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All In The Name Of Love

Norah was just a teenager when life threw her a curveball, at sixteen, she found herself pregnant and alone. Her partner, Jacob, chose to turn his back on the responsibility of fatherhood, consumed by his ambition to chase dreams and the fleeting warmth of other women's embraces. As the weight of her situation descended upon her, Norah felt the world crumble around her. In a society quick to judge, she became an outcast, shunned for carrying an illegitimate child. When her own family cast her out, desperation led her to plead with Jacob once more. But the heart-wrenching sight of another woman wrapped in his arms shattered her hope, a stark reminder that she was utterly alone. Young, wounded, and weary, Norah made the brave decision to raise her baby on her own. Embracing the unforgiving streets as her new home, she battled through despair while trying to keep her dreams alive. Each day was a struggle against the relentless tide of misery that threatened to engulf her. But just when it seemed there was no way out, fate intervened. A compassionate stranger appeared like a beacon of hope, offering Norah a lifeline with a job at his modest home. With little left to lose, she accepted without hesitation and fled the city that had held her captive in sorrow. Against all odds, Norah soared through life’s challenges. Years passed, and she transformed from a vulnerable young mother into Norah Draven a formidable CEO of a leading cosmetics company in a foreign land. At just 27 years old, she was fiercely dedicated to raising her daughter, Eloá, pouring every ounce of love and determination into their lives as they navigated each day together. But just as Norah began to find solace in her newfound success and stability, fate had more in store for her. Sparks ignited when she crossed paths with someone who understood her struggles and dreams. Their bond blossomed amidst life’s ups and downs, weaving two hearts together against all odds. With each twist of destiny, Norah learned that love could emerge from the ashes of pain, paving the way for a future filled with hope and endless possibilities.
ildapindi_18 · 15.9K Views

The Academy’s No Named Nobody

There has always been a war between good and evil. Trinity Academy is at the forefront of this war, it was the key for the future of humanity. A major trigger point on 06/27/3126 YDB will begin the apocalypse as the academy for developing the new generation of heroes falls from the forces of darkness. To avoid such a calamity those trying to start the apocalypse must be stopped before they can complete their mission. The gods picked their champions to purge the plague of evil out of the academy and save the world. Except every time that date rolled around, the heroes failed. Every reset and reattempt, they failed. Nine times already. The gods now only had one last chance to reset everything. A pair of young twin goddesses out of desperation began to look outside the box for some hope of changing this dark fate. They thought that perhaps someone who never originally meant to go to Trinity Academy could be brought in to change things for the better. Someone with a different view, someone with a little experience with hero work prior to entering the school. Enter Archer Griffen, residing on the opposite side of the world he was one of the few who were directly taught by the heroes of the old generation. A hero in training through and through, albeit a peculiar one. The mad dog, the sloth, the sleuth, the tick, the nightmare, the liar, the knight, are just a few of the nicknames Archer has had fortune or perhaps misfortune of earning from his peers. The twin goddesses decide that maybe a person like him could avoid the calamity. He was never supposed to be here, and his entrance does change things, though perhaps not necessarily for the better. But who knows what damage this unexpected no-named outlier could cause to Trinity Academy. Can the boy who avoided death avoid destruction for all? Only time will tell.
TheCaptainBill · 2.4K Views

