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Frases Monica Robles

Renacimiento como la mujer más rica del mundo

【Una novela de favoritismo, doble poder, cartas del Tarot y tratar a la escoria como se merece】 Diez años de matrimonio, diez años de devoción. Ella vertió todo su talento y emociones, solo para ser recompensada al final con un incendio premeditado. Torturada por su esposo y traicionada por su mejor amiga. Resulta que todos a su alrededor estaban actuando. Antes de su renacimiento, era una dama talentosa y renombrada en Ciudad Capital. Después de su renacimiento, se hizo famosa en Ciudad Capital como... ¡una imbécil! Además, se convirtió en una dama rica en la miseria, a merced de otros. Tímida, débil, inútil, incompetente, esas eran las etiquetas que le colocaban. Al abrir los ojos una vez más, la juventud floreció, ¡volvió a ser ella misma! En esta vida, ¡regresa con un dedo de oro! ¡Con un mazo de cartas del Tarot, se mueve a través de todo el círculo de los ricos! ** Joven maestro sin igual, él es el renombrado y enigmático jefe de la familia Mo en Ciudad Capital. También es un demonio portador de una maldición. Controlando la vida y la muerte, dominando el destino, él es el líder poderoso del Mundo Superpoderoso. Tal autoridad abrumadora y una apariencia impresionante hacen que innumerables chicas se acerquen a él. Una es una humilde y cobarde rica idiota, el otro es un 'demonio' ampliamente conocido portador de una maldición en Ciudad Capital. La colisión del agua y el fuego, un entrelazado de frío y calor. Nadie sabe quién sucumbe finalmente a quién al final. ** Más tarde, el distante jefe de la familia Mo, que nunca se interesó por las mujeres, de repente anunció su matrimonio de alto perfil. Todo el país estaba en alboroto, numerosas jóvenes destrozadas. Después del matrimonio, se transforma en un esposo perfecto, amando a su esposa entrañablemente y obedeciendo todos sus deseos. 【Microdrama】 Una cierta mujer (con cara fría): —El señor Mo es tan rico y poderoso, yo, una humilde chica, no me atrevo a añadir ninguna carga. La comisura de la boca de cierto hombre se curvó en una curva significativa. La mujer se asustó tanto que inmediatamente dio un paso atrás: —¿Qué, qué, qué vas a hacer? ...... 【Frases del señor Mo】 *Deberías saber, en este mundo, además de mí, nadie más es digno de estar a tu lado. *Si esta era próspera terminara, ¡podría establecer otra! Pero ella, hay solo una en el mundo, ¡yo, no puedo arriesgarme! *Es solo dinero. Le he dado incluso mi vida, así que vamos a desperdiciarla.
Deutsche Unforgotten · 78.7K Views

A Identidade da Senhora Choca Toda a Cidade Novamente

``` Qiao Nian viveu na casa da família Qiao por 18 anos antes que seus pais biológicos a encontrassem. De repente, todas as famílias ricas da cidade souberam que a família Qiao tinha uma filha falsa! Uma verdadeira filha de uma família abastada seria talentosa, gentil e bondosa. Uma filha falsa não seria capaz de desenvolver nenhuma habilidade e não conseguiria realizar nada. Todo mundo queria ver como ela ficaria miserável ao voltar para o seu barranco depois de ser expulsa de uma família rica! Qiao Nian também pensava que seus pais biológicos eram professores pobres do Condado de Luohe. Quem diria que seu irmão dirigia um Phaeton que valia trezentos mil yuan! Seu pai biológico também era um professor que ensinava na Universidade de Tsinghua! O grande chefe da família de escórias tornou-se um bajulador e se curvou diante do avô dela... Qiao Nian ficou atônita. Er... isso não era o mesmo que dizer sim! Depois de ser libertada da família de escórias, Qiao Nian pôde ser ela mesma. Ela era a aluna no topo do exame de entrada da faculdade, uma estrela de transmissões ao vivo e herdeira de um patrimônio cultural inestimável... Suas identidades foram reveladas e, quando ela começou a aparecer nas buscas bombásticas da cidade, a família de escórias ficou verde. Os anti-fãs zombavam: Qual o sentido de tentar falsificar uma imagem? Você não está apenas grudada no meu irmão todos os dias? Qiao Nian respondeu: Me desculpe, mas eu já tenho um par. Irmão Poderoso: @Qiao Nian. Deixe-me apresentá-la a todos. Esta é a minha irmã. Avô Rico: Minha querida neta, por