis terhadap dirinya di masa lalu dan mengakui rasa hormat dan dedikasinya kepada kaumnya. Saat Tuhan Iblis bersiap untuk melemparkan mantra tersebut, Dewi bertanya apakah dia bisa meninggalkan rencananya dan hidup bebas. Namun, Tuhan Iblis terikat tugas untuk mengembalikan kemuliaan ras setan dan melindungi kaumnya. Memahami ketetapan hati Tuhan Iblis, Dewi menyiapkan pedangnya, dengan niat untuk bertabrakan dengan mantra terlarang Tuhan Iblis. Ledakan yang dihasilkan menciptakan awan jamur, menandai akhir dari konflik dan awal dari era baru. Tuhan Iblis dan Dewi menjadi tokoh sejarah, kisah mereka kadang-kadang diceritakan.
Hail_The_loli · 12K Views

Crônicas Abissais

Na parte norte do mundo, uma longa batalha entre várias raças e a raça demônio finalmente alcançou seu fim. A Senhora Demônio, uma figura de cabelos negros e olhos vermelhos, reina de seu palácio de obsidiana, tendo derrotado repetidamente a Deusa, o ser mais poderoso do mundo. No entanto, ela se abstém de matá-la, sabendo que ela apenas renascerá para liderar outro ataque. Enquanto a deusa se ajoelha diante dela, gravemente ferida e impotente, os sons de explosões ecoam do lado de fora, sinalizando a iminente vitória da aliança. Apesar de seu imenso poder, a senhora demônio reconhece a fraqueza geral dos demônios comparada aos humanos e à Aliança. O desenvolvimento da energia de luta e mana permitiu que humanos ordinários lutassem contra demônios, levando à derrota do exército demônio. Consciente da intenção da Aliança de escravizar o demônio abissal, a Senhora Demônio decide lançar um feitiço proibido que custará sua vida. Quando as forças da Aliança invadem o palácio, hesitam ao sentir a energia do feitiço. A Senhora Demônio jura resistir e renascer para salvar seu povo. Enquanto isso, a deusa reflete sobre o tratamento passado da senhora demônio para com ela e reconhece seu respeito e dedicação ao seu povo. Enquanto a senhora demônio se prepara para lançar o feitiço, a deusa pergunta se ela pode abandonar seu plano e viver livremente. No entanto, senhoras demônio têm o dever de restaurar a glória da raça demônio e proteger seu povo. Entendendo a resolução da senhora demônio, a deusa prepara sua espada, pretendendo colidir com o feitiço proibido da senhora demônio. A explosão resultante cria uma nuvem em forma de cogumelo, marcando o fim do conflito e o início de uma nova era. A Senhora Demônio e a Deusa se tornam figuras históricas, suas histórias contadas ocasionalmente.
Hail_The_loli · 16.2K Views

The Noble Lady of Lust

It seems my previous synopsis wasn’t very clear, so here’s the clarification: A common man dies and gets the chance to reincarnate, but after making a mistake in front of the goddess in charge, he is punished by being reborn as a woman. Years later, he discovers a method to temporarily regain his male body. However, his endless desire will be the least of his problems. This world is nothing like the fantasy he dreamed of—brutal, unforgiving, and filled with dangers that threaten to consume him, body and soul. “As for genres, there's a little bit of everything: Harem, Romance, Comedy, Yandere, Yuri, MILFs, Lolis, Elves,woman-beast, Demons, Dragons, Gigantes, Priestesses, Androids, Oyakodon, Group Action, Futa, a little bit of SM, and much more. If it captures your interest, great!!!”. Here is the original synopsis>>>>> "Wait, you turned me into a woman just because I imagined that? I didn’t know you could read minds—that’s not fair!" (He had defiled her in his imagination in five different ways, each worse than the last.) After his death, a goddess granted him reincarnation in another world. But his uncontrollable lust angered her, and as punishment, she turned him into a woman. "Stop!... Don’t make that choice," warned an old voice. Through an encounter beyond reason, he learns the truth: this world is nothing like the fantasy he imagined. It is brutal, merciless, and those who let their guard down don’t live long. He also discovers a method to temporarily regain his male form. Now, drawn into a battle for power where even the gods take sides, he fights not only for revenge, survival, and ambition, but also to protect those he holds dear—and everything he has built. In this second life, forged by sacrifices beyond his comprehension, he will carve his own path… no matter the cost.
elizz_lv0 · 500.2K Views