Imperium Maghrebium, the tale of the creation of a Great Empire:French

#KINGDOMBUILDING #MILITARY #SLICEOFLIFE ***THIS NOVEL HAVE BEEN ABANDONED/DROPPED*** Un groupe d'amis en la noirceur de la nuit se font dévorer par un phénomène pour qui le mot d'étrange n'est point suffisant a le décrire . Années 1200 les Almohade/Al Muwahhidun une entité surpuissante règne en maître sur l'Afrique du nord et la péninsule Ibérique , rien et personne n'aurait pus prédire que cette même superpuissance vivait ses dernières heures de gloire et qu'une sombre ère qui allait durer la moitié d'un siècle pointait son nez sur le cœur de cet empire du Maghreb . Nos protagonistes se retrouvent en plein dans la tourmente de cette période trouble où Sultans/Califes de l'empire se succèdent a un rythme alarmant rappelant la période l'Empire Romain d'Occident , la criminalité connais une hausse , l'empire recule de face aux chrétiens Ibériques et les dynasties vassales à l'empire , pour la première fois depuis 2 siècles les routes commerciales transSaharienne , d'Al Andalus et du Maghreb son sujettes à des raids constants des bandits et criminels en tous genres , le commerce ralentit , l'instabilité se repend , les vivres et marchandises ne circulent plus , les famines accompagnées d'épidémies se déclarent dans tous l'empire , les officiers et bureaucrates de l'empire meurts de façon étrange et misterieuse , ceux qui leur succèdent ne font chaque années que renforcer leur image d'incompétence et de corruption , tous dans l'empire espèrent un messie qui les sauveras eux et cet dernier rempart de l'Occident islamique des loups affamés d'Europe . que fera nos protagonistes pour survivre et vivre en cette période trouble et confuse ? parviendront ils a survivre face aux imprévus de la vie en cet empire qui n'est qu'une simulations titanesques du concept de décadence. English version A group of friends in the dark of night are devoured by a phenomenon for which the word "strange" is not enough to describe it. In the year 1200, the Almohads/Al Muwahhidun, an overpowering entity, reigned supreme over North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Nothing and no-one could have predicted that this same superpower was living out its final hours of glory and that a dark era that would last half a century was about to dawn on the heart of this Maghreb empire. Our protagonists find themselves in the midst of the turmoil of this troubled period, when the empire's sultans and caliphs succeed one another at an alarming rate, reminiscent of the period of the Western Roman Empire, crime is on the rise, the empire is retreating in the face of the Iberian Christians and the dynasties vassal to the empire, for the first time in 2 centuries the trans-Saharan trade routes of Al Andalus and the Maghreb are subject to constant raids by bandits and criminals of all kinds, Trade was slowing down, instability was spreading, food and goods were no longer circulating, famines accompanied by epidemics were breaking out throughout the empire, the empire's officers and bureaucrats were dying in strange and misterious ways, and those who succeeded them every year only reinforced their image of incompetence and corruption, everyone in the empire was hoping for a messiah who would save them and this last bulwark of the Islamic West from the the hungry wolves of Europe. What will our protagonists do to survive and live in these troubled and confused times? Will they manage to survive in the face of the unforeseen events of life in this empire, which is nothing more than a titanic simulation of the concept of decadence?
KaiserRayane · 15.2K Views

Heir of the Lost Wish (FRENCH.ver)

Il était une fois, avant même que le temps ne prenne forme, un Vide infini, un néant total et absolu. Le Vide, bien que dépourvu de tout mouvement, n'était pas sans désir. Dans une pulsion de création, une aspiration secrète, il concentra son essence en un point unique. Et de ce point surgit le Puits des Souhaits, un abîme sans fin où reposait la possibilité pure, un lieu où se croisaient la potentialité de ce qui était et de ce qui pourrait être. Au commencement, le Vide n'avait ni forme ni conscience. Il n'était qu'un espace silencieux, un abîme d'inertie où le souffle du néant ne murmurait qu'une chose : un vœu primordial. Ce vœu, né des profondeurs du Vide, était à la fois un espoir et une erreur, une prière envoyée dans l'obscurité, demandant la naissance d'un équilibre. Mais ce vœu, bien que silencieux, ne pouvait échapper à son destin : celui de devenir le Puits des Souhaits, capable de donner vie. De ce puits jaillirent deux entités opposées : L'Être de Lumière, figure parfaite d'ordre et de pureté, qui cherchait à créer, à structurer, à apporter la paix et la clarté. L'Être d'Ombre, reflet chaotique du néant, dont la volonté se tournait vers la destruction, vers l'instinct, vers l'invisible qui s'échappait des formes et des lois. Ces deux êtres opposés mais intrinsequement liés engendrèrent des créatures, divisées selon leurs natures. L'Être de Lumière fit naître des êtres purs, des âmes éclairées, des créatures lumineuses qui suivraient l'ordre. Une page fut tournée, dans un léger bruissement de papier *Les êtres humains ?* murmura une voix curieuse. Tandis que l'Être d'Ombre donna naissance aux monstres des ténèbres, des êtres sauvages et dévastateurs, incarnant l'instinct et le chaos. *On ne devrait pas plutôt les appeler les êtres de l'ombre ?* murmura-t-il, pensif.* Mais en eux, une tragédie sommeillait. Chaque lumière cachait une ombre, chaque ordre un grain de destruction. Le Puits des Souhaits avait donné naissance à des êtres opposés, mais à travers cette dualité, une question se posait : l'équilibre pourrait-il vraiment durer ? Ainsi se déroulait le début de tout. Un rêve, une prière, un vœu perdu dans le silence du Vide. Un vœu oublié. Un équilibre brisé. Écrit par : Elion Kline Un soupir s'échappa et le livre se ferma, laissant apparaître son intitulé : Le Premier Vœu
HILLIAS · 1K Views


