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Ino Yamanaka Xxx


"Broken World" by Lapis L. Lazuli. --Timeframe: 2097. --Stage: Kowareta Sekai Island, Pacific Ocean, Earth. "Broken World" is set on Kowareta Sekai Island, a mysterious place where inhabitants are trapped by a barrier that prevents them from leaving. The island is divided into districts controlled by powerful clans, each with unique abilities derived from a special energy called KAN (Keino Area Notice). The story follows Felix Fletcher, a former juvenile delinquent who seeks to escape the island and explore the world beyond. Felix's journey begins after his release from a correctional center, where he reunites with his family and best friend, Damian Denver. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when Michaelis Miller, leader of the powerful Emo-Jin Empire, attempts to kill him. This event sets off a chain of battles and alliances as Felix forms his own war clan, the Fletcher Clan: Remastered, to counter the threats against him. As the story unfolds, Felix faces numerous challenges, including a massive bounty on his head and a complex web of clan politics. He discovers that his father, Frederick Fletcher, is behind the bounty and seeks to create a ruthless warrior lineage. This revelation leads to a climactic battle where Felix and his allies confront his father. Throughout the narrative, Felix's character evolves significantly, particularly after the tragic loss of Damian, who is later resurrected in a surprising twist. The story also explores themes of power, loyalty, and the true nature of the island's barrier, which begins to crumble at the end, hinting at larger mysteries to be uncovered in future volumes. The narrative is enriched by a diverse cast of characters, each with their own motivations and backstories, and is narrated primarily by President Raegan Ricardo Rodrigo, with occasional shifts to first-person perspectives and interventions from an omniscient AI named Shatter A.I. Overall, "Broken World" is a gripping tale of survival, friendship, and self-discovery set against a backdrop of magical powers and clan warfare. ("Broken World" is the third book in The "What is Humanity?/Lapis L. Lazuli" Lore and the first novel of the four-part "Broken World" Novel Series by Lapis L. Lazuli).
LL_Enigma · 7.1K Views

Love is Hard for me

At Kanci High School, everyone knows Sato Tomo—the boy with an angel’s face and a carefree smile. Popular yet mysterious, Sato floats through life, charming everyone without ever getting too close. His delicate frame and soft blue eyes often make people mistake him for someone fragile, but Sato hides deeper emotions behind that playful exterior. He seems untouchable, always surrounded by friends and laughter, making it hard for anyone to get a glimpse of who he really is. Emma Rose, on the other hand, is the opposite. With her strikingly foreign appearance—blue hair and pink eyes—Emma stands out, but not in a way that wins her friends. Shy, introverted, and often the target of bullying, Emma hides behind books and manga, escaping to worlds where she can be brave and confident, unlike the quiet girl she is in reality. The only person who truly knows her is her best friend, Ino, a bold and outspoken tomboy who’s always had Emma’s back. When Emma accidentally walks into the wrong classroom one afternoon and finds herself face-to-face with Sato, her world shifts in ways she never expected. Sato, with his easy smile and kind words, surprises her. Could there be more to him than the popular boy everyone sees? As Emma begins to notice the loneliness hidden behind Sato’s cheerful mask, she realizes they may have more in common than she thought. But Sato has no interest in love or high school drama—he’s too focused on his hobbies and enjoying life to get caught up in romance. Emma, on the other hand, isn’t sure what to make of her growing feelings. As the two are drawn into each other's orbits, Emma finds herself questioning not only her own heart but also the boy behind the smile. In Love is Hard, the story follows Emma’s journey of discovering herself and trying to understand the complexities of Sato, all while navigating the chaos of high school life, friendships, and her own shy heart. Will Sato ever open up? And can Emma find the courage to step out of her shell?
Siku_Uzaki · 3.1K Views

