The Arsonist 放火犯
"A cruel world, a dreadful life." words spoken by a boy named Daruko Hakyoku (A.K.A. Darck) a 21-year old teenager living in agony, tormented by past traumatic experiences and severe depression. Abandoned by his family, betrayed by his friends, rejected by society, his broken mind seeked revenge on all those who destroyed him. He killed his parents and his fellow classmates in cold blood. Despite getting his revenge, his heart remained filled with despair, anger and sadness. Constantly running away into the shadows, Darck tried to escape his persecutors but was finally shot dead. With his life flashing before his eyes , he whispered to himself: "If ever I'm given another life, I'll burn everything in my path ." With his final words turning into reality, he wakes up in another world. As he starts to explore his surroundings, he realizes that his second life would be his last. Darck starts his journey in a fantasy world to burn everything in his path.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Psychological, Isekai, Fantasy