que você está trabalhando tanto? Se você quer uma bicicleta, o avô vai comprar para você! Os ricos e poderosos de Pequim espalharam um boato de que o Mestre Wang estava escondendo uma esposa em sua luxuosa casa. Não importa o quanto as pessoas tentassem convencê-lo, ele nunca a levava para encontrar ninguém. Se perguntassem, ele diria a mesma frase. "Minha esposa é do campo e ela é tímida." Isso foi até o dia em que alguém viu o nobre e frio Mestre Wang segurando a cintura esbelta de uma garota enquanto se escondia em um canto de um muro e murmurava com os olhos vermelhos. "Bebê, quando você vai me dar um título?" [Filha falsa que é de uma verdadeira família rica] + [Dois grandes chefes] ```
Brother Ling · 99.6K Views

Revolução da Curandeira

Sato Maylene, ou apenas May para seus colegas, sempre levou uma vida pacífica, ainda que marcada pelas frustrações de ser uma mulher solteira e virgem aos 30 anos. Dedicada ao extremo, ela se jogava no trabalho sem pensar no próprio bem-estar-até que sua exaustão a levou à morte. Ao partir, ouviu uma frase enigmática: "O ritual está se concretizando, o novo herói está vindo!". No entanto, ao despertar, não encontrou glória ou invocadores, mas sim uma gruta isolada. Logo percebeu que havia reencarnado com a habilidade de uma healer, uma classe de suporte, e um talento único digno de um herói invocado, capaz de levar sua magia a níveis inimagináveis. Mas antes que pudesse compreender seu verdadeiro potencial, May se viu diante de um Abissal Dragon, uma criatura catastrófica, gravemente ferida após um confronto secular. Movida por seu altruísmo, tentou ajudá-lo, mesmo sabendo que era uma batalha perdida. Impressionado por sua bondade, o dragão lhe ofereceu uma solução inesperada: tornar-se sua hospedeira. Agora, com o espírito de um Abissal Dragon abrigado em seu corpo e um novo nome, May parte em uma jornada com um objetivo simples, mas desafiador-viver uma vida pacífica. Mesmo que, para isso, tenha que enfrentar um mundo desconhecido e desafios inesperados. (O projeto é escrito também no W-attpad e no S-piritFanfiction Plágio é ilegal seja original) (The project is also written on W-attpad and S-piritFanfiction Plagiarism is illegal, be original)
BlightMansion · 1.7K Views

Os Pecados Carnais do Seu Alfa

AVISO: CONTEÚDO ADULTO! ~Quem diria que o jovem filho do Alpha se apaixonaria pela sua babá?!~ Ela era como a mãe que ele nunca teve, a irmã mais velha que ele sempre quis, sua ÚNICA melhor amiga. Depois de um incidente na alcateia dos Dark Risers, o Alpha envia seu filho para outra alcateia para ser treinado e moldado em uma pessoa melhor; o futuro Alpha. Doze anos depois, Daniel retorna um adolescente totalmente crescido, com uma alta libido e desejo por mulheres bonitas. Em uma idade tão jovem, ele administra sozinho a alcateia e também suporta a pressão de encontrar uma companheira pelos anciãos e seus parentes. Mas Daniel não quer uma companheira. Nunca quis e nunca vai querer. Por que ficar preso a uma mulher que lhe causaria problemas, quando pode passar todas as noites com mulheres de sua escolha? Ele viverá sozinho em seus prazeres carnais ou será que ele terá que engolir suas palavras? Excerto; para o Volume (2) Mas...” John segurou o travesseiro em sua mão com um olhar sério e pensativo. ”É isso que você realmente quer?” Jephthah olhou para cima de onde ele estava terminando um esboço de Talia e franziu levemente a testa. ”Do que está falando?” John suspira e se aproxima dele, e Jephthah fica tenso, porque seu irmão parecia realmente sério. E quando ele fica, sempre tem algo muito importante a dizer. ”Você quer que Talia seja sua companheira destinada, não é?” ”Mais do que qualquer coisa no mundo.” Jephthah disse sem hesitar, um brilho aparecendo em seus olhos como estrelas, mas eles se apagaram quando ele percebeu que John ainda tinha aquele olhar sério. ”John, o que há de errado?” ”Jephthah,” John suspirou. ”Nós somos gêmeos... você sabe disso, né?” Jephthah quase balançou a cabeça para a pergunta estúpida. ”E daí?” ”E somos como duas ervilhas numa vagem. Somos a metade um do outro.” Jephthah estreitou os olhos para ele. ”Você acha que VOCÊ pode ser minha companheira?” John o atingiu na cabeça com o travesseiro desta vez. ”Não!” ”Então chegue ao ponto, John.” ”70% das garotas que são companheiras de um gêmeo geralmente também são companheiras...” ele fez uma pausa olhando nos olhos de Jephthah antes de terminar a frase. ”do outro gêmeo também.” O lápis caiu de seu controle, rolou sobre a folha de papel de tela e caiu com um baque no chão, a ponta afiada de grafite quebrando para cair ao lado da porta. ”O quê?!”