Apocalyptic Game : Revenge of the Reborn Villain

It was only after Damian died miserably that he learned that the young man who shouted about love and friendship all day long was the male protagonist, the one destined to save the world, and he was just a minor villain, a stepping stone for the hero along the way. Because Arthur is the hero, he, who has a cautious personality will ignore the opponent's threat and let him grow. Because Arthur is the protagonist, every fatal move he makes has no effect. Because Arthur is the protagonist, even his loyal men will be inspired to rebel. Because Arthur is the protagonist, every strong girl will open her arms and welcome him to join after seeing his smile. Now, after regaining his life in the past through the rebirth, Damian had three choices before him -: 1) Just like in the previous life, fight hard with the protagonist and try to find a way to kill him. (Yeah, good luck with that dumbo..) 2) Don't be a villain, and seek a way out. Hide from the hero and heroines (Like fate would let you, silly..) 3) Join the hero's group and act like a righteous little brother. (That means forgetting everything he went through..) Damian looked at all three plans carefully and reordered them instantly. He wants to join the hero's group like a righteous person, and then find a way to kill the damned protagonist. "You think the story ends with you saving the world? But guess what, I’m rewriting the script. This world isn’t worth saving. And if I have to destroy it to kill Arthur, then so be it." And thus the world witnessed the birth/rebirth of a true villain. XXX---XXX Note -: It's a post apocalyptic fantasy novel. With zombies, mutation, evolution and some super powers kinda stuff. -MC is a proper cruel villain. Not at the level of being totally emotionless but not quite far either. -The hero is a proper protagonist. Not like those double standard guys from random cn mtl novels who're more villainous than so called villains.
God_Singh · 34.1K Views

Legenda lima pendekar dan seekor Naga

Menceritakan seorang anak bernama AmeRyusaki yang dapat melihat masa depan dan kejadian dimasa lalu. Dia bersama ke lima temannya Anne yuma, Ryuzaki santa yuma, Kuzaki daterasu, Inoe matsu yuuma dan Reishi Sumadara berusaha membebaskan Kerajaan yang telah jatuh ke tangan Raja Iblis Sahamaru. Perjalan kehidupan yang membuka hati, pikiran dan pandangan mata mereka bahwa Dunia tidak seperti yang mereka fikirkan selama ini. Raja Sahamaru yang bercita-cita menguasai seluruh Dunia dan alam semesta. Membawa perang keseluruh Dunia termasuk ke dunia naga setelah menaklukan 6 Dunia tinggal satu dunia yang belum tersetuh. Dia akhirnya disegel oleh Sang Kaisar Naga dibantu sebelas orang lainnya. Perjalanan Hidup Ame ryusaki dan Anne menjadi pasangan tak terkalahkan. Melawan Pasangan Sahamaru dan Shinta shiro yuma. Takdir dari Puteri Naga kembar yang bertarung sampai mati. Dan perebutan kekuasaan yang menyebabkan kehancuran Dunia. Takdir putera cahaya menjadi penerang Dunia dan pembimbing jalan kedamaian. Kebangkitan 3 Dewi Takdir yang merupakan Makhluk yang ditunjuk Yang maha kuasa untuk menjaga keseimbangan dimensi. Muncul 10 Makhluk tanda kiamat. Mempercepat terjadinya perang yang akan menghancurkan atau menyelamatkan Alam semesta. Siapa yang akan berdiri diakhir mereka-mereka yang mengaku Dewa-Dewi bertarung untuk bertahan hidup. Perang yang merupakan perang akhir zaman Dewa dimulai Munculnya Tujuh Kaisar Agung Zaman kuno, Tujuh belas Dewi Naga tertinggi, Delapan Primordial Agung yang setara Dewa, Bangkitnya Lima Kaisar tertinggi zaman baru dan munculnya Sepuluh Makhluk akhirnya. Di sebuah dunia penuh keajaiban dan misteri, hiduplah seorang anak bernama Ame Ryusaki yang memiliki kemampuan luar biasa: melihat masa depan dan masa lalu. Bersama lima temannya—Anne Yuma, Ryuzaki Santa Yuma, Kuzaki Daterasu, Inoe Matsu Yuuma, dan Reishi Sumadara—mereka memulai perjalanan epik untuk membebaskan kerajaan mereka yang jatuh ke tangan Raja Iblis Sahamaru.Raja Sahamaru, yang bercita-cita menguasai seluruh dunia dan alam semesta, telah membawa perang ke enam dunia, termasuk dunia naga. Setelah menaklukkan keenam dunia tersebut, hanya satu dunia yang belum tersentuh. Namun, kekuasaannya dihentikan sementara oleh Sang Kaisar Naga yang, dengan bantuan sebelas orang lainnya, berhasil menyegel Sahamaru.Di tengah perjalanan mereka, Ame Ryusaki dan Anne menjadi pasangan tak terkalahkan, melawan kekuatan jahat Sahamaru dan Shinta Shiro Yuma. Nasib mempertemukan mereka dengan Puteri Naga kembar yang bertarung sampai mati, serta melihat perebutan kekuasaan yang menyebabkan kehancuran dunia.Dalam perjuangan mereka, Ame Ryusaki terungkap sebagai Putera Cahaya, yang takdirnya adalah menjadi penerang dunia dan pembimbing jalan kedamaian. Mereka juga menyaksikan kebangkitan tiga Dewi Takdir, makhluk yang ditunjuk Yang Maha Kuasa untuk menjaga keseimbangan dimensi. Namun, dengan munculnya sepuluh makhluk tanda kiamat, perang besar yang menentukan nasib alam semesta semakin dekat.Perang akhir zaman Dewa pun dimulai, dengan kemunculan Tujuh Kaisar Agung Zaman Kuno, Tujuh Belas Dewi Naga Tertinggi, Delapan Primordial Agung setara Dewa, serta Bangkitnya Lima Kaisar Tertinggi Zaman Baru dan Sepuluh Makhluk Akhirnya. Mereka semua memeriahkan perang kolosal yang akan menentukan nasib seluruh alam semesta.Di akhir perjuangan ini, siapakah yang akan berdiri sebagai pemenang? Para Dewa dan Dewi bertarung untuk bertahan hidup, dan hanya yang terkuat yang akan berdiri di puncak. Perang kolosal akhir zaman ini akan menentukan masa depan dunia dan alam semesta, membawa harapan baru atau kehancuran total. Memeriahkan perang kolosal akhir seluruh alam semesta
MuhammadFauziInsan · 242.8K Views