A Story of Choice Imagine finding yourself at the crossroads of fate, torn between two paths. One leads to the person you love deeply—someone who has captured your heart and soul. The other path leads to the person who loves you more than anything, someone who would do anything to make you happy. What will you do if fate forces you to choose? Will you follow your heart, or will you choose the person who treasures you most? It's a story of choice, where love and loyalty collide, and no decision comes without sacrifice. A Story of Drama Trust is a fragile thing. What if the person you trusted with your life, turned out to be the one who wanted to end it? Betrayal cuts deep, and when it comes from someone you never expected, it shatters your world. What will you do when the mask comes off, and the truth is revealed? Will you confront them, or will fear keep you silent? This is a story of drama, where trust is broken, and survival depends on your next move. A Story of Action Learning to fight is one thing, but fighting for love is a battle of a different kind. When the world around you is in chaos, and your heart is caught in the storm, will you have the strength to hold on to love? Or will the struggles and dangers force you to let go? In this story of action, love is put to the ultimate test. The fight isn't just against the enemies outside—it's also against the doubts within. A Story of Love At the heart of it all, this is a story of love. Love in all its forms—complicated, beautiful, painful, and true. It's about the choices we make, the trust we give, the battles we fight, and the love we hold on to, no matter the cost. In the end, it's love that defines us and drives us, even when fate, betrayal, and danger stand in our way. Please enjoy reading!
MissKc_21 · 366.3K Views

My System's name is Symbiot

The native planet where a multitude of people suffering from the consequences of overpopulation and forceful servitude on Earth migrated to Crystallia via gravitational slipstream between planets. It was believed that such a feat was impossible and that a normal human being would not be able to survive such an ordeal, but then one of the most unpredictable physical phenomena in the universe besides the power of God was gravity. The galaxy collision occurred during the era of the slave trade when the supersized galaxy known as Redromida collided with the Milky Way. Naturally, none of the elements touched as the scientists had suggested, but there were phenomenons that they failed to predict. One such occurrence was the impact of the planet Crystallia disturbing the orbit of the Earth. The result of such a proximity between Crystallia, which happened to be as large as the planet Jupiter and Earth was astronomical. The resulting earthquakes and disasters shattered the very concept of living for man, and then the gravitational pathways between the planets, which lasted for more than 2 and a half years, were established. The migration began after several who had made the journey by accident had returned with glad tidings of fertile land, greener pastures, and a safe heaven from the power of the Aro and other European slave traders. The migration lasted until the gravitational slipstream ended; by then, the slave traders had discovered the path, but by the time they made plans to pursue the merchandise, the gravitational link between Earth and Crystallia had come to an end. The majority of people who made the journey were from parts of West Africa, the central parts of Asia, the Red Indians of North America and a few from the northern parts of South America. They had barely settled into their new home when the planets natural immune system was triggered, the Ẹbọras emerged intending to end the branch of humanity that had the gall to make this planet their home. The struggle for survival began; man was able to harness the crystal mined from the planet to forge an energy source, they were able to till the land to produce food, and they built large walls to shelter themselves from the Ẹbọra. As man thrived, man also adapted to this new planet; exposure to this new crystal energy and air, which was not oxygen but breathable, caused a change in man’s biological constitution. The next generation had Evolved into something else. Thus, the story begins. Adewale was killed on the streets of modern-day Lagos in the country called Nigeria; for some reason, God decided that Adewale didn’t deserve death and reincarnated him in this new world called Crystallia. He is forced to grow up quickly because of the sad state of the society he was born into, a society where the rich prey upon the poor using them as stepping stones in achieving their selfish ambitions. As a child, Adewale was forcefully recruited into the military force of the Lagos Shelter, where he was forced to use his useless ability to pave a path towards success. Through the hardship of this world, he managed to gather trusted allies and embarked on a quest of his own to take control of the Lagos shelter and end corruption. What he didn’t count on was the fact that the heart of the greedy thinks only of staying the hunger of their greed and that greed will lead to war, savagery and destruction. Thus the exciting story of Adewale begins, with his closest companion that named itself Symbiot.
MrSubfura · 8.3K Views
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