C3e_Jay · 105.5K Views

Something about HER

"Jill!" Sheri whispered. Jill continues to give Sheri grief. Though, in all honesty Jill didn't care, nor did she have room to judge. Jill has done what Sheri is about to do once or twice. Maybe even three times by the time she's done with Anthony. Who knows what his status is? Don't care... But Jill could shamelessly say this, she's never blatantly seen a man's wife and still brazenly flirt with their husband. Sheri was on a whole new level of savagery, and Jill wasn't letting her best friend off the hook so easily. Jill thought to herself, the next time Sheri tries to act all innocent and poise to judge me, imma rub the dirt all up in her face. She continues to push Sheri’s buttons till she gets up to leave and go to the bathroom. Jill was getting ready to tell her to use the gel when unexpectedly, Sheri collides into the Governor. They were a whole tangled mess, Jill practically had to pull them apart before his wife came. The Governor was grateful for her intervention because even he realized he wasn't focused. Upon meeting the governor's wife, Jill was 100% sure, she did not like her. This self-important, condescending chick, made Jill simply want to backhand her. Her whole attitude was trash. She looked down at Sheri and Jill the whole time with fake greetings of kindness. But Jill matched her energy. Like b*tch, your not about to run over me. But Sheri... Practically became her yes girl. And Jill had to fall in line because it wasn't her fight. *** After the awful encounter with Monica, the Governor's wife, Jill got to work on making sure Sheri had a more prominent presence. The girls went to the bathroom, and Jill opened every stall to make sure no one was around. "What was that?!" Jill yelled. "I know right?! Absolute b*tch!" Sheri added. Jill wanted to smack Sheri. "No! You!" Sheri was confused. "You're not focused! When she came up to us all stank, you had no fight in you. You acted like a docile little girl. She said jump and you went 'how high?' Even I had to fall in line." Jill was so infuriated. "Oh...". Sheri said in recollection. "Listen that right there was a freebie. Monica is not about to think that's how things are gonna be moving forward." Jill declares. Sheri was silent but signaled she understood Jill continued as she paced the spacious restroom. "She's the one that had things she wanted to discuss with you, not the other way around. You should of let Monica know what day YOU were available instead of going along with what she choose!" "I know I just got nervous..." Sheri put her hand to her forehead. "Well that needs to be out of your system now that we have a vague idea of what she's about. When we go to the Governor's house, don't act all impressed, as if you've never been in a place like that before, and whatever she asks of you, tell her you need time to deliberate. She's not getting her answer right away." Jill looked at Sheri sternly. "You're right! I'm sorry!... I guess I felt bad about my behavior with her husband that I kind of submitted to her." Sheri admitted. "So are you gonna feel bad about the Governor's behavior too?!" Jill snapped "Takes two to tangle, And y'all was entangled!" "Jill... I don't know if I can be the type of woman that can mess with a married man..." Sheri lowered her head. Well what is she trynna say about me! Jill thought. *** Hey everyone, thank you for your interest in my book, this is my first time writing a story. Hope you enjoyed this excerpt. This is my original work and the setting is urban American. My characters are of African American, Caribbean, and Hispanic descent, so this book may have a different flavor from the more traditional stories on here, so feel free to comment if there are any slang terms or phrases you don't understand.