Sinopsis: Sakura Haruno, una joven moderna y llena de energía, siempre ha soñado con explorar el mundo más allá de su ciudad natal. Con su espíritu indomable y un profundo deseo de aventura, decide embarcarse en un viaje al Caribe junto a sus mejores amigas, Ino Yamanaka y Hinata Hyuga. Lo que comienza como unas vacaciones de ensueño, repletas de risas y nuevas experiencias, pronto se convierte en una pesadilla. Durante el vuelo, un inesperado accidente aéreo lanza a las chicas al caos total. En medio del pánico y los gritos, un misterioso portal se abre en el cielo, y antes de que puedan comprender lo que está sucediendo, el portal las absorbe, transportándolas a una isla inhóspita, repleta de peligros desconocidos. Al despertar en esta nueva y salvaje tierra, Sakura, Ino y Hinata se encuentran rodeadas de una vegetación exuberante, pero también amenazadas por criaturas prehistóricas que parecen haber salido de un sueño aterrador. Desde el primer momento, se ven obligadas a enfrentar a los temibles dinosaurios rex que merodean por la isla, convirtiéndose en su principal enemigo. La necesidad de sobrevivir se convierte en su prioridad, y las chicas deben unir fuerzas y utilizar su ingenio para superar las adversidades que les presenta esta nueva vida. La isla resulta ser un lugar lleno de desafíos inusuales. Las tres amigas pronto descubren que no solo deben lidiar con las bestias feroces, sino también con la falta de recursos y la necesidad de construir un refugio adecuado para protegerse de las amenazas externas. Deciden crear un campamento improvisado donde pueden dormir y resguardarse, mientras luchan por encontrar alimento y agua potable. A medida que los días se convierten en semanas, su situación se vuelve más peligrosa, pero también más apremiante. Cada día trae nuevas dificultades que deben enfrentar. Con el paso del tiempo, las chicas desarrollan habilidades de supervivencia esenciales. Aprenden a cazar, recolectar alimentos y encontrar agua potable. A través de estas experiencias, se enfrentan a situaciones que ponen a prueba no solo su fuerza física, sino también su vínculo emocional. La presión de la supervivencia fortalece su amistad, y juntas se convierten en un equipo imbatible, apoyándose mutuamente en los momentos de duda y miedo. Durante sus exploraciones por la isla, las amigas descubren cristales mágicos que poseen propiedades únicas, cada uno relacionado con un elemento específico como el fuego, el agua, la tierra y el aire. Estos cristales no solo son hermosos, sino que también les otorgan habilidades especiales que pueden utilizar para su beneficio. Al aprender a utilizarlos, Sakura y sus amigas comienzan a manipular el entorno a su favor, creando defensas mágicas y herramientas que les ayudarán en su lucha diaria por la supervivencia. Sin embargo, el uso de los cristales también conlleva riesgos, ya que la isla tiene su propia magia oscura que puede volverse en su contra si no se tiene cuidado. Además de los cristales, las amigas se topan con runas antiguas que les enseñan a invocar habilidades especiales. A través de rituales y prácticas, descubren cómo estas runas pueden ayudarles a comunicarse con las fuerzas de la naturaleza y a conjurar poderes que las protejan de las bestias que las acechan. Este proceso de aprendizaje no es fácil; cada vez que utilizan las runas, deben afrontar desafíos que ponen a prueba su coraje y determinación. Aprenden a trabajar juntas para combinar sus poderes, creando habilidades conjuntas que las hacen más fuertes. A medida que enfrentan peligros cada vez mayores, las chicas experimentan momentos de tensión, pero también de cercanía emocional. En medio de la adversidad, surgen vínculos más profundos, y exploran su conexión de una manera más intensa, fortaleciendo su relación en un entorno realmente ostil
Nimsi_Sapato · 3.1K Views