The Coaching System

For ten years, Ethan Carter was cursed. No matter which club he coached, he never won a single match. The world called him “The Cursed Coach.” Fans ridiculed him. Players disrespected him. The media destroyed him. But on one fateful night, his Bundesliga team—the weakest in the league—was leading 1-0 against a footballing giant. Ninety minutes. One last chance. The biggest upset of the season. The final whistle blew. Victory. His first-ever win. The curse was broken. And then… his heart stopped. When he opened his eyes, he wasn’t in Germany anymore. He was in a run-down office with peeling wallpaper and a broken desk. His hands were thinner. His face was different. A small nameplate sat in front of him: Jake Wilson – Head Coach, Bradford FC (Fifth-Tier League) Before he could even process what had happened, a glowing screen appeared before his eyes. [Ding! The Coaching System Has Activated!] Now, armed with a system that grants real-time tactical analysis, scouting reports, player growth insights, and legendary tactics, Ethan—now Jake—has a second chance. From a forgotten, unknown club to the top of world football—can he use the system to become the greatest coach in history? He was once the most mocked coach in the world. Now, he will become unstoppable. Because this time… he refuses to lose. Disclaimer The Coaching System is a work of fiction. All characters, teams, events, and organizations depicted in this story are purely fictional or used fictitiously. While the novel is inspired by real-world football mechanics, tactics, and leagues, it does not represent any real-life football clubs, managers, or players.
Mr_Raiden · 640.6K Views

Reincarnated as a Scholar: But I only write Erotica

**CAUTION: CONTAINS ELEMENT OF TABOO, I Dreamed of Cultivation... and Got Homework Instead! “Ah, reincarnation into a xianxia world! Time to wield swords, shoot qi bullets, and become the overlord of the heavens!” At least, that’s what Lin Mao thought would happen. Instead, he woke up in a scholar’s robe, surrounded by ink-stained fingers and people debating... philosophy. “This isn’t the path to immortality! This is the path to finals!” Now Lin Mao has to navigate his life in the prestigious Sky Moon Sect, where flying on swords is nothing but a dream. The only thing flying is debates and enlightenment that comes from philosophy, not martial arts. Instead of fighting demonic beasts, he's fighting grumpy senior brothers, mysterious sect elders, and his master that has a.......long beard. “Who needs qi cultivation when you have the ‘Path of Society’? What does that even mean?! And why does everyone here hate jokes?!” Filled with nothing but Earth’s most degenerate novels, his unhinged personality, and his special ability to accidentally piss people off, Lin Mao is determined to shake up the scholar world. He might not be a cultivator, but who says he can’t make being a scholar legendary? “This isn’t the dream I signed up for, but whatever. If they are going to make me study, I’ll do it my way!” **** This novel will be story-focused, blending humor, character development, and world-building. However, it will also include R18 elements with detailed smut for those who enjoy a little spice in their story. You’ve been warned! *** [ Tags ] R-18 | Mature | Adult | Smut | Harem | Ecchi | Hentai | NSFW | Netori | Blowjob | Anal | Sex | Threesome | Foursome | Hardcore | Feet | Thick | Thicc | Loli | Milf | Gilf | Young & Mature | Choking | Out doors | Humiliation | Bdsm | Fetish | Action | Handsome MC | Weak to Strong MC | Comedy | Wise
Philosopher_Immort · 24.9K Views

Nhà hàng dị giới của ông bố bỉm sữa

Thẩm Mạch Cách đang ngồi trên du thuyền hào nhoáng của mình đi câu cua hoàng đế. Bỗng một cơn sóng ập đến kéo gã ngã nhào xuống biển. Đến khi tỉnh lại, gã phát hiện mình đang nằm trong một gian phòng đậm nét châu Âu, còn trong tay gã chính là bàn tay bé xinh của một cô nhóc loli chừng bốn năm tuổi. Thẩm Mạch Cách phát hiện ra mình đã xuyên không rồi. Gã xuyên vào thân thể của một gã kỵ sĩ nghèo túng McGonagall Alex. Nơi gã xuyên đến là một đại lục kỳ lạ có rất nhiều chủng tộc như rồng, ma quỷ, người thú, tiên, người lùn, nhân loại… cùng nhau chung sống. Một tên công tử như gã bỗng bị vất đến một thế giới dị giới xa lạ, đột nhiên trở thành một người cha của cô bé loli xinh đẹp. Trong lúc gã còn đang mơ màng thì lại có một giọng nói trung tính vang lên trong đầu gã: “Hệ thống nuôi dạy thần bếp khởi động!” McGonagall sợ đến hồn vía lên mây. Cái quái quỷ gì vậy? Hệ thống nuôi dạy thần bếp? Tại sao thứ này lại chạy vào đầu mình chứ? Chẳng lẽ nó có liên quan đến việc xuyên không này? Gã đã gặp phải chuyện gì vậy? Gã sẽ làm như thế nào để giải quyết mớ bòng bong của hiện tại.
Khinh Nữ Giang Hồ · 732.7K Views