_OrganicBeauty_ · 155.6K Views


Hello there, I want to share my unfortunate experience to warn others about a serious investment scam I fell victim to. I had been searching for a trustworthy platform to invest a substantial amount of money, and after some research, I decided to commit over half a million dollars to what appeared to be a legitimate opportunity. Unfortunately, what followed was nothing short of a nightmare. After making my deposit, I was unable to access my funds. My account was locked, and when I tried to reach out to customer support, I was told that I could only regain access to my account if I paid an additional fee. They claimed this would "unfreeze" my account, but it quickly became clear that this was just another scam tactic. The company refused to let me withdraw any of my funds unless I complied with their demands for more money. That’s when I realized I had been duped by a fake investment platform. I was devastated, as I had invested a significant portion of my life savings. However, I didn’t give up. A co-worker, who had experienced a similar issue with a fraudulent company, recommended Cyber Constable Intelligence to me. They had helped him recover a large part of his investment, and so I decided to give them a try. Cyber Constable Intelligence was extremely responsive and professional from the start. They took my case seriously, and their team began investigating my situation right away. I was kept in the loop throughout the process, and it was clear that they were dedicated to helping me recover my money. After several weeks of hard work, I was overjoyed to receive a notification that $215,000 had been successfully refunded to my account. While I didn’t get all of my money back, the refund I received was a huge relief. Cyber Constable Intelligence’s thorough approach and persistence made all the difference. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for their expertise and support in recovering a significant portion of my investment.For anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to a trusted recovery service like Cyber Constable Intelligence. It can be hard to trust anyone after experiencing a scam, but with the right professionals on your side, there’s hope for recovering what you’ve lost. Here's Their Info Below WhatsApp: 1 (252) 378-7611 mail: Website info;
Yvonne_Robles_5818 · 367 Views


You don’t realize how much trust you place in technology until it fails you or until someone exploits it. I learned this the hard way when my crypto wallet, containing over $87,000 in Bitcoin and Ethereum, was drained in an instant. A clever scam disguised as an official update cost me everything I had worked so hard to save. At first, I believed what everyone said: “Once it’s gone, it’s gone.” The blockchain doesn’t forgive mistakes, and recovery felt like a fantasy. But desperation pushed me to keep looking, and that’s when I found DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES. From the start, they were different: no false promises, no hype, just a practical and transparent approach. They explained how stolen funds could be traced, even through the complexity of blockchain transactions. What followed was nothing short of incredible. Their team worked tirelessly, tracking the stolen assets step by step, wallet by wallet. They coordinated with exchanges, flagged suspicious accounts, and kept me updated at every turn. It felt like they were as invested in getting back my funds as I was. Weeks later, I got the email I thought I’d never see: “We’ve recovered your funds.” Seeing my wallet balance restored felt like a second chance at everything I thought I’d lost. It wasn’t just about the money it was about reclaiming my future and finding hope again. DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES didn’t just recover my cryptocurrency; they gave me the ability to move forward without the weight of that loss holding me back. If you’ve lost crypto and feel like there’s no hope, don’t give up. There are people who know how to fight for you. I’m living proof that even in the world of crypto, recovery is possible with the right team. Contact: Digital Resolution Services Website: Email: WhatsApp: +1 (361) 260-8628 Forever grateful, Monica dresdner
Monica_Dresdner · 520 Views

The Dark Matter Sage