Apocalypse Villain - hiding in the hero's group

This novel is reposted and continued under a new name - Apocalyptic Game: Revenge of the Reborn Villain. If you like the idea and want to finish this reading journey, check that name in search and download it. ... It was only after Damian died miserably that he learned that the young man who shouted about love and friendship all day long was the male protagonist, the one destined to save the world, and he was just a minor villain, a stepping stone for the hero along the way. Because Arthur is the hero, he, who has a cautious personality will ignore the opponent's threat and let him grow. Because Arthur is the protagonist, every fatal move he makes has no effect. Because Arthur is the protagonist, even his loyal men will be inspired to rebel. Because Arthur is the protagonist, every strong girl will open her arms and welcome him to join their camp after seeing his smile. Now, after regaining his life in the past through the rebirth, Damian had three choices before him -: 1) Just like in the previous life, fight hard with the protagonist and try to find a way to kill him. (Yeah, good luck with that dumbo..) 2) Don't be a villain, and seek a way out. Hide from the hero and heroines (Like fate would let you, silly..) 3) Join the hero's group and act like a righteous little brother. (That means forgetting everything he went through, can he..) Damian looked at all three plans carefully and reordered them instantly. He wants to join the hero's group like a righteous person, and then find a way to kill the damned protagonist. "You think the story ends with you saving the world? But guess what, I’m rewriting the script. This world isn’t worth saving. And if I have to destroy it to kill Arthur, then so be it." And thus the world witnessed the birth/rebirth of a true villain. XXX---XXX Note -: It's a post apocalyptic fantasy novel. With zombies, mutation, evolution and some super powers kinda stuff. -MC is a proper cruel villain. Not at the level of being totally emotionless but not quite far either. -The hero is a proper protagonist. Not like those double standard guys from random cn mtl novels who're more villainous than so called villains. -No harem. No heroine.
godsingh666 · 29.7K Views

Supreme Battle-Technology System In A Desolate Magic World

Disclaimer: Please be advised that this book contains explicit depictions of Blood and Gore, starting from Chapter XX. It also has visual portrayals of amorous scenes at later chapters—Chapter XXX. Reader discretion is fully advised! [Audience Rating: 18+] *** "What would you do if, as a remarkably-skilled soldier, you were inexplicably transported as an ordinary, talentless human to a world where everyone—including kids as young as four, possess spectacular magical abilities?" How would you react to such a disheartening situation filled with severe melancholic predicaments? This, is the story of Maxmillan, a seasoned veteran soldier from Earth who transmigrated to another world where literally everyone could perceive and utilize an energy called Astra Mystralis, a boundless mystical energy that when mastered, can cause countless manifestations of phenomenal and fantastical magical effects! Oppressed, inhumanely abused, and treated cruelly, Maxmillan surrenders to his tragic fate as an ordinary, completely useless person in a world where Astra Mystralis serves as the fundamental cornerstone of their reality. But, Maxmillan's fate would change when he becomes the host of the Supreme Battle-Technology System; a powerful, sentient futuristic interface that would limitlessly bestow him with destructively potent and immensely functional, basic to supreme, transcendent, and sterling super-ranked weapons, as well as countless tons of incredible and stupendously advanced, superior-grade equipments, instruments, tools, machineries, apparatuses, and gears from tens of thousands of centuries in the future! So, equipped with potent futuristic items like Multiple-Barrel Neutron Burst Emission Gun, Strength-Amplifying Exo-Mechanical Arms, Wide-Area Plasmic and Electric Arc Grenades, Outer-Space Fast-Flight Suit, Lightning Annihilator Armor, Turbo-Thruster Propelled Speedcycle, and many more—which are some of the massive numbers of items he obtained after completing really arduous and immensely taxing, time-limited missions, quests, and tasks, Maxmillan gradually gains the means to defend himself against overpowering hordes and assemblies of vicious, greedy, and malevolent Astra Mystralis users who relentlessly pursued him because of his astounding otherworldly ability—to mysteriously and endlessly materialize different types of absolutely rare weapons, devices, and equipment, as well as summon astounding ground and air-transportation means, making him a strange and incomprehensible anomaly in their world. Coupled with numerous bionic upgrades, gene-constitution alterations, biological augmentations, advanced cybernetical fortifications, serum-based transformations, chemical super-boosts, and a massive plethora of neural enhancements that will bestow him with myriad superhuman abilities—such as energy-beam vision, gale-force breath, extreme-hypersonic to near-light-speed flight, matter manipulation, annihilation-beam discharge, tiny to vast-scale lightning explosion creation, and hundreds more, watch how Maxmillan—now a super-powered, metahuman Cyborg warrior, will bravely and fearlessly fight his way through teeming large numbers of moderately powered to astronomically powerful and savage, phenomenal god-like users of Astra Mystralis to ascend to a position of supreme fame, unmatched honor, and dazzling, incomparable glory! *** Note: This narrative unfolds as a distinctive tale seamlessly combining elements of intense climactic actions, epic magical summoning skills, pets collection and training, magical beasts exomechanical amplification, futuristic marvels, a unique Level-Up System, thrilling dangerous adventures and heartwarming family moments. And yes, it has Harem. But it's not your usual women-chasing (story-ruining) MC. This is totally different, as he's a goal-focused, plot-driven one. Same as the FMCs who are super-strong, indomitable, and impressively ambitious. Read to see for yourself. Thanks!
koladeizdavid · 580.4K Views