Abyssal Chronicles

In the northern part of the world, a long-standing battle between various races and the demon race has finally reached its end. The Demon Lord, a figure with black hair, red eyes, rules from her obsidian palace, having repeatedly defeated the Goddess, the strongest being in the world. However, she refrains from killing her, knowing she will only be reborn to lead another attack. As the goddess kneels before her, badly injured and helpless, the sounds of explosions echo outside, signaling the imminent victory of the alliance. Despite her immense power, the demon lord acknowledges the demon's overall weakness compared to humans and the Alliance. The development of fighting energy and mana has allowed ordinary humans to fight demons, leading to the demon army's defeat. Aware of the Alliance's intent to enslave the abyssal demon, the Demon Lord decides to cast a forbidden spell that will cost her life. As the Alliance forces storm the palace, they hesitate upon sensing the spell's energy. The Demon Lord vows to resist and be reborn to save her people. Meanwhile, the goddess reflects on the demon lord's past treatment of her and acknowledges her respect and dedication to her people. As the demon lord prepares to cast the spell, the goddess asks if she can abandon her plan and live freely. However, demon lords are duty-bound to restore the demon race's glory and protect her people. Understanding the demon lord's resolve, the goddess readies her sword, intending to clash with the demo lord's forbidden spell. The resulting explosion creates a mushroom cloud, marking the end of the conflict and the start of a new era. The Demon Lord and the Goddess become historical figures, their stories occasionally told.
Hail_The_loli · 2.3M Views

Champion Of Lust: Gods Conquer's Harem Paradise!

In a world teeming with mythical races—dragons, vampires, elves, and more—Pyris Obsidian finds himself reborn as the Champion of Lilith, the Goddess of Lust. Armed with her divine blessings and an ancient Obsidian bloodline, Pyris is thrust into a deadly world where power is the only currency, and ambition can turn men into gods—or their prey. The empires of Argos teeter on the brink of chaos, with Immortals lurking in the shadows, and gods watching from above, waiting for mortals to fall. As Pyris rises, so does his influence over the magical world, manipulating power, desire, and even reality itself. But the gods and their champions won’t stand idle while a new force of lust and dominance rises. With forbidden magic, unparalleled charm, and an insatiable hunger for conquest, Pyris must navigate treacherous alliances, deceitful enemies, and seductive allies, all while keeping the truth of his destiny hidden. For in this world, desire is power, and Pyris will stop at nothing to claim what is his—even if it means defying the gods themselves. Will Pyris bend the world to his will, or will the forces of the divine bring him to his knees? Only time will tell, as he embarks on a journey of lust, magic, and unrivaled ambition. Discord Server: Guys check out my new book. Urban Plundering: I Corrupted The System! [Milfs #loli #Heavy Smut #Taboo #illicitAffairs #SliceOfLife #Villain-Like Mindset #Technology #System #ChampionOfLust #FantasyEpic #MagicalWorlds #DragonsAndGods #VampireEmpire #LustAndPower #DarkFantasyRomance #GodsVsMortals #ForbiddenMagic #ObsidianEmpire #FantasyIntrigue #DivineChampion #MythicalCreatures#ImmortalsAndDragons #ConquerAndSeduce #EpicConquest #LustfulChampion #RiseOfTheChampion #MagicalPolitics #FantasyRebirth]
almightyP · 1.1M Views

My system wants me to Smash....MILFs?

CAUTION: TABOO Previous Title: Crippled Hier Wake up with a MILF system Zhang Fei was a degenerate looser back on Earth. He was crowned the Coomer King after jerking his way to victory in a twisted online test, only to get sucked into a void and thrown into a xianxia world of qi, sects, and hmm.....pussies. Reborn as a crippled heir, his body’s fucked—useless limbs, cock barely twitching—he’s stuck drooling over jade beauties he can’t touch, until........a window lights up in his life. “Welcome to the Crippled Heir MILF System." "Host! Ready to fuck your way to the top?” Hell yeah, he is. Task one? Get a hand job. His first conquest? A thick-ass MILF who calls herself “Mother,” her massive tits spilling qi-nourished milk into his mouth while she strokes his cock till he cums hard, fixing his broken ass with every sticky spurt. Now, fully healed, Zhang Fei’s out to steal every jade beauty, fuck rival sect bitches senseless and claim the fat legacy that he is supposed to have. The system dings with every thrust: “Mission: Bang your way to the top. Rewards: Qi Potion, badass moves, and more pussy.” Will he ascend to fuck the heavens or just fuck everything in his path? Spoiler: he’s doing both. Tags: R-18 | Mature | Adult | Smut | Harem | Ecchi | Hentai | NSFW | Netori | Blowjob | Anal | Sex | Threesome | Foursome | Hardcore | Feet | Thick | Thicc | Loli | Milf | Gilf | Young & Mature | Choking | Outdoors | Humiliation | Nymph | Bdsm | Fetish | Dual Cultivation | Action| Handsome MC | Weak to Strong MC | Antihero | Comedy | Taboo|
author_210 · 72.4K Views