After a mysterious cosmic failure, a tiny, ancient spacefaring being bound to the forces of dark matter and energy crashes onto Earth and inadvertently integrates itself into the brain of Antonio "Tony" Williams, a middle-aged Marine veteran turned gig worker in Santa Monica. This chance encounter transforms Tony's ordinary life into something extraordinary as the being, nicknamed "Roomie," begins to repair itself by enhancing Tony's mind and body with abilities far beyond human limits. Together, Tony and Roomie navigate the intricacies of their shared consciousness, with Tony gaining an unparalleled understanding of the universe’s fundamental forces—dark matter and dark energy. As Tony’s powers grow, so do his responsibilities, forcing him to balance his evolving identity with his relationships, especially with his fiercely loyal girlfriend, Jay, who struggles to reconcile the man she loves with the extraordinary being he’s becoming. As Tony’s bond with Roomie deepens, he embarks on an intense journey of self-mastery, training to manipulate dark matter and eventually create the building blocks of the universe itself. With Roomie’s guidance, Tony begins constructing atoms from scratch, learning to harness his newfound abilities while grappling with the weight of his transformations. But as the pair uncover the secrets of the cosmos, Tony must face the challenges of integrating his superhuman abilities into his life, all while understanding the profound implications of wielding the universe’s most powerful forces. In a story that blends science fiction with human connection, The Dark Matter Sage explores what it means to grow, adapt, and take responsibility for unimaginable power.
Lui_Chang · 12.3K Views


As an HR Manager at Fresh Start Recruitment Agency in Auckland, I never thought I would fall victim to such a scam. At first, I felt hopeless, as though I would never see that money again. The situation seemed overwhelming, and I wasn’t sure where to turn for help.After researching recovery options, I found DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION Recovery and decided to contact them. I was initially skeptical, given the many failed attempts I had made to retrieve my lost funds, but their reputation for handling similar cases made me hopeful. From the moment I reached out, their team was professional, approachable, and determined to help. They took the time to understand the details of my situation and quickly devised a plan to recover my lost funds.What stood out about DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION Recovery was their efficiency and transparency throughout the process. They kept me informed every step of the way, ensuring I knew exactly what actions they were taking on my behalf. Within just 9 days, they had successfully recovered NZD 18,000 of the lost money a result far beyond my expectations. The entire process was smooth, and they handled all the intricate details without burdening me with unnecessary tasks. Their expertise allowed them to navigate the complexities of the situation swiftly and with great precision. I felt reassured knowing that professionals were handling my case.Thanks to DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION Recovery, I regained a significant portion of the funds I had lost. More than that, I felt a tremendous sense of relief and regained confidence in managing my finances. Their service restored my peace of mind, and I am immensely grateful for their support. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I would highly recommend DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION Recovery for their prompt and professional approach. They truly delivered, and I am incredibly thankful for their help in getting my finances back on track. +13433030545
Miley_Monica · 492 Views

St. Monica's School For Girls

************ Disclaimer!!! Before you start reading this book.... THIS BOOK CONTAINS EXTREMELY EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT OF THE MOST GRAPHIC NATURE. I'm a degenerate, so this book was made for degenerates. If you fancy content that know no sexual bounds, sex between two females, then read at your own discretion. The book is pretty much depraved, with a dark tone, some might find it offensive even. If you are underage or unwilling to experience depictions of Yuri, hardcore sex, fetish behaviours, and unrestrained carnal perversions in lurid detail - DO NOT READ THIS BOOK. You have been warned - continuing past this point confirms you are an adult clearly consenting to subjecting yourself to material that does not shy away from portraying sexuality and deviance in its most profane, boundary-pushing extremes. If you nevertheless choose to proceed and find yourself offended or disturbed, DO NOT BLAME THE AUTHOR. This is your final advisory.  18+ ONLY. Moving on... No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any more or by any mass electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the author. Please, Take Note: This is a book of fiction. All characters, names, places, incidents and behavior are from the author's imagination, used with no intentions of hurting anyone; Any resemblance to any actual living thing or dead is mainly by coincidence and I sincerely apologise. Read on!!
Golden_Essence · 412.8K Views
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