Boss hung mãnh: Ông xã kết hôn nào

Boss hung mãnh - Ông xã, kết hôn nào! của nữ tác giả Thập Nguyệt Sơ hiện là một trong những truyện ngôn tình hot nhất trên văn đàn mạng Khởi Điểm của Trung Quốc, được bạn đọc trên mạng vô cùng hào hứng theo dõi theo từng tập truyện. Nếu bạn đang cần tìm một tác phẩm hài hước, dí dỏm, một câu chuyện tình kiểu "oan gia ngõ hẹp" thì Boss hung mãnh - Ông xã, kết hôn nào! đang được Waka độc quyền phát hành ebook chính là lựa chọn tốt nhất dành cho bạn! Nữ chính Yến Thanh Ti không ngoan hiền cũng chẳng dịu dàng, hễ bị người ta "cắn" một cái thì kiểu gì cô cũng quay lại "cắn" cho mười cái. Nếu đã ra tay hãm hại cô thì cô sẽ khiến cho kẻ đó thân bại danh liệt, không chết không thôi. Nếu đã chơi xấu cô, cách trả thù đơn giản nhất là cô dụ dỗ luôn người đàn ông của họ. Yến Thanh Ti là một con hồ ly tinh thực thụ, không người phụ nữ nào dám mang người đàn ông của mình ra khoe với cô. Nam chính Nhạc Thính Phong - Thái tử gia của Nhạc thị nổi tiếng là người đàn ông "trăm tính xấu không có nổi một tính tốt": độc đoán, ích kỷ, lạnh lùng, ngang ngược... Bất kỳ người phụ nữ nào cũng muốn leo lên giường của anh ta, còn anh ta lại phải hao tâm tổn trí để tìm cách leo được lên giường của Yến Thanh Ti, leo được lên rồi cũng phải tìm cách không để bị cô đạp xuống... Cuộc đời Nhạc thái tử từ ngày gặp Yến Thanh Ti đã lật sang một trang mới, bắt đầu một cuộc sống hoang đường nhưng lại đầy lạc thú khiến anh không tài nào dứt ra được. "Một đêm kích tình, cô đã thành công leo lên giường của Nhạc Thính Phong - người đàn ông độc thân hoàng kim cả nước. Cô trả được thù, anh thì một đêm thành nghiện. 3 năm sau, “Đinh!” Anh dồn cô lại trong thang máy: “Ngủ với tôi một đêm, tôi cho cô đóng vai chính phim <XXX>” “……” “Ngủ với tôi hai đêm, tôi giúp cô giải quyết đám cặn bã kia.” “……” “Ngủ với tôi….” “Nhạc Thính Phong, anh hết trò rồi hả?”
Early October · 294.6K Views
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