My Yandere Goddess daughter from another world

The story unfolds with a high school boy Evan enduring ceaseless bullying from both his male and female classmates. He's regarded as an easy target due to his quiet and peaceful nature, lacking the inclination to engage in fights or confrontations. Despite the torment, neither friends nor teachers come to his aid, perpetuating his suffering. However, the trajectory of his life takes a dramatic turn when he is unexpectedly transported to another world by the Goddess of Love, a breathtakingly beautiful being. She entrusts him with a pivotal mission: to defeat the demon lord plaguing this unfamiliar realm. Bestowing upon his divine powers to enhance his strength, the goddess sets him on a path filled with perilous adventures. In this new world, he forges deep connections and friendships, eventually falling in love with a princess who is destined to become his future wife. But Things change after Evan finally kills the demon lord. Those he once trusted betray him mercilessly, The Princess shares her thought that she never liked someone disgusting and ugly and she is already having an intimate life with the handsome prince, the princess he adores ruthlessly ends his life. Suddenly, he awakens in bewilderment, finding himself once more in the presence of the Goddess of Love. Filled with anger and confusion, he confronts her about the harrowing experiences he endured. To his astonishment, the goddess manages to pacify his turbulent emotions with a kiss. Gradually, he comes to realize that he has returned to his home world, Earth, with no recollection of the events that transpired following his return. Despite spending more than five years in the other world, his physical form remains that of a 17-year-old teenager. The divine powers, weapons, and domains bestowed upon him by the goddess are entirely absent. With no other options, he reluctantly resumes his former life on Earth, enduring the same torment of bullying and facing a life of poverty. Just when he believes things couldn't get any stranger, he encounters a peculiar and extraordinarily beautiful girl. Her appearance seems utterly out of place on Earth, her beauty transcending any human standard. Before he can begin to unravel this perplexing mystery, the girl spontaneously jumps into his arms, affectionately calling him "Papa," and places a kiss on his lips. The word "Papa" sends a chilling shiver down his spine as he begins to recall the enigmatic events involving the Goddess of Love. ====== Tags: revenge, action, old-love-interest, Goddess love, Yandere, incest, loli-con, romance, betrayal, harem, and Dad-con. Notice: extreme yandere daughter that would kill or wipe anyone who would come between her and her father. Warning: This is fanfiction, don't do this at home with your daughter and father. Note: Evan's daughter will appear in chapter five. (The book cover is not mine)
Uphar · 72.9K Views

Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

After being imprisoned in the basement by her mother for ten years, she ended her cruel and tragic life in death when they forced her to hand over the key to the hidden treasure. Getting reborn in her teenage years, she woke up in the bed of that terrible and powerful man. This time, she must take revenge on her enemy, and now she must live. Having nicknamed 'The Loli of The East', this young lady broke through the heavily fortified private prison and managed to snatch the key that the man had been searching for as she escaped into the forest. "Woman, you've successfully attracted my attention." This man, who appeared to be the CEO of a business empire on the surface but was the godfather of the largest mafia, carried a military-tier bag and entered the forest. He felt that the Loli of The East possessed a fatal attraction. She was not a weak woman. On the contrary, she was stronger than most men in the world. Shen knew that the man in front of her was the Owl King. He was all-powerful, cold, and domineering, yet he was persistent towards her. Why did this man plan to do after chasing after her from outside the country into the country, even though she avoided him like the plague? Shen, "Stay away from me, will you?" Yan, "Baby, do you think it's possible?" She was the one and only daughter of the wealthy Shen family. She was the hope of the Shen family. Her battlefield was not within the bounds of a harem, nor was her battlefield centered around a man like a parasitic flower that clung onto her host. Her horizon did not look like that, and it should not be. Therefore, even if Yan built her a magnificent golden house, it would not be able to stop her heart that yearned to soar in the sky.
Yanjiang Lighthouse · 2.7M Views

Apocryphal Incarnation

After being mortally wounded in a terrorist attack, our protagonist wakes up after a long, dark sleep, in a world completely different from the one he knew. To make matters worse, much of his memory is blurred and the most important "pillar" of his life, his younger sister, was possibly dragged into this world as well. In a futuristic fantasy world where it is replete with magic and swords, our protagonist will do anything to find his only relative, even if it means having to bring half the world under his control. Luckily, shortly after his arrival in this new world, our protagonist meets a ghost named Gen who claims to have been a hero in his time of life. Having a great variety of knowledge and mastery over advanced magic, this one decides to teach everything he knows to the protagonist in exchange for a condition. The more he explores this world, the more variety of people our protagonist will meet. And among these people, there will be many who will show great power and talent, which the protagonist will try to bring them under his control in order to use them to complete his goal. ----- Tags: Action - Adventure - Comedy - Drama - Fantasy - Harem - Magic - Magical Realism - Magical Technology - Romance - Sci-fi - Slice of Life - Supernatural - Tragedy - Dark - Gore - Isekai - Mythology - Mythical Creatures - Character Growth - Male Protagonist - Cautious Protagonist - Clever Protagonist - Cunning Protagonist - Confident Protagonist - Charismatic Protagonist - Calm Protagonist - Determined Protagonist - Genius Protagonist - Hated Protagonist - Underestimated Protagonist - Unlucky Protagonist - Overpowered Protagonist - Overpowered allies - Overpowered enemies - Enemies Become Allies - Enemies Become Lovers - Mystery - Mysterious Past - Psychological - Artifacts - Brainwashing - Kuudere - Loli - Yandere - Maids - Servants - Psychopaths - Possessive Characters - Quirky Characters - Royalty - Multiple Reincarnated Individuals - Monster Girls - Obsessive Love - Overprotective Siblings - Brother Complex - Sister Complex - Past Trauma - Wars. ----- Warning: English is not my first language, so I am using translator to share my story. ----- Important: This novel is a completely original work of mine. Also, this is my first time writing a novel, so I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or errors in the writing. The cover image is not mine.
Nadie09 · 46.8K Views

Encarnación Apócrifo

Luego de ser mortalmente herido en un ataque terrorista, nuestro protagonista despierta luego de un largo y oscuro sueño, en un mundo completamente diferente al que conocía. Para empeorar las cosas, gran parte de su memoria está borrosa y el "pilar" más importante de su vida, su hermana menor, posiblemente también fue arrastrado a este mundo. En un mundo de fantasía futurista donde está repleto de magia y espadas, nuestro protagonista hará lo que sea para encontrar a su único pariente, incluso si eso significa tener que poner medio mundo bajo su control. Por suerte, poco tiempo después de su llegada a este nuevo mundo, nuestro protagonista conoce a un fantasma llamado Gen que dice haber sido un héroe en su época de vida. Teniendo una gran variedad de conocimiento y dominio sobre la magia avanzada, este decide enseñarle todo lo que sabe al protagonista a cambio de una condición. A medida que más explora este mundo, más variedad de gente conocerá nuestro protagonista. Y entre esa gente, habrá muchos que mostrarán tener un gran poder y talento la cual el protagonista tratará de ponerlos bajo su control con fin de usarlos para completar su objetivo. ----- Tags: Action - Adventure - Comedy - Drama - Fantasy - Harem - Magic - Magical Realism - Magical Technology - Romance - Sci-fi - Slice of Life - Supernatural - Tragedy - Dark - Gore - Isekai - Mythology - Mythical Creatures - Character Growth - Male Protagonist - Cautious Protagonist - Clever Protagonist - Cunning Protagonist - Confident Protagonist - Charismatic Protagonist - Calm Protagonist - Determined Protagonist - Genius Protagonist - Hated Protagonist - Underestimated Protagonist - Unlucky Protagonist - Overpowered Protagonist - Overpowered allies - Overpowered enemies - Enemies Become Allies - Enemies Become Lovers - Mystery - Mysterious Past - Psychological - Artifacts - Brainwashing - Kuudere - Loli - Yandere - Maids - Servants - Psychopaths - Possessive Characters - Quirky Characters - Royalty - Multiple Reincarnated Individuals - Monster Girls - Obsessive Love - Overprotective Siblings - Brother Complex - Sister Complex - Past Trauma - Wars. ----- Importante: Esta novela es una obra original mía. La imagen de la portada no es mía.
Nadie09 · 29.2K Views
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